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FaxMail for Windows v5.10 is shareware.
Copyrights (C) 1990-1996 belong to Jon Krahmer.
All Rights Reserved.
ElectraSoft, 3207 Carmel Valley Drive, MISSOURI CITY TX 77459-3068
-For Technical Support-
Voice: 713-261-0307
BBS: 713-499-5939
Internet: JonK@blkbox.com
Internet: Jon.Krahmer@f10000.n106.z1.fidonet.org
FidoNet: Jon Krahmer on 1:106/10000
WWW: http://www.blkbox.com/~jonk/
-To test Send Fax-
FAX: 713-499-8423
FaxMail for Windows and FaxMail Network for Windows are very similar with
the same look and feel. FaxMail for Windows is 16 bit and will run on a
single computer. If you need a 32 bit version that will run on a single
computer or Network, try FaxMail Network for Windows.
Adds a <Fax> button to all your Windows Programs
If you can print, you can fax
All the Fax Machines in the world are your printers with
FaxMail for Windows
Jon Krahmer, ElectraSoft, is a member of the of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related
problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be
able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon,
MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via
CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
FaxMail includes a choice of four different installations which support
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and Windows
NT. Supports most FaxModems, Group 3 CLASS 1, CLASS 2 and CLASS 2.0.
FaxMail for Windows will add a <Fax> button to your Windows Programs,
giving you access to all the Fax /Modems and Fax/Machines in the world,
making them become your printers. FaxMail attaching itself to and becomes
a part of the actual Microsoft Windows environment, whereby it appends
itself to all system menus thereby adding its features to all Windows
Applications. FaxMail has hundreds of useful features such as Dynamic
View/Edit Cover Page, FaxBook Import, Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem
Driver, and Technical Support. You can import up to 1000 name and phone
numbers into each FaxBook (Phone Book) at a time from any xBase data base
program, and you can have as many FaxBooks as you want. FaxMail gives you
laser quality fax output, making it a great tool to send an occasional fax
or large numbers of high quality faxes from the background while you work
on other tasks. FaxMail bundles the most useful fax features, and it is
fast! The simplicity of information transfer via FaxMail for Windows is
unequaled. It is a faxmail management system, integrating FaxModem
technologies into computer document generation. You can create very short
and/or long fax.
*select number rings until the FaxModem answers *number of re-dials
*length of time between re-dials *set modem volume *"Scale to
printer" or "Print actual FAX size" *view and move fax from Windows
File Manager *Immediate or scheduled fax sends *broadcast queue holds
32,000 fax *option to auto-print incoming faxes in the background
*send/receive fax in the background while you work in the foreground
*easy fax management *GOOD help system *very fast fax viewer *log
all sent and future fax events *quick notes with variable merge from
FaxBook fields *fax any document you can print (send amazingly clean
resumes) *event monitor *received fax notification *fax
rescheduling *up to 1000 entries per FaxBook *easily create custom
cover pages *background printing *supports "Silent-Answer" *FaxMail
Convert to Fax driver *supports many paper sizes, in PORTRAIT and
LANDSCAPE, including Letter 8.5x11, Legal 8.5x14, A4 210x297mm, A5
182x257mm, and is user definable down to a fraction of an inch
*Enhanced Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver *FaxBook merge
into Cover Page *Automatically switches from Fax to Printer Mode
*Supports Microsoft Word for Windows, Windows Write, and all other
programs with the abilities to print *Full-support for COM1-COM4 on
*OCR (Optical Character Recognition), *Fax to PCX BreakUp and
*Zoom/Edit Fax. The OCR will convert fax into text that can be read by
all editors and Word Processors, yet retains the original fax,
unchanged. BreakUp will break a multiple page DCX fax file into
individual one page PCX files that can be easily imported into most
Windows programs. Edit Outgoing and Incoming Fax. Before printing to a
fax machine or upon receiving a fax, you may want to use Zoom/Edit to
add graphics, text (any font, any size), or use your mouse to sign the
FaxModem Wizard COM-Port/FaxModem Tester. FaxModem Wizard not only
tell you what kind of UART is present on each of your four COM-Ports
but what IRQ it is using. Great tool for finding COM-IRQ conflicts.
Microsoft Windows v3.1, Windows for Workgroups v3.11, Windows NT,
Windows 95, and a Modem. Almost all modems are CLASS 1, CLASS 2 or
CLASS 2.0. FaxMail supports all three CLASSES.
Addition of <Using Your Program's FaxBook system> to pass a recipient and
phone number to FaxMail so as not to have to use the FaxMail FaxBook system.
Improved Flow Control. Improved the page changing while send/receive faxes.
Can edit FaxBook entry without removing from Groups. Upgraded Fax Viewer for
improved viewing with high resolution monitors. Set date format to MM/DD/YY
- USA, DD.MM.YY - UK or YY-MM-DD - WORLD. Take selected page(s) form Faxes
and build another Fax. Supports Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 3.1, Windows
for Workgroups 3.11, Windows NT. Windows Dynamic FaxModem Driver now
supports almost all FaxModems including USRobotics. Upgraded Events Log,
Future Send Queue. Fax Viewer now supports SVGA. New updated help system.
Manual included. Convert to Fax supports black, white, and all shades of
gray. It supports all paper sizes, PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE. View and move fax
from Windows File Manager. Enhanced Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem
Driver. View Cover Page. Edit Cover Page. Edit Cover Page Logo. Cover Page
Help. Includes the FaxModem Wizard tools that not only tell you what kind of
UART is present on each of your four COM-Ports but what IRQ it is using.
Addition of the FaxMail for Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver. Major
upgrade of the FaxModem Drivers. Many improvements to the FaxBook system
including Import/Export.
If you choose to use the "FaxMail for Windows Dynamic All Class
FaxModem Driver", a lot of this README will not pertain to you, and
nothing will be put in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Because of size constraints we are forced to leave some of the glitter
out of this shareware versions, but it is still VERY MUCH a FULL
working fax program with feature not seen anywhere else. We left off
things like decorative bitmaps, several of the sample cover page logo
files, FaxBook imports and a few other things that will not impede your
use of FaxMail. All of the above mentioned and more will be in your
registered version.
