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Instructions for "The Dungeon Game."
Published by Computer Generated Dreams
Written by Justin Love
type "dg4p" at DOS prompt to run program.
"The Dungeon Game" is an action oriented, dungeon theme, game
for one to four players. Yes, the graphics, sound, and such are
simplistic at best, but after hours of testing I'm not sick of it
yet, so it must be at least some fun. There is no real plot the
game, but the background goes something like this. A long time
ago, a pyramid-shaped dungeon was found underground. Many
legendary heros of the time tried to conquer the dungeons, but as
fewer and fewer returned, even the strong ones began to fear the
dungeons. Now only the poor, who have nothing to lose and
everything to gain from the treasures within, dare enter the
dungeons. Over time a town has sprung up to support the
This is a quick, one-player, guide to your first game.
After viewing the logo and opening screen, press any key. Now
press 'c' to create a new character data file, and you will go to
the main menu. The default keys appear later in these instructions,
and you should use those until you get an idea of what each key
does. For now, just press '1' to go to the game menu, and then
press '1' to add a new character to the list. Instead of trying to
explain this in general terms, I'm going to use an example
character, just follow this example until you get the hang of
You will now be prompted for a name, type "Bobby the Brave"
and press [Enter]. Now you will be prompted for the sex of your
character, I'll leave this one up to you. You will now see a
screen with a large number of classes and the attributes associated
with them. You can look over the attributes, keeping in mind that
low is good, but choose the "Gnome" class so we're all talking
about the same thing later.
Now you should be at the character modification screen. There
is a list of attributes and a short definition for each. Below
that is how much experience you have (you begin with 2000, as you
can see) followed by another list of attributes, the experience
cost for each, and your current values, which should all be 0. You
will also see a '<' pointer at strength. Press the spacebar once,
and 50 experience will be subtracted from you total, and your
strength will become one. Press the spacebar four more times to
get a total experience of five. Now fill out the rest of the
attributes so they look like this:
Strength 5
Magic 1
Stamina 5
Guard 3
Perception 2
Luck 1
Dexterity 2
Charisma 0
Morality 0
You should now have 1000 experience left. Sure, you could get a
lot more attributes, but a level up will do you a lot of good. You
may have noticed that this character class starts with 15 HP's (hit
points), and 15 MP's (magic points). These are the maximum amount
of these you can have until you affect these values. choosing the
"Level Up" item will improve these values by a random amount based
on your attributes (I ended up with 23 HP / 17 MP on my example
character). Now that all of you experience is gone, choose the
"Done" option to leave.
When you return to the game menu you should now see your
characters name in the list at the top. Choose option '3' to see
how your level up turned out, and see other information about your
character. Feel free to look at the other options, but when your
done, choose '7', "Start Game". You will now be asked how deep you
want to go. Press '1' for level 1, the easiest. Now the elevator
operator will ask you who will go down first. You only have one
character, so press '0' to use it.
You are now in the game proper. If the sound effects bother
you or you need to adjust the speed for your machine, press ESC and
refer to "PAUSE FUNCTIONS", under "PLAYING THE GAME" for complete
instructions. The screen should be black except for the upper left
quadrant. This section is also divided into two windows, one for
status and one for viewing the action. I don't want to take the
time to describe everything in the status window, and most of it
should be fairly obvious. It may take a little imagination to see
anything in the action window. Your character is the '0' flashing
with an arrow. The number is your character number, and the arrow
indicates the direction you are facing.
Now try moving around with just the basic directions until you
are comfortable with them, but the square to your immediate left is
the elevator, so don't walk into it unless you want to leave.
After you get used to these, press your right hand key, 'w' for the
default keys. You should see a brown half square, which represents
you hand. If there was an item on the square you punched, you
would have also picked it up. The left hand key is currently
assigned to "Air Shall Erupt", a basic magic spell which Bobby
can't use yet.
