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- Robert J. Deutsch
- 1402 Liberty St. #302
- Allentown, PA
- 18102
- ULTIZURK III: The Guildmaster's Quest, Version 1.1
- Note! If you have a printer, print this out for reference!
- Dr. Dungeon invites thee to thy ultimate challenge in:
- ULTIZURK III Part 1: The Guildmaster's Quest
- 1 - What IS Ultizurk III?
- 2 - Is it a bummer to CONFIGURE?
- 3 - How do I PLAY it?
- 4 - What do I GET if I register it?
- 5 - What is Part 2 about?
- (1) What's it about?
- ULTIZURK III: The Guildmaster's Quest, is a top-down view
- style game with full 256 color graphics and mouse point & click
- interface. You will explore a huge and incredible world.
- Everything you need to play is included. It is a complete game
- with all features fully enabled.
- You are the Guildmaster. You have been invited to visit the
- lovely land of Good King Eldor, with a beautiful siren for a
- companion. But alas! No sooner do you arrive at the castle
- when the unexpected suddenly happens...
- Registration will bring you Part 2 for FREE, plus just a whee
- bit more. See option #4 for details. You don't want to miss it!
- (2) Configuring your game.
- There are two major requirements to play Ultizurk III:
- #1 Don't run it in WINDOWS.
- #2 Set up a disk CACHE.
- The full requirements are fairly typical, and easy to set:
- - You need a 386SX/16 or faster computer with 2 megs of RAM.
- - You need 578k-590k free memory. Run C:\DOS\MEM to check.
- - You need DOS 5 or better.
- - You need C:\;C:\DOS in your AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH statement.
- - You need a Microsoft compatible mouse & driver running.
- - You need a VGA monitor.
- -AND, chances are your computer is already set up like that!
- But just in case...
- Following is a sample configuration from an IBM compatible.
- These two files can be found in the root directory, C:\
- and viewed with DOS's EDIT, or WINDOWS NOTEPAD.
- (Note: I repeated all this in the QuickStart menu in the game.)
- These are settings using DOS 6. If you have DOS 5 but also
- WINDOWS 3.1, you can change the DOS path to WINDOWS
- for the SMARTDRV line. Note all the things that have been loaded
- into high and upper memory. This saves a LOT of free mem.
- Note also how C:\;C:\DOS is in the PATH. This is VERY important
- for the SAVE and LOAD game feature. Note also there is no EMM386
- line! 'Tis important 'cause UZ3 is NOT compatible with it!
- *** AUTOEXEC.BAT ***
- C:
- *** CONFIG.SYS ***
- BUFFERS = 25
- FILES=25
- FCBS=4,0
- The smartdrv C+ option means it caches for writes as well
- as reads. If you are using only DOS 5, it will be alright to just
- put LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE 1024 in.
- If you have 4 megabytes of RAM, make the number 2048
- If you have 8 megabytes of RAM, make the number 4096
- The more the merrier! You really need at least 1024 of cache
- or the game may run choppy.
- To change these files, the first thing you should do is
- save a backup of your normal day to day configurations.
- At the C:\> dos prompt, type this:
- EDIT You will be in the DOS editor.
- In the editor, type:
- Then select FILE in the upper left, and Save As...
- Type on that box: NORMAL.BAT
- Now, no matter what happens, you need to only type
- NORMAL at the dos prompt to restore your computer's
- usual configuration! If you play a lot of games like I do,
- you will find this little technique very useful to restore
- your computer's regular configuration back from all the wildly
- different setups for various games.
- All you need do after NORMAL is re-set the computer by
- hitting the re-set button if you have one, or pressing
- CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys at the same time, or turning your computer
- off, wait a bit, then on again. That's because the files
- AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS only take effect at fire up time.
- Please remember to make this NORMAL backup first!
- * * *
- Now, for Ultizurk, you do the same process, load AUTOEXEC.BAT
- in EDIT, make the changes described above, then Save As...
- When you have those made, you need to make a BAT file like
- NORMAL.BAT, but with the UZ3 stuff:
- In the editor, type:
- Then select FILE in the upper left, and Save As...
- Type on that box: UZ3READY.BAT
- Then it is a simple matter of typing
- UZ3READY at the prompt, RESET computer. You'll be at the
- dos prompt with the proper configuration, plus an easy way to
- restore it to your usual config by typing NORMAL. You can use this
- for ANY games you play! 'Tis a handy technique! Once you have this
- all done, you need never worry about it again. If you register for
- part 2, the same configuration will work!