We are working full time on improving and upgrading FaxMail for Windows
based upon the feedback from you and other users. So...before you
install, look at the date on this file. If the date is more than a week
old, you may want to get the latest version.
You can get FaxMail for Windows from many BBSs and FTP Internet Sites
around the world. fax_v510.zip, where fax_v510 means version v5.10.
WWW: http://www.blkbox.com/~jonk/
Computer Technical Support BBS, 713-499-5939, home of FaxMail for Windows
FREQ from FidoNet: FaxMail 1:106/10000
FTP: ftp.coast.net/SimTel/win3/fax/
CompuServe (FAXWIN.ZIP) GO PCFF and search for: FaxMail
America On-line (AOL) Keyword: Software, do library search For: FaxMail
If you have a problem that is not covered here, contact ElectraSoft at
713-261-0307 because most likely there is either a solution to your
problem, or a newer version of FaxMail for Windows does not have the
If you have a registered version of FaxMail for Windows you may *NOT*
share the registered version with others.
FaxMail for Windows is shareware. This means you have a chance to test
the performance of FaxMail for Windows before committing yourself to
buying it. FaxMail for Windows is a Shareware product and we would like
you to REGISTER after testing this "evaluation copy".
Only the unregistered version of FaxMail for Windows may be distributed
freely, and no fee may be charged for it except a nominal copying fee.
All trademarks contained herein are registered to their respective
While converting printer output to a fax, FaxMail will need to create and
use a temporary file called "TOFAX" and then delete it when finished.
This file will be in the root of the drive FaxMail is installed on.
So that FaxMail for Windows <CONVERT TO FAX> will be able to convert
printable files to faxes, you may want to check the following three
things on the drive that you installed FaxMail on:
1. If you have the maximum allowed files in that root directory, remove
2. If you have a directory called TOFAX on that drive, remove it.
3. If that drive is full, make some room. The fax converter needs
about 200k per page. Keep in mind that Windows itself may need
5meg+- free on the hard drive.
If you are currently using another Modem-Program, remember that they
can not run concurrently on the same COM-Port. Disabling a fax program
may be as easy as not loading it or you may have to remove one or more
Typing rem ahead of a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS will
disable it. Example:
To disable a line in an *.INI (WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI) file, place a ;
before the line to be commented-out. Example:
If your old Fax-Program loads from the Windows-StartUp-Group as you
enter Windows, you will have to move it's ICON out of your
Windows-StartUp-Group by grabbing it and dropping it in another Group.
If you load the wrong FaxModem Driver the worst that can be expected
to happen is that the FaxModem Driver might not load or the program
might hang or fail to operate, and perhaps your modem might be left in
Fax mode and require manual resetting(turn it off and back on). Since
information about models that don't work with this program will aid in
correcting unsuspected problems, we would appreciate any information
you can give us about them. Write to the registration address, or send
e-mail via Internet to:
or FidoNet to:
Jon Krahmer on 1:106/10000
FaxModem Wizard COM-Port/FaxModem Tester, COMTEST.COM. FaxModem
Wizard not only tell you what kind of UART is present on each of your
four COM-Ports but what IRQ it is using. It will generate a text file
called COMTEST.COM that you can read later. This file can be e-mailed
to ElectraSoft for analyses.
Find COM-IRQ conflicts.
How to use COMTEST.COM.
Windows 3.1x
Exit (do not use the Windows "MS-DOS Command Prompt") Windows.
Windows 95
Windows 95 Method 1
Select <Start>, <Shut Down>, <(*)Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode?>.
Windows 95 Method 2
Turn on your computer and select <6. Command prompt only>.
Windows 95 Method 3
Put the following four lines in your Windows 95 AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Windows NT
1. Be sure that no software is using any of the four COM-Ports.
2. Select "MS-DOS Command Prompt" and type:
Windows NT will warn you that the COM-IRQs can not be opened, and
ask if you want to <Terminate> or <Ignore>. Respond with <Ignore>
to all warning message.
See "RESOLVING CONFLICTS" and "FaxModem INSTALLATION" in this file.
1. To stay safe when removing/replacing hardware, always turn your
computer off and unplug it.
2. To reduce the possibility of damaging electronic components in your
computer with "static potentials" when removing/replacing hardware,
place one hand on the metal chassis before removing/replacing
Read "USING COMTEST.COM" first...
(IMPORTANT: Read but don't do this unless you are installing or
reinstalling a FaxModem)
COM, Communications-Port (1 - 4).
IRQ, Interrupt-ReQuest (0 - 15).
External FaxModem, is placed *ON* a COM-Port (UART).
Internal FaxModem, *REPLACES* a COM-Port (UART).
A majority of the people I give tech-support to have a hardware
conflict due to improper Internal FaxModem installation!
1. An External Modem is plugged into an existing COM-Port (UART)!
2. An Internal Modem is a UART and REPLACES an existing COM-Port (UART)!
If you are having problems with a Modem, read the above lines until you
comprehend and understand them.
Installing an External FaxModem:
Plug one end of the COM cable into your FaxModem and the other end
into a vacant COM-Port. You will have to know what COM-Port and what
IRQ you plugged into so you can let the software know during software
Installing an Internal FaxModem:
When installing an Internal FaxModem, be sure you disable the
COM-Port (located on your IO-Board) you are going to replace. Then;
before installing the Internal FaxModem, test, with the opening screen
of COMTEST.COM (comes with FaxMail for Windows and *MUST* be run from
DOS. It will *NOT* work while in Windows.), to be sure the COM-Port
really is disabled, and then, AND ONLY THEN, are you ready to install
the "Internal FaxModem". Not doing this properly is the overwhelming
major reason for Modem and other computer problems that to the average
person seem to have no relationship to their modem, but it does! If
you are installing on COM2-IRQ3, the COMTEST.COM opening screen should
look like this BEFORE you install the FaxModem.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
Then you are ready to set the jumpers on your Internal FaxModem to
COM2-IRQ3 and insert it into a vacant slot; thus replacing the COM2 UART.
