Audio 4.94 - Over 11,000 Files
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First, authors of this shareware would like to thank you of having
downloaded Alchimie Jr. Anyone you are and anywhere you live, you are
wellcome in the world of Alchimie Junior. The authors hope that you
will enjoy working with your new sequencer especially made for ATARI
1040 and Mega ST/STE. They hope so that you will appreciate 2 1/2
years of development. (please understand the sometime poor
translation, french is our mother tongue, but we shall do better next
time if...)
Note : for french people a complete french version is available. (la
version française est disponible dans un conditionnement commercial
classique que vous pouvez obtenir pour 100 US$ ou l'équivalent dans
votre monnaie nationale).
When sending us your support, you will get (among several documents)
a complete information about Alchimie Senior, the cheaper and the
most powerfull sequencer you will never see. (we know, it's just
words but try the Junior, understand its logic and just imagine what
could be the Senior version...)
If you like to join us for questions, criticals or for anything else,
you can write to : Prosoft informatique
Dominique Canevesi
Redoute 18
You can also join us in :
COMPUSERVE ID 100016,156
GENIE soon available
You can also send a Fax : (01141) 825.34.05
If and when you send your support, please do not forget :
First name, name, your complete address and state, your payment or
with a credit card : pay to the order of PROSOFT informatique, the
kind of CC, CC number and date of issue. Thank you again.
Anyone wishing to charge people a fee for giving a copy of this
shareware must have the writen authorization of the authors. Without
which, the distributor is guilty of copyright violation. To receive
such authorization, send this completed form to : PROSOFT
informatique, D. Canevesi, Redoute 18, CH-1260 NYON (SWITZERLAND).
Please include 5 US$ to cover the cost of processing and receive
terms of distribution.
Name of the Organisation :....................
Your Name :...................................
Your complete address :.......................
Your signature :______________________________
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You have now in your hand one of the most powerfull musical sequencer
of Atari's world. At the date of issue (1989), this was one of the
first real-time, multi-windows and multi-task sequencer. (maybe the
first one)
1.1 What you see
When you run Alchimie Jr, you can see many differents objects
displayed on the screen. They are three open windows (Songs, Patterns
and Tracks), at the bottom right four icons, (Printer, Disk, Trash
and Stack), at the bottom left a rectangular part (the control
pannel) and on the top at the right position of the menu bar, a
counter showing you the current time/position.
The control pannel contains three parts, which are from the left to
the right:
Left part contains six buttons and a white bar. They are (from left
to right and up to down) : RECORD, PLAY, STOP, BACKWARD, FORWARD and
RESET. The white bar represents the MIDI INPUT BUFFER.
Middle part contains four values indicating the START, STOP, PUNCH-IN
and PUNCH-OUT times.
Right part contains the tempo value, the time signature and various
control buttons.
On the bottom you can see an horizontal slider which allows you to
modify times values or the tempo, modifications depends on which of
them is selected.
1.2 Using mouse
The mouse is used to :
* Select : click brievly on the left button of the mouse.
* Get Info : double click on the left button
* Move : point and hold left button down, move to destination,
release the mouse button.
1.3 Musical time notation
Alchimie Jr print the musical time in a three parts number as
BBBB/TT/CCC where BBBB indicates the count of bars, TT the count of
time in the bar and CCC the count of internal tops. For example
0008/01/048 means 8 beat time, 1 beat and 48 internal clocks. The
internal clock counter is on the right top of the screen, on the menu
Note : they are 96 internal clock for a quarter note.
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In this section, we explain step by step "how to do that".
2.1 Play the demo song
- Click on the "OK" button after you have read the Info Box.
- Choose a song in the files selector
At this step, you have load one song. It appears on the top of the
song window.
Drag the first line of the Song window to the PLAY button on the
control panel.
2.2 Record a new pattern
Before recording a track, you must create a new song and a new
- Create a new song by double clicking on an empty line in the song
window and filling up the dialog box with correct values. Select it.
- Create a new pattern by double clicking on the Pattern window and
filling up the dialog box.
- Drag the new pattern to the STOP button. This operation indicates
to Alchimie Jr of using this pattern as the current one. Note that
the START and STOP time on the control panel are adapted to follow
the pattern duration.
Now you can start recording :
- Push on RECORD and then on PLAY
- Wait 2 beats time of clicks and play what you want on your synth.
When you are playing, first you can see the INPUT BUFFER turning to
grey then appears a black rectangle which grows from left to right.
- Click on the STOP button when you stop playing
- Drag the input buffer to the desired position on the Track window.
This operation actually records data on a track. You can obtain the
same result by pressing the "/" key on the numeric pad. Note that the
input buffer will not be erase until you click on the RESET button or
you drag a song or a pattern to the PLAY or RECORD buttons. This,
gives you the opportunity of doing records on many others tracks.
(perhaps in others patterns).
Now, you can hear Alchimie Jr playing what you have just recorded by
clicking on RESET and then on PLAY.
Press F6 to show on the GRID what you have just recorded.
Note : to record an other track, you only need to repeat the three
last steps.
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2.3 Some usefull operations
Copy a track:
- Drag a track to the destination track number and fill up the
Erase a track:
- Drag the track to the TRASH icon then confirm in the dialog
Change the midi Channel of a track:
- Click on the Ch column. Move the mouse up and down until you
reach the correct value you are expecting for. Click on stop or
double click on the track's name and fill up the dialog.
