@00019E17:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@00019E23:0006 local_string1 = "The redirection failed because either the scheme changed (for example, HTTP to FTP) or all attempts made to redirect failed (default is five attempts).";
@0001A00F:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001A01B:0006 local_string1 = "The length of an option supplied to InternetQueryOption or InternetSetOption is incorrect for the type of option specified.";
@0001A476:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001A482:0006 local_string1 = "An extended error was returned from the server. This is typically a string or buffer containing a verbose error message. Call InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve the error text.";
@0001A9D4:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001A9E0:0006 local_string1 = "The request to connect and log on to an FTP server could not be completed because the supplied password is incorrect.";
@0001AA79:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001AA85:0006 local_string1 = "The request to connect and log on to an FTP server could not be completed because the supplied user name is incorrect.";
@0001B24E:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001B25A:0006 local_string1 = "Initialization of the Win32 Internet API has not occurred. Indicates that a higher-level function, such as InternetOpen, has not been called yet.";
@0001B366:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001B372:0006 local_string1 = "The operation was canceled, usually because the handle on which the request was operating was closed before the operation completed.";
@0001B7CF:0004 if(local_number2) then // ref index: 1
@0001B7DB:0006 local_string1 = "SSL certificate common name (host name field) is incorrectùfor example, if you entered www.server.com and the common name on the certificate says www.different.com.";