280 DDE channel not fully closed; awaiting response from the other application.
281 No more DDE channels are available.
282 Can't open DDE channel; |9 couldn't find the specified application and topic.
283 Can't open DDE channel; more than one application responded.
284 DDE channel is locked.
285 The other application won't perform the DDE method or operation you attempted.
286 Timeout while waiting for DDE response.
287 Operation terminated because Esc key was pressed before completion.
288 The other application is busy.
289 Data not provided when requested in DDE operation.
290 Data supplied in a DDE conversation is in the wrong format.
291 The other application quit.
292 DDE conversation closed or changed.
293 DDE method invoked with no channel open.
294 Invalid link format; can't create link to the other application.
295 Message queue filled; DDE message lost.
296 PasteLink already performed on this control.
297 Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic.
298 The DDE transaction failed. Check to ensure you have the correct version of DDEML.DLL.
2000 Not enough memory to start Cue Cards.
2001 Operation cancelled.
2002 Not Yet Implemented.
2003 | Not Yet Implemented.
2004 Out of memory.
2005 Not enough memory to start |9.
2006 Not a valid document name: '|'.
2007 You already have an open document named '|'; you must close it before you can save or rename another document under the same name.
2008 Document '|' is open; you must close it before deleting it.
2009 Document '|' is open; you must close it before renaming it.
2010 Document '|' is open; you must close it before cutting it.
2011 Not a valid password.
2012 This copy of |9 has expired. Please get a new copy from your Microsoft distributor.
2013 This copy of |9 hasn't been personalized properly. Please reinstall using the provided Setup program.
2420 Syntax error in number
2421 Syntax error in date
2422 Syntax error in string
2423 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.
2424 Unknown name
2425 Unknown function name
2426 Function isn't available in expressions
2427 Object has no value.\
2428 Invalid arguments used with domain function
2429 In operator without ()
2430 Between operator without And
2431 Syntax error (missing operator)
2432 Syntax error (comma)
2433 Syntax error
2434 Syntax error (missing operator)
2435 Extra )
2436 Missing ), ], or Item
2437 Invalid use of vertical bars
2438 Syntax error
2439 Wrong number of arguments used with function
2440 IIF function without ()
2442 Invalid use of parentheses
2443 Invalid use of Is operator
2445 Expression too complex
2446 Out of memory during calculation
2447 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.
2448 Can't set value.
2449 Syntax error
2450 Expression cannot be used with the LIKE predicate.
2451 Malformed GUID
2452 Ambiguous name
2453 Compile error
3000 Reserved error (|); there is no message for this error.
3001 Invalid argument.
3002 Couldn't start session.
3003 Couldn't start transaction; too many transactions already nested.
3004 **********
3005 '|' isn't a valid database name.
3006 Database '|' is exclusively locked.
3007 Can't open library database '|'.
3008 The table '|' is already opened exclusively by another user, or it is already open through the user interface and cannot be manipulated programmatically.
3009 You tried to lock table '|' while opening it, but the table can't be locked because it is currently in use. Wait a moment, and then try the operation again.
3010 Table '|' already exists.
3011 The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object '|'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
3012 Object '|' already exists.
3013 Couldn't rename installable ISAM file.
3014 Can't open any more tables.
3015 '|' isn't an index in this table. Look in the Indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names.
3016 Field won't fit in record.
3017 The size of a field is too long.
3018 Couldn't find field '|'.
3019 Operation invalid without a current index.
3020 Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit.
3021 No current record.
3022 The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.
3023 AddNew or Edit already used.
3024 Couldn't find file '|'.
3025 Can't open any more files.
3026 Not enough space on disk.
3027 Can't update. Database or object is read-only.
3028 Can't start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
3029 Not a valid account name or password.
3030 '|' isn't a valid account name.
3031 Not a valid password.
3032 Can't perform this operation.
3033 You don't have the necessary permissions to use the '|' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you.
3034 You tried to commit or roll back a transaction without first using BeginTrans.
3036 Database has reached maximum size.
3037 Can't open any more tables or queries.
3039 Couldn't create index; too many indexes already defined.
3040 Disk I/O error during read.
3041 Can't open a database created with a previous version of your application.
3042 Out of MS-DOS file handles.
3043 Disk or network error.
3044 '|' isn't a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
3045 Couldn't use '|'; file already in use.
3046 Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
3047 Record is too large.
3048 Can't open any more databases.
3049 Can't open database '|'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
3050 Couldn't lock file.
3051 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '|'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
3058 Index or primary key can't contain a Null value.
3059 Operation canceled by user.
3060 Wrong data type for parameter '|'.
3061 Too few parameters. Expected |.
3062 Duplicate output alias '|'.
3063 Duplicate output destination '|'.
3064 Can't open action query '|'.
3065 Can't execute a select query.
3066 Query must have at least one destination field.
3067 Query input must contain at least one table or query.
3068 Not a valid alias name.
3069 The action query '|' cannot be used as a row source.
3070 The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize '|' as a valid field name or expression.
3071 This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.
3072 |
3073 Operation must use an updatable query.
3074 Can't repeat table name '|' in FROM clause.
3075 |1 in query expression '|2'.
3076 | in criteria expression.
3077 | in expression.
