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INI File
359 lines
; Config File For INSTALL LBA2
; ScreenMode
; -1 │ Current Mode
; 3 │ Color 80 columns, 25 lines
; 67 │ 50 lines, 80 columns (default)
ScreenMode= 67 ;
Title= " Little Big Adventure 2 Demo, Twinsen's Odyssey " ;
DefFile= "LBA2.CFG" ;
; Colors Format : "paper,pen" ;
; if no pen defined, it will be 0.
; Colors Available :
; Color For
; ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
; BLACK Paper, Pen
; BLUE Paper, Pen
; GREEN Paper, Pen
; CYAN Paper, Pen
; RED Paper, Pen
; MAGENTA Paper, Pen
; BROWN Paper, Pen
; LIGHTGRAY Paper, Pen
; ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
CMessage= "red,white" ; Messages Window
CBack= "cyan,black" ; Main Screen Background
CInfo= "cyan,black" ; Infos Lines (1st and last lines)
CTitle= "red,white" ; Application Title (1st line)
CWindow= "lightgray,white" ; Windows
CButton= "green,black" ; Buttons
CSelectedButton= "green,white" ; Selected Buttons
CDisableButton= "green,darkgray" ; Disabled Buttons
COption= "lightgray,blue" ; Options
CSelectedOption= "lightgray,lightgreen" ; Selected Options
CHotKey= ",yellow" ; Hot Keys
CList= "cyan,black" ; View Lists
CSelectedList= "green,white" ; Selected item in View Lists
CInput= "blue,cyan" ; Edit String Zones
CSelectedInput= "green,white" ; Selected Edit String Zones
CSlider= "blue,yellow" ; Progress Bars
CStatus= "cyan,red" ; Status Areas
CSwitch= "lightgray,black" ; Toggles Buttons
CSelectedSwitch= "lightgray,white" ; Selected Toggles Buttons
; Define all available languages for install (max 10)
Languages= "English,Français,Deutsch,Español,Italiano" ;
DefLanguage= "Language" ; field to set in the DefFile
; Main Window Title
MainTitle= "Installation of LBA2 Demo" ;
; Main Window Buttons (max 10)
MainButton1= "Hard Disk Installation" ;
MainType1= "INSTALL" ;
MainParam1= "INSTALL.SCR" ; Install script (files)
MainButton2= "Read Instructions" ;
MainType2= "VIEWFILE" ;
MainParam2= "..\README.TXT" ;
MainButton3= "Quit" ;
MainType3= "QUIT" ;
MainParam3= "CONFIRM" ;
; if defined INSTALL button
ChooseDir= "Directory to install LBA2";
DefaultDir= "C:\TWINSEND" ;
CopyWindow= "Install in progress ..." ;
CopyFrom= "Copy" ;
CopyTo= " To" ;
Complete= "Completion" ;
Need= "Install size :" ;
Available= "Free space drive" ;
OptWindow= "Game Options" ;
ViewFile= "..\README.TXT" ;
ViewWindow= "Read instructions" ;
SetSound= "SETSOUND.BAT" ;
; if defined OPTIONS button,
; Options buttons (max 10)
Option1= "Written Language" ;
OptType1= "LANGUAGE" ;
DefOpt1= "Language" ; field to set in the DefFile
OptValue1= "English,Français,Deutsch,Español,Italiano" ;
OptDefault1= "English" ;
; System Messages
PressKey= "Press a key to continue" ;
ErrNoSpace= "Not enough free space on drive" ;
Yes= "Yes" ;
No= "No" ;
Save= "Do you want to save options ?" ;
Quit= "Do you really want to quit ?" ;
Enjoy= "Type DEMO to enjoy Twinsen's world demo !" ;
; Main Window Title
MainTitle= "Installation de la démo de LBA2" ;
; Main Window Buttons (max 10)
MainButton1= "Installation sur disque dur" ;
MainType1= "INSTALL" ;
MainParam1= "INSTALL.SCR" ; Install script (files)
MainButton2= "Lire les instructions" ;
MainType2= "VIEWFILE" ;
MainParam2= "..\README.TXT" ;
MainButton3= "Quitter" ;
MainType3= "QUIT" ;
MainParam3= "CONFIRM" ;
; if defined INSTALL button
ChooseDir= "Répertoire où installer LBA2" ;
DefaultDir= "C:\TWINSEND" ;
CopyWindow= "Installation en cours ..." ;
CopyFrom= "Copie" ;
CopyTo= " Vers" ;
Complete= "Totalité" ;
Need= "Taille nécessaire :" ;
Available= "Espace libre sur" ;
OptWindow= "Options du jeu" ;
ViewFile= "..\README.TXT" ;
ViewWindow= "Lire les instructions" ;
SetSound= "SETSOUND.BAT" ;
; if defined OPTIONS button,
; Options buttons (max 10)
Option1= "Langage écrit" ;
OptType1= "LANGUAGE" ;
DefOpt1= "Language" ; field to set in the DefFile
OptValue1= "English,Français,Deutsch,Español,Italiano" ;
OptDefault1= "English" ;
; System Messages
PressKey= "Appuyer sur une touche pour continuer" ;
ErrNoSpace= "Espace libre insuffisant sur le disque" ;
Yes= "Oui" ;
No= "Non" ;