You can use DEBUG.EXE to help install Modems, but it is not as actuate
as COMTEST.COM (see Note 5).
If you are reinstalling a FaxModem on a different COM-IRQ, keep in
mind that you may have to reinstall or run setup on all the software
that is presently using the FaxModem.
If COM1-IRQ4 and COM2-IRQ3 are in use, I would suggest one of the
following configurations:
If we would have found COM2 unused we would have configured like this:
Here is a list of suggested combinations:
FaxMail for Windows will supports COM1 through COM4 on IRQ0 through
IRQ15. But...Before these addresses can be used, your
"COM-Port/FaxModem" must first support the configuration and second
you must properly configure said device.
Never skip a COM-Port as the system will go into "conflict-convulsion"
from time to time. To find a vacant IRQ, run something like
SYSONFO.EXE, etc. Here is some information on IRQs in the
IBM-Compatible. They are: IRQ0 - IRQ15. N/A means not normally
available for your FaxModem.
IRQ0 {INT 08h, Reserved for 8253 Channel 0 System-Timer-Tick, N/A
IRQ1 {INT 09h, Reserved for Key-Board Attention, N/A
IRQ2 {INT 0Ah, Reserved for Future use, (you can use if not in use)
IRQ3 {INT 0Bh, Reserved for COM2-IRQ3, or COM4-IRQ3 *If not used by COM2
IRQ4 {INT 0Ch, Reserved for COM1-IRQ4, or COM3-IRQ4 *If not used by COM1
IRQ5 {INT 0Dh, Reserved for XT-HardDrive, Can used unless you have an XT
IRQ6 {INT 0Eh, Reserved for Disk Attention, N/A
IRQ7 {INT 0Fh, LPT1, but usually doesn't need IRQ, usually can be used
IRQ8 - IRQ15 {Available in AT and up, but not in XT computers)
The following report was generated by Peter Norton's SYSINFO.EXE on a
* Hardware Interrupts *
Number Address Name Owner
IRQ 00 FCAC:0043 Timer Output 0 BIOS
IRQ 01 FCAC:0048 Keyboard BIOS
IRQ 02 08AB:0057 [Cascade] DOS System Area
IRQ 03 08AB:006F COM2 DOS System Area
IRQ 05 08AB:009F LPT2 DOS System Area
IRQ 06 08AB:00B7 Floppy Disk DOS System Area
IRQ 07 0070:06F4 LPT1 DOS System Area
IRQ 08 0000:0000 Real-time Clock Unused
IRQ 09 0000:0000 Reserved Unused
IRQ 10 0000:0000 Reserved Unused
IRQ 11 0000:0000 Reserved Unused
IRQ 12 0000:0000 Reserved Unused
IRQ 13 0000:0000 Coprocessor Unused
IRQ 14 0000:0000 Fixed Disk Unused
IRQ 15 0000:0000 Reserved Unused
Note 1:
As you can see, if IRQ4 is used by COM1, you have to find another IRQ
for COM3. If you have a COM1-IRQ4 and you use COM3 you will need to
use an alternative IRQ. The same goes if you are going to use COM4 and
you have a COM2-IRQ3.
Note 2:
It is best to use COM1-IRQ4 or COM2-IRQ3 for FaxModems, as they were
originally and specifically set aside for communications. Experience
has shown me that some FaxModems do not perform as well on COM3 and
COM4 using IRQ5, IRQ7 or IRQ2.
Note 3:
By the way, the problem with this and most system tests, such
as MSD.EXE, is that they tell you what is suppose to be or what is
normally on an IRQ. For instances, when I ran this test, as you can
see, it says that "LPT1" is on IRQ7. The fact is I have a Rockwell
class 1,2 FaxModem on COM3-IRQ7. When I ran COMTEST.COM I got the
following results:
FaxModem Wizard COM-Port Test is part of "FaxMail for Windows"
(C) Copyright 1990-1996, Jon Krahmer, All Rights Reserved.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
FIFO UART (16550AN Chip) or Equivalent detected.
This is a high performance UART with buffering.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
Press <Esc> <Esc> to exit COMTEST or <Any-Key> to Continue...
Note 4:
Rockwell, Internal, V.32AC, V1.270, TR14-Jxxx-001 Accelerator-Kit:
COM1-IRQ4 { Class 1 (FM_ROCK1.COM); Worked well
{ Class 2 (FM_ROCK2.COM); Worked well
COM2-IRQ3 { Class 1 (FM_ROCK1.COM); Worked well
{ Class 2 (FM_ROCK2.COM); Worked well
COM3-IRQ2,5,7 { Class 1 (FM_ROCK1.COM); Poor, usually failed to send
{ Class 2 (FM_ROCK2.COM); Worked
COM4-IRQ2,5,7 { Class 1 (FM_ROCK1.COM); Poor, usually failed to send
{ Class 2 (FM_ROCK2.COM); Worked
GVC, Internal, FM144/144, FM-144HVBIS with built-in FIFO:
COM3-IRQ5 { Class 2 (FM_ROCK1.COM); Works well
If your computer has a built-in COM1-IRQ4 and COM2-IRQ3, you can
disable either COM1-IRQ4 or COM2-IRQ3 and then set your FaxModem to
that COM-Port and IRQ. This is done be getting out your manuals and
moving the jumpers or contact the company you bought your computer and
FaxModem from.
Note 5:
At Segment 0040, Offset 0000 DOS keeps a table of ports starting with
your COM-Ports. The BIOS and DOS assume that you know that you can not
skip a COM-port or reuse an IRQ. If you do, it will raise havoc with
your system. If you skip a COM-Port, your system will compress the
COM-Port table thus making it useless to any program that depend on it.
