The Painter 4.0.3 Update is a maintenance release that fixes a number of bugs related to printing, plug-ins and system stability. It does not add any new features. To update your software, simply launch the updater and select the copy of Painter to update.
P403_16.EXE --> 16-bit Windows 3.1.x updater
P403_32.EXE --> 32-bit Windows 95 updater
Painter 4.0.3 Update -> Macintosh updater
The updating application will replace your existing copy of Painter with version 4.0.3. This updater will only patch Painter version 4.0. To verify you have version 4.0 of Painter, launch Painter during the splash screen look to the right of the registered name. Painter displays the version number in black type.
If you have created a custom interface set you should return to the factory defaults before applying this patch. Select Edit:Preferences/Interface... and click the Use Defaults button.
Under Windows 3.1 and 95 you will have to re-enter your serial number after updating the application. Your serial number can be found on the inside of the Painter 4 CD jacket, or on the READ ME FIRST card that was included with the product or upgrade.
The Macintosh version will retain your original serial number.
This upgrade is for the U.S. version of Painter only - identified by version 4.0.0. International releases 4.0.1 and v4.0.2 include these fixes.
In Painter 4.0.3 you will need to enter the Nozzle Definition information when you load an Image Hose nozzle from disk. If you don't know the definition information, open the nozzle with the standard File/Open command and select File/Get Info to display the number of items and height and width of each item.
To avoid having to enter Nozzle Definition information each time a Nozzle is loaded, store your nozzles in libraries. To add the current nozzle to a library, select Nozzle/Add Nozzle To Library from the Brushes Palette. For detailed information on loading Image Hose nozzles, refer to the FAQ available in the support area of our web site.
If you have any questions or problems with the updating process, you may contact Technical Support at (408)688-8800 or visit our web page at
Summary of changes in 4.0.3.
- Fixed a number of printing bugs, including better Postscript
support under Windows.
- Fixed a Windows problem when saving to removable media.
Under Windows 95 Painter can not write to "Network Neighborhood" --
but it can write to a mapped drive.
- Fixed problem that caused the Clean command in the Edit
Menu to be enabled when it should not have been.
- Fixed a problem that would gray out the fourth plug-in
group in Effects menu.
- Fixed tesselation grout color problems. Now grout color is
set to paper color until changed in Make Mosaic dialog. Tesselation
grout color always matches mosaic grout color.
- Added a command key (Cmd + [) for Shape Attributes.
- Polygon region option for Image maps is now grayed out
if object is not a shape.
- Fixed a problem that caused Gif files to become corrupt when opened.
- Fixed crash related to Super Soften.
- Fixed rectangular shapes on rotated page.
- Fixed crash related to saving a RIFF after adding Drop Shadow.
- Removed electronic registration.
- Fixed the problem where the Text selection pop up was using
the wrong data.
- Opening a RIFF file now restores the saved path list visibility
status and displays the marching ants for the active paths.
- Fixed a crash when using the scissors tool on the first point of a shape.
- Fixed problems between EvenBetterBusError and
Metatools KPT 3.0 plug-ins.
- Fixed the Macintosh crash when feathering a Floater
converted from a Shape.
- Fixed the Windows crash when attempting to write