Once your comfortable with random punching, press 'e', the
menu key, to change the status window to your inventory, and
transfer your control to that window. The left and right direction
keys won't do anything here until you get at least two columns of
items. The up and down keys move up and down through the list of
items. Press the down key until you reach the search item, and
press 'w' to assign it to your right hand. now press 'e' to return
to the game. Press 'w' a few times to search the room. You may
not find anything, either because there is nothing secret in the
room or because your perception is still fairly low. Now return to
your inventory ('e') and assign the torch to your right hand ('w')
and the tinder box to your left hand ('q'), and press the inventory
key again.
Notice that you may now use your right hand to swing the torch
like a club (don't use the tinder box just yet). Now look around
at he walls (the darker patterns around the edge). If one of the
walls is a brown or yellow color, or one of the walls has something
in the center of it, you have found a door. If you don't see any
doors, either go and walk into the center of the walls, hit the
same spots with your torch, or search again until you find
something (don't forget to change back to the torch when your
done). Walk over to a door (choose one that is brown or yellow in
color if you can, these tend to be easier to open, and avoid doors
with an 'î' locked symbol for now), and walk into it or hit it with
your torch until it opens. Now press the left hand key to light
the torch, and step through the door.
There should be a few monsters in this room, when there is one
next to you, face it and press the right hand key to hit it with
your torch, until it is dead. Once all the nearby monsters are
gone, look for the room torch in the center of the room (a brown
square with a black square in the center). Go over to the room
torch, face it and press the left hand key to light it with the
tinder box. The inner square of the room torch should now be
flashing, indicating that it is lit. This room will now be lit
until you leave the dungeon. Will all this free light, you might
want to conserve your torch, go into your inventory and choose
something other than the torch for your right hand to put it out,
and then reselect the torch if you still have some monster bashing
to do in this room. If not, select search and search the room
Now look for any chests (lightgray '╫'s over brown, or green
if moss is growing on it). Walk over to a chest, if there is one,
and walk into it (unless it is green), or hit it with a weapon to
open it. Next, pick up any objects on the floor with "Punch/Get" -
yellow '$'s (money), flashing ''s (adds a few MP's), and black
'■'s (an item). If you picked up any items that are too heavy for
you, go into the inventory and put the pointer on the offending
item. Now press the drop/change casting key, 's' and the pointer
will change to a 'D', and press it again to drop that item. That
should cover the basics, play at least a few more rooms with Bobby
until you get the basic idea, and then create your own character,
preferably after reading all of these instructions.
After viewing the logo and the opening screen, you will find
yourself in the main menu. If this is your first time playing,
you will be notified that the computer could not find a character
data file. Press 'c' to create a new file. (If your ever want to
scrap all of your characters, you can just delete charstat.dat and
create a new file in this manner. Keep in mind the keys and
password defaults will be saved in this file also.)
Press '1' to enter the game menu, explained below.
The game's data file is automatically loaded when you start
the program and you will be asked if you want to save when you
quit. However, you may wish to save your progress, just in case.
This loads the previous data file, if you lost some ground
since then.
If all the characters are automatically saved all the time,
why would you need to save just 1? Well, if you spent weeks
building up a god character, and so has your friend on his copy,
you can't venture into the dungeon together because you characters
are saved in seperate files. Use this option to save your super
character on a disk and take it to your friends house.
When you select it, you will be promted for the number of the
character you want to save, and given a list of the available
numbers. Choose the number you want and you will be shown that
characters name so you are sure that is the one you want. Next you
will be asked for a save slot. Since you may want to move more
than one character, up to 8 may be saved, in files char0.dat-
char7.dat. The numbers are arbitary and you may choose whichever
one you want, just choose the same number when you load.
This Process is similar to above. You will first be prompted
to enter the number of an empty character slot, and you will be
shown a list of available slots. Then you will be asked for the
save file number that was used to save the character. If it is
successuful, you will be shown the characters name and the slot
number you entered.
If you don't want your little brother (or whomever)
"accidently" getting any of your characters killed, you can make
the program request a password at the title screen. When you chose
this option, you will be asked if you want password protection. If
you respond 'y' (for yes), you will be prompted to enter the
password you want.