For instance, if you have a UART on:
COM1, COM2, and COM4
your system will report that you have a UART on:
COM1, COM2, and COM3
Example of how to verify this:
Go to the DOS-Prompt and type:
CD\ {go to the root directory
-D 0040:0000 {the - prompt will appear
{something similar to the following will appear
0040:0000 F8 03 F8 02 E8 03 00 00-78 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........x....
Q <Enter> {to Quit DEBUG
We are only concerned with the first 8 BYTEs (4 WORDs).
0040:0000 F8 03 F8 02 E8 03 00 00 {as you found them
F8 03,F8 02,E8 03,00 00 {separated
03F8 02F8 03E8 0000 {formatted from BYTEs to WORDs
3F8 2F8 3E8 000 {formatted to human terms
COM1 COM2 COM3 {No COM4; or was there?
It looks like you have a COM1, COM2 and COM3 :-)
Read "USING COMTEST.COM" and "FaxModem INSTALLATION" first...
Example of a conflict and how to resolve it
Lets assume you have a mouse on COM1-IRQ4 and a modem on COM4-IRQ3.
You have a hardware conflict. You should never skip a COM-Port as the
system will go into "conflict-convulsion".
Your computer has a COM-Port table at real-mode Segment 0040h, Offset
0000h, 0040:0000. It assumes that you did not skip a port, and if you
did, it will compress it down to where, in this case, your COM4 is
entered into the COM-port table at the location reserved for COM3.
When you go into Windows, Windows looks at the COM-Port table and
thinks you have a COM1, COM2 and COM3. When it goes to access COM3,
bad things happen, because it is not there.
FaxModem Wizard, COMTEST.COM, is included with FaxMail for Windows. It
will tell you what, if anything, is on each of your four COM-Ports and
which IRQ each COM-Port is using, COM?-IRQ?. It will give you a
written report about your Modem.
Exit Windows and Run COMTEST.COM. In this example the results will
look like this:
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
To Correct this conflict:
Method 1
1. Turn off your computer and remove your modem.
2. Turn on your computer and run FaxModem Wizard (COMTEST.COM). The
UART on COM4 should now be gone as shown in this example.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
3. Turn off your computer and disable COM2. For most computers, this
is done by removing the I/O board and moving or removing the
jumpers so that COM2 is disabled. The "I/O board" is the input
output board that controls the HardDrive, COM-Ports and etc. If
this is the case with your computer, get out the jumper-sheet that
came with your computer's I/O board, and move the jumpers so that
COM2 is disabled.
4. Run FaxModem Wizard and look for the following results:
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
5. Get out the jumper-sheet that came with your modem and set your
modem to COM2-IRQ3 and insert it into any vacant slot.
6. Run FaxModem Wizard to verify that it looks like this:
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
If you have a high performance modem, COM2-IRQ3 will look like this:
FIFO UART (16550AN Chip) or Equivalent detected.
This is a high performance UART with buffering.
Method 2
If COM2-IRQ3 is being used or you are unable to disable COM2, you can
set your modem to COM3-IRQ7 or COM3-IRQ5. If you have a sound card,
it may be using IRQ5. If this is the case, then you will have to use
COM3-IRQ7. Thus FaxModem Wizard will look like this.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
UART (16450 Chip) or Equivalent detected.
No UART/COM/Modem/Serial Port detected.
Windows only:
If you are going to be using FaxMail for Windows in Windows only, you
might try the "FaxMail for Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver"
DOS and Windows:
If, while installing FaxMail for Windows you find that your FaxModem
is not listed, it is possible that one of the selections will work.
For instance, DoveFax Class 1 and Practical Peripherals Class 1 works
with many other class 1 FaxModems. The {"Universal, Rockwell, Class
2"} will work with nearly all of the FaxModems derived from the
"Rockwell Class 2 Accelerator Kit". Generic Class 2, Zoom Class 2,
ZyXEL Class 2, and Dallas Class 2 FaxModem Drivers are all Class 2
FaxModem Drivers. There are a lot of "Class 2" variations, so, if
your "Class 2" board does not work with one, it may work with another.
"Universal, Hayes, Rockwell, Class 1",
"Universal, Rockwell, Class 1", and the
"Universal, Rockwell, Class 2"
FaxModem Drivers are designed to do the job if all else fails. It
should not always be the first choice because even though it is more
versatile, it may not perform as well as the one recommended by us.
Depending on your computer, another FaxModem Driver may work better
than our recommended one though. Sometimes, depending on your
computer, COM-Port (FIFO(16550) or not), the
"Universal, Hayes, Rockwell, Class 1",
"Universal, Rockwell, Class 1",
- or -
"Universal, Rockwell, Class 2"
may outperform the recommended FaxModem Driver. By The Way, these 2
FaxModem Drivers support FIFO operation.
If your FaxModem is not listed, look for an alternate
FaxModem Driver. An Internal FaxModem Driver can be used to drive an
External FaxModem, and an External FaxModem Driver can be used to
drive an Internal FaxModem. The name is not important. For instance,
the AT&T class 1 will work on many other class 1 FaxModems. Choosing
the wrong FaxModem Driver will not harm Anything.
The files in this package are modified to your specifications during
installation and *WILL NOT* work properly if simply copied into your
working directory. You *MUST* use the INSTALL.EXE or configuration
utilities to add or change anything.