Quantize a track:
- Choose the correct track. In the menu FUNCTION choose QUANTIZE.
Input the quantum value and confirm.
Note : the same logic is applied to all of the others windows.
Save a pattern or a song :
-As you guess, drag the pattern to the DISK icon.
As you have remark, there is a great dependency between the various
windows. For example when you select an other song, you can see the
content of all others windows changing.
At the top of the hierarchical structure, there is the SONG. At the
same level, we have the MASTER, witch explains to the Alchimie's
sequencer how to order the patterns when playing in song mode.
At the next level are the PATTERNS. They are the basic material used
to compose a song. Each of those is a set of 256 TRACKS witch
contains the various MIDI informations such as Notes etc...
Each part of this structure has its own window. Windows can be open
by selecting the desired title in the menu VIEW or by pressing
functions keys F1 to F6.
They are two more windows (GRID and LIST), offering great flexibility
on editing notes and Midi Events.
4.1 Sequencer control buttons
RECORD : Toggle capture of midi messages.
PLAY : Start/continue to play a song if in song mode else a pattern
STOP : Stop the sequencer
Back/forward: Control the current position of the sequencer
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Reset : Cleanup the Input Buffer and set position to zero
Beep : Enable, disable click on the loudspeaker of the monitor
Countdown : When recording, countdown two beats time
Cycle : Select cycle mode. In this mode, when the sequencer hit the
stop time, it rewinds to the start time and continue to play. What
you have made an entry on your keyboard during the loop, this last
entry will be played in the next loop, as long as no midi datas are
coming on. To make record effective, simply drag the input buffer to
a track.
Synchro : Enable/disable midi synchro
Punch : Enable/disable punching. The P.IN/P.OUT times are used do
define the punching part.
Autorec : Enable autoRec. In this mode, the contents of the Input
Buffer is recorded to the current track when the sequencer is
Solo : If selected, plays only Tracks with flag in S column set.
Auto << : If selected, rewinds as soon as stopped.
5.1 ...on Tracks
Select : Choose the current track. The current track is used by
default for all of the operations in the FUNCTION menu. If the THRU
option is specified in the CONFIG/MIDI OUT box, the Ch column of the
current track is used as current thru channel.
Dclick : Show info on this track. You can change, in the dialog box,
the values of all columns of the window.
Drag : Drag to Trash to Erase/Delete, drag to another track to
Move/Copy, drag to Stack to Cut.
5.2 ...on Patterns
Select : Choose the current pattern. The current pattern is the
default one for all operations in the FUNCTION menu. The contents of
the Track, Grid and Events window is depending on this selection.
Dclick : Get info about a pattern. In the dialog box, you may change
its name, length and time signature.
Drag to : an other pattern to Move/Copy, to TRASH icon to
Erase/Delete, to STACK icon to Cut, to DISK icon to Save pattern.
Drag to the PLAY button to set the "pattern mode" and start playing
or to the STOP button to just set mode. Drag to master window to
insert a pattern in the song.
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5.3 ...on Songs
Select : Choose the current song. The contents of all windows depends
on this selection.
Dclick : Get song info. In the box you may change the name and the
length of this song.
Drag to : DISK icon to save, TRASH icon to erase, PLAY button to set
song mode and play, STOP button to set mode.
5.4 ...on Events list
Click : Choose an event and shows the events menu.
Dclick : Edit an event.
Drag to : TRASH to delete, an other event to Move. If the SHIFT key
on the keyboard is pressed while draging, the event will be copied.
5.5 ...on Grid
Click on a note : Shows note parameters
Click elsewhere : Deselect zone if already defined
Dclick on a note: Edit note parameters
Drag a note : Drag to the grid to Move/Copy note, to TRASH icon to
Erase a note.
Drag a zone : Drag to the grid to Copy/Move all the notes in the
zone, drag to the TRASH icon to Erase/Delete notes.
Drag elsewhere : Start to define a zone.
5.6 ...on other parts
Dclick on : DISK icon to show disk free space, on STACK icon shows
the stack contents, on PLAY button to see Sequencing mode, on Input
Buffer to see infos on captured events...
Drag : DISK to Song or Pattern window to load, STACK to Pattern or
Track window to paste.
Note : To customize your desk, you may move your icons and the
control panel elsewhere on Alchimie's desk.
6.1 View
Song, Pattern, Tracks, Master, Grid and List :
To open and show the corresponding window. A checkmark indicates the
opened windows, visibles or not.
Option : To change display mode.
Quit : To leave Allchimie Jr.
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6.2 Function
Insert : To insert a blank space in a Track or in a Pattern
Repeat : To repeat a part of Track or Pattern
Strech : To ajust events positions
Double : To play twice the part
Reverse: To reverse order of events
Rotate : To rotate order of events in a track or pattern part
Import : To read midifile.
Export : To write a midifile from a pattern
Execute: To run a programm without leaving Alchimie Jr
6.3 Events
Channel : to change the midi channel of events on track or pattern
Controler : to change controler number
Position : to quantize/humanize note position
Velocity : operations on note velocity
Length : operations on note length
Compress : data reduction
6.4 Config
MIDI IN : the Midi Input Filter
MIDI OUT : various output options
Filter : the data filter
Save : save Windows and Icon positions for the next use
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