C-Worthy (R) Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00
COPYRIGHT (C) 1985, 1986 by Custom Design Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
COPYRIGHT (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Unibase Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The description for this error is not available.
Error Report
Further program execution is not possible.
Program execution should continue normally.
The current operation can not be completed.
Unable to load overlay file "%s$RUN.OVL".
Trace forced to exit because it could not create a portal.
Program Trace Portal
Please Wait
The system error library file "%s" is missing.
The error portal could not be created during program initialization.
The portal control block table is full, and an attempt was made to create another portal.
An attempt to allocate additional memory was unsuccessful.
An attempt was made to create a portal of height %d and width %d.
An attempt to seek to a specific position in the file "%s" failed.
An attempt to read from the file "%s" returned an end of file error. The read request was for %d bytes.
An attempt to read from the file "%s" failed. The read request was for %u bytes.
File "%s" should have had %u bytes read from it.
An attempt was made to push a list on the list stack, and the list stack is already full.
An attempt was made to pop a list from the list stack, and the list stack was empty.
The attempt to display the utility header, with the current date and time, failed.
<Press ESCAPE to continue>
An attempt to allocate %u bytes of additional memory failed.
An attempt to open the file "%s" failed.
An attempt to close the file "%s" failed.
File "%s" should have had %d bytes written to it.
An attempt to write to file "%s" failed. The write request was for %u bytes.
An attempt was made to get the first element in a list and the list was empty.
An attempt was made to get the last element in a list and the list was empty.
An attempt was made to restore the current list from an invalid list buffer number %d.
An attempt was made to save the current list to an invalid list save buffer number %d.
An attempt to free a section of memory that was previously allocated failed.
The bindery is locked. Normally the bindery is only locked if the supervisor is doing a backup of the entire SYS: volume. No information can be obtained until the supervisor unlocks the bindery.
An attempt was made to attach to server "%s" and that server did not respond.
An attempt was made to attach to server "%s", but that server is not presently connected to this network.
An attempt was made to attach to server "%s", but this station already has attachments to the maximum allowed number of file servers. You must detach from a server before you can attach to any more servers.
An attempt was made to attach to server "%s", but that server does not have any free connection slots. Another user must detach from it before you can attach to it.
An attempt was made to attach to server "%s", and you were already attached to it.
An attempt was made to get information about server "%s", and that server did not supply the information.
An attempt was made to get the bindery object "%s"'s property value "%s", but its value could not be obtained from the server bindery.
An attempt was made to write to the bindery object "%s" property "%s", but the information could not be written to the bindery.
An attempt was made to create the bindery object "%s" property "%s", but the property could not be created.
An attempt was made to delete the bindery object "%s" property "%s", but the property could not be deleted.
An attempt was made to get the name from the bindery corresponding to object #%08lx. The attempt failed.
An attempt was made to get the current portals information, and there was not a currently selected portal.
An attempt to create the file "%s" failed.
The string that was passed to EditPortalString was longer than the maximum length allowed. Possibly the string was not properly initialized.
The file name "%s" could not be converted to a full path specification.
An attempt to change the file attributes of file "%s" failed. The mode was %d.
Primary Server:
WARNING! This station has no primary server.
The procedure "EditText" failed because the default text was longer than the specified maximum length.
Cancel All Changes
Save Changes
The Paste Buffer Is Empty.
The Text Buffer Is Full.
No Insertions Allowed While Mark Is On.
The Marked Block Is Too Big For Available Memory.
There Are No Characters In The Marked Block.
The file name "%s" could not be converted to a path specification.
An attempt was made to set Dynamic Message Number %d. There is no such dynamic message pointer.
The help file "%s" is the wrong version.
An attempt to get the server name of the server connected at slot %d failed.
The Help Librarian Data File "%s" could not be found. The help system will not be able to provide any contextual help for this utility.
The Help Librarian Data File "%s" could not be read. The help system will not be able to provide any contextual help for this utility.
The Help Librarian Data File "%s" is the wrong version. The help system will not be able to provide any contextual help for this utility.
No application specific help is available at this point. Pressing the HELP key again will display a list of the function key assignments on your machine.
The text to be displayed in the current portal was too long to fit in the portal.
There is not a currently selected portal in which to display the text.
There is no preceding help screen.
This is the last help screen.
The following keys are available while viewing help:
Backs up to the previous help screen.
Moves to the next help screen.
Displays a list of the function key assignments on your machine.
Exits help.
No Server Attached
A read error occurred while reading the overlay file "%s$RUN.OVL".
The overlay file "%s$RUN.OVL" is the wrong version for this utility.
GetMessage was called, but no message was specified.
GetMessage was called, but the requested system message has been deleted.