List of modems that were tested and are known to work with FaxMail:
FaxModem: FaxModem Driver:
| |
+-------+ +---------------------+
| |
FaxMail for Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver,
(for Windows only), Class 1,2,2.0-------FM_WN_FD.EXE
Universal, Rockwell, Class 2---------------------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Universal, AT&T, Class 2-------------------------------FM_ATT2I.COM
Universal, Hayes, Rockwell, Class 1 --------(HayesMode)FM_ROCK1.COM
Universal, Rockwell, Class 1---------------------------FM_ROCK1.COM
Universal, AT&T, Class 1-------------------------------FM_ATT1I.COM
Universal, Class 2 and/or 2.0,-------------------------FM_ZYXEL.COM
Generic, External, Class 2-----------------------------FM_CLS2E.COM
Generic, Internal, Class 2-----------------------------FM_CLS2I.COM
Generic, Send9600/Receive4800, Rockwell RC224ATF Chip--FM_CLAS1.COM
Aceex, DM-1414H, Class 2-------------------------------FM_ROCK2.COM
AT&T DataPort FaxModem, Class 1------------------------FM_ATT1I.COM
BEC14/14I, V1.410, Rockwell RC32ACL, Class 1,2(2)------FM_ROCK2.COM
Boca, M1440E, Rockwell RC32ACL, Class 1,2(1)
(First Choice)-----FM_ATT1I.COM
Boca, M1440E, Rockwell RC32ACL, Class 1,2(2)
(Second Choice)----FM_ATT2I.COM
Dallas Fax, 2496 FaxModem, Class 2---------------------FM_DALAS.COM
Dallas Fax, 9696, 1.44 FaxModem, Class 2---------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Dallas Fax, 14.4E FaxModem Pro Plus, Class 2-----------FM_ROCK2.COM
Digicom Connection 14.4+Fax, Class 1 -------(HayesMode)FM_ROCK1.COM
DoveFax, External, Class 1-----------------------------FM_DOVE1.COM
GVC, FM144/144, FM-144HVBIS, Class 1,2(2)--------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Hayes, Accura, Class 1 ---------------------(HayesMode)FM_ROCK1.COM
IBM PS/Note, Class 1 ----------------------------------FM_DOVE1.COM
Identity 14.4 FaxModem, ID14144SR, Class 1,2(2)--------FM_CLS2I.COM
Intel FM-144HVR, Class 2-------------------------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Megahertz PCMCIA Fax Modem, XJ1144, Class 1,2(2)------ FM_ROCK1.COM
NUVOTEL 96424IFX, Internal, Class 1------------------- FM_ROCK1.COM
P. C. LOGIC FAX144C, FAX144DM, Class 1,----------------FM_ATT2I.COM
P. C. LOGIC FAX144I, Class 1,2(2),---------------------FM_ATT2I.COM
Practical Peripherals, PM14400FXMT, Class 1,2(1)-------FM_PP1.COM
Practical Peripherals, PM14400FXSA, Class 1------------FM_PP1.COM
Practical Peripherals, PM2400FX96, Class 2-------------FM_ROCK2.COM
PreMax PCMCIA CARD 2.0, Class 1,2(2)-------------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Rockwell, Universal, RC96AC/RC144AC, Class 1-----------FM_ROCK1.COM
Rockwell, Universal, RC96AC/RC144AC, Class 2-----------FM_ROCK2.COM
SMART ONE 9624 FQ, 2400/6900/4800, Class 1-------------FM_CLAS1.COM
SMART ONE 14427, Class 1,2(2)--------------------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Supra FAX Modem, Class 1,2(1)--------------------------FM_ROCK1.COM
Supra FAX Modem Plus, Class 1,2(2)---------------------FM_ROCK1.COM
TurboModem PLUS, The Complete PC, Boca, Class 1,2(1)---FM_ATT1I.COM
TurboModem PLUS, The Complete PC, Boca, Class 1,2(2)---FM_ATT2I.COM
USRobotics Sportster 14400, Class 1--------------------FM_ATT1I.COM
USRobotics, Class 1,2.0(2.0)---------------------------FM_ZYXEL.COM
ViVa 14.4/FaxModem, Class 1,2(2)-----------------------FM_ROCK2.COM
Wang 14/14I Fax Modem, Internal Class 1,2(2)-----------FM_ROCK2.COM
Zoom FaxModem, VFPV32BISB, 14400, Internal, Class 2----FM_ROCK2.COM
Zoom FaxModem, VFX V.32/V.32bis, External, Class 2-----FM_ZOOM2.COM
ZyXEL, U1496E, 503, 613, Class 2, 2.0------------------FM_ZYXEL.COM
Please add to this list and return it to us. Thank You
Make a directory called FM_SHARE, like this:
CD \
UnZIP(PKUNZIP.EXE Version 2.04g or higher) * into FM_SHARE
directory, like this:
Copy FaxMail into FM_SHARE
and then type:
START and press <Enter>
Go into Windows and run the FaxMail for Windows INSTALL.EXE using the
Windows RUN command.
After installation, you will have several icons in the FaxMail for
Windows Group. Please note the following icons:
Q and A (Q_A.WRI)
FaxMail Tutor (FM_TUTOR.WRI)
FaxMail Help (FM_HELP.HLP)
These should be read before using FaxMail for Windows. There is also
"Contact-Sensitive Help" buttons, throughout FaxMail for Windows, for
your convenience.
Everything is explained thoroughly in the FaxMail for Windows help
system, which may be called upon from anywhere in FaxMail for Windows.
If you want to use FaxMail for Windows from within any Windows
Application and/or take advantage of *ALL* the power FaxMail for
Windows has, load the "Control" program that you will find in the
FaxMail for Windows Group before loading any other Windows Applications.
After the Control program is loaded, click on the System button (the
small square button at the top left corner of all windows) and choose
SetUp and configure things *YOUR WAY*. I suggest that if you are not
sure of something, leave the defaults set as it came to you. Make a
printout of the defaults in case you change something you do not
understand yet.
If the FaxModem Driver does not load at when you turn on your computer
it could be because FaxMail for Windows installs its FaxModem Driver
at the top of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, and other drivers can cancel
it out. If this happens to you, move the FaxModem Driver command:
to a spot just before the Windows load command.
"Silent Answer"
Silent Answer requires the support and cooperation of the remote
sending FaxModem/Machine with your receiving FaxModem. If the
sending FaxModem/Machine does not support "Silent Answer" by sending
the "CNG" tone, you will lose that Fax! Please read *all* of this area
before using "Silent Answer". If you still want "Silent Answer", here
is what it does and how to implement it.
