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A R E X X / T E L L E D S E C T I O N
This section describes EdPlayer commands which can be issued from ARexx,
or from programs like telled/cteled. I'll try to explain it so that even
people who are not familiar with ARexx can use the commands.
EdPlayer has a special message port. This port is more than an ARexx port,
because it can accept both ARexx messages and special "EdPlayer" messages
in the same port. The reason for this is that some unfortunate people
using OS1.3 still don't have ARexx! What are you guys waiting for??
Anyway, included in this archive are two programs and their respective
source codes, called "Telled" (Telled.asm) and "cteled" (cteled.c). The
two are almost identical: Telled was written in Assembly, being as SMALL
as possible, for easy use in script files. Cteled was written in Aztec C,
and is somewhat larger because it actually returns error messages on the
screen. Both of these programs transmit the special "EdPlayer" messages so
that ARexx is not required. Their source codes are provided in case you
want to write your own programs that transmit these messages. However, it
is strongly recommended that you look up in your ARexx manual the proper
way of sending true ARexx messages, so that you know how to send messages to
other ARexx applications, not just EdPlayer.
In EdPlayer 2.0, two new programs appear in the archive: "AskEd.rexx" and
"wport" (wport.c). AskEd.rexx is an ARexx script that should be used to
send the ARexx queries. EdPlayer cannot return a result (other than an
error) to telled and cteled, so you must use "rx AskEd <query>" to get
responses from EdPlayer. Wport is a little program I wrote that waits
for the EDPLAYER message port to appear. This is very useful for scripts
that launch EdPlayer and immediately try to send it commands; these scripts
should wait (with wport) for EdPlayer to set up its message port first.
See wport.c (it's commented) for info on how to use wport.
For those of you making script files: If you have ARexx, you'll almost
certainly want to make ARexx scripts instead of CLI scripts. For that, use
an "address 'EDPLAYER'" type command. Again, see your ARexx manual for
more details. NOTE: rexx:Startup.EdP (the startup script)
should ** NOT ** contain an "address 'EDPLAYER'" command! It automatically
addresses a special startup message port, so that programs waiting with
wport or whatever don't mix their messages in before the startup script
completes. ANYWAY, for you people without ARexx, you're stuck making CLI
scripts! For this, use "telled" or "cteled" as described here: NOTE!: the
parameters are different. Telled does NOT use quotes, while cteled DOES:
>>>> telled PLAY mod.cream of the earth
;Note that telled NEVER needs any quotes no matter how many spaces are
;in the line.
>>>> cteled "PLAY mod.cream of the earth"
;Note that cteled NEEDS quotes, and all parameters go in the SAME
;set of quotes, because EdPlayer will parse it, NOT cteled.
>>>> telled play mod.cream of the earth
;NEW for EdP v1.1: Commands are no longer case-sensitive,
;EXCEPT the "MIDL" command's parameter which needs to be
;case-sensitive for looking up a midi_destination.
telled "PLAY mod.test module" ;telled NEVER needs quotes
cteled "PLAY" "mod.test module" ;put ALL in one set of quotes
Well, I hope you can get the hang of that. There should be some example
scripts in the archive, for more examples of sending commands.
Now it's time for a complete list of commands. Note that you may give ANY
of these commands to EdPlayer by (1) using the CLI/Shell to issue "telled"
or "cteled" as shown above, or (2) send the commands via ARexx to the ARexx
port "EDPLAYER" (port name is all caps).
I'll list the commands in the order they were created.
*** New for 2.0: Some commands are no longer 4 letters. However, only the
first 4 letters of ANY command are needed. Users complained that they
wanted to type "pause" instead of "paus", "eject" instead of "ejec",
etc. You can now do this (a) for commands that need no parameters
(this was actulally an undocumented feature in previous versions),
and (b) for commands that accept numbers as parameters. You may
NOT do it for commands that accept text as a parameter, such
as LOAD, PLAY, JUKE, and MIDL. These commands still need to be
only 4 letters long, with ONE SPACE between them and their parameter.