3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query '|'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
3079 The specified field '|' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement.
3080 Joined table '|' not listed in FROM clause.
3081 Can't join more than one table with the same name (|).
3082 JOIN operation '|' refers to a field that isn't in one of the joined tables.
3083 Can't use internal report query.
3084 Can't insert data with action query.
3085 Undefined function '|' in expression.
3086 Couldn't delete from specified tables.
3087 Too many expressions in GROUP BY clause.
3088 Too many expressions in ORDER BY clause.
3089 Too many expressions in DISTINCT output.
3090 Resultant table not allowed to have more than one AutoNumber field.
3091 HAVING clause (|) without grouping or aggregation.
3092 Can't use HAVING clause in TRANSFORM statement.
3093 ORDER BY clause (|) conflicts with DISTINCT.
3094 ORDER BY clause (|) conflicts with GROUP BY clause.
3095 Can't have aggregate function in expression (|).
3096 Can't have aggregate function in WHERE clause (|).
3097 Can't have aggregate function in ORDER BY clause (|).
3098 Can't have aggregate function in GROUP BY clause (|).
3099 Can't have aggregate function in JOIN operation (|).
3100 Can't set field '|' in join key to Null.
3101 The Microsoft Jet database engine can't find a record in the table '|2' with key matching field(s) '|1'.
3102 Circular reference caused by '|'.
3103 Circular reference caused by alias '|' in query definition's SELECT list.
3104 Can't specify fixed column heading '|' in a crosstab query more than once.
3105 Missing destination field name in SELECT INTO statement (|).
3106 Missing destination field name in UPDATE statement (|).
3107 Record(s) can't be added; no insert permission on '|'.
3108 Record(s) can't be edited; no update permission on '|'.
3109 Record(s) can't be deleted; no delete permission on '|'.
3110 Couldn't read definitions; no read definitions permission for table or query '|'.
3111 Couldn't create; no modify design permission for table or query '|'.
3112 Record(s) can't be read; no read permission on '|'.
3113 Can't update '|'; field not updatable.
3114 Can't include Memo or OLE Object when you select unique values (|).
3115 Can't have Memo or OLE Object fields in aggregate argument (|).
3116 Can't have Memo or OLE Object fields in criteria (|) for aggregate function.
3117 Can't sort on Memo or OLE Object (|).
3118 Can't join on Memo or OLE Object (|).
3119 Can't group on Memo or OLE Object (|).
3120 Can't group on fields selected with '*' (|).
3121 Can't group on fields selected with '*'.
3122 You tried to execute a query that doesn't include the specified expression '|' as part of an aggregate function.
3123 Can't use '*' in crosstab query.
3124 Can't input from internal report query (|).
3125 The database engine can't find '|'. Make sure it is a valid parameter or alias name, that it doesn't include invalid characters or punctuation, and that the name isn't too long.
3126 Invalid bracketing of name '|'.
3127 The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: '|'. Make sure you've typed the name correctly, and try the operation again.
3128 Specify the table containing the records you want to delete.
3185 SELECT INTO on a remote database tried to produce too many fields.
3186 Couldn't save; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
3187 Couldn't read; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
3188 Couldn't update; currently locked by another session on this machine.
3189 Table '|1' is exclusively locked by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
3190 Too many fields defined.
3191 Can't define field more than once.
3192 Couldn't find output table '|'.
3193 (unknown)
3194 (unknown)
3195 (expression)
3196 The database '|' is already in use by another person or process. When the database is available, try the operation again.
3197 The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.
3198 Couldn't start session. Too many sessions already active.
3199 Couldn't find reference.
3200 The record cannot be deleted or changed because table '|' includes related records.
3201 You can't add or change a record because a related record is required in table '|'.
3202 Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
3203 Subqueries cannot be used in the expression (|).
3204 Database already exists.
3205 Too many crosstab column headers (|).
3206 Can't create a relationship between a field and itself.
3207 Operation not supported on a Paradox table with no primary key.
3208 Invalid Deleted setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.
3209 **********
3210 The connection string is too long.
3211 The database engine couldn't lock table '|' because it's already in use by another person or process.
3212 Couldn't lock table '|1'; currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
3213 Invalid Date setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.
3214 Invalid Mark setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.
3215 Too many Btrieve tasks.
3216 Parameter '|' specified where a table name is required.
3217 Parameter '|' specified where a database name is required.
3218 Couldn't update; currently locked.
3219 Invalid operation.
3220 Incorrect collating sequence.
3221 Invalid settings in the Btrieve key of the Windows Registry.
3222 Query can't contain a Database parameter.
3223 '|' is invalid because it's too long, or contains invalid characters.
3224 Can't read Btrieve data dictionary.
3225 Encountered a record locking deadlock while performing a Btrieve operation.
3226 Errors encountered while using the Btrieve DLL.
3227 Invalid Century setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.
3228 Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.
3229 Btrieve--can't change field.
3230 Out-of-date Paradox lock file.
3231 ODBC--field would be too long; data truncated.
3232 ODBC--couldn't create table.
3234 ODBC--remote query timeout expired.
3235 ODBC--data type not supported on server.
3238 ODBC--data out of range.
3239 Too many active users.
3240 Btrieve--missing Btrieve engine.
3241 Btrieve--out of resources.
3242 Invalid reference in SELECT statement.
3243 None of the import field names match fields in the appended table.
3244 Can't import password-protected spreadsheet.
3245 Couldn't parse field names from the first row of the import table.
3246 Operation not supported in transactions.
3247 ODBC--linked table definition has changed.
3248 Invalid NetworkAccess setting in the Windows Registry.
3249 Invalid PageTimeout setting in the Windows Registry.
3250 Couldn't build key.
3251 Operation is not supported for this type of object.
3252 Can't open a form whose underlying query contains a user-defined function that attempts to set or get the form's RecordsetClone property.
3254 ODBC--Can't lock all records.
3256 Index file not found.
3257 Syntax error in WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION declaration.
3258 The SQL statement couldn't be executed because it contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed first, create a separate query that performs the first join and then include that query in your SQL statement.
