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tree - A graphical directory path lister.
Copyright (C) 1995 Robert C. Schanke
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/*---------------------------- Include Files ------------------------------*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <file.h>
#include "freedos.h"
/*--------------------------------- Defines -------------------------------*/
#define MAX_RECURSE 10
/*---------------------------- Global Variables ---------------------------*/
char current_dir[64]; /* String to hold the directory we are
currently in. */
int eol[MAX_RECURSE]; /* End of List marker for sub-dirs */
struct FF_block nextfile[MAX_RECURSE]; /* One ahead file buffers */
int lastlevel; /* 'How far in where we' marker */
char drive; /* Char for drive & file path */
/*------------------------ Start of Code ----------------------------------*/
** Standard usage routine ...
void usage (void) {
printp ("TREE", "Graphical display of recursive sub-directories.");
printu ("TREE", "[directory]");
exit (1);
** print_list is the routine which draws the 'lines' for the subdirectories
void print_list(char name[255], int level) {
int cnt; /* Our counter */
for (cnt=0; cnt < level; cnt++) /* move over to current level*/
if (!eol[cnt]) /* Are dirs from above? */
printf("│ "); /* Yeah, draw the line */
printf(" "); /* No, just space over */
if (!eol[level]) /* Are ther more files here? */
printf("├───"); /* Yeah, draw line down */
printf("└───"); /* No, just draw accross */
printf("%s\n",name); /* Print the name of the dir */
lastlevel = level; /* Set new last level */
** build_tree routine is the heart of the program. It reads the directories
** into a one directory buffer. This buffer is so we can tell if we are
** at the last directory or not.
void build_tree(char *dir, int recurse) {
char where[64]; /* working directory name II */
struct FF_block file; /* Working directory physical */
char cur_dir[64]; /* working directory name */
int cnt; /* counter */
strcpy(where,dir); /* copy passed dir to where */
strcat(where,"*.*"); /* append a *.* */
** Get the first directory from this level. And set the end of list flag
** eol to 0 if end, -1 if more.
eol[recurse] = findfirst(where, nextfile[recurse], DIRECTORY);
** Keep reading until we find another sub directory. This will be
** the '..' directory.
if (!eol[recurse])
do {
eol[recurse] = findnext (nextfile[recurse]);
} while ((nextfile[recurse].FF_attrib != DIRECTORY) && (!eol[recurse]));
** Keep reading until we find another sub directory. This will be
** the first to place in our buffer.
if (!eol[recurse])
do {
eol[recurse] = findnext(nextfile[recurse]);
} while ((nextfile[recurse].FF_attrib != DIRECTORY) && (!eol[recurse]));
printf("There are no sub-directories.\n");
** Ok, if we didn't run out of subdirectories already, ie a hard disk
** with no subdirectories, lets go ahead and list them
if (!eol[recurse])
** While we aren't at the end of the first one lets keep going
do {
** get the next file from the buffer
memcpy (file, nextfile[recurse], sizeof(file));
** Read next directory, or stop if we run out of them
do {
eol[recurse] = findnext (nextfile[recurse]);
} while ((nextfile[recurse].FF_attrib != DIRECTORY) && (!eol[recurse]));
** Send the file to the print_list for formated output
** Copy the the directory to the variable cur_dir
** Append the next directory to cur_dir
** Append an '\' and a NULL to cur_dir
** Call build_dir again with the new cur_dir and new level
} while (!eol[recurse]);
** Initialize variables
void init(void) {
** Initialize variables
eol[0] = 0;
lastlevel = 0;
** Function to extract the volume label, and display the header
** of output
void header(void) {
struct FF_block vol; /* Drive Volume structure */
char volume[13]; /* String for drives Volume */
int cnt; /* A counter */
char buf[6];
** format the drive letter into the format x:\*.* where x is the drive letter.
** Get the volume if the drive has one and put it into vol
eol[0] = findfirst(buf, vol, VOLUME);
** If there was a volume, lets get rid of the . and make it one
** continuous 11 character string/
if (!eol[0]) {
if (strlen(vol.FF_name) > 8) {
for (cnt=0; cnt < 8; cnt++)
volume[cnt] = vol.FF_name[cnt];
for (cnt=9; cnt < 12; cnt++)
volume[cnt-1] = vol.FF_name[cnt];
} else
volume[11] = '\0';
** Ok, if we have a volume, let's print it out, otherwise don't
** worry about printint it out.
if (!eol[0])
printf("Directory PATH listing for Volume %s\n%c:.\n",volume,drive);
printf("Directory PATH listing\n%c:.\n",drive);
** The main function
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
** Did the user pass a /?
if ((argv[1][0] == '/') && (argv[1][1] == '?'))
usage(); /* Yeah, so tell 'em how to use */
if (argc == 1) { /* Did they pass something else? */
getdir(current_dir); /* No, get current directory */
if (strlen(current_dir)==0) /* if nothing, we are in root */
strcpy(current_dir,"\\\0"); /* format it out to '\' */
else { /* otherwise.... */
getdir(current_dir+1); /* get it a 1 byte offset */
strcat(current_dir,"\\\0"); /* add a trailing '\' */
current_dir[0]='\\'; /* add a leading '\' */
** Get the current logical disk number, and add 65 to get a drive letter
drive = get_drive()+'A';
} else { /* Something passed */
strcpy(current_dir,argv[1]); /* Move it to current_dir string */
** If no trailing '\' put one on there.
if (current_dir[strlen(current_dir)-1] != '\\')
** Extract drive letter from current_dir if it's given, otherwise return
** current drive letter.
if (current_dir[1] != ':')
drive = get_drive()+'A';
drive = current_dir[0];
** If the drive letter was taken from current_dir and is lower case,
** make it upper case for looks.
if (drive > 96)
drive = (drive - 32);
init(); /* Initialize the variables */
header(); /* Display our header */
build_tree(current_dir,0); /* Start display tree at level 0 */