(The exception is the MESS command, which can be extended to MESSAGE).
Commands are presented with the first four letters capitalized. These
letters are the only ones used by EdPlayer to identify the command.
Any letters after them are optional, they are there just to make
script files more readable. For example, the command presented as "MESSage"
may be sent to EdPlayer as "mess", as "message", or even as
"messInTheHall". EdPlayer only looks at the first 4 letters.
Parameters in [<brackets>] are optional.
Parameters in <these things> are required!
LOAD <filename>
This command is used to load a module into EdPlayer. EdPlayer
automatically figures out what module type it is, but does not yet
start to play it. This command can NOT be used with programs! It
erases the current program. If you want to use programs, see JUKE
below. Anyway, LOAD will wait until the module finishes loading
before it returns, so it can report if there was an error or not.
Note: ALWAYS use a FULL PATH with LOAD, because the current
directory of EdPlayer may not match the current directory of the
program sending the command.
NEW for EdP v1.1: If you want to load a PP encrypted module, you
can do this: LOAD volume:path/modulename|password
(Please note the LACK of spaces around the "|").
If you don't give a password when needed, a password requester opens.
query: see ANAM.
PLAY [<filename>]
This command can be used with or without the parameter. If it is
given with no parameter, it will attempt to play the current song.
If there is a parameter, it will call LOAD first, and then PLAY.
This command will wait for the module to load, so it can report
errors like LOAD does, but it will return once the song begins to
play. Note: This is NOT the same as the PLAY button on the CD,
because there is no PAUSE feature here.
*** NEW for EdP v2.0: If there is no current song, and no parameter,
but there IS a current program, PLAY will grab a name from the
program and use it. To launch a program, I recommend PJUM, not PLAY.
see PAUS, CONT, PJUM, and NEXT. query: see ANAM.
Stops the music immediately, just like the STOP button.
Ejects the current song, un-loading it from your CHIP mem.
(Just like the EJECT button!) Does nothing to your program.
see ERAS
VOLUme <volume>
Sets the music's volume, and affects the volume slide on the CD
player panel. <volume> can be an integer from 0 to 64.
The default is 64, the loudest.
see FADE. query: see AVOL.
PAUSe [<rate>]
This will pause the music. If there is no parameter, the music will
pause immediately. If there is a <rate>, then the music will fade
to a pause. Common <rate>s are: 1 = Very slow, 2 = slow,
4 = initial default fade rate from CD panel, 8 = medium fast, 16 =
fast. Integers from 1 to 32 usually work OK. NOTE: Entering a new
PAUSE rate may not affect the end-of-song fade-out rate, BUT, it
WILL set a new default for the panel's rate for everything. So next
time someone uses the panel to fade something, it will happen in the
last-used <rate>. This side-effect on the panel goes for ALL
EdPlayer commands that use <rate>, such as CONT, AUTO, FADE, etc.
see CONT.
CONTinue [<rate>]
This will make the music continue, if it has been PAUSed. If no
<rate> is given, the rate from the last PAUS will be used. For a
description of <rate>s, see PAUS.
FADEout [<rate>]
This is for fading the song to a STOP. You cannot continue after
this!! The <rate> works like in PAUS, except that if it is not
specified, it defaults to 4, taking the panel's rate to 4 along
with it, probably. (Yet another feature that needs testing!)
NOTE: In program mode, at the end of a FADE, the next song is
loaded and played. I often send this command when I'm bored
with one song and want to move to the next in a non-abrupt way.
AUTOfadeout [<rate>]
This command is for automatically getting a song (or program) to
stop at the end (this is the default when EdPlayer starts). If no
<rate> is specified, the song will stop immediately when it reaches
the end, otherwise, the song will loop and start to fade to a stop
at the specified <rate>. During programs, it will set the fade-out
rate at the end of each song, as well as telling the program not
to loop. If you set this rate but still want your program to loop,
just issue a LOOP command afterwards. For a descripton of <rate>s,
see PAUS. query: see AFAD.
