└Guildmaster, I hath gathered some items here for thee as rapidly as time would allow. Thou wilt likely need them in thy quest.Take what thou needest from the castle. In the northeast corner of the upper level thou wilt find a room set aside for thee and Losi. Find there a sextant and pocketwatch as well as some food andgold from the treasury. Thou shouldst also visit the many merchants in the city of Eldorton east of here. Please come see me in mine throneroom anytime, and especially to ask from timeto time if thou art ready to advance. Asye knoweth, when thou dost come into theland, thou most often needs to re-aquirethy skills and levels of advancement. Good luck in thy quest! Your friend, (in need again) -King Eldor P.S. Be sure to visit the library in town! Much is to be learned there.