1,000 Games
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The original great game! (As I modified it when converting it from
Honeywell FORTRAN 77 to MS DOS PDS FORTRAN v5.10).
Executable game files on ADVENT.ZIP
ADVENTUR.EXE - Adventure Program
AD.DAT - Adventure Database -- must be with program file
README.ADV - This file.
FILE_ID.DIZ - BBS Directory Description File.
Now, if you want to take all of the fun and all of the challenge out of the
game, here's everything you need to modify, figure out, and maintain Adventure.
Of course, you need MS DOS PDS FORTRAN v5.10 or greater.
Source code on ADVSRC.ZIP
ADVENTUR.FOR - Adventure Program Source Code in MS DOS FORTRAN 77
ADVEDAT.ASC - ASCII Input for Database Construction
DB.FOR - Database Construction Program source, reads ADVEDAT.ASC
DB.EXE - Database Construction Program.
ADVEMAP.FOR - How to print a cave cheat chart Source Code
ADVEMAP.EXE - Cave cheat chart program.
ADARR.FOR - Dump AD.DAT in Array Format Source Code
ADARR.EXE - Dump AD.DAT program.
AD2DUMP.FOR - Dumps Arrays from ADVENTUR.SV File Source Code
AD2DUMP.EXE - Dump Arrays from .SV program.
ADV.BAT - Batch file to compile, link, and execute.
README.ADV - This file.
FILE_ID.DIZ - BBS Directory Description File.
Have a good time with this!
If you have questions, I'll give it a shot, but you can thank the legendary
Willie Crowthers for making this one of the oldest and best computer games,
and one of the most widely ported in the industry!
║ Adventure, the Original Colossal Cave! ║
║ Ported to MS DOS by: ║
║ FunStuff Software, makers of Personal Calendar(tm). ║
║ Member, Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) ║
║ Paul Muñoz-Colman │ CONTACT INFORMATION: ║
║ FunStuff Software │ Voice 703-435-1110 ║
║ 11645 Charter Oak Court │ 703-693-5227 ║
║ Suite 201 │ FAX 703-435-3130 ║
║ Reston, VA 22090-4526 USA │ CompuServe 71141,1224 ║