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/ Maximum 3D 3 / m3d-p3.iso / PROGRAM / FLEXSIGN.563 / SWAT.NFO < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-11-05  |  9KB  |  117 lines

  2.       oO$$$$$Oo       _,oO   Oo,_              oo         _oO$$$$$$$$$Oo_
  3.      '$$$$$$$$$'  _,oO$$$$   $$$$Oo,_      _,oO--Oo,_     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  4.      |$$$$$\$$$| $$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$$$ _,oO$$$$  $$$$Oo,_  $$$  $$$$ $$$ 
  5.       '$$$$$\$$' '$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$   $   $$$$  $  
  6.        '$$$$$\'   '$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$'  `$$$$$$$aa$$$$$$$'       $$$$     
  7.       oO\$$$$$\    '$$$$$$   $$$$$$'    `$$$$$$  $$$$$$'        $$$$     
  8.      |$$$\$$$$$'    '$$$$$/^\$$$$$'      `$$$$$  $$$$$'         $$$$     
  9.      '$$$$\$$$$$|    '$$$$O$O$$$$'        `$$$$  $$$$'          $$$$     
  10.       '$$$$$$$$$'     '$$$$$$$$$'          `$$$  $$$'          '$$$$'    
  11.         o$$$$$$O       $$$$$$$$$             $$  $$            $$$$$$    
  12.          Oo$$Oo         $$$$$$$               $  $            $$$$$$$$
  15.     $:;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[sPREADING^wAREZ^aROUND^tEAM]######%#%%%%%;%;;:;::$
  16.     $$                                                                    $$
  17.     $$::::;:;;%;%%%%%%#%#########[rELEASE^nFO]#########%#%%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  18.     $$                                                                    $$
  19.     $$         FlexiSign Plus 5.6v3 By Amiable Technologies Inc.          $$
  20.     $$                        For Windows95/Win32                         $$
  21.     $$                                                                    $$
  22.     $$::::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%###########################%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::::::::$$
  23.     $$  [CRACKER]  :  JBlaze                  [RELEASE DATE] : 11/06/97   $$
  24.     $$  [PACKAGER] :  JBlaze                  [# OF DISKS]   : 7          $$
  25.     $$  [SUPPLIER] :  tHE^sWAT^tEAM           [RATING]       : About That $$
  26.     $$:::;:;;%;%%%%%%#%#########[rELEASE^nOTES]#########%#%%%%%%;%;;:;::::$$
  27.     $$                                                                    $$
  28.     $$            Fully working version with no restrictions              $$
  29.     $$                                                                    $$
  30.     $$  Even though this $3500 program had a dongle, once again it has    $$
  31.     $$  been made redundent, nice try but the more checks you put in,     $$
  32.     $$  the easier it is to find.....                                     $$
  33.     $$                                                                    $$
  34.     $$:::;:;;%;%%%%%%#%#########[pROGRAM^iNFO]#########%#%%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  35.     $$                                                                    $$
  36.     $$  FlexiSIGN PLUS includes everything that FlexiSIGN does plus the   $$
  37.     $$  addition of many tools for adding design versatility.             $$
  38.     $$  This level includes good support of color scanners, import of     $$
  39.     $$  scanned images, and tools for managing a large shop such as job   $$
  40.     $$  estimating and job documentation.                                 $$                                                                    
  41.     $$                                                                    $$
  42.     $$:::;:;;%;%%%%%%#%#########[iNSTALLATION]#########%#%%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  43.     $$                                                                    $$
  44.     $$                                                                    $$
  45.     $$  Unzip, unrar and run the setup.exe                                $$
  46.     $$                                                                    $$
  47.     $$  First time you run the FlexiSign proggy, it will ask for a        $$
  48.     $$  serial number, name, and company. Fill in the name and company    $$
  49.     $$  you want it registered to and enter any old number then hit ok.   $$
  50.     $$  It will then ask you again, this time hit quit. Rerun the proggy  $$
  51.     $$  and it will be registered in your name and company and fully      $$
  52.     $$  working...................                                        $$
  53.     $$                                                                    $$
  54.     $:;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[sPREADING^wAREZ^aROUND^tEAM]######%#%%%%%;%;;:;::$
  55.     $$                                                                    $$
  56.     $$                         sWAR^hIGH^c0UNCIL                          $$
  57.     $$                    xXx Tslayer xXx PiZmAn xXx                      $$
  58.     $$                                                                    $$