- Whew! Now the LAST step:
- Change into the DIRECTORY where UZ3.EXE resides! For example:
- CD C:\AOL\DOWNLOAD\UZ3 or where ever you have the game and
- all 600+ files. This is the most important thing! You must BE in
- the directory where it is BEFORE you run it, otherwise it'll CRASH!
- The above is a likely directory, but you might have it elsewhere like:
- CD C:\GAMES\MYSTUFF or where ever. On my own machine, I have all
- the files in C:\ULTIZR3 where I made it from.
- Then just type UZ3 to begin the game. In future fire ups,
- after you press the ENTER key, you can quick tap the ESC key
- to skip the cool title screens, and get right to the main menu.
- Well, that's all you need to know to get up and running!
- Ok, I realize that not everybody is familiar with changing
- setups, etc., but the Castle of The Mach Gryphon can help!
- If you're really stuck on all this, CALL ME!
- I am usually around in the evenings around 8 PM EST. If you
- call, please call before 10. 'Tis Dr. D's bedtime!
- This is also a chance to see that I am for real and I exist,
- in case you're concerned about sending in for part 2.
- I am at (610) 434-0723
- If for any reason that number should change, I will be sure to
- remain listed and findable via directory assistance.
- Don't be afraid to call. I hear quite often from players
- of my games. Thanks!
- (3) How to play
- Don't read this! I promised the new interface would be so
- easy you could figure it out just by clicking around! And it is!
- Just make sure you've reviewed section 2, configuring, then from
- the main menu select NewGame. Go ahead! Play a bit, save your game,
- exit then come back here and read more!
- First, remember that this is Part 1. It is a full and complete
- game with all features fully operative. You can get Part 2 upon
- registering $15, plus a BONUS surprise - see menu option #4.
- Registrations can be sent to:
- Robert J. Deutsch
- 1402 Liberty St. #302
- Allentown, PA
- 18102
- Thanks! You will not regret it, I assure you!
- Now the fun stuff! Playing this thing!
- Ultizurk III is a huge and complex game, but the interface
- is a snap. Everything is point and click mouse control!
- You left click on ICONS, which then turn green, expecting you to then
- perform that action ON something. The EYE icon allows you to LOOK at
- stuff. The little HAND icon allows you to USE stuff - open doors, chests,
- light torches, etc. USE scrolls, books, etc., to read them. Try USING
- everything you see.
- The BAG icon allows you to open the inventory for both you and Losi.
- More on this in a bit.
- The SWORD icon allows you to ready an attack, click
- on a monster while it is green and you will attack. Losi fights automatically
- with whatever weapon she has armed. The LIPS icon are for talk. You can
- talk to Losi or any people you see by clicking it, then the person.
- The little BOOK icon is your ledger. Click it and Losi will tell how
- much gold you have.
- A Note!
- The status line at the bottom reports what happens. If it is in WHITE,
- then it is you the Guildmaster talking. If purple, it's Losi. If orange,
- it is just a report. This line disappears after you walk awhile, or
- you can erase it by left-clicking on it.
- The little MAP icon will give you an overhead view when outside.
- The DISK icon is to save/restore/return to game if accidental,
- or X-it game. If saved, you can restart from main menu by
- selecting QuestOnward.
- After the intro screens, you'll get the main menu. Click on ViewIntro and
- you will see a nice gothical readout about the Guildmaster and how and
- why he is back in King Eldor's land. When that's done, select NewGame.
- You'll again see the title screen as it loads. It will fade in and Losi
- should enter TALK mode. Talk mode is pretty self-explanatory. Just follow
- what it says on the menu list, pressing ENTER after each word you type.
- This is the only place you use the keyboard, incidentally.
- Say BYE or hit ESC or ENTER when done talking. As the game progresses
- you may learn more things the people can say without being hilighted
- in yellow. It's almost always just one word that you type.
- To move, just roll the cursor near the Guildmaster. It will turn into
- an arrow in eight directions, just press and hold to walk, or click. The
- arrow will work within 2 squares of the Guildmaster. Losi will always
- follow him, being such a fine companion.
- There are also two uses for the RIGHT button:
- It defaults as LOOK. Just right-clic anywhere on map
- to get a description.
- In combat, it defaults as if the SWORD icon -
- tap rbutton lightly and quickly, and the action stops, allowing
- you to aim. Press again and whamo! If you're really in the heat
- of battle, right HOLD and attack is immediate. Or, you can left
- clic the SWORD icon then clic again on monster.
- To see the STATISTICS of you or Losi, just clic on their
- portrait. Your STRength is approximately how hard you hit monster,
- depending on your level and weapon armed. INT is intelligence factor.