Silent answer let one telephone line be used for two purposes;
receiving Faxes with the FaxModem, and receiving voice calls with an
answering machine or telephone. When set to this mode, the FaxModem
lets your answering machine answer all incoming calls. If it detects
Fax "CNG" tones, it routes the call to FaxMail for Windows. Otherwise,
it just sits silently on the phone line while you or your answering
machine takes the call.
When the phone rings and after the second ring the FaxModem will start
monitoring the telephone line. If it detects a Fax tone, it will
receive the Fax. If it does not detects a fax tone, it will do nothing.
Silent Answer hardware installation
When installing the FaxModem, DO NOT plug the answering machine into
the telephone jack on the back of the FaxModem. Instead, do one of
the following:
a. Plug the answering machine and FaxModem into different wall jack
(i.e. jacks in different rooms).
b. Plug the answering machine into a wall jack and the FaxModem into
the answering machine.
c. If your answering machine has some kind of phone-jack switching;
use this method. You must locate the two devices on separate
extensions to make silent answer work correctly. This means you
can not plug the answering machine into the FaxModem or vise
versa. You can split a single extension with a duplex jack
adapter. Radio Shack commonly carries these, part number 279-357
for $4.49.
Also, if you have an older answering machine that does NOT
automatically turn itself off when it detects that a person or the
FaxModem has answered the call, you need a $7.95 adapter from
Radio Shack, part#43-107. This adapter disconnects the answering
machine from the phone line when the call is answered. It goes
between the answering machine and the wall jack.
The device that is picking up the line initially, must answer
after, and not before, the second ring. This means you should
set it to 3 for best results. If no other device picks up the
line by the time the number of rings that FaxMail for Windows
is set to is reached, FaxMail for Windows will answer it and
process a Fax.
To activate Silent Answer
Load the FaxMail for Windows "Control" program and click on the
<System> Button, <Setup> Button and on the Silent Answer <Check>
Button. Set the number of rings until we answer to four and set your
answering-machine to three rings. If the Silent Answer <Check> Button
is inactive and gray, your FaxModem does not support Silent Answer.
How to enable auto-load (registered version only)
When you boot-up, you have a choice as to whether you want to load the
FaxMail for Windows FaxModem Driver or not. If you plan to always
load the FaxMail for Windows FaxModem Driver, you can place y or Y
behind the FaxModem Driver. Here are two examples:
examples #1 (First line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT)
will ask:
Do you want to load the "FaxMail for Windows" FaxModem Driver? (Y/N) Y
examples #2 (First line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT)
The Y parameter will cause the FaxModem Driver to load without
asking. It will always load without stopping or asking.
BBS and FAX on the same computer
Method 1:
There is an ICON, FAX vs BBS, in the FaxMail for Windows Group for the
purpose of allowing you to control the FaxModem mode.
-Before you call a BBS, double-click the <FAX vs BBS> ICON and choose:
<Set FaxModem to BBS-Mode>.
-Load your BBS-Software and log-onto the BBS.
-After logging-off the BBS and exiting the BBS Software; to resume
FAXing, double-click the <FAX vs BBS> ICON again and choose:
<Set FaxModem to FAX-Mode> again.
Method 2:
Before you call a BBS, go to the DOS Prompt, and type:
Log-onto the BBS.
To resume FAXing, go to the DOS Prompt, and type:
Method 3:
In these example; do not type the comments that appear to the
right of the {.
If you want to use the same computer for Fax and data-modem(BBS), it
may be necessary to Disable the FaxMail for Windows FaxModem Driver
while calling a BBS. To Disable FaxMail for Windows FaxModem Driver
run: BBS-MODE.COM. Use FAX-MODE.COM to Enable the FaxModem Driver
again after you log-off the BBS. Here is an example of a Batch(.BAT)
File that will do it all for you. Lets say that you are using a BBS
program called Telemate, and it's name is TM.EXE. The following Batch
File will Disable the "FaxModem Driver" load "Telemate" and when you
exit the BBS program (Telemate) it will "Enable" the FaxModem Driver
so you can resume FAXing. At the DOS Prompt:
COPY CON T.BAT <Enter> {Create file(T.BAT)
C:\FaxMail\BBS-MODE.COM <Enter> {1st line in file(T.BAT)
PAUSE <Enter> {2nd line in file(T.BAT)
CD\TELEMATE <Enter> {3rd line in file(T.BAT)
TM.EXE <Enter> {4th line in file(T.BAT)
C:\FaxMail\FAX-MODE.COM <Ctl+Z(or F6)> <Enter> {5th, and Save(T.BAT)
- or -
Using a text editor, create a file called T.BAT with the following 3
C:\FaxMail\BBS-MODE.COM {Set FaxModem to Data-Mode(BBS)
PAUSE {Pause to let FaxModem catch up(4 sec or more)
CD\TELEMATE {Change Directory to BBS Software
TM.EXE {Load BBS Software
C:\FaxMail\FAX-MODE.COM {Set FaxModem to Fax-Mode(FaxMail)
The above example assumes that your FaxMail Directory is FAXMAIL and
your Telemate Directory is TELEMATE.
Now when you want to call a BBS you type:
T <Enter>
Method 4:
To remove FaxMail for Windows FaxModem Driver, type "rem " in front of
this line, in your AUTOEXEC.BAT:
....and RE-BOOT.
To restore back to "FaxMail for Windows", reactivate the line, in your
....and RE-BOOT.
In some cases, to reset your modem to data mode, you may have to
manually reset the modem (if it's external) or turn the PC off and
then back on (for internal modems that don't reset any other way).
The: "FaxMail for Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver" has been
tested on the following Modems but should work on almost all Modems.
