Audio 4.94 - Over 11,000 Files
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391 lines
SOUND_LAB.DOC version .98 ⌐ 1990,by ADCsystems
Howard Dortch or Mike Coriell c/o
1628 Grandview Av.
Portsmouth,OH. 45662
The following documentation is an explanation of the
functions of the SOUND_LAB editor/sampler software. The software
should run on any standard Amiga computer, including an A3000
with 2.0 software. The program should NOT be run in overscan mode
available with the release of 2.0. Any screen width larger than
640 pixels wide may have problems operating properly.
When the Please Wait requester is active on the screen,
it is recommended that no other operations are attemped or a
program lock-up may occur. This is a minor bug that will soon be
This selection will erase the contents of the left buffer
and reset the buffer size to 10,000 bytes. It will redraw the
graphic window to a zero line. If you have a file loaded in the
left buffer a requester will appear asking if you want to save
the file first. If you select NO the operation will continue. If
you select YES the operation will quit, allowing you to save the
file before continuing.
This selection will erase the contents of the right buffer
and reset the buffer to 10,000 bytes. It will redraw the graphic
in the right window to show a zero line. If you have a file
loaded in the right buffer a requester will appear asking if you
want to first save the contents of the buffer.
This selection will erase the contents of both the left and
right buffers,and reset the buffer sizes to 10,000 bytes each. If
there is a file loaded a requester will appear first for the left
side then for the right side. If you select YES for the left
requester the operation will be aborted allowing you to save your
This selection will exit the program. You can also select
the right "A"miga key with "Q" and get the same result.
This selection will close the editor window and install a
title bar in the screens title bar. This will allow you to
perform other operations that require the use of a CLI or
workbench. To reopen the SOUND_LAB editor window select the title
with the LEFT mouse button then press the RIGHT mouse button and
the window will re-open. It is possible to run a second version
of the SOUND_LAB program, allowing for a separate editing
session. However keep in mind this will use more memory depending
on the file sizes you are editing. You can also iconify the
program using the right "A"miga and the "I" keys
This selection is the default file type mode. This item
should have the check mark selected when you first run the
program. When attempting to load a file if it is an IFF type file
it will load with no problem. If you do not change the selection
you can save the file as an IFF type file. If the file does not
load,the words "BAD FORMAT TRY RAW" will appear in the filename
box in the upper left corner of the window. Use the right mouse
button to activate the menus and select FILE - RAW. The check
mark will then be to the left of the word RAW. Now you can
attempt the load the file as raw data. If the file you loaded
sounds like distortion try the AUX mode. This mode converts DC
signals found on MAC and Atari computers to AC files for the
This selection will load a file as RAW data. It will load
any file regardless of type. You can then use the editor to cut
out unwanted portions. Some programs want RAW data to play. You
can load a file as an IFF and save it as RAW data when needed.
The RAW data does not save rate and volume information. The
default setting for a raw file is 8,000 samples per second,full
volume. Raw files cannot be saved in stero mode.
This selection is used to load MAC and Atari 8 bit sound
files. You can load MAC files and save them as Amiga IFF or RAW
files. Likewise you can load RAW of IFF files and save them as
RAW MAC or Atari 8 bit sound files.
This selection sets the record mode to use the SOUND_LAB
digitizing hardware.
This selection is used for Perfect Sound 3.0 digitizing
This selection is used for most generic types of digitizers
including PS_2.0.
MAIN SCREEN FUNCTIONS (starting upper left)
This box is for the left side file name. It may also contain
status reports about a file you are attempting to load.
This is a gadget that brings up a file requester. The file
selections can be double clicked using the left mouse button or
select the LOAD gadget in the requester window to load a file.
After a file has been selected, if it has left - right data
stored in the file, it will load in the proper edit window. If
there is no "CHAN" data stored with the file a requester will
appear allowing you to select the side you wish to load the file.
This requester will find the mouse so you don't have to chase
around the screen to find it.
This is the range "in" gadget. Use the mouse to select a
range in the edit window by moving the pointer to the start of an
area you wish to zoom into. Then hold down the left button and
drag the mouse to the right over the range you want to see. The
area you have dragged the mouse over will change to grey to show
you the area you are ranging into. Let up on the mouse button and
select RANG. You will then see a ZOOMED portion of the file.
Other edit functions will work on this RANGED section. The SIZ
box will display the number of bytes per pixel when you first
press the mouse button. The SIZ will increase as you move the
mouse to let you know how much you are ranging into. See
This gadget will cut a section from the file. You must first
have a range selected in the edit window. The area colored grey
will be cut from the file. The CUT section will be held in a CUT
buffer ready for you to PASTE in either edit window. Warning if
you cut another section the first one will be lost so be careful!
This gadget will copy a range from one window to the other.
You must first select a range in the opposite window to use the
COPY gadget. The COPY gadget does not use a buffer.
This gadget toggles between mono and stereo MODE for record
and playback. If you use the STER (stereo) mode remember that the
file lengths must be the same size in order to work properly.
Also keep in mind that when you save a file this MODE will be
saved with the data. If you have STER selected both left and
right buffers will be saved.
This gadget will play the file on the side you selected. If
you should have the STER mode selected both buffers will play
This is a slider gadget that allows you to change the volume
of the sound being played. The number to the right of the slider
is a number from 1 to 64 indicating the level of sound.
MAIN SCREEN (second row)
This box displays the time duration of the file. If you have
a range selected, it will show the time of the range. The format
for the time is MM:SS.MICROS
This box is the size of the file or range in bytes.
This gadget will bring up a file requester for saving a
file. If you have a range selected only the range will be saved.
The file type will also be used. If you have loaded a file using
IFF and select RAW in the menus the file will be converted to
RAW. Check all your settings prior to a save.
This gadget selects RANGE out. If you have ranged into a
section of a file use this gadget to see the entire file again.
Use this gadget to paste a section you have previously CUT.
To paste a section move the mouse to the position of the file you
wish to paste to then press the left mouse button to set the
paste point. Then select the PAST gadget to perform the
This gadget selects the effects window (see the section
effects). The gadget is a toggle select. When selected the gadget
will hilite grey to close the effects window select the gadget
Use this gadget to select the recorder window.(see the
section RECORD for more information)
This gadget will set loop on for playback. Loop mode is
active when the gadget is hilited grey. To turn looping off
select the gadget again and it will return to blue.
This gadget sets the playback rate in samples per second. It
also has a string gadget attached to set the playback rate to a
specific value.
MAIN SCREEN (bottom row)
This box indicates the BEGining time. If you select a range,
the point where you set the start of the range will be indicated
in the box as the beginning time for the range. If you do not
have a range selected this value should be 00:00.000000. This
time value is relative to the beginning of the file. For instance
if you have a file that has a total time of 2 seconds, and you
set the start of a range by clicking the mouse down half way
through the file the beginning time should be about 1 second.
This gadget allows you to scroll through a ranged section of
the file. It will slowly move the graphic to allow you to find an
area of interest. This only works when you have a range selected.
When you first run the program, there is a long black bar in
the center of the screen. This is a slider gadget used when a
range has been selected. The bar will shrink to show the
percentage of file that has been ranged into and the relative
position of the range. To move to a different position in the
file grab the slider with the mouse and move it. The size of the
range wont change, just the position.
This gadget allows you to scroll towards the end of a ranged
section of the file.
This box indicates the END of a range relative to the
beginning of the file. If no range has been selected, the display
will show the total size of the file (same as TIM). The format
for the ending time display is MM:SS.MICROS.
This set of gadgets selects the RAMP function. If you want
to start a file at full volume and decrease the volume toward the
end, you would move the BEG slider to the right (100%) and the
END slider to the left (0%), then select SETL. The file will be
redrawn with the amplitude (volume) tall at the start and short
at the end. When played the sound volume will taper off to
nothing toward the end of the file. Move the BEG slider to the
left and the END slider to the right and the sound will get
louder towards the end. If you have a RANGe selected the RAMP
will work only on the range.
This gadget will REVERSE the file, or display it in reverse.
The end of the file will be the beginning. To change it back
select REV again.
This set of gadgets allow you to copy or CLONE the entire
file from right to left or left to right. Use this to keep a
teporary copy of the file you are working with in case you make a
mistake, CLONE it back and try again.
This set of gadgets allows you to mix two files together,
creating one file with the sounds of both. The file buffer you
are mixing to will be lost so save your work!
LEFT VOL -C- - +B+
This set of gadgets is used to BOOST or CUT the amplitude of
a file. After a mix the overall volume is lower than either of
the two files you mixed. Select the +B+ BOOST gadget and the file
will increase in amplitude. If the file is not as loud as you
want select the +B+ BOOST gadget as many times as necessary to
get the desired result. CAUTION, the +B+ BOOST operation can
cause the file to be too loud,and cause distortion, so be
This set of gadgets will introduce delay into the file. Move
the slider and play the file. When you get the amount of delay
you want select the SETL gadget and the file will have that
amount of delay permanently installed.
This gadget turns the audio filter on or off as desired. If
you turn the filter off you will be able to hear higher frequency
This set of gadgets allows you to change the rate of the
file. If you have a file sampled at 20,000 samples per second and
you want it to change to 12,000 samples per second, move the
slider or use the string gadget to select the new rate, then
select the SETL gadget and the rate will be converted. Selecting
a slower rate will take less memory for the file. CAUTION,
sampling rates below 10,000 samples per second will sound noisy
so be careful when performing this operation.
The record window opens over a section of the edit window. You
can't edit a file with the RECORD window open, nor can you
ICONify the program with the record window open. To return to the
EDIT function select the EDIT gadget.
This gadget shows the amount of memory allocated for
recording. You may select a larger amount of memory to be
allocated by changing the string gadget or by using the slider
below. CAUTION if you allocate all the available memory for the
left side the right side wont be able to allocate much more than
is showing. if you are after stereo, balance the memory between
the two files.
Select this gadget when you are ready to record. Remember to
select the type of hardware in the menus (DIGITIZER) before you
This is a toggle select gadget that sets the record MODE. If
you have the STER option set the RATE on the LEFT file will set
the rate for recording for both sides.
This gadget allows you to PLAY the file before returning to
the edit session. You may choose to resample if you dont get what
you want in the first try.
Set the VOX level by moving the slider gadget. VOX is the
level at which the recorder will turn on. If you have the vox set
high the recorder function will wait till it gets a loud enough
sound to start recording. Its like a sound activated switch
After the recording has started the VOX has no effect. VOX is not
supported on the PS_3.0 hardware.
This is the MONITOR gadget. You can use it listen to the
digitizer prior to recording.
This gadget gets you back to the editor.
This gadget allows simultaneous tracking of the opposite
file. In other words if you record on the left side you can hear
the right side file played along with the recording, so you can
synchronize the two files for stereo. You must have MONO mode
selected to use this feature. Then select STEReo mode to hear the
result. SYNC is not supported for the PS_3.0 hardware.
This gadget sets the rate in samples per second for the
recording. There is a string gadget attached so you can set an