3259 Invalid field data type.
3260 Couldn't update; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
3261 Table '|' is exclusively locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
3262 Couldn't lock table
3263 Invalid Database object.
3264 No field defined--cannot append TableDef or Index.
3265 Item not found in this collection.
3266 Can't append a Field that is already a part of a Fields collection.
3267 Property can be set only when the Field is part of a Recordset object's Fields collection.
3268 Can't set this property once the object is part of a collection.
3269 Can't append an Index that is already a part of an Indexes collection.
3270 Property not found.
3271 Invalid property value.
3272 Object isn't a collection.
3273 Method not applicable for this object.
3274 External table isn't in the expected format.
3275 Unexpected error from external database driver (|).
3276 Invalid database object reference.
3277 Can't have more than 10 fields in an index.
3278 The Microsoft Jet database engine has not been initialized.
3279 The Microsoft Jet database engine has already been initialized.
3280 Can't delete a field that is part of an index or is needed by the system.
3281 Can't delete this index or table. It is either the current index or is used in a relationship.
3282 Operation not supported on a table that contains data.
3283 Primary key already exists.
3284 Index already exists.
3285 Invalid index definition.
3286 Format of memo file doesn't match specified external database format.
3287 Can't create index on the given field.
3288 Paradox index is not primary.
3289 Syntax error in CONSTRAINT clause.
3290 Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.
3291 Syntax error in CREATE INDEX statement.
3292 Syntax error in field definition.
3293 Syntax error in ALTER TABLE statement.
3294 Syntax error in DROP INDEX statement.
3295 Syntax error in DROP TABLE or DROP INDEX.
3296 Join expression not supported.
3297 Couldn't import table or query. No records found, or all records contain errors.
3298 There are several tables with that name. Please specify owner in the format 'owner.table'.
3299 ODBC Specification Conformance Error (|). Report this error to the developer of your application.
3300 Can't create a relationship.
3301 Can't perform this operation; features in this version are not available in databases with older formats.
3302 Can't change a rule while the rules for this table are in use.
3303 Can't delete this field. It's part of one or more relationships.
3304 You must enter a personal identifier (PID) consisting of at least 4 and no more than 20 characters and digits.
3305 Invalid connection string in pass-through query.
3306 You've written a subquery that can return more than one field without using the EXISTS reserved word in the main query's FROM clause. Revise the SELECT statement of the subquery to request only one field.
3307 The number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query don't match.
3308 Invalid TOP argument in select query.
3309 Property setting can't be larger than 2K.
3310 This property isn't supported for external data sources or for databases created with a previous version of Microsoft Jet.
3311 Property specified already exists.
3312 Validation rules and default values can't be placed on system or linked tables.
3313 Can't place this validation expression on this field.
3314 The field '|' can't contain a Null value because the Required property for this field is set to True. Enter a value in this field.
3315 Field '|' can't be a zero-length string.
3316 |
3317 One or more values are prohibited by the validation rule '|2' set for '|1'. Enter a value that the expression for this field can accept.
3318 Values specified in a TOP clause are not allowed in delete queries or reports.
3319 Syntax error in union query.
3320 | in table-level validation expression.
3321 No database specified in connection string or IN clause.
3322 Crosstab query contains one or more invalid fixed column headings.
3323 The query cannot be used as a row source.
3324 The query is a DDL query and cannot be used as a row source.
3325 Pass-through query with ReturnsRecords property set to True did not return any records.
3326 This Recordset is not updatable.
3327 Field '|' is based on an expression and can't be edited.
3328 Table '|2' is read-only.
3329 Record in table '|' was deleted by another user.
3330 Record in table '|' is locked by another user.
3331 To make changes to this field, first save the record.
3332 Can't enter value into blank field on 'one' side of outer join.
3333 Records in table '|' would have no record on the 'one' side.
3334 Can be present only in version 1.0 format.
3335 DeleteOnly called with non-zero cbData.
3336 Btrieve: Invalid IndexDDF option in initialization setting.
3337 Invalid DataCodePage option in initialization setting.
3338 Btrieve: Xtrieve options aren't correct in initialization setting.
3339 Btrieve: Invalid IndexDeleteRenumber option in initialization setting.
3340 Query '|' is corrupt.
3341 The current field must match the join key '|' in the table that serves as the 'one' side of one-to-many relationship. Enter a record in the 'one' side table with the desired key value, and then make the entry with the desired join key in the 'many-only' table.
3342 Invalid Memo or OLE Object in subquery '|'.
3343 Unrecognized database format '|'.
3344 The database engine does not recognize either the field '|1' in a validation expression, or the default value in the table '|2'.
3345 Unknown or invalid field reference '|'.
3346 Number of query values and destination fields aren't the same.
3347 Can't add record(s); primary key for table '|' not in recordset.
3348 Can't add record(s); join key of table '|' not in recordset.
3349 Numeric field overflow.
3350 Object is invalid for operation.
3351 The ORDER BY expression (|) includes fields that aren't selected by the query. Only those fields requested in the first query can be included in an ORDER BY expression.
3352 No destination field name in INSERT INTO statement (|).
3353 Btrieve: Can't find file Field.ddf.
3354 At most one record can be returned by this subquery.
3355 Syntax error in default value.
3356 You attempted to open a database that is already opened exclusively by user '|2' on machine '|1'. Try again when the database is available.
3357 This query is not a properly formed data-definition query.
3358 Can't open the Microsoft Jet engine workgroup information file.
3359 Pass-through query must contain at least one character.
3360 Query is too complex.
3361 Unions not allowed in a subquery.
3362 Single-row update/delete affected more than one row of a linked table. Unique index contains duplicate values.
3363 Record(s) can't be added; no corresponding record on the 'one' side.
3364 Can't use Memo or OLE Object field '|' in the SELECT clause of a union query.
3365 Property value not valid for REMOTE objects.
3366 Can't append a relation with no fields defined.
3367 Can't append. An object with that name already exists in the collection.
3368 Relationship must be on the same number of fields with the same data types.
3369 **********
3370 Can't modify the design of table '|'. It's in a read-only database.
3371 Can't find table or constraint.
3372 No such index '|2' on table '|1'.
3373 Can't create relationship. Referenced table '|' doesn't have a primary key.
3374 The specified fields are not uniquely indexed in table '|'.
3375 Table '|1' already has an index named '|2'.
3376 Table '|' doesn't exist.
3377 No such relationship '|2' on table '|1'.
3378 There is already a relationship named '|' in the current database.
3379 Can't create relationships to enforce referential integrity. Existing data in table '|2' violates referential integrity rules in table '|1'.
3380 Field '|2' already exists in table '|1'.
3381 There is no field named '|2' in table '|1'.
3382 Size of field '|' is too long.
3383 Can't delete field '|'. It's part of one or more relationships.
3384 Can't delete a built-in property.
3385 User-defined properties don't support a Null value.
3386 Property '|' must be set before using this method.
3387 Can't find TEMP directory.
3388 Unknown function '|2' in validation expression or default value on '|1'.
3389 Query support unavailable.
3390 Account name already exists.
3391 An error has occurred. Properties were not saved.
3392 **********
3393 Can't perform join, group, sort, or indexed restriction. A value being searched or sorted on is too long.
3394 Can't save property; property is a schema property.
3395 **********
3396 Can't perform cascading operation. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated.
3397 Can't perform cascading operation. There must be a related record in table '|'.
3398 Can't perform cascading operation. It would result in a null key in table '|'.
3399 Can't perform cascading operation. It would result in a duplicate key in table '|'.
3400 Can't perform cascading operation. It would result in two updates to field '|2' in table '|1'.
3401 Can't perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become Null, which is not allowed.
3402 Can't perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become a zero-length string, which is not allowed.
3403 Can't perform cascading operation: '|'.
3404 Can't perform cascading operation. The value entered is prohibited by the validation rule '|2' set for '|1'.
3405 Error '|' in validation rule.
3406 The expression you're trying to use for the DefaultValue property is invalid because '|'. Use a valid expression to set this property.
3407 The server's MSysConf table exists, but is in an incorrect format. Contact your system administrator.
3408 Too many FastFind Sessions were invoked.
3409 Invalid field definition '|' in definition of index or relationship.
3411 Invalid entry. Can't perform cascading operation in table '|1' because the value entered is too large for field '|2'.
3412 Can't perform cascading update on the table because it is currently in use by another user.
3413 Can't perform cascading operation on table '|1' because it is currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
3414 Can't perform cascading operation on table '|1' because it is currently in use.
3415 Zero-length string is valid only in a Text or Memo field.
3416 |
3417 An action query cannot be used as a row source.
3418 Can't open '|'. Another user has the table open using a different network control file or locking style.
3419 Can't open this Paradox 4.x or 5.x table because ParadoxNetStyle is set to 3.x in the Windows Registry.
3420 Object invalid or no longer set.
3421 Data type conversion error.
3422 Can't modify table structure. Another user has the table open.
3423 You cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database table to your database.
3424 Can't create database because the locale is invalid.
3425 This method or property is not currently available on this Recordset.
3426 This action was cancelled by an associated object.
3427 Error in DAO automation.
3428 A problem occurred in your database. Correct the problem by repairing and compacting the database.
3429 Incompatible version of an installable ISAM.
3430 While loading the Microsoft Excel installable ISAM, OLE was unable to initialize.
3431 This is not a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file.
3432 Error opening a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file.
3433 Invalid setting in Excel key of the Engines section of the Windows Registry.
3434 Can't expand named range.
3435 Cannot delete spreadsheet cells.
3436 Failure creating file.
3437 Spreadsheet is full.
3438 The data being exported does not match the format described in the Schema.ini file.
3439 You attempted to link or import a Microsoft Word mail merge file. Although you can export such files, you cannot link or import them.
3440 An attempt was made to import or link an empty text file. To import or link a text file, the file must contain data.
3441 Text file specification field separator matches decimal separator or text delimiter.
3442 In the text file specification '|1', the |2 option is invalid.
3443 The fixed width specification '|1' contains no column widths.
3444 In the fixed width specification '|1', column '|2' does not specify a width.
3445 Incorrect version of the DLL file '|' was found.
3446 Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32.dll for 32-bit versions) is missing. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.
3447 The Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32.dll for 32-bit versions) failed to initialize when called. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.
3448 A call to an OLE system function was not successful. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.
3449 No country code found in connection string for a linked table.
3450 Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause.
