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Version 2.22
A Software by
Prosoft Informatique
For ATARI ST,STE, Monochrome only.
ALCHIMIE Jr, copyright (c) 1989,1990 Prosoft Informatique.
MOD-FORTH, copyright (c) 1989,1990 R.Crettol.
This software may be freely copied and shared with others, as long as
the program, its ressource file and the user manual remains unchanged
and as long as no charge will be added.
Your disk must contains the following files :
ALCHIMIE.DOC : This manual
ALCHIMIE.PRG : Alchimie Jr
JR1.RSC : Ressource 1st part
JR2.RSC : Ressource 2nd part
POLONAIS.SNG : A 2nd song from JS BACH
QUICK.DOC : Quick guide
Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
INTRODUCTION TO ALCHIMIE Jr .............................. 1
Patterns & Tracks
Songs & Master
The Sequencer
Mouse Usage
Musical Time Notation ................................. 2
THE DESK ................................................. 3
The Counter
The Control Panel
The Control section
- Play mode
- Record mode
The Time section .................................. 4
The Mode section
- Cycle mode
- Punch mode .................................. 5
- AutoRec mode
The Slider
The Icons
THE SONGS ................................................ 6
Song window layout
Operation on songs
Create a new song
Change song parameters
Select a song
Save a song
Load a song
Erase a song ...................................... 7
Play a song
Prepare to play a song
THE MASTER ............................................... 8
The Master window
The Master's Instructions
Tempo and Tempo+
Operations on Master window ........................... 9
Insert an instruction
Modify an instruction parameters
Erase an instruction
Insert or remove time
THE PATTERNS ............................................ 10
The pattern's window
Operations on patterns
Copy/move ........................................ 11
Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
Save ............................................. 11
Search for a pattern's name
THE TRACKS .............................................. 13
The track's window
Operations on tracks
Modify a track parameters
Select ........................................... 14
Search for a track name
THE GRID ................................................ 15
The grid window
Note representation
Grid control section
Zoom/position button
Writing button ................................... 16
Step button
The Info Box
Grid quantum
Midi channel
Step ratio ....................................... 17
Where do notes come from
Operations on notes
Show note parameters
Edit note parameters
Erase ............................................ 18
Change note length
Change note velocity
Operations on area
Define an area
Undefine area
Erase ............................................ 19
Writing notes
Step Input
THE EVENT LIST .......................................... 21
The List Window
Event editing
Erase ............................................ 22
Events operations
Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
THE MENUS ............................................... 23
Menu desk
About Alchimie Jr
Menu View
Menu Function ........................................ 24
Rotate ........................................... 25
Menu Events
Controlers ....................................... 26
Duration ......................................... 27
Menu Config
THE DATA FILTER ......................................... 29
Data Filter Structures
Using the Data Filter
Copy of notes only
Remove All_Notes_off messages
Appendix A : ALCHIMIE.INF ............................... 31
Appendix B : Keyboard shortforms ........................ 32
Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
Introduction Page 1
Introduction to ALCHIMIE Jr
In this section we will define the terms used in the Reference
In Alchimie Jr, Tracks and patterns are the basic material used to
compose songs.
Patterns & Tracks
A pattern is a musical part, like a tag of tape, so each pattern has
it own time signature and duration.
In Alchimie Jr, you may define up to 256 patterns for each song.
The tracks contains the midi events. Events come most generaly from
the MIDI-IN, but they can also be create in the Grid, as we will see
in the Events chapter.
Each pattern, once defined, may be played and treat as own.
Songs & Master
Songs are at the top of the hierarchical structure of Alchimie Jr. A
song is simply an ordered set of patterns.
The Master window let you define precisely in what order the patterns
must be played.
Note : In the master we can superpose patterns. In this case,
Alchimie Jr is able to play simultaneously up to 16 patterns or 4096
The sequencer
The job of Alchimie's sequencer is to play songs and patterns, to
send and receive MIDI events.
Mouse usage
Alchimie Jr use three types of mouse manipulations : select, drag and
double click.
Select : Point something and click brievely on the left button.
Drag : Point something, hold left button down, move mouse to
destination and release button.
Dclick : Point something and click brievly two times on the left
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
Introduction Page 2
- Selection generaly is used to define current object. In some
context a click may show an auxiliary menu.
- Drag is used to move something.(copy a track,for example).
- Dclick is used to get/set informations.
Musical time notation
The musical position is notated as BBBB/TT/CC where :
BBBB = the number of bar from the start
TT = the number of time from start of the bar
CC = the number of internal click from time 0.
Note : they are 96 clicks in a quarter note (signature 4/4).
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Desk Page 3
Alchimie's desk contains the control panel and 5 icons. A counter is
available on the right part of the menu bar
On the right part of the menu bar, you can see a counter. This
counter indicates the current position of the sequencer.
