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/* proto.h */
/* prototypes for external functions
/* $Author: Espie $
* $Date: 91/05/16 15:06:02 $
* $Revision: 1.41 $
* $Log: proto.h,v $
* Revision 1.41 91/05/16 15:06:02 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.40 91/05/12 19:54:50 Espie
* Moved private protos to lprotos, minor changes.
* Revision 1.39 91/05/12 15:58:59 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.38 91/05/11 14:58:21 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.37 91/05/09 17:37:48 Espie
* Support for parameters and appwindow.
* Revision 1.36 91/05/08 15:52:48 Espie
* New prototypes for files.c, and set_volume.
* Revision 1.35 91/05/07 12:13:01 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.34 91/05/06 23:38:15 Espie
* Cleaned up some prototypes, libraries.c.
* Revision 1.33 91/05/06 15:14:37 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.32 91/05/05 19:06:36 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.31 91/05/05 15:39:03 Espie
* Changed all audio_hard prototypes...
* Revision 1.30 91/05/05 04:00:40 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.29 91/05/03 02:48:46 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.28 91/05/02 23:32:20 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.27 91/05/02 11:22:09 Espie
* New prototypes, still tidying up...
* Revision 1.26 91/05/02 01:32:49 Espie
* New prototypes almost everywhere.
* Revision 1.25 91/04/30 16:50:39 Espie
* Some minor interface details.
* Revision 1.24 91/04/30 00:35:24 Espie
* Stable version III.
* Revision 1.23 91/04/30 00:24:03 Espie
* Changed proto for unload_song().
* Revision 1.22 91/04/29 23:54:21 Espie
* Prototypes for the file requester functions.
* Revision 1.21 91/04/29 15:06:27 Espie
* Cleaned up interface for audio_hard/interrupt.c.
* Revision 1.20 91/04/29 13:02:40 Espie
* Cleaned up interface to the audio software.
* Revision 1.19 91/04/29 03:53:25 Espie
* New prototypes for inter.c and audio_soft.c
* Revision 1.18 91/04/29 02:22:32 Espie
* New prototypes for the blossoming interface.
* Revision 1.17 91/04/28 22:53:55 Espie
* New: init_periods().
* Revision 1.16 91/04/27 20:49:18 Espie
* Change in set_tempo.
* Revision 1.15 91/04/27 16:46:14 Espie
* New protos for enabling/disabling interrupts.
* Revision 1.14 91/04/27 03:59:48 Espie
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.13 91/04/27 00:24:07 Espie
* Nothing important.
* Revision 1.12 91/04/26 16:31:12 Espie
* New prototypes for turn_on_dma()/audio_soft() functions.
* Revision 1.11 91/04/24 15:27:34 Espie
* New prototypes for audio_soft.
* Revision 1.10 91/04/23 21:30:50 Espie
* New prototypes for new functions.
* Revision 1.9 91/04/21 12:11:54 Espie
* Stable version, known as bunch II.
* Also features ``right'' log description.
* Revision 1.8 91/04/21 11:16:31 Espie
* Prototypes for audio.c have been cleaned up.
* Revision 1.7 91/04/20 18:12:49 Espie
* Revision 1.6 91/04/19 13:20:24 Espie
* Revision 1.5 91/04/19 02:18:27 Espie
* Revision 1.4 91/04/18 20:23:17 Espie
* no big change in this file.
* Revision 1.3 91/04/18 02:26:07 Espie
* bunch I.
* Revision 1.2 91/04/18 02:18:42 Espie
* New prototypes (temporary) for audio/player.
* Revision 1.1 91/04/17 18:52:20 Espie
* Initial revision
/* my personal quirks */
#define FORWARD
#define LOCAL static
#define XT extern
#define forever while(TRUE)
/* necessary... */
#define exit _exit
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define mayPanic(message) Panic(NULL)
#define mayPanic(message) Panic(message)
* audio_hard.c
XT void reset_audio(void);
XT void save_filter(void);
XT void restore_filter(void);
* audio_soft.c
/* obtain_audio(pri) set up structures for accessing the audio hardware.
* start_player() starts the player routine if possible.
* stop_player() stops the player routine when appropriate.
XT ULONG obtain_audio(int priority);
XT void handle_audio(void);
XT void start_player(void);
XT void stop_player(void);
XT void song_available(BOOL really);
* interrupt.c
XT struct pub_play *obtain_player(void);
XT void stop_timer(void);
XT void start_timer(void);
XT void set_tempo(int tempo, int effect);
XT void set_mode(int mode);
XT void setup_song(struct song *s);
XT void launch_play(int patt);
* load.c
XT struct song *load_song(char *arg);
XT int load_error(void);
#define OUT_OF_MEMORY (-1)
#define OUT_OF_CHIP (-2)
#define FORMAT_ERROR 3
#define NOTE_PROBLEM 4
#define NOT_A_MOD 5
/* always returns NULL, but useful that way
XT struct song *unload_song(struct song *s);
* play.c
#ifndef LATTICE
#define __interrupt
#define __asm
#define __a1
XT void __interrupt __asm do_play(register __a1 struct play *p);
XT void init_player(struct play *play);
* crit.c
XT int nobreak(void);
* periods.c
XT void init_periods(UWORD **period_table);
XT UBYTE find_note(UWORD period, UBYTE fine);
/* returns -1 if there is a problem */
XT BYTE normalize_finetune(UBYTE finetune);
* interface.c
XT struct Window *init_interface(int xoffset, int yoffset);
XT void message_interface(struct IntuiMessage *msg);
XT void handle_interface(void);
XT BOOL did_abort(void);
XT void clear_abort(void);
XT void update_title(int pos, int len, char *title);
XT void new_title(int pos, int len, char *title);
XT void no_title(void);
XT void reset_tempo(void);
XT void temporary_title(char *message);
XT void restore_title(void);
XT void pref_volume(int volume);
XT void pref_speed(int speed);
XT void pref_mode(int mode);
* events.c
XT struct pub_play *init_events(int pri, int xoffset, int yoffset);
XT void check_abort(void);
XT void wait_abort(void);
/* dump.c */
XT void try_change_song(void);
XT void add_some_songs(struct AppMessage *msg);
XT void handle_player(void);
XT BOOL safe_load_song(char *arg);
XT BOOL safe_unload_song(void);
/* requester.c */
XT char *get_name(char *banner);
XT BOOL init_requester(struct Window *w);
XT BOOL is_info(char *name);
/* libraries.c */
#define ARP 0
#define OS_20 1
#define NO_REQ 3
XT void open_libraries(void);
XT BOOL running_20(void);
XT int requester_type(void);
XT BOOL icon_around(void);
XT BOOL wb_around(void);
XT struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
XT struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
XT struct Library *AslBase, *ArpBase, *IconBase;
XT struct Library *LayersBase;
* files.c
XT char *next_song(struct iterator **head, BOOL req);
XT struct iterator *setup_arguments(int argc, char **argv);
XT int do_get_arg(char *tooltype, int def);
XT int do_map_arg(char *tooltype, char **names, int def);
XT int get_arg(char **tools, char *tooltype, int def);
XT int map_arg(char **tools, char *tooltype, char **names, int def);
XT char **grab_tooltypes(struct iterator *it, char *arg);
XT void insert_args(struct iterator **head, struct AppMessage *msg);
* workbench.c
XT ULONG init_appwindow(struct Window *w);
XT void handle_app(void);