3451 Illegal reference in query
3452 You can't make changes to the design of the database at this replica.
3453 You can't establish or maintain an enforced relationship between a replicated table and a local table.
3455 Can't make the database replicable.
3456 Can't make the |2 object in |1 container replicable.
3457 You can't set the KeepLocal property for an object that is already replicated.
3458 The KeepLocal property cannot be set on a database; it can be set only on the objects in a database.
3459 After a database has been replicated, you cannot remove the replication features from the database.
3460 The operation you attempted conflicts with an existing operation involving this member of the replica set.
3461 The replication property you are attempting to set or delete is read-only and can't be changed.
3462 Failure to load a DLL.
3463 Can't find the .dll '|2'.
3464 Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
3465 The disk drive you are attempting to access is unreadable.
3468 Access was denied while accessing dropbox folder '|2'.
3469 The disk for dropbox folder '|2' is full.
3470 Disk failure accessing dropbox folder '|2'.
3471 Failure to write to the Synchronizer log file.
3472 Disk full for path '|1'.
3473 Disk failure while accessing log file '|1'.
3474 Can't open the log file '|1' for writing.
3475 Sharing violation while attempting to open log file '|1' in Deny Write mode.
3476 Invalid dropbox path '|2'.
3477 Dropbox address '|2' is syntactically invalid.
3478 The replica is not a partial replica.
3479 Can't designate a partial replica as the Design Master for the replica set.
3480 The relationship '|' in the partial filter expression is invalid.
3481 The table name '|' in the partial filter expression is invalid.
3482 The filter expression for the partial replica is invalid.
3483 The password supplied for the dropbox folder '|2' is invalid.
3484 The password used by the Synchronizer to write to a destination dropbox folder is invalid.
3485 The object can't be replicated because the database is not replicated.
3486 You can't add a second Replication ID AutoNumber field to a table.
3487 The database you are attempting to replicate can't be converted.
3488 The value specified is not a ReplicaID for any member in the replica set.
3489 The object specified can't be replicated because it is missing a necessary resource.
3490 Can't create a new replica because the '|2' object in '|1' container could not be replicated.
3491 The database must be opened in exclusive mode before it can be replicated.
3492 The synchronization failed because a design change could not be applied to one of the replicas.
3493 Can't set the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.
3494 Unable to retrieve the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.
3495 There are no scheduled synchronizations between the two Synchronizers.
3496 Replication Manager cannot find the ExchangeID in the MSysExchangeLog table.
3497 Unable to set a schedule for the Synchronizer.
3499 Can't retrieve the full path information for a member of the replica set.
3500 You cannot specify two different Synchronizers to manage the same replica.
3502 The Design Master or replica is not being managed by a Synchronizer.
3503 The Synchronizer's Registry has no value set for the key you queried.
3504 The Synchronizer ID does not match an existing ID in the MSysTranspAddress table.
3505 You attempted to delete or get information about a partial filter that does not exist in MSysFilters.
3506 The Synchronizer is unable to open the Synchronizer log.
3507 Failure writing to the Synchronizer log.
3508 There is no active transport for the Synchronizer.
3509 Could not find a valid transport for this Synchronizer.
3510 The member of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize is currently being used in another synchronization.
3512 Failed to read the dropbox folder.
3513 Failed to write to the dropbox folder.
3514 Synchronizer could not find any scheduled or on-demand synchronizations to process.
3515 The Microsoft Jet database engine could not read the system clock on your computer.
3516 Destination synchronizer is not configured to support indirect synchronronization, and the destination replica is unavailable for direct synchronization.
3517 Synchronizer could not find any messages to process.
3518 Could not find Synchronizer in the MSysTranspAddress table.
3519 Failed to send a message.
3520 The replica name or ID does not match a currently managed member of the replica set.
3521 Two members of the replica set cannot be synchronized because there is no common point to start the synchronization.
3522 Synchronizer cannot find the record of a specific synchronization in the MSysExchangeLog table.
3523 Synchronizer cannot find a specific version number in the MSysSchChange table.
3524 The history of design changes in the replica does not match the history in the Design Master.
3525 Synchronizer could not access the message database.
3526 The name selected for the system object is already in use.
3527 The Synchronizer or Replication Manager could not find the system object.
3528 There is no new data in shared memory for the Synchronizer or Replication Manager to read.
3529 The Synchronizer or Replication Manager found unread data in the shared memory. The existing data will be overwritten.
3530 The Synchronizer is already serving a client.
3531 The wait period for an event has timed out.
3532 Synchronizer could not be initialized.
3533 The system object used by a process still exists after the process has stopped.
3534 Synchronizer looked for a system event but did not find one to report to the client.
3535 Client has asked the Synchronizer to terminate operation.
3536 Synchronizer received an invalid message for a member of the replica set that it manages.
3537 The Synchronizer's client is no longer present and cannot be notified.
3538 Cannot initialize Synchronizer because there are too many applications running.
3539 A system error has occurred or your swap file has reached its limit.
3540 Your swap file has reached its limit or is corrupted.
3541 Synchronizer could not be shut down properly and is still active.
3542 Process stopped when attempting to terminate Synchronizer client.
3543 Synchronizer has not been set up.
3544 Synchronizer is already running.
3545 The two replicas you are attempting to synchronize are from different replica sets.
3546 The type of synchronization you are attempting is not valid.
3547 Synchronizer could not find a replica from the correct set to complete the synchronization.
3548 GUIDs do not match or the requested GUID could not be found.
3549 The file name you provided is too long.
3550 There is no index on the GUID column.
3551 Unable to delete the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.
3552 The size of the Registry parameter exceeds the maximum allowed.
3553 The GUID could not be created.
3555 All valid nicknames for replicas are already in use.
3556 Invalid path for destination dropbox folder.
3557 Invalid address for destination dropbox folder.
3558 Disk I/O error at destination dropbox folder.
3559 Failure to write because destination disk is full.
3560 The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize have the same ReplicaID.
3561 The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize are both Design Masters.
3562 Access denied at destination dropbox folder.
3563 Fatal error accessing a local dropbox folder.
3564 Synchronizer can't find the source file for messages.
3565 There is a sharing violation in the source dropbox folder because the message database is open in another application.