Save= "Voulez-vous sauver les options ?" ;
Quit= "Voulez-vous vraiment quitter ?" ;
Enjoy= "Tapez DEMO pour découvrir le monde de Twinsen !" ;
; Main Window Title
MainTitle= "Installation von LBA2 Demo" ;
; Main Window Buttons (max 10)
MainButton1= "Installation auf der Festplatte" ;
MainType1= "INSTALL" ;
MainParam1= "INSTALL.SCR" ; Install script (files)
MainButton2= "Anweisungen lesen" ;
MainType2= "VIEWFILE" ;
MainParam2= "..\README.TXT" ;
MainButton3= "Verlassen" ;
MainType3= "QUIT" ;
MainParam3= "CONFIRM" ;
; if defined INSTALL button
ChooseDir= "Verzeichnis, in das LBA2 installiert wird";
DefaultDir= "C:\TWINSEND" ;
CopyWindow= "Installation läuft ..." ;
CopyFrom= "Kopieren" ;
CopyTo= " In" ;
Complete= "Vollständig" ;
Need= "Erforderlicher Festplattenspeicher :" ;
Available= "Freier Platz in " ;
OptWindow= "Spieloptionen" ;
ViewFile= "..\README.TXT" ;
ViewWindow= "Anweisungen lesen" ;
SetSound= "SETSOUND.BAT" ;
; if defined OPTIONS button,
; Options buttons (max 10)
Option1= "Geschriebene Sprache" ;
OptType1= "LANGUAGE" ;
DefOpt1= "Language" ; field to set in the DefFile
OptValue1= "English,Français,Deutsch,Español,Italiano" ;
OptDefault1= "English" ;
; System Messages
PressKey= "Zum Fortsetzen auf eine Taste drücken" ;
ErrNoSpace= "Nicht genügend Platz auf der Festplatte vorhanden" ;
Yes= "Ja" ;
No= "Nein" ;
Save= "Möchten Sie Optionen speichern?" ;
Quit= "Möchten Sie wirklich das Programm verlassen?" ;
Enjoy= "Geben Sie DEMO ein und entdecken Sie Twinsen's Welt Demo!" ;
; Main Window Title
MainTitle= "Instalación de LBA2 Demo" ;
; Main Window Buttons (max 10)
MainButton1= "Instalación en Disco Duro" ;
MainType1= "INSTALL" ;
MainParam1= "INSTALL.SCR" ; Install script (files)
MainButton2= "Leer instrucciones" ;
MainType2= "VIEWFILE" ;
MainParam2= "..\README.TXT" ;
MainButton3= "Salir" ;
MainType3= "QUIT" ;
MainParam3= "CONFIRM" ;
; if defined INSTALL button
ChooseDir= "Directorio de instalación de LBA2";
DefaultDir= "C:\TWINSEND" ;
CopyWindow= "Instalación en curso ..." ;
CopyFrom= "Copia" ;
CopyTo= "Hacia" ;
Complete= "Totalidad" ;
Need= "Dimensión requerida :" ;
Available= "Espacio disponible en" ;
OptWindow= "Opciones de Juego" ;
ViewFile= "..\README.TXT" ;
ViewWindow= "Leer instrucciones" ;
SetSound= "SETSOUND.BAT" ;
; if defined OPTIONS button,
; Options buttons (max 10)
Option1= "Lenguaje escrito" ;
OptType1= "LANGUAGE" ;
DefOpt1= "Language" ; field to set in the DefFile
OptValue1= "English,Français,Deutsch,Español,Italiano" ;
OptDefault1= "English" ;
; System Messages
PressKey= "Pulsar cualquier tecla para continuar" ;
ErrNoSpace= "Espacio en disco insuficiente" ;
Yes= "Si" ;
No= "No" ;
Save= "Deseas salvaguardar las opciones ?" ;
Quit= "Deseas realmente salir ?" ;
Enjoy= "Teclear DEMO para entrar en el mundo de Twinsen Demo !" ;
; Main Window Title
MainTitle= "Installazione di LBA2 Demo" ;
; Main Window Buttons (max 10)
MainButton1= "Installazione Hard Disk" ;
MainType1= "INSTALL" ;
MainParam1= "INSTALL.SCR" ; Install script (files)
MainButton2= "Leggi istruzioni" ;
MainType2= "VIEWFILE" ;
MainParam2= "..\README.TXT" ;
MainButton3= "Esci" ;
MainType3= "QUIT" ;
MainParam3= "CONFIRM" ;
; if defined INSTALL button
ChooseDir= "Directory per installare LBA2" ;
DefaultDir= "C:\TWINSEND" ;
CopyWindow= "Installazione in corso ..." ;
CopyFrom= "Copia" ;
CopyTo= " A" ;
Complete= "Installazione completata" ;
Need= "Spazio necessario :" ;
Available= "Spazio disponibile su disco" ;
OptWindow= "Opzioni gioco" ;
ViewFile= "..\README.TXT" ;
ViewWindow= "Leggi istruzioni" ;
SetSound= "SETSOUND.BAT" ;
; if defined OPTIONS button,
; Options buttons (max 10)
Option1= "Lingua scritta" ;
OptType1= "LANGUAGE" ;
DefOpt1= "Language" ; field to set in the DefFile
OptValue1= "English,Français,Deutsch,Español,Italiano" ;
OptDefault1= "English" ;
; System Messages
PressKey= "Premere un tasto per continuare" ;
ErrNoSpace= "Spazio insufficiente su disco" ;
Yes= "Sì" ;
No= "No" ;
Save= "Salvare le opzioni ?" ;
Quit= "Uscire dal programma ?" ;
Enjoy= "Digitare DEMO per scoprire il mondo di Twinsen Demo !" ;
; end of config file