The current song or program will loop and keep playing, instead of
stopping, when it reaches the end. This is the opposite of AUTO.
query: see ALOP.
This has the same effect as pressing the "Power" button: The
current song STOPs, gets EJECted, the program is erased, and then
EdPlayer exits the system, all very quickly. It's a good idea to
ask the user if he/she wants this before you send a KILL command.
JUMP <position>
This is an interesting command. It tells EdPlayer that on the next
position change (a position currently shows up as "POS" on the
CD panel), the music should jump to the specified position rather
than just proceeding to the next one. My brother created a perfect
example of what this can be used for: He wrote a module (in MED)
that had several sections, each section ending in a $B command for
looping. Then he turned EdPlayer's LOOP on, and in a DeluxeVideoIII
presentation, had EdPlayer start playing this song. Of course, it
got caught in the first looping section. But then, as the
presentation continued (it was more like a game actually), he sent
JUMP commands to EdPlayer to play the different sections. As the
user moved from one part to the next, the music changed to match the
current place in the game. It was a really neat effect. Anyway, if
this DVideo game ever becomes playable, I'm sure he'll distribute
*2.0*> ...NOT!!
My brother lost interest in DVideo after a few months and moved on...
see SJUM. query: see APOS, ATOT.
SELFdestruct [<rate>]
This command works exactly like AUTO, except that at the end of the
song's fade-out, EdPlayer KILLs itself (exits the system). I don't
think I ever updated this command for use with programs, because
quite frankly I never found a use for it myself. If you use it, and
want it updated, tell me!
(Updating would mean having it wait for the end of a program, rather
than the end of a song, before the self-destruct.)
query: see ASEL.
This command is kind of left over from previous versions. If you
have an NTSC machine, this runs the NTSC command, and if you have
a PAL machine, this runs the PALM command.
see NTSC, PALM. query: see ATEM.
This command is here for those old NoiseTracker mods that sound
better when played at the NTSC tempo (sped up a bit). Most mods
use PAL timing, and ALL ProTracker mods use PAL. MED mods are not
affected by PALM and NTSC.
see NORM, PALM. query: see ATEM.
This command sets the tempo to PAL timing, which is now the
default for EdPlayer.
see NORM, NTSC. query: see ATEM.
This command will bring up EdPlayer's CD-like control panel if it's
not visible, and redraw it if it is. The EdPlayer version
information will be re-displayed. Whether or not EdSynth appears
at the same time depends on the most recent SYNTh command.
see ICON, HIDE, SYNT. query: see AMOD, ASYN.
*2.1*> For EdPlayer Junior, this command returns error #3. There is no
panel in EdPlayerJr.
This command will close the CD display and create the iconified WB
window that also appears when someone presses the "ICONIFY" button
or starts EdPlayer with the -i option. Selecting this WB window
and pressing the right mouse button will bring back the CD panel.
see MENU, HIDE. query: see AMOD.
This command will remove EdPlayer's user interface altogether, as if
you had started EdPlayer with the -h option. This allows WB to be
closed if necessary, but is not really recommended because the user
has no way to undo this using the mouse alone. It can only be
undone with the MENU or ICON commands, above.
see MENU, ICON. query: see AMOD.
This is for direct MIDI on MED modules. If any midi.library
resources have been allocated, they are deallocated and the library
is closed. Then, EdPlayer tries to allocate the serial port for
direct MIDI output, using the default MED MIDI routines. This is
the mode that the MIDI button on the panel uses. Safe to call even
when a module is playing, because a playing MED module will be
paused VERY briefly during the allocation & init of the MIDI stuff.
see NOMI, MIDL. query: see AMID.
NO MIdi. Deallocates any and all MIDI-related resources, such as
the midi.library or serial port. Safe to call even when a module
is playing.
see MIDI, MIDL. query: see AMID.
