Zodiac Super OZ
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Text File
106 lines
val <obj-files>,<exe-file>,<map-file>,<lib-files>
<obj-files> = <ambiguous filespec> [{'+' | ' '} <ambiguous filespec>]...
<exe-file> = <unique filespec>
<map-file> = <unique filespec>
<lib-files> = <ambiguous filespec> [{'+'|' '} <ambiguous filespec>]...
If any of the above operands are missing, you will be prompted. A ';' may
appear in place of a comma to take defaults for the balance of the operands.
A repsonse file may be used where ever a filespec can occur. A response file
is prefixed with a '@'. The linker will automatically look for two response
files called "VAL.ENV". One in the directory where the linker resides and the
other from the current drive/directory. In this manner, defaults may be set.
Note these files work like any response file, and carriage returns are
probably not desired.
Switches, which are explained below, may appear either before or after a
file specification. A switch which immediately preceeds a file specificaion
must be followed by a space. Switch are prefixed by "/".
Press [RETURN] to continue.
Abbr Full
Name Name Def Description
---- ----------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------
AH ALignexeheader Yes Align EXE header to paragraph boundary
BSZ BUffersize:n 32768 Set I/O buffersize (512 - 65,024 bytes)
CI CAseignore Yes Linker will ignore the case of symbols
COmfile No Linker will to produce a .COM file
CParmaxalloc 0xFFFF Sets max paragraphs needed beyond EXE file
DEtaillevel 0 Sets the detail included in the .MAP file:
0 - Standard link map
1 - Include Segment header info
2 - Include Segment header info by module
3 - Include data map by module
4 - Include EXE header
5 - Include fixup info
DOsseg No Use Microsoft "DOSSEG" segment ordering
EXechecksum No Compute checksum in .EXE header file
GHS GRouphashsize:n 25 Hash size for group symbols (1, 1023)
HLP HElp No Produce this information
LHS LNamehashsize:n 25 Hash size for LNAMES symbols (1 - 1023)
MP MAp No Produce link map with public symbols
MEX MAXExternals:n 512 Maximum publics symbols per module (1 - 1024)
MGP MAXGroups:n 32 Maximum groups per module (1 - 1024)
Press [RETURN] to continue.
Switches (continued):
Abbr Full
Name Name Def Description
---- ----------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------
MLN MAXLnames:n 512 Maximum LNAMES per module (1 - 1024)
MSG MAXSegments:n 128 Maximum segments per module (1 - 1-24)
NAH NOALignexeheader No Align EXE header to standard page boundary
NCI NOCAseignore No Linker will respect case of symbols
NCO NOCOMfile Yes Linker will not produce a .COM file
NDO NODOsseg Yes Linker will not use DOSSEG ordering
NEX NOEXechecksum Yes Set checksum in .EXE header file to 0
NMP NOMAp Yes Publics not included in link map
NOB NOOBjchecksum Yes Ignore checksum in .OBJ records
NPA NOPAuse Yes No pause before writing executable image
NSY NOSYsfile Yes Linker will not produce a .SYS file
NST NOSTatistics Yes Linker will not give performance statistics
OBjchecksum No Test checksum in .OBJ records
ORder:(text) none Segment ordering expression (see below)
PAuse No Pause before writing executable image
PHS PUblichashsize:n 525 Hash size for public symbols (1 - 1023)
SHS SEgmenthashsize:n 25 Hash size for segment (1 - 1023)
STD STACk:n none Insure there is a stack of at least n bytes
STS STATistics No Produce performance statistics for linker
SYsfile No Produce a .SYS file (e.g., device driver)
TMP TEmpfile:(text) val.tmp Specifies name of linker temporary file
Press [RETURN] to continue.
Segment order expressions:
<exp> :: <term> [{'or' |'+'|'|'} <term> ]...
<term > :: <factor> [{'and'|'*'|'&'} <factor>]...
<factor> :: ['!']
{'True' | (always include segment)
'Talse' | (never include segment)
'Class[' <pattern> ']' | (inc if seg's class matches pattern)
'Group[' <pattern> ']' | (inc if seg's group matching pattern)
'Segment['<pattern> ']' | (inc if segment name matches pattern)
'(' <exp> ')'}
<pattern> :: A pattern used to match a class, group or segment. The pattern
may contain imbedded '?' characters which will match any single
character. The pattern may contain a leading and/or trailing '*'
character. If the '*' is leading, then the remaining pattern must
match the end of the class, group or segment name. If the '*' is
trailing, then the remaining pattern must match the beginning of
the class, group or segment name. If the '*' is both leading and
trailing, then the remaining pattern can match anywhere in the
class, group or segment name.
Press [RETURN] to continue.
Example: /DOSSEG is equivalent to: