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- MODOBJ ********* (C) Mark J Cox
- MODOBJ ** 1991-2
- MODOBJ *******
- MODOBJ **************
- Hardware devices for great sound output!
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- How to make:
- Mono output from a parallel port for about 5 pounds
- Mono output from a parallel port for around 1 pound
- Stereo from one parallel port for about 12 pounds
- A +5v power supply
- A 22W amplifier
- This document has been supplied with MODOBJ. You may distribute
- this file freely with any program you include MODOBJ in as long as
- it remains unaltered.
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- MODPLAY will play modules through the PC Speaker as mentioned above, via
- an D to A converter on any of the three possible parallel ports, in stereo
- if you have an D to A converter on both LPT1 and LPT2 (this sounds really
- good) and also through a special board that plays stereo from one
- printer port ("stereo─on─1")
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- A simple circuit for HiFi quality sound needs only a few components (and
- this circuit will work with other software). It even sounds better than
- a Sound Blaster for sampled output!
- You need:
- IC1 a ZN426E (about 3 pounds) (Ferranti or Plessey are UK manufacturers)
- C1 a 10micro-farad electrolytic capacitor (10V or greater)
- C2 a 4.7micro-farad electrolytic capacitor (10V or greater)
- R1 a 380ohm resistor (5%, 1/8W)
- CON1 a phono socket for connecting a lead to your amplifier
- CON2 a 25 way male D-type connector for your parrallel port
- A bit of 10 way cable - or 10 short wires.
- A +5v supply
- Zn426e +5V
- D-type pin no \ ┌────────┐ │
- (2) D0 ───┤9 14├──┤
- (3) D1 ───┤10 │ ┌┴┐
- (4) D2 ───┤11 │ │ │ 390Ω
- (5) D3 ───┤12 │ └┬┘
- (6) D4 ───┤13 5├──┤
- (7) D5 ───┤1 6├──┤ +
- (8) D6 ───┤2 4├──│────────┤█────> TO AMPLIFIER
- (9) D7 ───┤3 7 │ │ 10µF
- └────┬───┘ +╧ (may not be needed)
- │ 4.7µF█
- │ │
- (25) GND ────────┴──────┴────────────── GND
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Lots of people have found that they cannot get the ZN* chips outside
- the UK - so heres a circuit that will do the same as above..
- Use a DAC0800 or DAC0801 or DAC0803 from National Semiconductors...
- DAC 080x
- Parallel Port Pin ┌────────┐0.01µF 0.1µF
- (2) D0 ───┤12 16├──┤█────┤█──────┬─── GND
- (3) D1 ───┤11 │ │
- (4) D2 ───┤10 15├─────────██████─┘5kΩ
- (5) D3 ───┤9 │
- (6) D4 ───┤8 14├─────────██████─┐5kΩ
- (7) D5 ───┤7 13├────────────────┤
- (8) D6 ───┤6 2├──┤█────────────┴── +5V
- (9) D7 ───┤5 3 1 4├──────────┤█────> TO AMPLIFIER
- └──┬─┬───┘0.1µF + 10µF
- └─┤ (may not be needed)
- │
- (25) GND ────────┴──────────────────── GND
- The 0.01uF and 2x 0.1uF capacitors are Ceramic. Resistor values
- not critical
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Catalogues such as MAPLIN (uk) provide simple circuits for obtaining
- a +5v power supply (it only has to be 100mA maximum). Alternatively
- you could tap +5v off the keyboard connector or use 3 1.5volt
- batteries (or even 4 1.5volt batteries with two diodes in series to
- drop the voltage). In fact, anything that produces a voltage in the
- range 4.5 ─ 5.5 volts. (in fact you can even tap +5v from the game
- port). Don't forget to connect the 0v of your power supply to the GND
- rail shown.
- Heres a simple circuit for +5v from mains. Mains voltage is lethal
- so always get a qualified person to make this if you are unsure. Make
- certain that the mains voltage is completely isolated from the computer
- side and that it is impossible to touch - If you don't want to take the
- risk then don't make this circuit.
- ┌───────────┐ ≈┌───┐+ ┌──────┐
- │ │ │ B ├─────┬───────┬─────┤ 7805 ├────┬────── +5V
- ───────┤Step down ├──────┤ R │ │+ │ └──┬───┘ │+
- Mains │transformer│ 6V │ I │ ═╪═ C1 ═╪═ C2 │ ═╪═ C3
- │to 6VAC │ AC │ D │ │ │ │ │
- ───────┤ ├──────┤ G │ │ │ │ │
- │ │ │ E ├─────┴───────┴────────┴────────┴────── 0V
- └───────────┘ ≈└───┘-
- C1 1000 µF electrolytic capacitor (Circuit from Kenneth
- C2 0.1 µF ceramic capactitor Aaron, Israel)
- C3 100 µF electrolytic capacitor
- BRIDGE any diode bridge
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- For the price of 20 1% resistors and a plug, with no power supply
- needed you can make a D/A converter that sounds close to the IC
- one above (it seems only the UK can get a Plessey ZN426E)
- You need one plug for your amp, one for your parallel port and
- 9 20k and 9 10K resistors
- Use 1% resistors if possible ─ and 20k sound much better than 22k
- Printer Port:
- signal pin 20k 20k
- D0 2 >───░░░─┬─░░░──0v
- 20k ░ 10k
- D1 3 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k
- D2 4 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k
- D3 5 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k
- D4 6 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k
- D5 7 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k
- D6 8 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k
- D7 9 >───░░░─┤
- 20k ░ 10k 100nF
- ├──────┤█────> TO AMPLIFIER
- ░ 10k
- GND 20 >───────┼────────────>
- 0v
- Thanks to Harry Stox for the above circuit. Again, make sure all
- the 0v lines are connected together. The 100nF capacitor may not
- be needed, try removing it if this circuit sounds poor.