MIDL [<midi_destination>]
(Don't put extra characters on the end of the MIDL command).
MIDi.Library. If you own the midi.library by Bill Barton, you can
use this command to take over MED's MIDI output: Instead of
allocating and directly controlling the serial port, EdPlayer will
attempt to open the midi.library and create a "midi source" called
EDPLAYER. Then, if there is a parameter, EdPlayer will try to make
a "Midi Route" from its source to a destination of the name
specified in the parameter. This means that if you do NOT give a
parameter, you must create your own route with a Patch Bay before
anything can happen. The "standard" use of this command would be
"MIDL MidiOut" because MidiOut is the standard midi.library output
to the serial port. However, there are more useful options if you
are multitasking with other applications that use midi.library, and
want to recieve MIDI data from EdPlayer. For instance, if you had a
MIDI monitor called "MidiMon", you could send Edplayer a
"MIDL MidiMon" to monitor EdPlayer's MIDI output. Like the other
MIDI commands, it is safe to call MIDL even when a module is
playing, and MIDL works differently based on what resources are
already allocated. For instance, if the serial port is allocated
when you call MIDL, it will be dumped so that midi.library can open.
Also, if midi.library was ALREADY open, MIDL won't close or re-open
it or the EDPLAYER midi_source. It will, however, erase the old
midi route and make a new one, because routes can become useless if
their destination disappears.
NOTE that MIDL's parameter is CASE-SENSITIVE!
Use MidiOut, not MIDIout etc. This is because midi.library
itself uses case-sensitive midi_destinations.
see MIDI, NOMI. query: see AMID.
EJECts current song, moves to previous song in program, and tries to
load AND PLAY it. PREV waits for the load to complete before
returning, so it can result in all the usual load errors (file not
found, out of mem, etc.) as well as the "no program" error. Note
that the PREV "|<" button on the panel does not work exactly like
this, because it does not automatically try to load and play.
see NEXT, JUKE, PJUM. query: see APRG.
Like PREV, but moves to NEXT program selection instead of
previous one. NOTE: If RANDOM mode is ON, then this command will
send you to a random song!
NOTE: This command used to be used for starting programs. I now
recommend using PJUM with no parameters to start programs. See
PJUM for the reasons.
see PREV, JUKE, PJUM, RAND. query: see APRG.
JUKE <filename>
(Don't put extra characters on the end of the JUKE command.
For instance, "Jukebox" is NOT a command).
This is the way to make EdPlayer programs from an ARexx or CLI
(telled) script. Each call to JUKE adds the one <filename>
parameter to the end of the current program. It's a good idea to
include the full path in this filename, because EdPlayer's current
directory may not be the same one that the script file with the
JUKEs is executing from. Once a program is created (by a series of
"JUKE"s), the program can be started by a call to "PJUM".
NEW for EdP v1.1: If you want to load a PP encrypted module, you
can do this: JUKE volume:path/modulename|password
(Please note the LACK of spaces around the "|").
If you don't give a password for a mod that needs it, a password
requester opens each time the mod is loaded. If you give a wrong
password, you will get error #5, and no requester opens.
* NEW COMMANDS in EdP v1.1: *
DCOLor <decrunch color>
If you have powerpacked modules, and if you're *NOT* using
PowerPatch or some such stuff, then you can control the effect
displayed by powerpacker.library when decrunching your files.
Possible <decrunch color>s are the same as PP.lib uses:
0 = flash palette 0 on all screens
1 = flash palette 1 on all screens (EdPlayer's default)
2 = flash the mouse pointer
3 = do WEIRD FUNNY THINGS with the screen (I don't like this one)
4 = NO decrunch effect. It just sits there, quietly decrunching.
query: see ACOL.
Nobody asked for this command, but I thought it would be more than
useful... It erases the current program. POOF. Gone.
It does nothing to the current song however, so I suggest calling
both ERAS and EJEC if you want a clean sweep!
query: see APTO.
*** NEW COMMANDS in EdP v2.0: ***
* The PLAY command changed a bit. Now, if PLAY is issued with no
parameters, and there is no current song, PLAY will look in the current
program before giving up. However, to start program scripts, I recommend
PJUM over play.
FREQuester <frq number>
File Requester preference. If you have more than one recognised
file requester in your LIBS: directory, this command lets you
pick which one you want to use. To get <frq number>, pick a
LIBRARY NUMBER from below, and add to that number any
LIBRARY NUMBERS: (choose one of these numbers)
0 = kd_freq.library
16 = req.library
32 = asl.library
[others may appear in future versions]
LIBRARY FLAGS: (add none/some/all of these to above chosen #).
1 = No shadows under text. (affects: kd_freq.library)
2 = Use default size, not big size (affects: kd_freq, asl)
[more flags may appear in future versions]
For example, to use kd_freq.library with no shadowtext and a big
window, use (library #0) + (flags #1) = 'FREQ 1'.
To use a small asl requester, use (library #32) + (flags #2)
= 'FREQ 34'.
query: see AFRQ.
SAVC <filename>
Save current program as a CLI script.
Don't put extra characters on the end of the SAVC command.
This takes the current EdPlayer program, and saves it to disk as
<filename>. WARNING: There are no requesters or such if saving
the program with this name would overwrite an existing file.
Please be careful. To load a program saved with SAVC, make sure
that the program "telled" is in your path, and from CLI type:
execute <filename of program to load>
Note that these programs do not load as fast as programs
saved with SAVA.
Also note that the status of the LOOP and RANDOM LEDs are saved
with the program.
see SAVA.
SAVA <filename>
Save current program as an ARexx script.
Don't put extra characters on the end of the SAVA command.
This does almost the same thing that SAVC does (and hence the same
WARNING applies), but to load the saved program requires ARexx,
and is done like this:
rx <filename of program to load>
Also, if you want to load a program and start playing from
song number 16 (for example), you can say:
rx <filename> 16
Generally, these programs should be saved to the REXX: directory
with names ending in .rexx, like this: "SAVA REXX:myprogram.rexx"
For programs with 40 songs or more, the speed increase of loading
SAVA programs over loading SAVC programs becomes quite noticable.
Also note that the status of the LOOP and RANDOM LEDs are saved
with the program.
see SAVC.
PJUMp [<song number>]
This command has two functions. One is jumping to arbitrary songs
in a program. When the <song number> is provided, the current song
stops immediately, and EdPlayer goes to the specified song in the
program and plays from there. Note that if the <song number> is 0,
EdPlayer will stop the program and set the current song to "--",
where it waits for more input.
The other function this command does, is when no <song number>
is provided, EdPlayer just tries to get some music from a program
up and playing. I'm sorry this is such an obvious kludge to make
a nice command to put at the end of program scripts, but it was
needed. The main difference between this and the new PLAY command,
is that this command is satisfied as soon as music is playing.
So, if a song is already playing when you issue PJUM, then PJUM
has no effect, whereas PLAY would reset the song to the beginning.
Also, if a song played and stoped, and THEN a program was loaded,
a PJUM at the end of the program script would eject the stopped
song and move into the program, whereas a PLAY in that place would
have played the current song a second time. As you can see, it
is much better to have a PJUM at the end of your program scripts
than a PLAY. PJUM is used by SAVC and SAVA in saved program files.
see PLAY, SAVC, SAVA. query: see APRG, APTO.
SJUMp <position>
SuperJUMP. This command is like JUMP, but its effect is immedeate,
rather than delayed until the next position change. With this
command, you can instantly jump to any position in the song.
(Actually, its effect is delayed until the next line change, but
lines usually go by so fast no one should notice this).
This command also has the ability to jump right into the middle
of a song. For example, suppose you LOAD a song and then want
to start from position 8 rather than from the beginning. A quick
'SJUM 8' will get you there.
see JUMP. query: see APOS, ATOT.
FILTer <filter>
This controls the audio filter and whether or not EdPlayer will
override the song's control of it. For <filter>, use one of these:
0 = Override turned ON, filter turned OFF.
1 = Override turned ON, filter turned ON.
2 = Override turned OFF, filter turned OFF.
3 = Override turned OFF, filter turned ON.
4 = Override turned OFF. (no effect on filter).
query: see AFIL.
DISPlaymode <displaymode>
This controls the display mode. Select a number from each:
0 = Prg#, Pos, Total display
1 = Line, Pos, Patt display
2 = Time (with AM/PM) display
3 = Date (month/day/year) display
0 = VU meters 0,1,2,3 (Left, Right, Right, Left)
4 = VU meters 0,3,2,1 (Left, Left, Right, Right)
8 = Spectrum Analyzer
Pick one choice from Table 1, and one choice from Table 2.
Then, ADD their numbers together! That gives you the
number to put next to the DISP command. For example, if
you wanted a Spectrum Analyzer with Line/Pos/Patt display,
you would add 8 and 1 to get 'DISP 9'.
query: see ADIS.
MCOLor <0 or 1>
This tells EdPlayer whether or not to try to extract
RGB color info from MED mods and apply it to the CD panel.
This will not work on mods older then MED 3.20.
0 = normal colors, 1 = extract MED mod colors.
NOTE: Obviously, some remapping of the colors is done, so
that colors that look good in MED will usually look ok on
EdPlayer as well.
This command has no effect on NT/PT mods or MED mods without RGB.
query: see MCOL.
RANDom <0 or 1>
This turns random mode on (1) and off (0) for the current program.
This setting is saved with a program when you use SAVC or SAVA.
When random mode is on, songs play in random order, and the NEXT
command goes random places, as does the ">|" gadget on the panel.
If the current program is larger than 5 songs, EdPlayer keeps
track of the last 4 songs selected by the random fuction,
and makes sure it does not play the same song twice in a row.
see NEXT. query: see ARND.
MESSage [<message>]
This is a very simple command, that I added mostly because it only
took about 20 bytes to program it :-). It takes whatever <message>
you give it, and displays it in the scroll bar under the CD panel.
If the panel is not open, this command does nothing. If no
<message> is provided, it displays the song name & author info.
NOTE that you can add colors and things to your message with the
"special effects" characters listed in the BUTTONS section under
Info Bar.
query: see ANAM.
LPRIority <pri>
This controls what EdPlayer's task priority will be while
loading or decrunching a song. It only accepts 0 or
negative numbers as input. The default is 0, but you
could change this to -5 or such if you wanted EdPlayer
not to strangle the CPU during a mod decrunch. BEWARE,
if you multitask EdPlayer with a Ray Tracer, Fractal
Generator, or some other CPU-intensive task while this
priority is negative, EdPlayer may not be able to get
any CPU time to load the next module with!! EdPlayer
would then freeze until the ray trace was done. So, new
users are advised to keep their hands off this one.
If you already know about Amiga task priorities, then
you can change this, but please be careful.
query: see APRI.
SWAIt [<pos>]
Song wait.
This is a VERY cpu-friendly way to wait for a song to finish or
reach a certain point. Any script that sends an SWAI will then
wait until EdPlayer returns the SWAI (careful, there is no
Ctrl-C or anything to get out of this, but pressing STOP on
EdPlayer will do the trick). EdPlayer returns an SWAI when
EdPlayer's position in the current song reaches or passes the
<pos> given by the SWAI. If the <pos> is higher than the highest
position in the song, or if no <pos> was given, EdPlayer hangs
on to the SWAI until the song ends. If the current song ends,
for _ANY_ reason, _ALL_ remaining SWAI messages are returned.
You may have any number of SWAI and PWAI messages queued up in
EdPlayer at the same time; normal ARexx/telled message processing
will continue for other scripts.
see: PWAI. query: see APOS, ATOT.
PWAIt [<song>]
Program Wait.
This is a VERY cpu-friendly way to wait for a program to finish or
reach a certain song. Any script that sends a PWAI will have
to wait until EdPlayer returns the PWAI (careful, there is no
Ctrl-C or anything to get out of this, but erasing the program on
EdPlayer will do the trick). EdPlayer returns a PWAI when
the current program reaches or passes the given <song> number.
(NOTE: For random programs, PWAI is almost useless). If the
<song> number is higher than the highest song in the program,
or if no <song> was given, EdPlayer hangs on to the PWAI until
the program ends. If the current program ends or gets erased,
_ALL_ remaining PWAI messages are returned.
You may have any number of SWAI and PWAI messages queued up in
EdPlayer at the same time; normal ARexx/telled message processing
will continue for other scripts.
see: SWAI. query: see APRG, APTO.
SYNTh <0 or 1>
Controls the appearence of EdSynth.
0 = hidden, 1 = displayed in lo-res, 2 = displayed in HIRES/Interlace
This command takes effect instantly if EdPlayer's CD panel is
already open. However, if the panel is NOT open, this command
merely records what display mode EdSynth will be in the next time the
panel is opened. A description of EdSynth is in the BUTTONS section.
see: MENU query: see ASYN.
*** NEW commands for EdP 2.1:
DMAWait <value>
This command allows you to adjust the audio timing used in the
ProTracker replay routines. The PT replay routines in EdPlayer
don't use a CPU busy-loop, instead, they call the _wait1line
subroutine from the MED replay routines. In EdPlayer 2.0, they
would always call this routine with a value of 120. However, for
some systems, this value was not high enough and EdP would skip
notes in ST/NT/PT mods. So, this command lets you change the
value. If EdPlayer seems to be skipping notes, you might want
to call DMAWait with a higher <value> like 160 or 180. The higher
value you use, the less chance there is of note loss. BUT, if you
go too high, the system will suffer: the decrease in CPU time may
start to become noticable, and modem usage may get errors or
cause EdPlayer to drag the tempo down. Any <value> 10 or higher
will be accepted by this command, so if you're really trying to
crash your computer, you can enter something in the millions.
NOTE: This command only affects playback of ST/NT/PT mods.
It has no effect on MED mods.
query: see ADMAwait.
============================= ARexx queries: ===============================
This is the ARexx query part of the AREXX/TELLED section. To use queries,
you MUST have ARexx running, because all queries return RexxArg strings.
To send a query from an ARexx script, use OPTIONS RESULTS and read
the variable RESULT after the query returns. To send a query from the
CLI while ARexx is running, use the provided AskEd.rexx script. Ex:
rx AskEd <query>
That will print the result in your CLI window. AskEd.rexx is also a good
example of how to put queries in your own scripts.
NOTE: ARexx queries do NOT work through telled or cteled, because those
programs do not make use of ARexx.
Ask Name. This returns the name and author info of the current
song. NOTE: This is NOT to be used as a filename! It may have
author info in it.
Ask Volume. Returns the current volume.
see VOLU.
Ask Faderate. Returns the current fade rate, or 0 for no fade.
the result from this may be used in a later AUTO command.
see AUTO. Other queries: see ALOP.
Ask LOOP. Returns 1 if LOOP is on, or 0 if LOOP is off.
see LOOP, AUTO. Other queries: see AFAD.
Ask Self-Destruct. Returns 1 if EdPlayer plans to kill itself after
the current song finishes, or 0 otherwise.
see SELF.
Ask Tempo. Returns a string: NTSC or PALM. This string may later
be passed as a command to restore the tempo to what it was when ATEM
was issued.
Ask Mode. Returns a string: MENU, ICON, or HIDE. This string may
later be passed as a command to restore the user interface to what
it was when AMOD was issued.
see MENU, ICON, HIDE. Other queries: see ASYN.