In record phase counter may indicate : ----/--/-- witch says that
Alchimie Jr is doing an initial countdown.
The control panel is splitted in three parts :
Left : the Control section
Center : the Time section
Right : the Mode section
The Control section
On the left we have the tape control section and a white horizontal
bar witch represents the Midi Input Buffer. The six buttons are (from
left up) :
RECORD : Enable/disable capture of midi messages.
PLAY : Start playing from current position
STOP : Stop (as you guess)
BACKWARD : Rewind tape
FORWARD : Advance tape
RESET : Cleanup Input Buffer and set position to 0/0/0
Note : If RECORD is selected (capture enable), the Input Buffer is
grey and when filling up, it becomes black from left to right because
some Midi events are comming from MIDI-IN.
Play Mode
If you double-click on the PLAY button Alchimie Jr shows you the
current sequencing mode in a dialog box. Modes are :
SONG : When playing a song
PATTERN: When playing a pattern
Note : the master is only used in song mode.
Record Mode
If you double-click on the Input Buffer bar, you will see a dialog
box displaying his contents and the current record mode.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Desk Page 4
The record modes are :
* Only track
Midi messages are moved to an single track
* Channel
Messages are splitted and distributed to 16 Tracks, according to
their channel number. Example :
Recording to track 100 :
Trk 100 : the messages from channel 1
Trk 101 : '' '' '' 2
* Channel/type
Messages are splitted according to their type and channel. Example:
Recording to track 20:
Trk20 : Notes from channel 1
Trk21 : other message from channel 1
Trk22 : Notes from channel 2
The Time section
START and STOP : indicate the limits of sequencer's play.
P.IN and P.OUT : indicate the limits of the punching mode.
The Mode section
In the top of this section we have two values. The first one is the
current tempo, the next is the current time signature.
Below they are some buttons used to control the sequencer's job.
BEEP : Send clicks to monitor loudspeaker
CNTDWN : Countdown 2 bars before recording
CYCLE : Start cycle mode
SYNCHRO : Synchronise the sequencer on external Midi Clock
SOLO : Only play tracks with P columns set
PUNCH : Enable punch mode
AUTO REC : Enable auto record mode
AUTO << : Reset tape as soon as stopped
* Cycle mode
In this mode, Alchimie Jr does not stop playing when stop time is
When recording, the Midi events captured in a passage, are played
back in the next passages until others Midi events arrive. So you can
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Desk Page 5
hear and correct what you have play before, without move the input
buffer to a track.
When you want recording, simply drag the buffer to desired track or
hit "*" on the numeric pad to record on selected track.
* Punch mode
In punch mode the contents of the selected track is muted from the
P.IN position to the P.OUT times.
* AutoRec Mode
With AUTOREC selected, Alchimie Jr will move the contents of the
Input Buffer to the selected track as soon as the sequencer has
The Slider
The slider is used to modify the value of : START, STOP, P.IN and
P.OUT times and TEMPO.
STACK : To CUT and PASTE part of track or pattern
DISK : To save and load song or pattern
TRASH : To erase Song, pattern, track, area and event.
PRINTER: Hardcopy
FILTER : To enable, disable and set data operation filter
We will explain further details for the icon in the next chapters.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Songs Page 6
Songs are represented on the 16 lines of the song's window. The
columns are :
Nr : the song number
Name : the song name, better if same as filename
Length : the duration of the song
The reverse line show the current song. The content of all others
windows (Patterns, Tracks etc...) depends on this selection.
Light lines represents songs free. You can load more song on this
ones, without erasing an other song.
Note : click on the title line to select the top line.
* Create a new song
Double-click on an empty line of the song window, fill the dialog box
and confirm.
* Change song parameters
Double-click on the song you want to modify.
* Select a song
Click on the song you want to be the current one.
* Save a song
Drag the desired song to the DISK icon. Modify the name if necessary
in the files selector and confirm.
Note : the name proposed in the files selector is the song name. You
may change it but the name displayed in de window, after reload, will
be the same as before you rename this song.
* Load a song
Drag the disk icon to the desired position in the song's window.
Choose a song filename in the files selector then confirm.
If the choosen line in the song windows is not empty, Alchimie Jr
will ask you to confirm before erasing.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Songs Page 7
* Erase a song
Drag a song to the TRASH icon and confirm.
Note : this operation do not erase song on disk but only in
* Play a song
Drag a song to the PLAY button.
The play takes effect immediatly, no matter what Alchimie Jr was
doing before. This operation set the contents of the START and STOP
times according to the song Length, and force the Song Mode.
* Prepare to play a song
Drag a song to the STOP button.
Alchimie Jr will stop playing and sets the contents of the START and
STOP times then switch into the Song Mode.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Master Page 8
The Master
The Master window shows how the various patterns are ordered in the
Note : the master is only used in song mode.
The columns are :
Position : Position relative to the start of the song of an
Instr : Instruction name
Parameters : The parameters of the instruction
Each instruction in the Master's window is executed (played) when the
main counter reaches the time specified in the Position field.
Here we describe the instructions giving their tipicals forms.
* PLAY <nr> [ <name> ] r=<rept>
<nr> = the pattern number
<name> = the pattern name as it appears in the pattern's window
<rept> = the number of repetitions
When a PLAY instruction is encountered, the sequencer start to play
the specified pattern and will repeat it, if mentioned.
* TEMPO <n> and TEMPO+ <n1>
<n> = the desired tempo in range 24 to 240
<n1> = the tempo change
When a TEMPO instruction is encountered, the sequencer will set the
tempo to the specified value. If the instruction is TEMPO+ the tempo
value is incremented/decremented to the specified value.
* REPEAT <n> <b/t/c>
<n> = the number of repetitions
<b/t/c>= the size of the part to be repeated
When a REPEAT instruction is reached, the sequencer will repeat the
next part for the desired number of time.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Master Page 9
Insert an instruction
Click on the desired position in the Master's window. Choose "Insert"
in the little menu who drop under the mouse and then choose the
desired instruction.
Enter the right parameters in the dialog box and confirm.
Modify an parameters instruction
Click on the instruction you want to change, choose "Edit" in the
little menu, change the value in the dialog box, then confirm.
Erase an instruction
Click on the instruction and choose "Erase" in the little menu.
Insert or remove time
Click on the instruction and choose "Beat" in the little menu. Modify
the dialog's parameters and click on insert or erase, as you wish.
All of the instructions following the choosen one will be alter
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Patterns Page 10
The Patterns
NOTE : No operation is possible on patterns as long as no valid
(empty) song is selected. We hope you don't forget this important
The pattern's window shows the patterns already defined for the
current song. Empty lines (light) may be used to create or load new
Here we describe the columns of the window.
Nr : the number
Name : the name
Length : the duration or "Exclusive"
Sign : the time signature (nothing for the exclusive patterns)
The length of a pattern is forced so that all events in the tracks
will be in the pattern bounds.
Alchimie Jr use two types of patterns : the Exclusives and the Events
ones. The Exclusives patterns only contains exlusives messages and
are signaled by the text "Exclusive" folowing by the pattern's name.
The most usefull operations on pattern are accessible with simples
moves with the mouse. Some others, less used, are available in the
Functions and Events menu.
Pattern's operations always display dialog boxes, so you may change
parameters or stop.
* Select
Click on the desired pattern. This make the current one. Its number
will appears by default in the dialogs (some excepted).
Note : you can hit the "return" key to select the pattern on the top
of the window.
* Create
Double-click on a pattern and fill the dialog box.
Note : you only can create Events patterns. A Exlusive pattern is
created when you drag the Input buffer to the pattern's window, and
only if exclusive events were captured.
* Modify
Double-click and change in the dialog box.
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The Patterns Page 11
* Copy/move
Drag to the desired position. Datas are merging if destination area
is not empty. A copy do not modify source pattern, but a move remove
events from the source pattern to put them on the target one.
* Erase/delete
Drag to the TRASH icon.
An Erase do not change events outside the choosen area, but a Delete
move the folowing events to the upper bounds of the backward area.
Note : this are destructives operations. Be carefull.
* Cut
Drag to the STACK icon. Midi events in the specified area are copied
to the cut buffer. You may paste them later, on a different pattern
for example.
* Paste
Drag the STACK icon to desired pattern. This operation move the
contents of the cut buffer to the destination pattern, merging them
to the existing datas if necessary.
* Save
Drag to the DISK icon, if necessary modify the name in the files
selector and confirm.
* Load
Drag the DISK icon to the pattern's window, choose a name in the
files selector and confirm.
If the target pattern is not empty, Alchimie Jr ask you before to
erase it.
* Play
Drag a pattern to the PLAY button.
This operation set the pattern as the current one. It also set the
times section of the control panel according to the length, force the
sequencer's pattern mode and immediatly start the play.
* Prepare
Drag a pattern to the STOP button on the control panel.
This opertaion set the START and STOP time, and stop immediatly the
* Search for a pattern's name
Click on the title "Name" and enter some chars of the name you hope
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Patterns Page 12
to find. In case of succesfull search, the founded pattern will be
displayed on the top of the Pattern's window.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Tracks Page 13
The Tracks
Note : no operation on tracks is available as long as an invalid
pattern or song is selected. (invalid means : empty song, empty or
exclusive pattern).
Each pattern of Alchimie Jr contains 256 tracks.
Empty tracks are displayed in light zone.
Nr : Track number
Name : Name
Notes : Count of events in the track (notes and others)
P : Play flag
S : Solo flag
Ch : Output Midi Channel
Trp : Pitch transposition
Vol : Volume transposition
Dur : Duration ratio
With the P and S flag you can mute a track or a group of tracks.
The Ch value force the output channel number except if Ch equals
"**". In this case data channel will be the same as recorded.
The Trp value change the pitch of the notes, the Vol the velocity of
notes events.
The Dur value change the duration of the notes. A value of more than
100% will extend the duration, less will shorten it. Normal value (no
change) is 100.
Note : As data modification is computed in real-time, no change
occurs on tracks.
This section describe the directs operations, others are availables
in Function and Events menu. Tracks operations are very similar to
the pattern operations.
* Modify a track parameters
You can modify the real-time track parameter by a click on the one
you want to change, and moving your mouse up and down until you reach
the correct value.
Note : The P and S flags will simply toggle.
An other way to modify those parameters is to double-click on a track
and modify them in the info dialog box.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Tracks Page 14
* Select
Click on the desired track.
Note : hit the return key to select the track on the top of the
window. You can also enter the number of the track you want on the
top of the alpha-numeric keyboard.
* Copy/move
Drag a track to the desired position, change the dialog box params if
necessary and confirm.
* Cut
Drag a track to the STACK icon. See Cut/pattern for more details.
* Paste up
Drag the STACK icon to a track. You may alter the params of the
pasting in the dialog box and confirm.
* Erase/Delete
Drag a track to the TRASH icon, change the params in the dialog box
if necessary and confirm.
Warning : those operations are destructives. Once deleted nothing can
recover your datas.
* Record
To record a track, drag the Input Buffer bar to the right track. In
case of empty buffer nothing will be done.
You may also record the current track (shown in reverse) by hitting
the "/" or "*" key on the numeric pad. The "/" key records datas as
the "*" key but after recording Alchimie Jr select for you the next
* Search for a track name
Click on the title "Name" and enter some chars of the name you hope
to find. In case of succesfull search, the founded track will be
displayed on the top of the Track's window.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Grid Page 15
The Grid
With the grid you have a graphic edition of the Notes and one or more
tracks of a pattern could be edited, you can also define several
areas and work on them, step input notes and write new ones
Because Alchimie's multitasking, editing do not stop playing the
A typical use of that possibility is to let Alchimie Jr working in
cycle on the pattern you edit, so you can hear immediatly what you
have just done excactly.
The Grid window is splitted in two parts : a control section and the
grid itself.
The grid represents horizontaly the time position and vertically the
notes pitches (lower pitch down).
The bars are displayed by solids vertical lines, the times by dashed
The current counter location is indicated by a dashed vertical line,
which move thru the grid as the sequencer is playing. By hitting the
F10 key you may force grid to scroll according to the main position
Notes are represented by a small square followed by a thick line and
a small triangle.
The square coords indicates the pitch and the start time of the note,
the length of the body line represents the duration of the note and
the small triangle marks the stop time of the note.
A shade, below each note, represents the individuals volumes.
The top of the grid contains many buttons and editable control
values, from up to down and left to right :
* Zoom/Position button
This button changes the effects of the sliders on the grid.
In Zoom mode, sliders are zooming the grid verticaly and/or
In Positon mode, sliders will scroll the grid up/down and
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Grid Page 16
* Writing Button
The writing button is used to start/stop writing on grid. More
details will be given later in this chapter.
* Step button
Start a step input phase. (more details later)
* The Info Box
Alchimie Jr displays in the info box various informations.
- All note parameters by a click on the left side of a note
- Pitch and pos by a click on an empty part of the grid
- Pitch and pos during note Copy/move
- Velocity when you edit a note velocity
- Duration when you edit a note length
* Diatonic
To choose the pitch (vertical) scale.
When deselected, the space between two horizontal lines, represents
one semitone. (much like a guitar neck)
When selected, the space between two horizontals lines equals in
value to one degree of a major scale. (much like a piano keyboard)
This quantum is used to round up mouse position during following
operations :
- Note move/copy
- Note writing
- Area definition
- Step input
You may edit directly this value or use the Notes icon to preset
value. You also may hit one of the key 1-7 on the alpha-numeric
keyboard. (1 for the Whole-note etc..)
* Midi channel (C)
When writing, this value is used to set the Note Event Channel.
* Track (T)
When writing, the track number of the note.
Note : this value is set to the current track when you start writing,
but you may change it.
* Velocity
Down arrow value is the velocity used during note writing.
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The Grid Page 17
* Step Ratio (%)
This value is used in step mode to calculate the length of a note
according to the step duration.
Notes displayed on the grid come, by default, from all the tracks of
the current pattern. But you may change it.
Choose the title OPTION in menu VIEW.
It displays to you a dialog box where you can specify the display
The option TRACKS let you choose how to display the notes (from the
current pattern) :
All : from all tracks
Play : from tracks with P column set
Select : from the current track
The option EVENTS let you examine narrowely the choice of option
TRACKS. This option is not realy usefull with the grid but is very
important for the Event list window :
All : Display all events
Filtred: Display only events witch has passed thru the filter
See the Filter chapter for more details.
The WRITING option lets you define current characters and their size.
This may not alter the grid display.
In this section you will see what kind of operations can be done
directly on the grid.
* Show note parameters
Click on the left side of the note. This op will display all of the
notes parameters in the grid infobox.
* Edit note parameters
Double-click on the left side of the note. To change a parameter
value input it or select the title of the param you want to modify
and use the arrows to increment/decrement the value.
Note : modifications done with arrows are immediatly effective.
* Move/copy a note
To move a note, drag the rectangle of a note to the choosen position
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The Grid Page 18
on the grid. The target position time will be rouded according to the
quantum value. During this op the info box will display the note
pitch and pos.
To copy a note, do the same but hold down the SHIFT key.
* Erase a note
Drag the note start to the TRASH icon.
Warning : Bee carefull, no confirmation asking!
* Change note length
Drag the triangle of the note until you reach the desired length.
During this operation the info box will show you the current
* Change note Velocity
Drag the shade of the note until you reach the desired velocity.
During this operation the info box will display the current velocity
With those operations you may alter a group of notes from one or more
tracks. A rectangle in reverse represents this area. All notes
within the bounds will be treated.
When an area is defined, its parameters are reported to the data
filter, so you can control exactly what kind of event will be
move/copy/erase. (See Filter Setion)
* Define an area
Drag from the top left to the bottom right of the area you want
The time bounds of the area will be rounded up, according to the
Quantum Value.
Note : the top left position must be on an empty part of the grid,
otherwise Alchimie Jr will be disturb and start to move a note or
anything else you do not realy want to obtain.
* Undefine area
Click on an empty part of the grid.
* Move/copy an area
To move an area to the desired position.
To copy an area, do the same but hold down the SHIFT key.
Note : if the vertical target position is different from the source,
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The Grid Page 19
notes in this area will be transposed.
* Erase an area
Drag the area to the TRASH icon. This operation erase all the notes
into the area bounds. Be carefull, no confirmation will be asked.
* Cut an area
Drag the area to the STACK icon.
* Paste an area
Drag the TRASH icon to the grid.
To enter writing mode, select the WRITE button in the control part.
If you look at the various parameters of the control section you will
see them changed.
In Writing mode, the QUANTUM value do not indicate the quantum as
defined before, instead of it, shows the note duration preset. You
may change this value by enter a new one or using the notes icon
drawn on the control part.
To change the Grid Quantum value (the position one), you may exit
writing mode, change it and reselect the WRITE button. But you may
also use the key 1 to 7 of the alpha-numeric keyboard without leaving
writing mode.
A best way is to preset quantum before entering writing mode.
When you enter writing mode, the Track Parameter is set by default to
the current track number.
Once the WRITE button is select, the note length is defined and once
other parameters are correct, you may write notes simply by clicking
on the grid to the desired position. Without leaving mode, you can
change the channel, the track number, the velocity etc..
Note : According to the display mode, some strange things may
happend. For example the just written notes may disapear from display
if you use the SELECT track option and if your write on an other
track than the selected one. Don't worry, your notes are really
recorded but not displayed. How could Alchimie Jr imagine that you
are so unlogical ?
Before starting step entry, you may exit writing mode, otherwise you
will be confused.
Start Step input by selecting the STEP button.
In this mode, Alchimie Jr waits until it received from Midi a full
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The Grid Page 20
note or chord. When this happends, the event is left in the Input
Buffer and the Counter is advanced by the length of a step. This
length is diplayed in the QUANTUM value box. You may modify it
exactly as you change the Quantum in normal operation mode.
To advance counter without playing note, hit the space bar.
To remove last step, hit the "backspace" key.
Once you have entered what you want, turn step mode off by
deselecting the STEP button.
Now you can record your data by dragging the Input Buffer to the
desired position. (You may also use the "*" and "/" keys).
An interesting possibility with Alchimie Jr is entering step mode
while the sequencer is playing in cycle mode. This option will
temporary disable the Play, but when exiting, you can hear the result
of your input with the other tracks together and decide or not to
Note : the Step Input mode modify values of the input filter. Please
do not change it.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Jr Ver 2
The Event list Page
The Event list
The event list window shows the Midi events extracted from one or
more tracks of a pattern.
Like for the Grid, the display depends on the choice made in the
Option box of menu VIEW.
The window contains following columns :
Trk : The track of the event
Postion : It position
Ch : The midi channel of the event
Message : the name of the event. (Cf MIDI norm)
Parameters : depends on the event type
In the window, events are displayed in increased order of position
and track. Thus and in case of simultaneous events, Alchimie Jr
always gives priority to events with the lower track number. The
event priority could be especialy important when playing a strongly
dense pattern.
Note : Alchimie Jr's notes events are not 2 messages as in MIDI norm,
but they are compacted in an only one. They are two types of note
messages : NOTE and NOTE_OFF. When playing a NOTE message, Alchimie
Jr sends a Note_on ($9x) with velocity=0 to stop the note, when
playing a NOTE_OFF, Alchimie Jr sends a Note_off ($8x) message to
stop. Thus a note is listed in only one line of the window.
A click on the title of the window let you input the position of the
top event of the window.
A little menu appears when you click on an event in the window. You
may choose an option or click elsewhere else to do nothing.
* Edit
This option opens a dialog box showing all the parameters of an
event. You may change what you want or leave them unchanged by
clicking on the EXIT button.
Note editing occurs in real-time. This means that you may hears
modifications as soon as done.
Note : You also may edit an event by double-clicking on the event you
want in the window.
* Insert
This option drops a second little menu in witch you can choose the
event type you want to insert.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Jr Ver 2
The Event list Page
Click elsewhere outside to do nothing or choose one, fill the dialog
box witch appears and confirm.
* Erase
This operation removes an event.
Note : An other way to obtain the same result is to drag the event to
the TRASH icon.
Warning : this is a "no return" operation, once deleted nothing can
revive the event.
There is the list of directs manipulations :
* Edit
Double-click on the event you want to change, modify the parameters
in the dialog box and confirm.
* Move/copy
To move, drag an event to the desired position in the window.
To copy a event, do the same but hold the SHIFT key.
* Erase
Drag an event to the TRASH icon. No confirmation will be asked, be
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The Menus Page 23
The Menus
This chapter describes Title by Title the various menus of Alchimie
* About Alchimie Jr
Display the advertising box of Alchimie Jr.
* Accessories
Alchimie Jr support the usuals accessories. Please consult your
computer manual to install them on this menu.
* Window
These title opens and shows the various Alchimie Jr windows.
To open a window click on its title in this menu.
An allready open window appears in this menu with a checkmark
preceding the title. You may force Alchimie Jr to display it, as the
top window, by clicking on its title.
* Option
This title display a dialog box. You may specifie here how to display
events in the Grid and in the events List.
The Track flags allows you to display events from :
All : all tracks of a pattern
Play : only the played track
Select : only the selected one
The Events flags allow you to filter events before their display :
All : display all events
Filtred: display only events witch has passed the filter.
With the Writing parameters you may choose the size of the characters
Note : with the "narrow" writing mode, Alchimie Jr may display more
informations in a window as in the "extent" mode.
* Leave
Return to Gem desktop. Save you job before leaving !!!
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The Menus Page 24
In this menu, you will find operations which have a global impact to
the events on a track or in a pattern.
Following the selection of one of these operation, appears a dialog
The dialog contains some parameters depending on the operation and on
the top window.
If the "Tracks" window is on the top of the display, operations
occurs in track mode. The dialog box common parameters are : the
track number, the Start and End times. The track number will be
preset on the current one, the Start and End times are picked up from
the START and STOP times on the control panel.
If the "Patterns" window is on the top, same parameters will be
proposed. Only replace track by pattern in the previous explanation.
if the "Grid" window is on the top, operations occurs in Zone mode.
In this case, Alchimie Jr works on what is displayed in the area,
according to the selections in the VIEW/Option menu.
Nothing occurs if the operation is not avaiabe according to the top
window. (Master window for example).
Note : in the following titles, we indicate between "[" and "]" which
modes are availabes. ( p=pattern, t=track, z=zone)
* Insert [p,t,z]
Insert a stillness area. Events following the END position will be
moved forward.
The REPEAT parameter indicates the number of repetitions wanted.
* Repeat [p,t,z]
Repeat the area.
* Strech [p,t,z]
Strech out or shorten an area.
If the FACTOR value is greater than 1.000, the area will be strech
out. If less than 1.000, area will be shorten. For a value of 1.000,
no modification occurs.
* Double [p,t,z]
Repeat the area two times in the same length.
* Reverse [p,t,z]
Reverse the events'order in the area. The effect is not still the
same as you play a tape backwards....Try it!
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The Menus Page 25
* Rotate [p,t,z]
Rotate events in the area. In the "->" direction the last event will
be the first. In the "<-" direction the first will be the last.
(Isn't it just a philosophical option, anyway ?)
* Execute
With this title you may execute a other program (a word processor, a
sound editor etc...) without leaving Alchimie Jr !!!
Be carefull, save your work before using this option and remove all
unused songs from the Songs window. (your computer do not have an
unlimited capacity of memory)
You may let the sequencer playing when you run another program. It
generally will not cause any problems except for those wich use the
MIDI interface. In this case try to stop playing before to run.
Note : when you leave the program you have just execute, you will
return to Alchimie Jr. Isn'it a beautifull option ?
* Import
To import a pattern from a Format Midifie 0 or 1.
In format 0 all events are on an single track.
In format 1 events are recorded on multi-tracks.
Alchimie Jr split data from Format 0 MIDIFILE on tracks 1 to 16
according to the channel number of the events.
Note : Midifiles are supposed to have a ".MID" extension.
* Export
To export a pattern to a Format 0 or 1 Midifile.
Note : Format 0 could be readen by almost all MIDIFILE compatibles
programs. But this form is the less confortable one. When possible
export MIDIFILE with the format 1.
This menu contains the operations able to modify specifically one
kind of messages or params of a message, (Midi Channels for example)
or on some kind of events. (notes for example)
Note : For the same title, they are may be more than one operation
As for the Menus FUNCTION and EVENTS selections opens a dialog box
with the same kind of params.
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The Menus Page 26
* Channel [p,t,z]
Fix the channel number for the events in the choosen area.
Note : In the track window, the Ch column only force playing time a
new channel number but this operation really changes the MIDI
* Controlers [p,t]
Change the controlers numbers in the area. I'ts made for
compatiblilty between synths.
* Quantize [p,t,z]
They are two operations available in this title : Quantize and
Quantize changes the notes events position to round up on the desired
Humanize randomly moves the notes events. The QUANTUM value indicates
the maximum random range. Generally works with a little value.
You may enter or use the drawen notes icons to input the QUANTUM
* Notes [p,t,z]
They are two operations available : Transpose and Translate.
The Transpose operation simply transpose the pitches of the notes.
The FIX parameter shows how many semitones you want to transpose.
(negative value to transpose down).
The Translate operation use the Degree/value table to transpose (may
be) on a other way each one of the 12 semitones of a game starting
from the KEY parameter. For example, assuming a C key, you may
transpose change the E in Eb by setting degree 4 to -1, and all
others to 0.
Note : Ok, ok, we know that it's not really a good choice for the
name of tis operation. Maybe someone could help us to find a better
one with 9 letters ?
* Velocity [p,t,z]
They are four operations on note velocity : fix, transpose, slope and
Fix : set the velocity to the desired value.
Transpose : increment or decrement the velocity according to the
desired value (negative for decrement).
Slope : change the velocity of the note to increase/decrease
regulary over the area, so you can simulate cresendo/decresendo. The
first parameter indcates the starting velocity, the second, the
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The Menus Page 27
ending velocity.
Compress : to compress/expand velocity around a central value. The
first param is the central value, the second one is the compression
rate in percents.
* Duration [p,t,z]
They are three velocity operations : fix, quantize, transpose.
Fix : set the velocity to the choosen value
Transpose : Increment/decrement the duration value
Quantize : Quantize the duration of the notes to the Parameter's
* Compress [p,t]
To remove a certain ratio of Pitch-bend, Channel and Poly
The parameter indicates how much of those events you want to remove.
Menu Config
This menu collects the various configurations options of Alchimie
This title opens a dialog box. You may indicate here what kind of
Midi events you want to accept in the Input Buffer and from what
channel you want they come.
Note : the CONTROL CHANGE button enable/disable also the capture of
Mode message. As they acts as ALL NOTES OFF, you may generally
disable this option or use the data filter to remove them after.
This title opens a dialog box. You may change the following options
Running Status : reduce the output peak by only sending out the
usefull Status. This mode is defined in the MIDI standard but may
cause some problems with some old synth.
Synchro : Enable/disable output of MIDI synchro status.
Midi THRU : when enable send to MIDI-out all incomming MIDI events.
The Channels of the Events are change according to the CH parameter
of the selected track, or not modified if CH="**"
Clickout : enable/disable metronome click to be output on MIDI.
Channel : channel on witch to click.
Number : Note number to click.
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The Menus Page 28
This shows the data filter dialog box. More details about this in the
FILTER chapter.
* Save
With this title you may save the configuration of Alchimie Jr's
desktop. Next time you start Alchimie Jr you will found the window,
the icons and the control panel to the location the where before
Informations about the position etc... are written in a file named
ALCHIMIE.INF. More details in Appendix A.
Note : do not hope saving a song or pattern with this option. This
only save your workspace configuration...
* Infos
Shows you a dialog box with informations about free memory and Input
Buffer size.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Data FILTER Page 29
The data Filter gives you the opportunity of working with a high
precision on selected MIDI events.
When enable, the data Filter ca be used with all Functions and mouse
operations on tracks or patterns.
It can also select events displayed on the Grid and in the List of
the title Option from menu View.
To display the data filter dialog box, select the title Filter in the
menu Config or double-click on the FILTER icon.
You may enable/disable by clicking in the dialog box or by clicking
on the FILTER icon on the desk.
The Data Filter is splitted in six sections, one for each kind of
Midi data.
Each section can be enable/disable by clicking on its title. Actives
sections are mentioned by a checkmark in the left part of the title.
Under the title, they are 1 or more parameters corresponding to the
event type. They have all :
- a title
- a test flag
- a minimal value
- a maximal value
The test flag could be :
<> for inside of...
>< for outside of...
So, assuming section Note is enable :
V.ON <> 40 80,
means :
velocity on greater than 40 and less than 80.
During an operation, the filter compares each of the Midi data with
the parameters of the correponding section. If all of the parameters
are in the desired range, the event is accepted for a further
process. Otherwise, Alchimie Jr forgets it.
With the special Channel test, you can check messages from the Midi
* Copy of notes only
Deselect all sections but Note. Set Note parameters to :
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
The Data FILTER Page 30
Note : <> C0 GA
V.on : <> 0 127
V.off : <> 0 127
Length : <> 0 65536
Activate the filter and confirm. Proceed to a normal copy.
The target of your copy will only contains notes.
* Remove all notes off messages
Deselect all sections but Control. Set CTRLER to : <> 123 123. Drag
the desired track/pattern to the TRASH icon and confirm.
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Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
Appendix A : ALCHIMIE.INF Page 31
The file "ALCHIMIE.INF" contains differents informations about the
windows, the icons and the Input Buffer. This file is readen by
Alchimie Jr when you start the program. This file and the program
must be in the same directory.
This file could be modified with an editor. Each line must be ended
by CR and LF, mnemotics and number must be separated with a space and
mnemotic must be on the begenning of the line.
Here is the list of mnemotics :
RB : Input Buffer size
ID : the position of the DISK icon
IC : '' '' STACK ''
IT : '' '' TRASH ''
IP : '' '' PRINTER''
IB : '' '' control panel
IF : '' '' FILTER button
WA : size and position of the MASTER window
WM : '' '' SONGS ''
WS : '' '' PATTERNS ''
WP : '' '' TRACKS ''
WE : '' '' EVENTS ''
WG : '' '' GRID ''
Note : the opened windows are marked with a "O", the closed with a
Note : all informations, except the Input Buffer size, could be
modified with Alchimie Jr. Drag the icons to proper location, open
and close the desired window and use the Save title in the menu
Note : if you change something that does not seems to work correctly,
you may force Alchimie Jr to create a new ALCHIMIE.INF with correct
values. Erase the defect ALCHIMIE.INF, start Alchimie Jr and use
Config/Save option to make a new one.
ALCHIMIE.INF example :
RB 32000
ID 67 344
IC 130 344
IT 193 344
IP 3 344
IB 262 274
IF 4 311
WA C 61 98 366 194
WM O 1 38 192 98
WS O 1 124 248 162
WP O 291 38 328 242
WE C 81 118 400 162
WG C 1 38 397 275
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Appendix B : Keyboard shortforms Page 32
Appendix B : Keyboard shortforms
To work easy, Alchimie Jr use several keyboard shortforms.
The sequencer could be controled by the following keys on the numeric
keypad :
0 = PLAY
Enter = STOP
/ = Record to the selected track
* = Record to the selected track and then select the next one
The function key could be used to open and display windows :
F1 : Songs
F2 : Patterns
F3 : Tracks
F4 : Master
F5 : Event list
F6 : Grid
F9 : connect grid scrolling with the counter
F10 : Choose the current song, pattern and track
The "V" key force Alchimie Jr to redraw the top window.
Using others alpha-numeric keys, depends of witch window is on the
top of the display.
For the Songs, Patterns and Tracks windows, press the keys 0-9 to
enter the number of the first line in the window.
For the GRID :
1-7 : set the Grid Quantum
. : same as a click on the . button
t : same as a click on the 3 button
z : enter zoom mode
p : enter position mode
c : chromatic display
d : diatonic display
s : start/stop step mode
e : start/stop write mode
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