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205 lines
Version 1.00
(C) CopyRight 1992, Glenn D. Learn
Road Rally Trivia is unlike other trivia computer games.
While most games are nothing more than a series of "flash
cards", asking you questions, then outputting a raw score,
Road Rally Trivia offers not only intriguing questions, but
an enjoyable trip across the United States in Road Rally
fashion. Leaving the usual "text" mode behind, the game
offers VGA color graphics and mouse operation.
Starting at the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York
City, the game takes you across highways and back roads, to
deliver you at St. Louis, Missouri, the gateway to the
Road Rally Trivia is being distributed as a Shareware
product. You may freely copy this program and distribute it
to friends, as long as it is distributed entirely in this
form, including all files and documentation. To protect the
program's integrity, Road Rally Trivia may not be altered or
"hacked" in any form.
Many ideas were considered in what to offer in the
shareware version. In order to offer the maximum
payability so as to allow the best evaluation, all features
of the game are provided. I believe this is in keeping with
the shareware "try before you buy" concept. However, the
travel database is incomplete. The shareware version will
only take you as far as the western edge of Pennsylvania.
By sending $12.45 to:
Glenn D. Learn
PSC 2 Box 1656
Lowry, Co. 80230
You will become a registered user of Road Rally Trivia,
and be mailed a copy of the game with a complete database.
You will also be entered into the registered user's database,
which allows you to receive a discount on future versions of
Road Rally Trivia. Especially the extended fully cross-
country version soon to be released.
Road Rally Trivia requires an MS-DOS compatible computer
running MS-DOS 3.x or higher, as well as VGA graphics and a
Microsoft compatible mouse.
In order to facilitate game play, the following are
A Road Atlas of the United States
An Atlas of the World
An Almanac
Local Sportscaster and/or film critic
Cheer's Cliff Claven
A shortened form of these instructions is available at
the opening screen, and during game play. You may also elect
to load a previously saved game, a feature you'll probably be
using a great deal!
The playing screen is divided into various sub-
divisions, each with it's own purpose; some to provide
information, others for selection. The top center area will
always contain the name of the current city you are either
trying to enter, or have been towed back to. To the top left
is a Fuel Gauge, as you travel through the game, you will use
up fuel based upon the route you chose to travel. Do NOT run
out of gas, or you'll be towed back to a previous city!
The upper right area contains two selection ICONs.
These are not available at all times, but when displayed may
be selected. The gas pump will allow you to request fuel,
and the Road Rally Rescue callbox, will let you request help.
Be warned that these are not always available, so you must
plan your travel strategy accordingly.
The center of the screen is reserved for straight
forward text. The top part is a narrative area, offering
various insight to the area your traveling in, or as a clue
to what mode the game is presently operating. Just below
that, is the question area, in which you'll be asked, guess
what, questions!
The bottom right section of the screen is sub-divided
into two areas. The larger of the two is a Billboard. This
area will contain helpful information about the area your
traveling in, and will from time to time, advertise special
routes for you to take. Above the Billboard, the present
state your traveling in will be displayed.
The bottom center of the display allows user input for
two of the game's modes. When being asked a question, your
answer typed from the keyboard, will be displayed in the
answer box. When access to a city is gained, the area will
display up to ten route selection ICONs. Road Rally Trivia
allows you the freedom to select which ever route you desire.
The four divisions at the lower left offer the user
various utility functions: Quit, Save Game, Show Statistics,
and Helpful Instructions.
Playing Road Rally Trivia is rather straight forward.
You must travel from city to city, starting at New York, and
ending at St. Louis. In order to get to a city, you must
first answer a question. The question will usually be on
just about any topic. Although some cities will have
specific questions tagged for them, so that each time you
travel to that city, you will always have that same question.
After successfully answering the entry question, you
will be presented with up to ten route ICONs indicating the
possible directions you may take. Which route you take is
entirely up to you. This is where a navigator or road atlas
may be helpful, for you can travel in endless circles if you
The route selected is important to the game operation.
Most Road Rally Trivia questions are randomly selected from a
difficulty database. The type of route selected determines
the difficulty of the question. The route type will also
determine the number of cities required to visit, as well as,
the fuel economy of your trip. The following is a synopsis
of the available route types.
Generally the fastest way to get anywhere. Traveling by
interstate will take you farther with the fewest stops, but
it is also the greatest user of fuel, and also asks the most
difficult questions.
U.S. Highway:
Fairly quick travel, yet questions still difficult and
the fuel will still drain dry.
State Roads:
Probably the most economical way to travel when these
roads are available. Easy on fuel, the questions asked might
even be familiar to you, although you'll be asked quite a few
of them.
County Roads:
The easiest way to travel. Trivia hounds may even know
the answers to these questions outright. You'll have to
answer a lot of them though, for county roads stop at just
about every hovel on the way. Fortunately, fuel consumption
will be not much of a problem.
Road Rally Rescue randomly selects it's questions from
individual databases. This means that each time the game is
played, a different sequence of questions may be encountered.
This makes each game singularly unique! Also, since the
questions are randomly selected, at times the same question
may appear more than once.
Certain cities have a particular question tied to them.
Every time that city is visited, the same question will be
Some areas of the country are having conventions.
Traveling a certain route will result in questions about a
single topic. Pay attention to the Billboard for notices
about such routes.
Fuel is not available at every city. Plan your trip
accordingly. When requesting fuel by clicking on the fuel
ICON, you will be asked a brain teaser type of question. You
may Road Road Rally Rescue out of the fuel station, but you
will not get any fuel if you do so.
Road Rally Rescue will give you a second chance, via a
second question at each city. If you must call upon Road
Rally Rescue a second time at one city, you will be towed
back to a previous city. Certain cities are Road Rally
Rescue bases. Once you've gotten past such a city, then you
will only be towed back that far. (So don't worry, you won't
have to start ALL over again)
Road Rally Trivia is not designed to be played at a
single sitting over a few hours. This means the questions
are DIFFICULT, yet the topics should be familiar. This is
more than a simple trivia game, it operates much like a
scavenger hunt. You pretty much must answer a question in
order to move on (exceptions see above). The game tests your
ability to "scavenge" an answer as much as your "top of the
head" knowledge. An ability to Save the game is provided,
use it.
Getting to St. Louis is no easy feat. But then, neither
is an actual road rally. Answers need not be case sensitive,
and the game has a limited ability to decipher key
information from inputs. Your input need not match Road Rally
Trivia's answer exact, but it must contain enough pertinent
information to show that you do indeed know the answer.
Have fun, and we'll see you in St. Louis!