3566 Network I/O error.
3567 Message in dropbox folder belongs to the wrong Synchronizer.
3568 Synchronizer could not delete a file.
3569 This member of the replica set has been logically removed from the set and is no longer available.
3570 The filters defining a partial replica are out of synch with each other.
3571 The attempt to set a column in a partial replica violated a rule governing partial replicas.
3572 A disk I/O error occurred while reading or writing to the TEMP directory.
3573 The directory you queried for a list of replicas is not a managed directory.
3574 The ReplicaID for this member of the replica set was reassigned during a move or copy procedure.
3575 The disk drive you are attempting to write to is full.
3576 The database you are attempting to open is already in use by another application.
3577 Can't update replication system column.
3578 Failure to replicate database; can't determine whether the database is open in exclusive mode.
3579 Could not create replication system tables needed to make the database replicable.
3580 Could not add rows needed to make the database replicable.
3581 Can't open replication system table '|' because the table is already in use.
3582 Cannot make a new replica because the |2 object in |1 container could not be made replicable.
3583 Cannot make the |2 object in |1 container replicable.
3584 Insufficient memory to complete operation.
3585 Can't replicate the table; the number of columns exceeds the maximum allowed.
3586 Syntax error in partial filter expression on table |1.
3587 Invalid expression in the ReplicaFilter property.
3588 Error when evaluating the partial filter expression.
3589 The partial filter expression contains an unknown function.
3590 Violates the rules for partial replicas.
3591 Log file path '|1' is invalid.
3592 You can't replicate a password-protected database or set password protection on a replicated database.
3593 You can't change the data master attribute for the replica set.
3594 You can't change the data master attribute for the replica set. It allows data changes only at the Design Master.
3595 The system tables in your replica are no longer reliable and the replica should not be used.
3600 Aggregation expressions cannot use GUIDs.
3605 Synchronizing with a non-replicated database is not allowed. The '|' database is not a Design Master or replica.
3607 The replication property you are attempting to delete is read-only and cannot be removed.
3608 Record length is too long for an indexed Paradox table.
3609 No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table.
3610 Same table '|' referenced as both the source and destination in make-table query.
3611 Can't execute data definition statements on linked data sources.
3612 Multi-level GROUP BY clause is not allowed in a subquery.
3613 Can't create a relationship on linked ODBC tables.
3614 GUID not allowed in Find method criteria expression.
3615 Type mismatch in JOIN expression.
3616 Updating data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.
3617 Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.
3618 Exceptions table could not be created on import/export.
3619 Records could not be added to exceptions table.
3620 The connection for viewing your linked Microsoft Excel worksheet was lost.
3621 Can't change password on a shared open database.
3622 You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column.
3623 Cannot access the FoxPro 3.0 bound DBF file '|'.
3624 Couldn't read the record; currently locked by another user.
3625 The text file specification '|' does not exist. You can't import, export, or link using the specification.
3626 The operation failed. There are too many indexes on table '|'. Delete some of the indexes on the table and try the operation again.
3627 Cannot find the executable file for the Synchronizer (mstran35.exe).
3628 Partner replica is not managed by a Synchronizer.
3629 Synchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.
3630 Synchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.
3631 Invalid Table Name In Filter
3632 Internet Transport not enabled on the remote Synchronizer.
3633 Can't load DLL: '|'
3634 Cannot create a replica using a partial replica.
3635 Cannot create partial replica of a system database.
3636 Cannot populate the replica or change the replica's filter because the replica has conflicts or data errors.
3637 Cannot use the crosstab of a non-fixed column as a subquery.
3638 A Source Controlled database cannot be made replicable.
3639 Cannot create a replica of a System database.
3640 The fetch buffer was too small for the amount of data you requested.
3641 There are fewer records remaining in the recordset than you requested.
3642 A cancel was performed on the operation.
3643 One of the records in the recordset was deleted by another process.
3645 One of the binding parameters is incorrect.
3646 The specified row length is shorter than the sum of the column lengths.
3647 A column requested is not being returned to the recordset.
3648 Cannot synchronize a partial replica with another partial replica.
3649 The language-specific code page was not specified or could not be found.
3650 Either the Internet is very slow OR there is some problem in the replication manager setup on the internet server machine.
3651 Invalid internet address.
3652 Internet login failure.
3653 Internet not set up.
3654 Internal internet failure.
3655 The wininet.dll can't be loaded or initialized.
3656 Error in evaluating a partial expression
3657 Error in evaluating the boolean filter expression for table '|1'.
3658 Binary column '|' cannot be used in a boolean filter.
3659 Relationship '|1' is unenforced. Relationship in a partial filter expression must be enforced.
3660 Requested exchange failed because '|1'
3661 Requested exchange failed because '|1'
3663 This operation requires a different cursor library.
3664 An asynchronous OpenConnection call is not yet complete, and you cannot yet reference the returned Connection object until it is complete.
3665 You cannot modify the replication system object '|'
3666 You cannot modify the replication system object '|'
3667 A different operation is preventing this operation from being executed.
3668 Can not perform this operation because there is no active connection.
3669 Execution cancelled.
3670 Cursor is not valid.
3671 Can not find table to update.
3672 Failed to load RDOCURS.DLL.
3673 This table contains cells that are outside of the range of cells defined in this spreadsheet.
3674 Internet dll (wininet.dll) could not be found or loaded.
3675 Failure to read from an internet handle. Try the operation again.
3676 Failure to read from an internet handle. Try the operation again.
3677 Failure to execute the HTTP request to start the internet synchronizer on the internet server. Use Replication Manager to configure internet synchronizer on the internet server.
3678 Failure to connect to the FTP service on the internet server. Make sure that FTP service is running properly on the server and supports anonymous connections.
3679 Failure to do open file using FTP service. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.
3680 Failure in getting a file from the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.
3681 Failure in putting a file to the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has write permissions.
3682 Failure to delete a file on the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read and write permissions.
3683 Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the exchange history in the partner replica on the internet server to figure out the problem.