Entering The Password
The case (uppercase or lowercase) IS checked when the program
asks for the password at the beginning of the program. If you are
unable to enter the correct password, you can type 'quit' to exit
the program.
The program saves four, user definable, 8-key sets, one for
each player. The eight keys are: up, down, right, left, right
hand, left hand, menu, and drop/change casting. (See "CONTROLLING
YOUR CHARACTER" under "PLAYING THE GAME" for an explanation of how
they are used.) When you chose this item, you will be asked if you
what to define the keys for player 1, then for the other three
players. If you respond 'y', you will immediately be prompted for
each of the eight keys. Press the key you want for that action.
The default keys are as follows. (lowercase)
Player 1
[e] [s] [r]
menu drop/change casting up
[d] [f]
[q] [w] left right
left hand right hand [c]
Player 2
[m] [j] [o]
menu drop/change casting up
[k] [l]
[b] [n] left right
left hand right hand [,]
Player 3
['] []] [up arrow]
menu drop/change casting up
[left arrow] [right arrow]
[p] [[] left right
left hand right hand [down arrow]
Player 4
[7] [9] [8]
menu drop/change casting up
[4] [6]
[1] [0] left right
left hand right hand [2]
Press '8' to quit the program. Character data, the keys, the
password and the game speed are automatically saved.
At the top of game menu will be a list all the current
characters. You can save up to eight characters, unused slots will
have a "XXXX DEAD XXXX" in place of the name (all slots will be
like this the first time you play). the total number of living
characters appears after the title "Game Menu."
Press '1' to create a new character. Throughout the game
characters are referred to by their numbers. The program will
automatically assign you new character the first available number
and tell you what it is (if you forget, just look at the hall of
characters.) (If your change your mind about a menu selection, you
can enter '9' for the character number to abort.) You will now be
prompted to enter a name for your new character. When you are
finished, you will be prompted for the sex and then for a class for
your character. The class determines how much experience is
required to advance a particular attribute, you begin with 2000
experience to create your character. HP's are health points and
MP's are magic points. Use the up and down arrows to make a
selection, and the spacebar to chose a class. You will now go to
create your character, which is the same as modifiying a
caharacter, explained in the next section.
Chose this second option to apply the experience you've earned
towards your attributes. Use the up and down arrows to move the
pointer, and the spacebar to make a selection. The costs depends
on your class. Chose the 'Done' option when finished. You can
also improve your level, which increases your HP's and MP's based
on you attributes. Here is a list of the attributes and what they
do; a similar list appears on the character modification screen.
Strength: determines how much damage you can do using physical
attacks, which weapons you can use, and also helps in
knocking down doors.
Magic: determines how much damage you can do using magic attacks
and which magical spells you can use.
Stamina: determines how much weight you can carry without being
slowed down; if you exceed stamina * 10, your character
may not respond to all of your commands.
Guard: your ability to avoid enemy attacks.
Intelligence: determines chance of finding hidden doors, moss,
and chests.
Luck: it affects a great many things in positive ways.
Dexterity: all it determines is lockpicking ability, but it is
darn near impossible to open locked doors or chests
without a key, strong weapon, or high dexterity.
Charisma: you can either talk monsters into standing still or
scare them away; this determines how easy it is to do
Morality: The Sword of Justice and the Magic Cloak can only be
used by the pure of heart (30 morality.)
Option '3' displays your character's number, name, money, max
HP, max MP, sex, class, experience, weight, attributes, and if you
have been cursed. You can also view a character from within the
game, using the pause menu.
If your want to replace a character, you must first kill the
old one. Press '4' and then enter the number of the character you
want to kill. You will be shown the character's name and asked if
you are positive you want to kill that character.
There are three shops in the town outside the dungeon, the
armory (with sperate sections for weapons and armor), the general
store which sells a variety of item, and the magic shop where the
witch will teach you a number of spells for her generally high
prices. If you go to the magic shop with a curse on you, the witch
will offer you an in house cure for $10. If you don't have enough
money, she will take pity on you and take what money you have, even
if that is nothing. All of the items available for sale in a
particular shop will be listed with a number of their stats. The
stats are: cost, weight, rating (for most weapons (including
spells), rating is multiplied times strength or magic to get
potential damage), the level you need to use it (strength for
weapons, magic for spells, etc.), and the MP's the item uses (if it
use any). At the bottom of the screen is the money you have as
well as your weight. The shopkeepers are not very good judges of
character and will sell you items you cannot use. Use the up and
down arrows to move the pointer, the spacebar to select, and the
ESC key to leave that shop.
If your manage to return from the dungeons alive, you can sell
any items you collected for %10 of thier value. You can sell items
by using the up and down arrow keys to move the pointer and the
space bar to sell one item (the list will scroll if you have more
than 23 items.) Your weight and money is shown at the bottom of
the screen.
Choose '7' when you are ready to enter the dungeon. The
elevator operator will ask you to which level you want to go. The
levels are numbered 1 - 100, 100 being the deepest and hardest.
You will then be asked who will go down first (up to three other
characters can come down later). If your character has no
possessions, the elevator operator will take pity and give you a
tinder box and torch so you can see. See "PLAYING THE GAME" for
what happens next.
Press '8' to return to the main menu.
The screen is split by a horizonal bar which displays the
names of the characters in the dungeon and the dungeon's name. The
top half of the screen has two playing windows and the bottom half
has two more. When there is more than one player, each player can
have their own window. The left portion of each playing window is
the action window. The dungeons are organized as grid
interconnected rooms, and the action window shows exactly one room.
The remainder of each playing window shows either a wide variety of
information or your inventory. The information on the main screen
is: HP's, MP's, money, weight, experience, the curses you are
bearing, the last item you found, which character or monster you
are casting on, the control type of the character, what is in your
right hand, what is in your left hand, how many monsters there are,
what type they are, what level they have, which one you most
recently interacted with, that monsters HP, and the intelligence of
the monster.
In the action window objects appear as follows. The floor is
a darkgray pattern on lightgray. Water is a light blue pattern on
blue. Fire is a flashing pattern on black. Walls are a darkgray
pattern on black. Wooden doors are brown lines over lightgray,
stone doors are a yellow pattern on brown, steel grate doors are a
black '#' on lightgray, and solid steel doors are a darkgray line
on lightgray. Locked doors are an 'î'. A room torch is a brown
square with a black square if unlit and a flashing square if lit.
Chests are a lightgray '╫' on brown or green. Moss is a green
square. Objects on the floor are yellow '$' for money, flashing
diamonds for magic and black squares for items. You are a white
number flashing with a yellow arrow over black. Other characters
are lightgray numbers flashing with brown arrows over black. Dead
characters are darkgray numbers flashing with red X's over black.
Monsters are numbers over a red background, with the forground
color indicating thier aproximate hit points remaining.
Projectiles take a variety of forms.
When directly controlling your character the controls operate
as follows. Pressing a direction key makes your character face
that direction, press a key in the same direction as your
character is facing moves that direction (you can only move and
face in the four basic directions.). Pressing the right or left
hand key uses that item (if it can be used.) Pressing the
drop/change casting advances the monster or character you are
casting on by one. Pressing the menu key switchs to the inventory
When in the inventory screen the game does NOT pause
(rummaging around in you backpack takes time, plus the other
players might not appreciate having their games frequently
interrupted.) The keys operate in this manner. The direction keys
move the pointer, the complete stats for the item the pointer is on
are displayed at the top of inventory screen. The pointer will
wrap around from top to bottom and left to right. Only one of the
six columns of items is shown at a time, and each one will only
appear if there is someing in it, use the left and right keys to
move from column to column. The right and left hand keys select
the item to be used for that hand, and the right hand key selects
armor or rings to be worn (you can still carry these items in your
left hand, but they cannot be used in any way). Press the
Drop/Change Casting key once and the cursor will change to a 'D'.
Press it again to remove all of that item from your inventory.
Press any other key instead to exit the drop mode without doing
anything. The menu key takes you back to game control.
The casting term mentioned several times in this documentation
affects items with a '*' before their names. Casting controls
which monster or character the item will affect. For instance, if
you casting is on monster 0, and you use "*Reason", you will talk
to monster 0, attempting to reason it into standing still.
The elevator is where you enter each dungeon and where you
MUST exit to escape alive. You can identify the elevator by the
shaft of light which shines down from above and always illuminates
this room. Walk into the elevator to leave the dungeon.
There are at least five ways to illuminate a room. You can
carry a lantern or torch with you, light a room torch if there is
one, create a room torch with the "Light of Glory" spell, or be in
the elevator room. You will not be able to see anything in the
action window without a light source.
Each dungeon is inhabited by five kinds of monsters, and these
kinds vary for each dungeon. Each kind of monster has a level, HP,
speed, type, and intelligence. When a monster is killed, you will
receive experience equal to it's level and it will drop one item.
Some monsters wander the dungeons, they may be in rooms you have
already cleared or come into your room. If you trap a monster in
one space they will explode in flame.
There are six types of monsters in addition to the basic
monster. Giant monsters have twice the HP and twice the level.
Werebeasts can be harmed by any weapon, but can only be killed by
a silver weapon. Young monsters have half the level and half the
HP, but the highest possible speed, and although usually easily
dispatched, can be often be on you before you can react. Undead
monsters cannot be killed, but can be hacked to pieces (they have
a very high HP) or killed by "*Life is Finite." Skeletal monsters
are similar to undead monsters, but they have more HP, half the
level, a slower speed, and since curses reside in the flesh, they
cannot be cursed. They can also be killed by "*Life is Finite."
The last type of monster is dark. Dark monsters have five times
the level.
All monsters are one of six intelligence levels. The levels
are formed by a combination of the attributes which follow. Some
monsters wander aimlessly, and attack randomly. They will however
attack you if they the are in range. Other monsters, classified as
stupid, seek towards you barging through moss and simply stopping
at obstacles. Monsters classified as smart(er) are similar to
stupid, but they avoid moss, attempt to find their way around
obstacles, and often step to the side when hit. Punching monsters
use a simple short range attack. Magic monsters use a spell
similar to Air Shall Erupt. Casting monsters use a punching
attack, but can also cure their themselves of curses and cast
curses on you or other players.
Doors, graphically mentioned before, can be one of four types,
plus secret, locked, full wall, and easy or hard to open. You can
open a door by walking into it or hitting it with a weapon, the
stronger the better. If doors are hard to open, wooden doors are
easiest, followed by stone, grate, and steel, which are the
hardest. Locked doors are easily opened by keys and often by
demons orb's, but otherwise are very hard without high dexterity.
Secret doors can be found by searching, by walking into walls, or
by stray shots.
Up to two chests can be in a room. They are opened in similar
ways to doors, including use of keys. When a chest is opened, it
will disappear and the items inside will spill out. Chests can be
hidden or have moss growing on them.
You pick objects on the floor up with the "Punch/Get" action.
Stand next to the item and face it, then press the key for the hand
that has "Punch/Get." If the object is money or magic, they are
automatically added to there respective numbers. If it is an item
it will be added to your inventory and it's name will appear in
There are no traps in the dungeons, but moss is just as
annoying. It is often only found on careful examination, and will
release a poisonous gas if touched, which caused damage. Moss
proliferates over time. You can light moss on fire with the tinder
Some rooms are flooded. You will leave a trail of muddy water
where you stepped. If you use the "Punch/Get" action on a water
square there is a chance you will gain a hit point. If you use it
on a muddy square, you may lose one. The only other effect on
game play is fire prevention.
Some walls are solid and imobile. Other walls are crumbled
and can be destroyed. Crumbling walls can also be pushed at thier
weakest stage. Monsters will explode if trapped and surrounded on
four sides.
If you start a fire, it may die or spread. Fire will damage
your or monsters if touched. It spreads quickly through adjacent
moss and will not spread through water.
