MSG 0x06700400 "Application executed incorrectly. Use the correct icon or loader."
MSG 0x06700800 "The Scala device driver (scala.386) is not functional."
MSG 0x06700c00 "The Scala device driver (scala.386) is not installed. Switching is disabled."
MSG 0x06701000 "Please remove the line 'device=scala.386' from your system.ini file and restart Windows."
MSG 0x06701400 "Scala is waiting to regain control of the screen.\r\nPress ALT-Enter to toggle full-screen mode.\r\n$"
MSG 0x06701800 "Focus switching is currently disabled for this operating system.\r\nTo avoid screen problems, return to Scala only when in full-screen mode.\r\n\r\nCTRL-ESC: Switch to operating system\r\nRETURN: Return to Scala\r\n$"