-GVC; Class 0,1,2; 14400
-USRobotics, Class 0,1,2.0
-ZyXEL; Class 0,1,2,2.0; 9600, 14400
-IBM; Easy OPTIONS; Class 0,1,2
-ZOOM; Class 0,1,2; 9600, 14400, 28800
-Dallas; Internal and External; Class 0,2 and 0,1,2; 9600, 14400
-Intel; PCFM7600W; Class 0,1,2; 9600, 14400
-TurboModem, Class 0,1,2
-Rockwell, Class 0,1,2
-Rockwell, Data 2400, Class 1 Send 9600, Receive 4800
-Dallas, Class 2
-Hayes, Class 1
-Supra FAX Modem/Plus; Class 0,1,2:
Supra FAX Modem/Plus; Class 0,1,2:
Some peoples have reported good service using the
Universal, Rockwell, Class 1 -- FM_ROCK1.COM
and others work better on
Universal, Rockwell, Class 2 -- FM_ROCK2.COM
- unknown -
Please let me know if FaxMail for Windows does not work properly with
your FaxModem. The next version (revision) will probably include
support for *YOUR* FaxModem.
Adding "FaxMail NT Convert to Fax" to Windows NT:
o Install FaxMail for Windows.
o Re-Boot the computer.
WINDOWS NT version 4.XX
1. Locate the NTPRINT.INF file. Open the file and locate the
Manufacturer section. FaxMail may have, but if FaxMail has not
already done so, do the following: Under the existing heading of
[Manufacturer], Copy and Paste this 1 line under [Manufacturer]:
(They should go between "Epson" and "Fujitsu".) (If FaxMail did put
them in there for you, they will not be in alphabetical order. You
can move them into alphabetical if you wish.)
Copy and Paste these 2 lines: (under Model sections)
"FaxMail NT Convert to Fax" = FM_PN_NT.DLL
Copy and Paste these 3 lines: (under Installer Sections)
2. Use the Add Printer ICON and respond as follows:
Note: Some of the following lines my be out of sequence, depending
on the NT Build.
o Click <My Computer>, <Printers>, <Add Printer>, and the Add
Printer Wizard box will appear.
o Click <(*)My Computer>, <Next> to go to the Printer selection
o Press <F> on your key-board and select FaxMail_NT under
<Manufactures:> and FaxMail NT Convert to Fax under <Printers:>.
o Click <Next> to go to the Port selection box.
o Under <Available ports:> Check-Mark and select [*]?:\TOFAX.
o Click <Next> to go to the Printer name box.
o Under <Printer name:> type: FaxMail NT Convert to Fax
o Click <Next> to go to the Share box. <(*)Not Shared>
o Click <Next> to go to the Print test page box.
o Click <Finish> to go to the select printer driver box.
o Use the <Browse> button to find fm_pn_nt.dll in the temporary
directory where you installed FaxMail from. NT will copy
fm_pn_nt.dll to the directories that it wants it in. After
copping fm_pn_nt.dll, NT will try to copy the RASter Devise
Driver rasdd.dl_ or rasdd.dll, but because rasdd.dl_ is not in
this directory, a Copy Error box will appear. Place your NT
installation CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive and click <Browse>.
Browse to your CD-ROM and select: ?:\I386\rasdd.dl_ by
double-clicking it. rasdd.dl_ is a compressed file that NT will
expand into RASDD.DLL. Be sure to select rasdd.dl_ and not
RASDD.DLL! After coping rasdd.dl_, NT will copy several other
files from that directory.
Files used by the FaxMail NT Convert to Fax FM_PN_NT.DLL driver:
RASDD.DLL means: Raster Device Driver
RASDDUI.DLL means: Raster Device Driver Universal Printer Driver
o Click <OK> and the FaxMail NT Convert to Fax ICON will appear in
the Printers group.
3. Restart your computer as you would after any installation.
4. To use FaxMail NT Convert to Fax, load FaxMail and run it in
background. Load a program and print to the FaxMail NT Convert to
WINDOWS NT version 3.XX
1. After installing FaxMail for Windows, re-boot the computer, go to
<Main> group and select <Print Manager>.
2. From the "Print Manager" select <Printer>, <Create Printer>.
3. Fill out the information in the dialog box EXACTLY as follows.
Where the C: in C:\TOFAX is the drive letter of your HardDrive
where you installed FaxMail. If you installed on D: you will
select D:\TOFAX from the drop-down list box.
o If you can not find "FaxMail NT Convert to Fax" in the Driver
drop-down list box it is probably because PRINTER.INF is locked
or Read-Only. If this is the case, you will have to unlock it
and use the FaxMail for Windows [Change FaxModem Driver] ICON
to reinstall.
| Create Printer |
| +----------+ |
| +----------------------------+ | OK | |
| Printer Name: | FaxMail NT Convert to Fax | +----------+ |
| +---------------------------++ | Cancel | |
| Driver: | FaxMail NT Convert to Fax || +----------+ |
| +---------------------------++ | Setup | |
| Description: | Print to Fax | +----------+ |
| +---------------------------++ | Details | |
| Print to: | C:\TOFAX || +----------+ |
| +---------------------------++ | Settings | |
| +----------+ |
|+-[ ]Share this printer on the network--+ | Help | |
|| +----------------------+ | +----------+ |
|| Share Name: | | | |
|| +----------------------+ | |
|| Location: | | | |
|| +----------------------+ | |
|+---------------------------------------+ |
4. Select OK.
5. You will be asked for the Windows NT installation floppies or
o In most cases all the printer files are already in place. If
this is the case, give C:\ (or the drive that you installed
FaxMail to) as your NT installation disk.
NT expects to find FM_PN_NT.DLL on your floppies or CD-ROM, but it
will not be there because this driver only comes with FaxMail for
Windows. The FaxMail installation has already put FM_PN_NT.DLL in
place, so it is not necessary for NT to do so. For this reason you
will get a "noncritical error" when NT can not find FM_PN_NT.DLL on
your floppies or CD-ROM. When you are presented with a noncritical
error, select <Ignore>. NT will ignore coping FM_PN_NT.DLL, but
will copy the printer driver support files that it does have.
