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SALS - Shuttle Approach & Landing Simulator
The SALS Demo is a much-simplified version of SALS, a high-fidelity
simulation of Space Shuttle approach & landing. SALS Demo is intended to
let you experience the general "look and feel" of flying a Space Shuttle
approach. The demo provides:
- Detailed visual scene of the Kennedy Space Center area
- Complex, working instrument panel, re-creating the critical flight
instruments used by Shuttle astronauts during landing
- Working Guidance, Navigation, and Flight Control systems, modelling
the GN&C functions provided by the Shuttle onboard computers
- Both Autopilot and Man-in-the-loop capabilities.
If you enjoy the SALS demo, you'll like the full-up version even better!
It provides the following additional capabilities:
1) A graphical user interface
2) Night visual scenes
3) Selectable/Creatable initial conditions (Orbiter location, winds, etc.)
4) Exterior "chase plane" visual capability
5) Post-flight "instant replay" capability
6) SoundBlaster(R) support with realistic cockpit and air-to-ground
voice traffic
7) A 64-page User's Guide providing details on how to fly SALS; how to
create a variety of simulation starting points; how to correctly fly
both nominal and off-nominal shuttle trajectories; methods for cor-
rectly interpreting and using the cockpit instruments; and other stuff.
DO Legal Stuff:
SALS Demo is copyrighted, and is distributed as FREEWARE - you may copy and
distribute it freely, provided no charge is made for the copy and that
all the original files are included in the distribution; individual files
may NOT be distributed. All rights are reserved by Binary Star Ltd.
For simplicity, a number of user-friendly set-up features of the full-up
SALS program are missing from this demo. For instance:
1) The SALS demo expects to be located in a directory called \SALSDEMO\
just under the root directory on your hard disk. You must create
this directory yourself and copy the SALS files to it, if you have
not done so already.
2) After running SALS386.EXE or SALS387.EXE, your first action should be
to calibrate your joystick (if you have one). To do this, run
3) Two different versions of the SALS demo are available. SALS_86.EXE
will run on any 386/486 system, but is somewhat slower than SALS_87.EXE.
SALS_87.EXE will run ONLY on systems equipped with a math coprocessor
(i.e. 387 or any 486DX system). SALS_87.EXE will run at a higher frame
rate than SALS_86.EXE. If your system is not coprocessor equipped,
do NOT run SALS_87.EXE.
4) The demo user interface is minimal. The full-up version features an
easy-to-operate installation program and graphical user interface in
order to access all the SALS capabilities.
The full-up version of SALS costs only $19.99, plus $5.01 for shipping and
handling. To order the full-up version of SALS (which includes 2 3-1/2 inch
diskettes and a 64-page illustrated manual), send your check or money order
for $25 per copy (U.S. funds only) to:
SALS Order Dept.
Binary Star Ltd.
P.O. Box 580568
Houston, TX 77058
Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.
The remainder of this file consists of a hyper-condensed form of the User's
Guide, just enough to get you through the basics of flying SALS.
NOTE: These instructions assume you installed to the
C:\SALSDEMO directory
1. Change to the Shuttle Landing Simulator directory:
2. Start the simulator:
1. Press [PF1] to return to DOS.
F1: Ends simulation and returns to SLCC.
F2: Toggles Speedbrake control between Auto and Manual.
F3: Arms & deploys landing gear. The simulator automatically deploys
the gear at the correct point; however, this key allows earlier
deploy, if desired. 1st input arms the gear if not yet armed
automatically (occurs at 2000 ft); an input after the gear have
been armed deploys the gear
F4: Toggles crew CRT display (the "green screen") between the
VERT SIT and HORIZ SIT display formats.
F5: Apply brakes during rollout (*0.25 ft/sec2 per keystroke).
F6: Release brakes during rollout (*0.25 ft/sec2 per keystroke).
F7: Builds a Reset Point (a selectable trajectory initial condition)
based on current shuttle position and velocity.
F8: Toggles Heads-Up Display (HUD) on and off.
F9: Open speedbrake, when in Manual (5% per keystroke).(see F2)
F10: Close speedbrake, when in Manual (5% per keystroke).(see F2)
F11: Arms Drag Chute for Deploy.
F12: After F11 Arm, first press deploys the Drag Chute; the second
press jettisons the Drag Chute.
The simulator has two flight control modes:
AUTO All flying is handled by the autopilot in response to
guidance system commands.
CSS (Control Stick Steering) The flight is controlled in one or more
axes by the pilot. CSS control may be applied to the pitch axis
(nose up/down) only, a combined roll/yaw axis (roll left/right)
only, or both simultaneously. Any axis not under CSS control is
driven by the AUTO system. CSS control is indicated by two
indicator lights at the top of the control panel, labeled "CSS P"
for pitch and "CSS R/Y" for roll/yaw.
If joystick control:
*** NOTE - be sure to run JOYCAL.EXE once before using joystick ***
Trigger 1 toggles between CSS and AUTO Pitch,
Trigger 2 toggles between CSS and AUTO Roll/Yaw.
If keyboard control or no joystick triggers:
Use the keyboard arrow keys (standard or numeric keypad):
The first time [UP ARROW] or [DOWN ARROW] key
is pressed engages CSS Pitch;
The first time a [LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW]
key is pressed engages CSS Roll/Yaw.
If joystick control:
Trigger 1 toggles between CSS and AUTO Pitch
Trigger 2 toggles between CSS and AUTO Roll/Yaw.
If keyboard control, or no joystick triggers:
[SPACE BAR] returns both axes to AUTO.
If joystick control:
Stick forward/backward commands pitch rates down/up, respectively;
Stick left/right commands roll rates left/right, respectively;
Center stick commands zero rate in corresponding axis.
If keyboard control: use the keyboard arrow keys.
NOTE: Keys correspond to direction of joystick motion: *
[UP/DOWN ARROWS] command nose-down/up pitch rate;
[LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS] command left/right roll rate;
Each input commands a 1.0 deg/sec rate increment
Numeric pad key [5] commands zero rate in both axes.
[CTRL]+arrow key commands zero rate in selected axis
713-992-0945 - Please leave a description of your problem, your name, and
a phone number. We will contact you within 24 hours.
We hope you enjoy the Shuttle Approach and Landing Simulator.