  59.     $$                           sWAT^sENI0RS                             $$
  60.     $$ xXx K0S xXx DaHmEr xXx HiGhLaNdeR xXx WsS xXx Gross xXx SirEqu xXx $$
  61.     $$                                                                    $$
  62.     $$:::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[iNET^wAREZ^dIVIZI0N]#####%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  63.     $$                                                                    $$
  64.     $$                        internet^c00rdinat0rz                       $$
  65.     $$                      xXx DaHmEr xXx Gross xXx                      $$
  66.     $$                                      $$
  67.     $$:::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%#########[dA^sWAT^cREW]#########%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  68.     $$                                                                    $$
  69.     $$  xXx EaSt xXx WsS xXx TRuBS xXx MaXiMiZeR xXx TriG xXx Kurr xXx    $$
  70.     $$     xXx TwOFaCe xXx ZoBRa xXx Kerm xXx SoniCB00m xXx Xx2 xXx       $$
  71.     $$        xXx RockMan xXx ^Mort^ xXx MoonShade xXx DaFog xXx          $$
  72.     $$        xXx WaZza xXx AlakaZam xXx Diab|o xXx MisterX xXx           $$
  73.     $$          xXx Thug xXx KuJo xXx LoNGSHut xXx [KGB] xXx              $$
  74.     $$     xXx NL1 xXx SMaRtY xXx |WreX| xXx Norseman xXx Dr_Hack xXx     $$
  75.     $$    xXx SlanTer xXx Dipstik xXx Cyric_ xXx SirEqu xXx CheeZer xXx   $$
  76.     $$         xXx Comander xXx CreaTure- xXx JBlaze xXx MeKuN xXx        $$
  77.     $$                xXx Ice-T xXx NailBomb xXx Vertiman                 $$
  78.     $$                                      $$ 
  79.     $$:::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%########[mIZK^dIVISI0N]#########%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  80.     $$                            BoT^MasTeR                              $$
  81.     $$                         xXx AAradio1 xXx                           $$
  82.     $$                                      $$
  83.     $$                             FouNdErS                               $$
  84.     $$   HiGhLaNdeR xXx FraCtaLG xXx UndeRtaKeR xXx PoLeX xXx TaZMaiNiA   $$
  85.     $$                                                                    $$
  86.     $$::;:;;%;%%%%%#%#######[sWAT^fTP^hEADQUARTERZ]########%#%%%%%;%;;:;::$$
  87.     $$ │ name             sysg0d    address   max. us   c0untry   speed │ $$
  88.     $$ │ Nxxxxx'x         Nxx       xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   xxxx  │ $$
  89.     $$ │ Txx Bxxxx Fxxxx  Sxxxxx    xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   CaBle │ $$
  90.     $$ │ Dx Nxx Hxxxx     Sxxxxxx   xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   T3    │ $$
  91.     $$ │ Dxxxxxx Ixxx Pxx Dxxxxxx   xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   xxxx  │ $$
  92.     $$ │ Kxxxx            Cxxxx     xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   T3    │ $$
  93.     $$ │ Wxxxx Sxxxxx     Sxxxxx    xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   T3    │ $$
  94.     $$ │ DsM              Dx_Hxxx   xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   230k  │ $$
  95.     $$ │ Bxxx Hxxx        Dx_Hxxx   xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   DS-3  │ $$
  96.     $$ │ Axxxxxx          Nxxxxxxx  xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   DualT1│ $$
  97.     $$ │ Dxx              Cxxxxxx   xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   Oc3   │ $$
  98.     $$:::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%#########[gREETZ&pHUKZ]#########%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::::$$
  99.     $$                             [pERS0NAL]                             $$ 
  100.     $$                           xXx Laupie xXx                           $$
  101.     $$                              [gR0UP]                               $$
  102.     $$     xXx PaRaDiGM xXx MoRTaLiTy xXx NeMeSiS xXx FaTe xXx TRG xXx    $$
  103.     $$             xXx TeKnO RaGe xXx NvC xXx RisC xXx DoD xXx            $$
  104.     $$                  xXx EwC xXx Razor xXx Impact xXx                  $$
  105.     $$:::::;:;;%;%%%%%%%#%###########[iNF0]############%#%%%%%%%;%;;:;::::$$
  106.     $$                                                                    $$
  107.     $$  -SWAT web page at: http://www.COMING SOON                         $$
  108.     $$  -Get on #swat on effnet and apply if u got enough skills.         $$
  109.     $$  -If you work or deal with software contact us.                    $$
  110.     $$  -If you aint on the NFO..you aint in SWAT..you are prolly GONE!!  $$
  111.     $$  -We have restructured our Leadership..Tslayer & PiZmAn            $$
  112.     $$   are the New LEADERS A.K.A. High Council                          $$
  114.      AsCii By DaRkGoD and HiGhLaNdeR                     Nf0 by PiZmAn
  116.                          LasT UPDaTeD In 10\18\97