3684 There is no suitable replica to exchange with.
3685 Invalid HTTP address.
3686 Invalid replica path or name.
6000 ****** SYNCHRONIZER LOG FILE V3.0 **********
6001 Start session
6002 Close session
6003 Closing replica set member
6004 Opening replica set member
6005 Load synchronizer
6006 Start synchronizer
6007 Unloading synchronizer
6008 Closing synchronizer
6009 Read message
6010 Write message
6011 Send message error
6012 Process message error
6013 Sending message
6014 Synchronizer error
6015 Database access error
6016 Synchronizing local members of all replica sets
6017 Synchronizing replica set members
6018 Refreshing the list of managed replica set members
6019 Initiate exchange
6020 Start exchange
6021 Close exchange
6022 Direct exchange
6023 Managed directory
6024 Managed replicas
6025 Cancel exchange
6026 Disable/enable replica set member
6027 Problem accessing replica set member
6028 Clear problem accessing replica set member
6029 Detected multiple Design Masters
6030 Replica set member past expiration date
6031 This other synchronizer is also managing this replica
6032 Deleting old information from managed replica set members
6033 Deleting old information from managed replica set member
6034 Reviving disabled replica set member
6035 Trying Transport for exchange
6036 Log Type =
6037 Time =
6038 Synchronizer =
6039 Replica =
6040 Synchronizer Type =
6041 Synchronizer Address =
6042 Message Type =
6043 Sender ReplicaID =
6044 Destination ReplicaID =
6045 Result =
6046 Error =
6047 Reason =
6048 DLL Path =
6049 Dropbox =
6050 Destination Synchronizer =
6051 Sender Synchronizer =
6052 Synchronizer ID =
6053 Gateway Replica Set Member =
6054 ReplicaID =
6055 Partner Replica Set Member =
6056 Requested By User =
6057 Exchange Type =
6058 Exchange ID =
6059 Directory =
6060 ReplicaID Affected =
6061 Disable Flag =
6062 ReplicaID Too Old =
6063 Basis =
6064 Version =
6065 Guid =
6066 Scheduled =
6067 Local Synch =
6068 Initiated Locally =
6069 Success
6070 Failure
6071 Yes
6072 No
6073 UNKNOWN ERROR (%ld)
6074 Failure During Disk I/O
6075 Read verification failure
6076 Disk is full
6077 Database is corrupt
6078 Disk is not ready
6079 Database has reached maximum size
6080 File can't be locked
6081 Can't put write lock
6082 Can't put commit lock
6083 Can't put read lock
6084 Using maximum sharing buffers
6085 Out of memory
6086 Out of temporary disk space
6087 No suitable replica set member to exchange with
6088 Error accessing message database
6089 No suitable synchronizer address
6090 Error in getting system clock
6091 No synchronizer
6092 Failure to load synchronizer DLL
6093 Synchronizer not found
6094 Out of synchronization
6095 Mismatch design history between two members in the replica set
6096 Remote replica set member has been removed
6097 Invalid message
6098 Replica set member is already in use by another replication function
6099 Database is exclusively locked by another application
6100 File access denied
6101 Synchronizer write failure
6102 Synchronizer send failure
6103 Replication synchronization error has occurred. Look at the synchronization history of the partner replica
6104 Error accessing temp disk
6106 Invalid destination path
6107 Invalid destination address
6108 Disk I/O error at destination
6109 Destination disk is full
6110 Can't access destination
6111 Invalid address
6112 Invalid path
6113 The destination dropbox password is invalid
6114 The dropbox password is invalid
6115 Design changes could not be made
6116 Replicas belong to different replica sets
6117 Both replica set members have the same ReplicaID
6118 Both replica set members are Design Masters
6119 Both replica set members are Partials
6120 Design changes could not be made at the remote member in the replica set
6121 Replica set member is not managed
6122 There are one or more pending exchanges to the same destination replica
6123 This member in the replica set has expired
6124 Remote member in the replica set has expired
6125 An error occurred while using this member in the replica set
6126 An error occurred while using the partner member in the replica set
6127 Partner member in the replica set is not being managed
6128 Cannot find Synchronizer Exe on the path
6129 A user table is opened exclusively. Couldn't apply changes.
6130 A user table is opened exclusively at partner member in the replica set; couldn't apply changes at partner member
6131 Message file has bad format or is corrupted
6132 Data
6133 Design
6134 Some problem in synchronizer setup
6135 Partner replica is exclusively locked; couldn't apply changes
6137 Create table
6138 Delete table
6139 Rename table
6140 Add column
6141 Set column information
6142 Delete column
6143 Rename column
6144 Create index
6145 Set index information
6146 Delete index
6147 Rename index
6148 Set property
6149 Create query
6150 Create object
6151 Delete object
6152 Rename object
6153 Set object column
6154 Set owner
6155 Set access
6156 Create relationship
6157 Delete relationship
6158 Create reference
6159 Delete reference
6160 Rename reference
6161 Open Lock bytes
6162 Change query
6163 Delete
6164 Insert
6165 Update
6166 The operation was canceled by the user
6167 This operation is blocked by another replication function
6168 More than one synchronizer is managing the replica
6169 Synchronizer
6170 The filters of the partial replica have been changed.
6171 Either Internet is too slow or there is some problem on the server
6172 Unknown Synchronizer
6173 Internet dll (wininet.dll) could not be found or loaded.
6174 Failure to read from an internet handle. Try the operation again.
6175 Failure to write to an internet handle. Try the operation again.
6176 Failure to execute the HTTP request to start the internet synchronizer on the internet server. Use Replication Manager to configure internet synchronizer on the internet server.
6177 Failure to connect to the FTP service on the internet server. Make sure that FTP service is running properly on the server and supports anonymous connections.
6178 Failure to do open file using FTP service. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.
6179 Failure in getting a file from the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.
6180 Failure in putting a file to the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has write permissions.
6181 Failure to delete a file on the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read and write permissions.
6182 Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the exchange history in the partner replica on the internet server to figure out the problem.
6183 Previous scheduled File System exchange to the same destination synchronizer is still in progress. Make sure that the remote synchronizer is working properly.