- AC is armor class, depending on what kind of armor you are wearing.
- HPT is your current hit points. All this rises as you progress. Talk
- to King Eldor for details. You'll also see these stats appear when a
- MONSTER wallops you.
- As you play around with these icons and experiment, it should
- be pretty easy to see how it works. Remember especially the USE icon --
- For example, USE joop joop tree to pick berries. USE honeysuckle clover,
- herbs in fields, and many more things which leads us to....
- If you USE a chest, hollow tree stump, cavern niche, skeleton, etc.,
- a little box will appear in the upper viewport, displaying it's contents.
- This will also open up TWO inventory packs, yours and Losi's, where their
- portrait was. Clicking the BAG icon does the same. The reason opening a box
- also opens your inventory is because it's expected you'll likely be doing
- some inventory work whenever opening a container.
- You will see a new list of box icons, similar to the main icons but with
- an inventoryish look - this cues the player that he is now operating
- in INVENTORY. You don't close doors, pick berries, etc. while IN inventory.
- The icons are pretty obvious. SEE is exactly like the EYE, but SEES stuff
- in inventory. Yes, the RIGHT button LOOK default also works just like
- left click eye. Use this a LOT to see the details of the stuff you have.
- The MOVE icon is obvious. Do you want to move that magic sheild into Losi's
- inventory for safe keeping? Clic MOVE then clic the sheild, or whatever.
- You will see PRINTOUTS at screen bottom prompting you every step of the
- way. The move icon is now also green. Clic any empty GREY area, and plip!
- It will go there. ANY grey area! Inventory will stay as you arrange it.
- If you have a chest or skeleton body open, use MOVE to pass goods back and
- forth. You can move them to and from ANY open box - even within a boxes' own
- self. Play with this one a lot. If you MOVE gold coins, nuggets, or bars,
- they will disappear with a message that it's been added to your gold,
- as seen in your ledger (book icon.) You can move gold to you or Losi.
- USE in inventory has several uses. Mostly, it USES stuff you have. For
- example, are you low on hit points? Is the Guildmaster's face bloody?
- (Yes, they WILL turn bloody!) Well, why not USE one of those potent
- joop joop berries? Or that apple or piece of bread? These will give
- you hit points. USE pocketwatch for time, sextant for location if
- outside. USE tent to set up camp. (There's two rolled up in the castle.)
- There is only ONE use for USE on the MAP while you are IN inventory:
- Containers. Suppose you are in a dungeon surrounded by several chests,
- and a few dead skeletons. You'll probably want to see everything without
- having to exit inventory. Well, you can USE chests, etc., exactly as if
- you were out of inventory! Try it! There's several banks of chests in the
- courtroom to experiment.
- Ok, so you found the SunFire Bane, or that fancy sword. A quick LOOK tells
- you the sword has an attack class of 25. How to use this sword? The PUT
- icon. This is how you WEAR stuff to make it DO something. Select PUT, then
- clic an item in your inventory. You will see something new!! The inventory
- screen is temporarily replaced by a new box, this one with the Guildmaster
- in it, surrounded by suspicious-looking greyed out boxes. Hmm! That one
- to the left looks like a shadowed sword. Aha! The place to put your WEAPON!
- Clic on it, and whatever you selected from inventory will GO there - you'll
- see it for a second, then the main inventory returns. Want to take it off?
- No problem. Read the menu prompts as you clic - it's very clear.
- Clic PUT, then a GREY blank spot in your inventory. This means take off,
- or put OFF an item - the wear box appears again with a message. Clic on
- the item to remove. Bingo! It's off, and back in your pack! Or, you could
- just put a new item on and they will switch places. If you make a mistake,
- just clic the X-IT icon. That's also a good way to EXAMINE what you are
- wearing - clic PUT then anything in inventory, see the wear screen, then
- clic X-IT to go back - again, the menu prompts tell you this.
- And, of course, all this works for Losi's inventory also. Try this!
- Take some food from the cooks chest, MOVE some into your inventory, then
- into Losi's. USE yours, then hers. 'Delicious!' it says. Hit points go up
- when you do, but did you notice how 'Delicious' appears in WHITE when you
- eat, PURPLE when Losi eats? Did that for consistancy. You may have noticed
- that Losi is the only one who, in talk mode, prints out in purple.
- Now! Some neat stuff! Almost everything in the land can be
- used!!! Shovels, icepicks, lockpicks, fishing poles, magical items, etc.
- Just arm these like you do a weapon, then walk around and look for something
- logical to USE. The program knows what you have armed. Try this!!
