1,000 Games
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> 2, 0, LEAP FROG
The object is to remove, by jumping over
adjacent pieces, all except ONE of the pegs
from the board. The last peg must be located
at the upper left-hand corner of the board.
Each move must be a jump over an ADJACENT
peg, either in a horizontal or vertical direction.
To move a peg, place the cursor over it and
then click and hold the mouse button down.
Drag the peg over an adjacent piece and onto
an empty square. Release the mouse button
(jumped pegs are automatically removed by
the computer).
The object is to turn over all except one of
the Mahjong tiles.
To begin, click on any of the tiles - a boarder
will appear around the selected tile. Count-
ing this tile as 1, and counting clockwise,
locate the fourth tile (the cursor will change
into a cross to inform you that you are now
over the fourth tile). Click on this tile and it
will turn over, revealing the face of the Mah-
jong tile. Continue this sequence of clicking
on the first and fourth tile of each sequence
until all the tiles except one are face up.
To unselect a chosen tile, simply double-
click on it.
> 4, 0, BAMBOO
OBJECTIVE: Bamboo is an ancient
"cat and mouse" strategy game. The object
of the game is to avoid being captured by
your computer opponent (represented by
the YELLOW peg). If you have not yet
been captured by the eighteenth (18) com-
puter move, you will have won the game.
TO BEGIN: To set-up a game, select the
"Reset Pegs" option from the Game menu.
Then click on the "Start" button (located at
the lower left-hand corner of the game
board) to begin play. Note that you must
select the "Reset Pegs" option prior to the
start of each new game.
MOVEMENT: The Computer moves first.
Players then take turns moving their pegs
between adjacent squares. Pieces can only
move between squares connected by a line.
Movement is accomplished by the drag and
drop method (Place the cursor over your peg
then click and hold the mouse button down.
Drag the peg to its new location and release
the mouse button. The peg will drop onto its
new location)
CAPTURE: The computer will attempt to
occupy the same square as the player's,
and thus "capture" his piece. Alternatively,
the computer may corner the player's piece
so that no further movement is possible on
the players part.
HINT: Initially, the computer will monitor the
player's movement and not play a very
aggressive game. This is a good time for the
player to plan out his/her strategy, as after
the first 10 moves the computer will pursue
the player relentlessly.
> 5, 0, SIX TILES
The object is to rearrange the tiles into nu-
merical order, with the one, two and three in the
top row, and four, five and six in the bottom row,
as follows:
1 2 3
4 5 6
MOVEMENT: Click on the tile you wish to move,
then click on an empty square. Note that a tile may
only be moved to an adjoining empty space. You
may unselect a chosen tile by double clicking on it.
Please look for these other titles by New Zone
Productions, available at your favorite BBS or
shareware dealer.
Asylum - Part 1 (shareware, $10.00)
Asylum - Part 3 (freeware)
The Aztec Curse (shareware, $10.00)
Fifteens - card solitaire (freeware)
Peg Solitaire: Classic Collection (shareware, $5.00)
Pirate's Gold - card solitaire (freeware)