9000 Invalid procedure call
9001 Overflow
9002 Out of memory
9003 Subscript out of range
9004 Duplicate definition
9005 Division by zero
9006 Type mismatch
9007 Out of string space
9008 Too many DLL application clients
9009 Error in loading DLL
9010 Internal error
9011 Bad filename or number
9012 Invalid pattern string
9013 Invalid use of Null
9014 Class doesn't support OLE Automation
9015 Object doesn't support this property or method
9016 Internal OLE Automation error
9017 Object doesn't support this action
9018 Object doesn't support named arguments
9019 Object doesn't support current locale setting
9020 Named argument not found
9021 Argument not optional
9022 Wrong number of arguments
9023 Object not a collection
9024 Unknown
9025 Argument count mismatch
9026 Ambiguous name
9027 Compile error
10000 Consolidate_Area
10001 Auto_Open
10002 Auto_Close
10003 Extract
10004 Database
10005 Criteria
10006 Print_Area
10007 Print_Titles
10008 Recorder
10009 Data_Form
10010 Auto_Activate
10011 Auto_Deactivate
10012 Sheet_Title
10013 #NULL!
10014 #DIV/0!
10015 #VALUE!
10016 REF!
10017 #NAME?
10018 #NUM!
10019 #N/A
10020 TRUE
10021 FALSE
10022 Jan
10023 Feb
10024 Mar
10025 Apr
10026 May
10027 Jun
10028 Jul
10029 Aug
10030 Sep
10031 Oct
10032 Nov
10033 Dec
10034 January
10035 February
10036 March
10037 April
10038 May
10039 June
10040 July
10041 August
10042 September
10043 October
10044 November
10045 December
10046 Sunday
10047 Monday
10048 Tuesday
10049 Wednesday
10050 Thursday
10051 Friday
10052 Saturday
10053 Sun
10054 Mon
10055 Tue
10056 Wed
10057 Ths
10058 Fri
10059 Sat
10060 ImportErrors
10061 ExportErrors
10062 Error
10063 Field
10064 Row
10065 Unparsable Record
10066 Type Conversion Failure
10067 Row Truncation
10068 Field Truncation
10069 Date Out Of Range
10070 Rows dropped due to worksheet row limit
10071 Validation rule violation
10072 Null value in an auto-number field
10076 Import data from the external file into the current database. Changing data in the current database will not change data in the external file.
10077 Create a table in the current database that is linked to the external file. Changing data in the current database will change data in the external file.
10078 Export data from the current database into a Paradox 3 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10079 Export data from the current database into a Paradox 4 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10080 Export data from the current database into a Paradox 5 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10081 Export data from the current database into a dBase III file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10082 Export data from the current database into a dBase IV file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10083 Export data from the current database into a dBase 5 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10084 Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 2.0 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10085 Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 2.5 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10086 Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 2.6 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10087 Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 3.0 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10088 Export data from the current database into a Btrieve database.
10089 Export data from the current database into a text file. This process will overwrite data if exported to an existing file.
10090 Create a table in the current database that is linked to the external file. Changing data in the current database will change data in the external file. Only one user at a time can change data in the file.
10091 Export data from the current database into an Excel 3 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10092 Export data from the current database into an Excel 4 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.
10093 Export data from the current database into an Excel 5 file.
10094 Export data from the current database into an Excel 97 file.
10095 Export data from the current database into a Lotus 1-2-3 version 2 file. This process will overwrite data if exported to an existing file.
10096 Export data from the current database into a Lotus 1-2-3 version 3 file.
10097 Export data from the current database into a Lotus 1-2-3 version 4 file.
10098 R
10099 C
10100 dBASE Index (*.ndx)
10101 dBASE Index (*.ndx;*.mdx)
10102 FoxPro Index (*.idx;*.cdx)
10103 Text Files (*.txt;*.csv;*.tab;*.asc)
10104 MS Sans Serif
10105 Importance
10106 Message Class
10107 Priority
10108 Sensitivity
10109 Subject
10110 From
10111 Message To Me
10112 Message CC to Me
10113 Sender Name
10114 CC
10115 To
10116 Received
10117 Message Flags
10118 Message Size
10119 Message Status
10120 Body
10121 Creation Time
10122 Last Modification Time
10123 Subject Prefix
10124 Parent EntryId
10125 Has Attachments
10126 Normalized Subject
10127 Access
10128 Row Type
10129 Instance Key
10130 Mapping Signature
10131 Record Key
10132 Store Record Key
10133 Store EntryId
10134 Object Type
10135 EntryId
10136 Depth
10137 Store Support Mask
10138 Content Unread
10139 Display name
10140 E-mail type
10141 E-mail address
10142 Notes
10143 Search Key
10144 Display Type
10145 Template Id
10146 Alias
10147 First
10148 Phone
10149 Home Phone
10150 Initials
10151 Common Name
10152 Last
10153 Company
10154 Title
10155 Department
10156 Office
10157 Business2 Phone
10158 Mobile Phone
10159 Transmit Name
10160 Pager Phone
10161 User Certificate
10162 Fax Number
10163 Country
10164 City
10165 State
10166 Address
10167 Zip code
10168 Post Office Box
10169 Telex Number
10170 Assistant Phone Number
10171 Home2 Phone
10172 Assistant
10173 Send Rich Text
10174 Primary Capability
10175 Primary
10176 Row ID
10177 PR_67F20003
10178 PR_67F30003
10179 PR_D101000B
10180 PR_E300001E
10181 PR_E3011003
10182 Attachments
10183 HTML Documents (*.html;*.htm)
11000 Microsoft Access
11001 MSAccess
11002 Microsoft Access Version
11003 Copyright ゥ 1989-1993 Microsoft Corporation
11005 MSAccess.exe
11006 US
11007 Licensed to:
11008 Version
11009 Copyright ゥ 1989-1993
11010 Microsoft Corporation
11011 This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in the About Box.
11012 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
11013 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it,
11014 may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.