- Find a BUCKET somewhere. Arm it.
- Go out in the courtyard up to one of the fountains
- and USE it. Bucket is filled!! Now, go into inventory and PUT a flare where
- the bucket was. (See how the bucket is now full?) Go down the cellar and
- turn off the torches (Yes! It's smart enough to know you're not using the
- flare on the torch! Same for USE doors, etc.)
- Now, flare in hand, USE floor. Whoosh! A fire appears! Go back in
- inventory. PUT on water bucket. Exit. USE on fire. Fizz! It's out! Did you
- notice how the palette light changed when you lit and unlit the fire?
- Go east into the town and find the fisherman. USE chest to get a
- fishing pole. PUT on like weapon. Go out east to dock. USE water. If they're
- biting, you can catch one of two kinds of fish!! Eat for hit points, or sell
- it to the fisherman for gold!!! Also try the shovel on the ground! Or use
- water bucket on ground or grass. It's fun!
- Fundamental rule:
- If it's not a pocketwatch, sextant, tent or food,
- There are many items which do things this way. Losi can also use a
- few things - but those she can't are part of the game so you'll
- find out when and why. Did you notice yet how the palette slowly
- darkens as the day progresses? And remembers to reset it when
- you go inside a firelit savage hut, and exit again?
- Now when using PUT, you probably saw some other grey spaces - the shape
- should make it obvious that these are for other things like helm, boots,
- armor, and sheild. Try wearing different things then EXIT and left clic
- your portrait to see the change. The armorer of Eldorton will give you
- much more detailed information.
- Remember, the PUT is separate for you and Losi. If you want her to wear
- That ranger's armor in YOUR pack, you must first MOVE it to hers, then
- PUT unto her. Same thing but it'll appear over her box.
- One final note: There are 5 keyboard commands, the numbers 1-5 at the
- top of the keyboard. SPEED control!!! Tap 1 and they will walk as fast
- as your computer will take them. 2 is moderately fast. 3 is normal speed.
- 4 is slow. 5 is exceedingly slow and cautious.
- I have it pre-set at 3, which I think is the most realistic speed.
- If you run it on a 20 mhz or slower computer, select 1 to optimize.
- Final note about inventory:
- If you have too much junk, just MOVE it into some blank spots in a chest
- or hollow tree stump or something. USE everything in the land.
- There are many containers, buried chests, etc., that can be found.
- Experiment and have fun!!
- (4) What do I get for registering?
- You get...
- ULTIZURK III Part 2: The Mobius Mind
- But That's not all....!
- You get...
- The Great Ultizurkian Underland, prequel to this game.
- It tells among other things, how the Guildmaster met Losi.
- Both of these games are fully runnable and fully enabled!
- Yes, you get TWO games for registering Ultizurk III. This means
- you will get TWO games for FREE!!
- That is a bargain that barely has me covering costs!
- I have also decided to maintain the low fee of only $15 dollars.
- That's practically giving it away, but I want people to have fun!
- Send your registration of $15 to:
- Robert J. Deutsch
- 1402 Liberty St. #302
- Allentown, PA
- 18102
- If you are worried as to wether or not I am for real, or still
- in operation, call me on the phone!! I do this myself before I
- register a product to make sure the guy is for real, so don't be
- afraid to call at (610) 434-0723
- It should only take about a week to get your UZ3 Part 2 and
- Underland disks. They are very easy to install and run.
- (5) About Part 2: The Mobius Mind
- What would YOU do if you found yourself stranded in an alien
- world with a beautiful mermaid for a companion?
- How would YOU react in the land of the mystical sprites that you
- heard about in Part 1? What would you say to them? What would YOU,
- the Guildmaster, say when you stumble into the incredible city
- of the ancient creators of the Ultizurkian worlds?
- These are the things you will find out in:
- UlTIZURK III Part 2: The Mobius Mind
- You will recieve this game for FREE upon registering Part 1,
- which you are now playing. Registration is only $15 dollars.
- Send it to me, Dr. Dungeon. You'll have Part 2 in a week, plus
- the special BONUS game:
- The Great Ultizurkian Underland
- also for FREE! Send $15 to:
- Robert J. Deutsch
- 1402 Liberty St. #302
- Allentown, PA 18102
- Remember, feel free to CALL me if you're wondering if I'm for real!
- I'm usually around about 8 PM EST at (610) 434-0723
- Well, that's all folks! I hope you enjoy the game!
- -Dr. Dungeon
- -In The Castle of
- -The Mach Gryphon