Pressing ESC will pause the game and offer you a list of
Select the options with the up and down arrow keys and the
spacebar. Continue returns to the game. Quit will allow you to do
a quicksave or abandon the characters still in the dungeon. If you
do a quicksave, you will automatically return to your place in the
game when you restart. You can also adjust the game speed -- press
the spacebar, use the right and left arrow keys, and press the
spacebar when done; the larger the number, the slower the game will
go. You can turn the sound on and off by pressing the spacebar.
If you select one of the four "Character: " options you will
go to character menu below the dotted line. If the character slot
is unused, you can add a character. If the character is active,
you can change the characters control type(human 1-human 4, stand,
task, follow human 1-follow human 4), or the viewing window (1-4 or
0 for none, the window numbers appear in the upper left hand corner
when active). You can also remove the character, killing them if
they are alive, view the character, and return to the main pause
menu. Tip: if the character slot is unused, and you select the
view item, you will be prompted for a character number. Use this
if your not sure who you want to bring in.
This is an explanation of the 10 character control types
mentioned above. Human 1 though human 4 are direct control by the
keys for that player. A character on stand will remain stationary,
attacking nearby enemies if they have a weapon in their right hand.
A character on task will do various actions depending what is in
their right hand. If they have a weapon, they will seek and attack
enemies, if they have "Search" they will do nothing but use that,
unless they are near a door, in which case they will try to open
the door. If they have "Punch/Get" they will first open any
chests, then pick up items. Follow 1 through follow 4 instruct the
character to follow that player, attacking nearby enemies if they
have a weapon in thier right hand.
If a character is removed (via the pause menu) or killed and
not resurrected before the living exit the dungeon (or get killed
themselves), they are not necessarily dead. You can save everying
but thier experience and money.
There are a total of 60 items, including the 6 actions which
you will always have. Most items must be used by pressing the key
they are assigned to. The exceptions to this are mostly armor and
rings. In the case of weapons and most spells, the effectiveness
is the rating times the relative attribute. The rating of armor is
a percentage of damage blocked (a rating of 2 = 20% blocked.) The
rating of light sources is in units of "light time." The required
level of weapons and spells is strength and magic, relatively. You
can only wear one ring and one type of armor at a time.
Here are the explanation for the special features of selected
Punch/Get -- a basic attack and pick up items.
Air Shall Erupt -- the wizards basic weapon.
Throw -- put the item you want to throw in the opposite hand
and press the key assigned to throw to toss one item.
(This is a weak projectile attack.)
Search -- look for hidden doors, chests, and moss, also
updates the map if you have one.
*Reason -- talk monsters into standing still (they can still
move a little.)
*Threaten -- talk monsters into running away (DON'T get in
their way as they run - frightend monsters will attack
Sword of Justice -- one of the legendary heros sold his
sword before he disappeared. The unmoral are unable to
pick up the blade (you need a 30 morality), and the
shopkeeper will give it to whomever can remove it from
his counter. It has average damage, but a 2 space
reach, and inflicts the *Eternal Wound and *Foes Aim
True on whomever it strikes.
bows and arrows -- put the bow in one hand and the arrows
you want to use in the other. Arrows are sold in
quivers of 10, the quivers automatically disappear
after the 10 arrows are spent.
Longsword -- average damage, but has 3 space reach.
Mace -- best damage, 2 space reach.
*Weight of World -- curse, slows monsters to a crawl if
if that; adds 500 weight if on you.
*Eternal Wound -- curse, inflicts 1 damage on a regular
*Aim Shall Fail -- curse, the victim couldn't hit a target
if their life depended on it, which it usually does.
*Foe's Aim True -- curse, those attacking victim are
guaranteed a hit.
*Instill fear -- curse, same effect as *Threaten on
monsters; acts like confusion on a character.
Arctic Wind -- quick-freezes all enemies in the room.
*Life is finite -- kills the undead or skeletal enemy casted
Lightning -- fires ten shots of 300 times the users magic
level, NOTHING(except werebeasts) survives this if they
stay put.
Magic Cloak -- the other item that requires 30 morality,
wear it as armor and anyone who attacks you receives
*Aim Shall Fail.