Ask MIDI. Returns 0, 1, or 2. 0 = No MIDI is active, 1 = MIDI is
going direct to the serial port, and 2 = MIDI is going into the
midi.library (via MIDL).
Ask color. Returns the decrunch color to be used by powerpacker.
This number may later be used in DCOL to restore the color.
see DCOL (for meanings of color numbers).
Ask file requester. Returns the last number sent to FREQ (0 is
the default).
see FREQ.
Ask filter. Returns a number from 0 to 3, showing the status
of the filter and the filter override. This number may later be
used in FILT to restore the filter and its override.
see FILT (for the meanings of the numbers 0 to 3 here).
Ask Displaymode. Returns a number showing the status of the LED
display (both digits and bars). This number may later be used
in DISP to restore the display mode.
see DISP.
Ask MED colors. Returns 1 if EdPlayer is trying to use RGB color
tables found in MED mods, or 0 if EdPlayer is just keeping a normal
palette. NOTE: This always returns 1 if the last MCOL command
was a 1, regardless of whether or not EdPlayer has actually found
any nonstandard colors to use.
see MCOL.
Ask Random mode. Returns 1 if EdPlayer is playing songs in random
order, or 0 if EdPlayer is playing songs sequentially.
see RAND.
Ask Load priority. Returns the task priority that EdPlayer uses
when loading and decrunching modules.
see LPRI.
Ask POS. Returns the position in the song, like the "POS" display
on the panel. NOTE: DO NOT wait for a position in a song by
calling APOS until it returns a given number. This will EAT UP
ALL OF YOUR CPU TIME! To wait for a position, use SWAI!
see SWAI, JUMP, SJUM. Other queries: see ATOT.
Ask total positions. Actually, this returns the number of the
highest position in the song, which technically is one less than
the total positions in the song. However, it IS the same number
that appears above "TOTAL" on the panel during a song. It is
also the greatest number you can legally send to JUMP or SJUM.
see JUMP, SJUM. Other queries: see APOS.
Ask program number. Returns the number of the current song in the
program. NOTE: DO NOT wait for a song in a program by calling
APRG until your song is playing. This will EAT UP ALL OF YOUR
CPU TIME!! To wait for a given song, use PWAI.
see PWAI, PJUM. Other queries: see APTO.
Ask program total. Returns the total number of songs in the
current program. This also happens to be the number of the highest
song you can PJUM to.
see PJUM. Other queries: see APRG.
*** NEW Queries for EdPlayer 2.1: ***
Ask current version of EdPlayer. This query was mostly added for
the benefit of EdPlayer Junior, which doesn't have a main panel
to display the version number on. It returns a string like this:
EdPlayer version x.x by Ed Mackey
EdPlayerJunior version x.x by Ed Mackey
Note that for any given release, EdPlayer and EdPlayer Junior
will have the same version number. This is so you can keep them
together. Note also that there is no space in EdPlayerJunior,
so you can use the ARexx function WORD(version,3) to get
just the bare version number if you like.
AERRor <number>
Ask for a short description of a certain error <number>. This
returns the same string that would be printed to the panel
if this error had occoured. The DOCs have much better
descriptions, but I thought this would be useful for something.
This is a feature I forgot to put in EdPlayer 2.0. It returns
a number like this:
0 = no song loaded
4 = PT-MOD loaded but STOPped.
5 = PT-MOD loaded and playing.
6 = PT-MOD loaded and paused.
8 = MED mod loaded but STOPped.
9 = MED mod loaded and playing.
10 = MED mod loaded and paused.
The numbers were chosen for easy parsing of bitfilds, for you
binary-heads. Note that if EdPlayer recieves a PAUSe command,
and is in the process of fading the music to a pause, this
query may still report "playing" (5 or 9) and won't report
"paused" (6 or 10) until after the music has faded all the
way out and is truly paused.
Returns the most recent value sent to DMAWait.
see DMAW.
*End of ARexx commands and queries.