Although I tried very hard to get as many zones listed as possible, some countries and regions alter their clocks at certain times of the year, just like the UK does, and it is beyond the scope of this program as it stands to take into account all of them, even if I could get all the information.
Therefore "World Clock" is intended only as a guide to world times and is not "Gospel!".
I accept no responsibility whatsoever for inaccuracies contained in the data. (If you find any, please let me know so that I can put them right)
** "World Clock" no longer slows down other applications, it will happily run alongside, behind, or on top of any other application with no noticeable effect. (That I know of!)
** There is no longer any need to alter your time & date formats in Control Panel - ie US users can leave their time format as "11:59:59 AM" etc.
"World Clock" will always show the time in 24hr format.
** The "Set Clock" button has been moved to the "Set Zones" window to make way for the new "On Top" button. Clicking "On Top" forces "World Clock" to stay on top of all other windows. Click it again to turn the function off.
** A "Set Date" button has been added to the "Set Zones window to facilitate a handy way of setting the system date.
** Incorrect time zones corrected: USA Alaska (10) & USA Alaska (11) were not calculating, this has been fixed.
** "World Clock" now displays its proper Icon when minimised, it did not before.
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, or make international telephone calls, then you will appreciate the need for this little application as you often need to know the time in different parts of the world.
"World Clock" displays local time as well as two international times of your choice, all three of which can be very easily changed, with virtually instant readout. If two international times are not enough, multiple instances of "World Clock" can be started to provide as many as you like.
An easy method of setting the system clock and date is also provided, and the current date is displayed in the title bar.
There is also an alarm facility, which can run in the background if required.
The program remembers your settings when you exit, and re-displays them the next time you load it.
wrldclk.exe- the executable -can reside anywhere, preferably in a directory called "wrldclk"
readme.txt- this file -put in the same directory as wrldclk.exe
Once you have copied the files to the right places, choose "New" from the file menu in Program Manager, select "Program Item" and then find "wrldclk.exe" from the "browse" button. Click OK and the Icon will appear in the selected group. Double click the Icon to start "World Clock"
Alternatively, doubleclick the file "wrldclk.exe" in File Manager.
On startup for the first time, there will be no countries displayed, and there are several things you must do before "World Clock" will work properly:
1. Set the system clock to the correct time in your area. You have probably already done this, but if not: Click on "Set Zone" followed by "Set Time" and enter the correct time and click OK.
The clock is now set.
2. Tell "World Clock" what time zone you are in.
"World Clock" uses GMT as its' reference, and therefore must know the difference between your local time and GMT to perform its' calculations.
To do this still in "Set Zones", select option "Home", scroll down the list and select your area. Click OK.
Your local time is now set. When you exit the program the settings are remembered and you will not need to set them again.
3. Set the two time zones as required and click OK, these settings will also be remembered.
If you have any serious problems setting up "World Clock", you can eMail me at or phone (+44) 01963 351470 (7pm - 10pm GMT)
The controls are self explanatory, but here goes anyway:
"On Top" button. Clicking "On Top" forces "World Clock" to stay on top of all other windows. Click it again to turn the function off.
"Alarm Set" - Clicking this button causes "World Clock" to prompt you for an alarm time, simply type in the time that you want the alarm to go off, and click OK. (Alarm works in local time only)
"World Clock" will notify you when the set time is reached, even if it is running in the background, or minimised.
"Close" - Saves the settings that you have made and then closes the program.
"Set Zones" - Sets the displayed times to the required zones:
Select "Home" to set your time zone, click on a place in the list and the time on the clock will change immediately.
Similarly, select "Zone 1" or "Zone 2" to change the international displays.
When the selections are right, click OK to close the "Set Zones" window. (Doubleclicking on a selection will also change the setting and close the window)
Clicking "Cancel" closes the "Set Zones" window without making any changes.
When changing settings, it's a good idea to be able to see both windows at the same time, then you can flick through the list and see instantly the times around the world.
You are permitted to use this program at no charge for an evaluation period period of 30 days.
Feel free to distribute copies to your friends, but only in its original form, which must include the file "readme.txt".
If you find "World Clock" useful and want to continue using it after the 30 day trial period, then you must make a registration payment of ú6 ($10 US) plus ú2 ($3) p&p to Hard Drive Software.
The registration fee will licence one copy for use on one computer at any one time.
All registered users will receive:
1. A registered copy of the latest version of "World Clock". (Supplied on 3.5" disk, usually sent the same day). The registered copy will not display the registration message screens.
2. The next version as soon as it's ready, absolutely free.
Free help and advice by mail, eMail, Fax or phone.
Please register, continuing to use this program after 30 days is illegal and immoral, and I spent a lot of time compiling this lot so ú8 inc P&P is cheap!
Go on, do the decent thing and assure your place in heaven!
The Shareware version of "World Clock" has as many countries of the world listed as I have information on . When you register you will receive the latest updated version with as many countries listed as possible, and the various regions within those countries where applicable.
And the registered version doesn't have those damned nag screens....
Registration costs just ú6 Sterling ($10) plus ú2 ($3) p&p
Your registered version will be sent on 3.5" disk by first class post, usually the same day.
To order your registered copy of "World Clock", simply print the form below or use print form from the registration screen, fill in the details and send it with your cheque (UK only), postal order, or credit card details to: