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- KAWAI K4 EDITOR V1.0 (c) 1990 by Jan Saucke
- ----------------------------------------------
- Contactaddress: Jan Saucke
- Hermannstal 112
- 2000 Hamburg 74
- (West) Germany
- First a general information:
- This program is Shareware. If You decide to use it, just send
- me a suitable sum (5$ - 10$, Banknotes).
- And of course I would like to receive any feedback in form
- of selfmade KAWAI-K4-Sounds, appeared bugs and hints to im-
- prove this program.
- Now something about the program-environment:
- - the directory-strukture on the disk shouldn┤t be changed.
- - it has to look at least like this:
- devs (dir)
- serial.device
- libs (dir)
- midi.library
- Midi (dir)
- All (dir)
- SingleOne (dir)
- KawaiEditor
- KawaiEditor.info
- KawaiEditor.txt
- - a possible Startup-Sequence is:
- setmap usa
- addbuffers df0: 30
- cd midi
- KawaiEditor
- - one All-Dump uses 15123 bytes disk-space, a Single-Dump
- only 140 bytes.
- - the KAWAI keyboard should transmit and receive on midi-
- channel 1.
- - the knowledge of special KAWAI terms is useful. I think
- it would be the best, if You put the KAWAI manual next
- to the computer, so You can look up the funktions of some
- of the parameters.
- And now to the program itself:
- It is devided into different program-levels, of which the
- All-Level and the Single-Level are implemented (I┤m working
- on the Multi-, Effect- and Drum-Level).
- The All-Level:
- - After running the editor, You are in the All-Level, with
- the following funktions available:
- RECEIVE ALL - makes the keyboard sending an All-Dump, which
- is stored in the AMIGA RAM.
- (During the transmission there is "BUSY" dis-
- played on the screen, after ending there will
- appear "DUMP RECEIVED" or an error massage.)
- TRANSMIT ALL - sends an ALL-Dump from AMIGA to KAWAI, which
- has been loaded from disk or received from
- KAWAI before.
- LOAD ALL - loads a dump from disk (the given name in the
- filerequester can be changed, also the given
- path.)
- SAVE ALL - saves a dump on disk (s. LOAD)
- DELETE ALL - delete a dump from disk (handle with care)
- GOTO SINGLE - go into the Single-Bank-Level
- GOTO MULTI - (in preparation)
- GOTO DRUM - (in preparation)
- GOTO EFFECT - (in preparation)
- QUIT - end the editor.
- Before You go into the Single-Bank-Level, it┤s suggestive to
- load or receive an ALL-Dump as a working basis.
- The Single-Bank-Level:
- Here You can create a single bank with 64 single sounds. For
- having a better view You can also print the bank.
- RECEIVE BANK - (not yet)
- TRANSMIT BANK - (not yet)
- PRINT BANK - print the Single-Bank (uses about 1/2 page)
- LOAD BANK - (not yet)
- SAVE BANK - (not yet)
- DELETE BANK - (not yet)
- COPY SINGLE - to copy a sound, You have to click on it to
- select it. Then click on "COPY SINGLE" and
- finally on the position to be copied to.
- SWAP SINGLE - to swap two sounds, select one, then click on
- "SWAP SINGLE" and after that on another sound.
- LOAD SINGLE - loads a sound from disk into the selected
- position.
- MENU BACK - back to the All-Level
- A single bank can be saved/transmitted by going back to the
- All-Level and choosing the wanted funktion.
- To get from the Single-Bank-Level into the One-Single-Level
- You can click once on a selected sound or twice on any other.
- The One-Single-Level:
- In this Level You can edit the sounds, finally. Besides the
- pure parameter-editing, there are the following funktions
- available:
- RECEIVE - receive a sound from the keyboard (the key-
- board will be switched to the current sound
- automatically (for insiders: by using pro-
- gram-change)
- TRANSMIT - the current sound will be transmitted to the
- keyboard.
- PRINT - the values of the parameters of the current
- sound are printed (uses about one page).
- CLEAR - the current sound will be cleared (only in
- AMIGA memory, if You want to clear it also in
- the keyboard, just transmit the cleaed sound.
- If You haven┤t transmitted it, You can restore
- a cleared sound easily by receiving it.)
- LOAD - a Single-Sound will be loaded from disk and
- transmitted to the keyboard automatically, so
- You can test many sounds from disk easily.
- SAVE - saves a sound
- DELETE - deletes a sound
- MENU BACK - back to the Single-Bank-Level, the current
- sound will be copied with all its changes into
- the AMIGA All-buffer.
- UNDO+BACK - back to tha Single-Bank-Level, the current
- sound will not be copied into the All-buffer,
- all changes will be lost.
- - the changing of the parameter-values are transmitted to the
- keyboard immediately, so You can listen to the result at once.
- - the changing follows allways the same pattern, so I will only
- explain the general handling and some special features:
- - to change the value of a parameter, just click on it. Then there
- will appear an input-mask in the upper screen-area.
- - the input bar is used by moving the red line
- with the mouse. Pressing the mouse-button left
- or right outside the bar will change the value
- +/- 1.
- If You click on a Zero-box, the value of the
- current parameter will be 0.
- - a multiple-choice-input is made simply by
- clicking on the given words.
- - in the lower screen area there is displayed some deeper
- information to the transmitted data (like address, parameter,
- bitpattern, s. KAWAI manual)
- - to end the editing of the current parameter, just click on
- another one or on one of the funktions (LOAD,SAVE etc.).
- - Special hints:
- - to edit another single-sound, You can click on LOAD, RECEIVE
- or the single-name. Then you can choose from 64 possibilities
- (A 1 - D 16).
- - if You click on the single-name, this name will be displayed
- in the upper screen area on the right. Just click on the name
- in the box and You can type in a new name.
- - the fields S1 S2 S3 S4 are to select the source You want to
- edit (s. KAWAI manual)
- - the fields FILT1 and FILT2 are to select a filter (for insiders:
- Filter 2 is not send by parameter-send, yet. You can┤t hear
- the changes immediately, but only after an extra Single-
- transmit/receive. That┤s because I don┤t know how to send
- the data of filter 2 by parameter-send. Maybe it┤s KAWAI┤s
- fault, maybe it┤s mine. But if anybody knows, how to do this,
- please let me know)
- - the waveform is displayed in clear text (s. KAWAI manual),
- below the text "DCO..."
- That┤s for now. And don┤t forget: I┤m waiting for own sounds, questions
- and hints.