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Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly,
Kai Uwe Rommel, Igor Mandrichenko and John Bush.
Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are included,
that it is not sold for profit, and that this copyright notice is retained.
Zip 2.0 is a compression and file packaging utility. It is compatible with
PKZIP 2.04g (Phil Katz ZIP) for MSDOS systems. There is a companion to zip
called unzip (of course) which you should be able to find the same place you
got zip. This package (zip20x.zip) contains only the MSDOS executables and
documentation for zip 2.0. See the file 'Where' for access to the source,
and details on ftp sites and mail servers.
This version of zip has been ported to a wide array of Unix and other
mainframes, minis, and micros including VMS, OS/2, Minix, MSDOS, Windows NT,
Atari, and Amiga. Although highly compatible with PKware's PKZIP and PKUNZIP
utilities of MSDOS fame, our primary objective has been one of portability
and other-than-MSDOS functionality. Features not found in the PKWare version
include creation of zip files in a pipe or on a device, VMS and OS/2 extended
file attributes, conversion from Unix to MSDOS text file format; and, of
course, the ability to run on most of your favorite operating systems.
And it's free.
Main changes since zip 1.9p1:
- new -i option (include only the following names).
- new -T option to test zip file integrity before overwriting original
- new -F and -FF (zipfix) options
- new -D option (do not create entries for directories)
- new -S option to include hidden/system files on MSDOS and OS/2
- new -$ option to include a volume label on MSDOS and OS/2
- new -ll option for CR LF to LF translation
- new -p option for zipsplit (pause between diskettes)
- speed up for the fast options (-1 to -3)
- support for new systems (Amiga, TOPS 20, Human68k, ...)
- many portability improvements
- many bug fixes
This version does not support multi-volume archives as in pkzip 2.04g.
This may be provided in a future version if time permits.
README This file
Where where Zip/UnZip and encryption/decryption support can be found
zip.doc Documentation for zip 2.0
zip.exe MSDOS executable for zip 2.0 (16 bit version)
zip386.exe MSDOS executable for zip 2.0 (32 bit version)
zip386.pat patch to zip 2.0 sources for 32 bit version only
zipnote.exe MSDOS exe for zipnote (edit zip file comments)
zipsplit.exe MSDOS exe for zipsplit (split a zip file into several files)
For command help on any of the zip* utilities, simply enter the name
with no arguments. Please read the file zip.doc for the full documentation.
The file zip.exe provided here does not support encryption because
of the US export regulations. You can build one yourself from source.
See the file 'Where' for access to the source of zip and its encryption
zip386.exe runs generally faster but only on 386 and above; it is compiled with
djgpp 1.10 available in directory omnigate.clarkson.edu:/pub/msdos/djgpp.
zip386.exe includes the djgpp DOS extender (go32.exe) taken from
djdev110.zip. If you already have djgpp 1.10 or later, you can remove
go32.exe to get a smaller executable using:
exe2aout zip386.exe
aout2exe zip386
del zip386
If you get the error message "DMPI: Not enough memory", you are using a
memory manager which allocates physical memory immediately instead of
allocating on demand when pages are used for the firt time. This problem
occurs only when using DMPI. (Try under plain DOS without loading any memory
manager in config.sys.) This problem will be fixed in future versions of
djgpp using the COFF object format instead of a.out. (In the a.out format,
the data segment is loaded at virtual address 0x400000 and the memory manager
thinks that zip requires more than 4 megs of memory.)
With zip386.exe, you may have to set the TZ environment variable to
get correct timestamps in the compressed files. Adding the following line:
set TZ=MET0
in autoexec.bat works for me. The 16 bit version always uses local time.
For other problems related to DJGPP, read the documentation provided
in djdev110.zip. If a problem occurs with zip386.exe, check first
if it occurs also with zip.exe before reporting it.
All bug reports should go to zip-bugs@wkuvx1.bitnet, and suggestions for
new features can be sent to info-zip@wkuvx1.bitnet (although we don't
promise to use all suggestions). If you can't reach bitnet, try
If you'd like to keep up to date with our Zip (and companion UnZip utility)
development, join the ranks of BETA testers, add your own thoughts and con-
tributions, etc., send a two-line mail message containing the commands HELP
and LIST (on separate lines in the body of the message, not on the subject
line) to mxserver@wkuvx1.bitnet. You'll receive two messages listing the
various Info-ZIP mailing-list formats which are available (and also various
unrelated lists) and instructions on how to subscribe to one or more of them
(courtesy of Hunter Goatley).
Frequently asked questions on zip and unzip:
Q. When unzipping I get an error message about "compression method 8".
A. Please get the latest version of unzip. See the file Where for details.
Q. I can't extract this zip file that I just downloaded. I get
"zipfile is part of multi-disk archive" or some other message.
A. Please make sure that you made the transfer in binary mode. Check
in particular that your copy has exactly the same size as the original.
Q. When running unzip, I get a message about "End-of-central-directory
signature not found".
A. This usually means that your zip archive is damaged, or that you
have an uncompressed file with the same name in the same directory.
In the first case, it makes more sense to contact the person you
obtained the zip file from rather than the Info-Zip software
developers, and to make sure that your copy is strictly identical to
the original. In the second case, use "unzip zipfile.zip" instead
of "unzip zipfile", to let unzip know which file is the zip archive
you want to extract.
Q. Why doesn't zip do <something> just like PKZIP does?
A. Zip is not a PKZIP clone and is not intended to be one. In some
cases we feel PKZIP does not do the right thing (e.g., not
including pathnames by default); in some cases the operating system
itself is responsible (e.g., under Unix it is the shell which
expands wildcards, not zip). Info-ZIP's and PKWARE's zipfiles
are interchangeable, not the programs.
Q. Can I distribute zip and unzip sources and/or executables?
A. You may redistribute the latest official distributions without any
modification, without even asking us for permission. You can charge
for the cost of the media (CDROM, diskettes, etc...) and a small copying
fee. If you want to distribute modified versions please contact us at
zip-bugs@wkuvx1.bitnet first. You must not distribute beta versions.
The latest official distributions are always on ftp.uu.net in directory
/pub/archiving/zip and subdirectories.
Q. Can I use the executables of zip and unzip to distribute my software?
A. Yes, so long as it is made clear in the product documentation that
zip or unzip are not being sold, that the source code is freely
available, and that there are no extra or hidden charges resulting
from its use by or inclusion with the commercial product. Here is
an example of a suitable notice:
NOTE: <Product> is packaged on this CD using Info-ZIP's compression
utility. The installation program uses UnZip to read zip files from
the CD. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is
free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various
anonymous-ftp sites, including ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/*.
Q. Can I use the source code of zip and unzip in my commercial application?
A. Yes, so long as you include in your product an acknowledgment and an
offer of the original compression sources for free or for a small
copying fee, and make clear that there are no extra or hidden charges
resulting from the use of the compression code by your product. In other
words, you are allowed to sell only your own work, not ours. If you have
special requirements contact us at zip-bugs@wkuvx1.bitnet.