Light of Glory -- creates a lit room torch in the current
Key -- stand in front of a locked door or chest, face it and
press the keyboard key that is assigned to the item
Lantern -- one light source, advantage over torch - 5 times
the light. To light the Lantern, put it in one hand,
select the oil in the other hand and use the oil, then
select the Tinder Box, and use it. You will only need
to use the Tinder Box (and not the oil also) to relite it
until the oil runs out
Torch -- one light source, advantages over lantern -
lighter, frequently found in dungeon, can be used as
a weapon (rating is 2 as a weapon).
Tinder Box -- use to light room torches - stand next to it
and face the torch and press the key. Lantern or
Torch- use in opposite hand.
Sweet rose -- the shopkeeper of the general store sells
these from his own garden, hoping to cheer up the
adventures, sales have been poor.
Shield -- press the key to momentarily block all hits. Adds
1 to your armor rating if held in one hand.
Food -- restores 10 HP's
Diamond Ring -- believed to have magical powers, but no
one knows for sure what they are.
Demon's Orb -- a metal sphere filled with the devil's
powder, light the string that protrudes and stand well
back, for the air shall erupt in flames. (it's a bomb)
Magic Potion -- replenishes all of your MP's.
Map -- found only in the dungeon, press the button to view
the map in the action window (the game does not pause,
and you must have a light) the map is updated when
you Search a room. Since it is only good for one
dungeon, it is automatically sold for $10 when you
leave. The red X marks your location, and the
square marks the elevator, black rooms are unsearched,
and lightgray rooms have been searched.
Aquacontrol -- dries or floods a room at your command.
*Magic Spores -- Creates a ring of poison moss around the
casted upon character or monster. Use as a shield or
to surround monsters.
Please register this product if you find it at all
entertaining. It's only $5. I can't promise any benefits just
yet, but I am planning to offer registered users first dibs and
reduced registration on my next game, which is already well under
way. (It's sort of dyslexic falling shapes, if you care. It will
feature VGA graphics, but I don't plan on being able to support
sound cards for a long time. I would like to do a sequel to this
game using the graphics routines I've developed, but I'd like to
wait until I can offer modem and/or network support, which this
game is just screaming for.)
Please give the game a good try before looking at these hints.
The main reason this section exits is so people don't find a secret
item and think it is useless. It's more fun to discover on your
own if you can.
Items and chests are sometimes obscured by the room torch.
Exit a tough room to heal and change weapons.
Whenever possible during battles, stay in fort of the door so
you can get out if there is trouble.
Remember you can stop enemies with *Reason if you have trouble
and decent charisma.
If you exit the room and return, enemy positions will change,
and the position and type of floor objects will change.
The Sweet Rose makes you immune to moss if you are holding it
in one of your hands.
The Diamond Ring attracts monsters to your room, this is not
alsways bad since it can have the positive effect of earning
*Reason and *Threaten are effectively *Weight of World
and *Instill Fear.
You may get better HP and MP increases if you increase other
attributes first.
Morality doesn't do any good until you reach 30, so don't
spend experience on it until you want to reach that level.
A warp in the center of the room is the Mystic One, enter it
to trade money for experience, it disappears when you are done.
A number of items only appear in the dungeon and are very
Ruby Ring -- restores HP's at the same rate as *Eternal
Wound subtracts them.
Gold Ring -- doubles the strength of physical attacks.
Silver Ring -- you lose MP's in place of HP's when you are
*Sleep No More -- a curse created to prevent sleep by
creating a glowing fairy that follows the victim
everywhere, preventing the dark for them to sleep in,
but it's perfect for lighting dungeons.
Emerald Ring -- restores MP's at them same rate as the
Ruby ring.
Topaz Ring -- makes Air Shall Erupt home in on the
enemy you are casting on.
Moonstone Ring -- makes curses you cast affect all the
monsters in the room.
Lens of Clarity -- you are guaranteed to find everything
when you use it. Also, when you are holding it in
one of your hands, secret items one the dungeon floor
appear a diffrent color.
Sapphire Ring -- prevents monsters from cursing you.
Amethyst Ring -- halves your weight while you wear it.