An unknown procedure
GetError was called, but the specified procedure has been deleted.
Back up to the previous level.
Exit the program.
Cancel markings or edit changes.
Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Insert a new item.
Delete an item.
Rename/modify/edit the item.
Accept information entered or select the item.
This station doesn't have the privileges needed to create objects in the bindery.
Provide on-line help.
Toggle marking for current item.
Cycle through menus or screens.
Move up one line.
Move down one line.
Move left one position.
Move right one position
Move to the very beginning.
Move to the very end.
Move to the leftmost position on the line.
Move to the rightmost position on the line.
Move up one page.
Move down one page.
Move left one field or word.
Move right one field or word.
Special function 1.
Special function 2.
Special function 3.
Special function 4
Special function 5.
Special function 6.
Special function 7.
Special function 8.
Special function 9.
Special function 10.
The function key assignments on your machine are:
No More Help Available.
GetListIndex was called with the element "%s", but that element was not found in the currently selected list.
AlignChangedList was called with the element "%s", but that element was not found in the currently selected list.
AlignListDisplay was called with the element "%s", but that element was not found in the currently selected list.
An attempt to remove the file "%s" failed.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed.
Change Modes.
PushHelpContext was called to push the help context number %d, but the help context stack is already full.
An attempt was made to write to the previous level of help, but there are not any help context entries in the help context stack.
An attempt was made to set the help context to number %d, but there are only %d help contexts defined (help context numbers are zero based).
The object or property name specified may not contain illegal characters. Illegal characters include control characters, the comma, colon, semicolon, slash, backslash, question mark, asterisk, and the tilde.
The object specified already exists in the bindery.
The specified property already exists for the object.
This station does not have the necessary security privileges to create or change a property for the given object.
The data file was not of the correct type.
The data file format is the wrong version.
A read error occurred while reading the data file.
Connection information about connection number %d could not be obtained.
The Palette Stack Is Full.
The Palette Stack Is Empty.
Press a key when ready ...
The message queue is full.
There is either a lack of dynamic workspace, or an I/O failure.
An attempt was made to erase the file pattern "%s", but some of the files in this directory are currently in use by another station.
An attempt was made to delete directory "%s", but the directory is currently being used by another station.
The system failed to append the given text to the current spool capture file.
An attempt to change the object password failed.
An attempt to copy file "%s" to file "%s" failed.
An attempt to create a temporary drive handle failed.
An attempt to deallocate a drive handle failed.
An attempt to delete the file "%s" failed. The file is either in use or queued to be printed.
An invalid drive was used.
The specified directory can not be found.
Server "%s" can not be found.
An attempt to get the specified printer defaults failed.
The specified printer can not be found on the destination server.
An attempt to get information about the preferred server failed.
An attempt to get directory trustee paths and access level of objectID %lx on volume %d failed.
Invalid drive handle was used.
Volume number %d is out of range (0 - n), where n is the maximum number volumes supported by the file server.
Specified server "%s" is not attached.
File %s can not be found.
You have no right to change to mode of the file "%s".
You have no right to create the directory "%s".
The directory "%s" already exists.
The print queue is full or the specified printer does not exist. Try to print the files at a later time.
Unable to recognize date, or day exceeds number of days in month.
Invalid parameters encountered.
Specified path is not locatable.
Specified Drive in path %s is not a local drive.
Target and path separate local drives
Value must be between %d and %d inclusive.
The specified volume can not be found.
DOS environment could not be found.
Environment variable "%s" could not be found in DOS environment.
No error is returned from this function call.
Connection number %d is invalid.
New environment size is larger than the maximum size available. The new variable is "%s".
Specified server in path %s can not be found.
Specified server in path %s is not attached.
Drive %c is not a local drive.
An attempt to get the name of objectID %lx was unable to find the object in the file server's bindery.
An attempt to get the name of objectID %lx was unsuccessful.
An attempt to add a new property to the bindery object "%s" failed. The new property was "%s".
An attempt to allocate additional memory to add element "%s" to the current list was unsuccessful.
An attempt to get status of printer %d failed.
An attempt to add trusteeID %lx to the specified directory failed.
An attempt to delete trusteeID %lx from the specified directory failed.
An attempt to scan the specified directory for its trustees failed.
An attempt to get the server number of drive %c failed.
An error occurred copying from file "%s" to file "%s". %lu bytes of the requested %u bytes were copied.
Invalid code returned from field edit routine.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because the specified path does not exist.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because a file by the same name as the destination file already exists.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because the file is currently in use.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because a bad directory handle was specified.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because an illegal file name was specified.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because this station has no file rename privileges in the specified directory.
An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because the file server is out of dynamic workspace.