During installation, FaxMail creates the following files:
If for some reason they are not there, copy them there from the
unzipped files that came with FaxMail.
o During the "FaxMail NT Convert to Fax" installation, in response to
"noncritical errors", select <Ignore>.
o The reason for this unorthodox installation is that NT expects to
find the driver, FM_PN_NT.DLL, on your NT installation floppies or
CD-ROM for the purpose of copping it. When NT can not find
FM_PN_NT.DLL, it will display a "noncritical error". In response
to this noncritical error you will respond <Ignore>. NT will
continue and put the following printer driver support files on your
o When you have successfully installed FaxMail NT Convert to Fax,
there will be more than one copy of FM_PN_NT.DLL on your HardDrive.
They will be in, at least, the following directories.
Do not delete any of them. NT needs them all. FaxMail will also
put the following in your SYSTEM directory:
o When installing an upgraded version of FaxMail for Windows, check to
be sure the following files are updated.
You can find all instances of FM_PN_NT.DLL and FM_PN_NT.DRV by going
to the DOS prompt and typing:
C: {Or the drive where NT is.
CD\ {Move to the root-directory.
DIR FM_PN_NT.* /S /P {List directories containing FM_PN_NT.DLL,DRV.
Converting a document to Fax from Windows NT:
1. Load FaxMail for Windows.
2. Load your text editor or word processor.
3. Select <File>, <Printer Setup> or equivalent.
4. Select "FaxMail NT Convert to Fax on C:\TOFAX" as the default
5. Select <File>, <Print> or equivalent.
6. Do your normal print routine to
"FaxMail NT Convert to Fax on C:\TOFAX".
7. After the print job is done, the "Converting Printer output to Fax"
dialog box will appear and Convert the printer output to Fax.
8. When the Send Fax dialog box appears, <Fax Viewer> and <Send Fax>.
o Some Windows Applications like Word for Windows 6.00 will not
recognize "FaxMail NT Convert to Fax" unless you, before loading
load the Print-Manager and from there select "FaxMail NT Convert
to Fax" as the default printer.
Adding a modem to Windows NT:
1. See FaxModem INSTALLATION in this README.
2. Open the <Main Group> and select <Control Panel>.
3. Select <Ports>, select <Add> or <Settings> to add your new modem
or reconfigure to fit your need.
The following chart is the normal possibilities, and may help you
while in the <Ports> setup procedure:
COM Port Number: Interrupt ReQuest Line: Base I/O Port Address:
| | |
+-------------+ | |
| +---------------------------------+ |
| | +------------------------------------+
| | |
COM1-IRQ4 03F8
COM2-IRQ3 02F8
COM3-IRQ5, IRQ7 or IRQ2 03E8
COM4-IRQ5, IRQ7 or IRQ2 02E8
If you have a sound card, it may be using IRQ5 or IRQ7. A CD-ROM
usually uses one of the IRQs above IRQ7.
Only the unregistered version of FaxMail for Windows is a Shareware
program. Upload it to bulletin boards (BBS). Give it to your friends
and relatives. Tell your business associates about it. Don't let
anyone miss out.
If you have a registered version of FaxMail for Windows you may *NOT*
share it with others.
When you register, you will receive a diskette(s) with the latest
version of FaxMail for Windows.
Please fill-in the included Registration Form below. You will receive a
registered version of "FaxMail for Windows". Your registered version
will not display reminder messages, and will have all the latest
updates, improvements and bonus features.
| Register: FaxMail for Windows, fax_v510.zip, 1-713-261-0307 |
| ElectraSoft, 3207 Carmel Valley Drive, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459-3068 |
|== Please Print ======================================================|
| |
| Date___/___/___ Country_________________ Wk Phone___________________ |
| |
| Name____________________________________ Hm Phone___________________ |
| |
| Address_________________________________ Fx Phone___________________ |
| _ |
| City________________________________ State_____ ZIP_________________ |
| Disk Size: __3.5-1.4MB __5.25-1.2MB __Other______________________ |
| Qty | Item Amount |
| | |
| | FaxMail for Windows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $25.00 $_____.__ |
|---| |
| | OCR, Optical Character Recognition, Fax-to-text $15.00 $_____.__ |
|---| |
| | Zoom/Edit Fax, Zoom in and edit a Fax - - - - - $15.00 $_____.__ |
|---| |
| | DCX to PCX Breakup, Convert Fax to .PCX file(s) $15.00 $_____.__ |
|---+----------------------- or ----------------------------- |
| | All of the above ($15.00 savings) - - - - - - - $55.00 $_____.__ |
| |
| Total Price of Merchandise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_____.__ |
| |
| Texas residents, please, add Sales Tax (8.25%) - - - - - $_____.__ |
| |
| Registration, Shipping, and handling - - - - - - - $4.00 $____4.00 |
| _Priority $5.00 extra - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $5.00 $_____.__ |
| Total (Pay this amount) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - US$_____.__ |
| _Cash _Check(US$ on a US Bank only) |
| |
| Card Number_________________________________________ Exp Date___/___ |
| |
| Print name as it appears on card____________________________________ |
| |
| Signature_____________________________________ Date Today___/___/___ |
| (or Name if sending FidoNet, Internet or FAXing with computer) |
|=Order Methods:=======================================================|
| Phone:Call ElectraSoft at 1-713-261-0307 |
| or fill out this form and Send it to... |
| ElectraSoft, 3207 Carmel Valley Dr, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459-3068 |
| BBS: 713-499-5939 FAX: 713-499-5939,11,11,11,11 (,11 is a router) |
| Internet: JonK@blkbox.com or Jon.Krahmer@f10000.n106.z1.fidonet.org |
| FidoNet: Jon Krahmer on 1:106/10000 |
| |
| Where did you find FaxMail?_________________________________________ |
| |
| Your Internet or E-Maill address?___________________________________ |
No warranty is provided to anyone who has not contributed for this
program. ElectraSoft specifically disclaims all other warranties,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to
defects in the disk or documentation, and the program license granted
herein. In no event shall ElectraSoft be liable for any loss of profit
or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special,
incidental, consequential, or other damages.