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- It is possible to play in stereo with only one parallel port (MODPLAY
- version 2.00 onwards) using the circuit below. MODPLAY will
- automatically detect this circuit if it is present and work out what
- address it is at ─ so you can plug it into any of your parallel ports.
- MODPLAY needs no further options and will default to playing through
- this device. The +5v supply can be anywhere between 4.5 and 5.5 volts
- so it could be run from three 1.5v batteries. (Or from four
- rechargable batteries as these are only 1.2v)
- * Stereo-on-1 works from MODPLAY 2.03 onwards where it did not in 2.00 *
- You can use your stereo-on-1 board with other programs that require
- a single D/A on the port as follows:
- Find out what address your port is at (LPT1 = 0378, LPT2 = 0278) and
- add 2 (LPT1 = 037A, LPT2 = 027A). Go into DEBUG and type
- o 37a,3 (replacing 37a with the port address)
- q
- Then all sound directed to the parallel port will come out of both
- channels.
- ZN428
- ┌──────────────┐ 390Ω
- ┌─────────────────┤11 6├─┬────┬─▒▒▒▒▒──+5v
- │ ┌───────────────┤12 7├─┘ │
- │ │ ┌─────────────┤13 3├NC │
- │ │ │ ┌───────────┤14 │ │ + 10µF
- │ │ │ │ ┌─────────┤15 5├──────│───╢├─────> Left out
- │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────┤16 │ │ 0v───>
- 20 >─0v │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─────┤1 10├──+5v │
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───┤2 9├─┬─0v │
- 14 >────│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│───┤4 8├─┘ │
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────┘ │
- 11 >────┤ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ZN428 │ + 1µF
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌──────────────┐ ├───╢├─0v
- 9 >────┴─│─│─│─│─│─│─│───┤11 D7 VRIN 6├──────┘
- 8 >──────┴─│─│─│─│─│─│───┤12 D6 VROUT 7├ NC
- 7 >────────┴─│─│─│─│─│───┤13 D5 NC 3├ NC
- 6 >──────────┴─│─│─│─│───┤14 D4 │ + 10µF
- 5 >────────────┴─│─│─│───┤15 D3 OUT 5├─────────╢├─────> Right out
- 4 >──────────────┴─│─│───┤16 D2 │ 0v───>
- 3 >────────────────┴─│───┤1 D1 +V 10├──+5v
- 2 >──────────────────┴───┤2 D0 0v 9├─┬0v
- 1 >──────────────────────┤4 !EN 0v 8├─┘
- 25 pin male D connector └──────────────┘
- Notes:
- Make sure all the 0v lines are connected together and connected to the
- 0v line of your power source. Also, make sure the +5v lines are
- connected together. The lines marked 'NC' do not need to be connected.
- If a ZN428 is not available, any D/A with input latches will work -
- the D/A should latch the data bus when pin 4 (!EN) is low.
- ─│─ = No connection, ─┼─ = joined
- The above circuit (Stereo-on-1) is (C) Mark J Cox 1991, 29 Lundie Close
- Stenson Fields, Derby DE2 3AN; and is supplied for personal use only.
- For any other use, please contact the author at the address above. If
- this circuit is abstracted or incorporated into any other document or
- circuit then that document or documentation supplied with that circuit
- must contain this paragraph of text. Any commercial use where not
- agreed by written contract with the author (Mark J Cox) is prohibited.
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- For those of you who have built a stereo DAC and haven't enough
- inputs to your Amplifier - Kenneth Aaron has supplied this
- circuit which is designed to give a high power (11W per channel)
- high quality, low interference, single rail supply amplifier!
- Enable
- >──────────────┬────────┐ ┌────┬─────────────────────── +12v
- │+ │ │ │
- ═╪═ 10µF┌─┴───┴────┴─────┐
- 0v ──────┘ │ 7 13 3 1├──────────── Left
- Left 470nF ┌──┤4 2├──────────── Speaker
- >─────────╫────────┤ │ │
- └──┤5 TDA 7370 14├──────────── Right
- Right 470nF ┌──┤11 15├──────────── Speaker
- >─────────╫────────┤ │ │
- └──┤12 │
- +┌─────┤6 8 9 10├─NC
- 47µF ═╪═ └─────┬───┬──────┘
- │ │ │
- └───────────┴───┴───────────────────────── 0v
- Make sure that 0v of the +12v supply is connected to all the 0v
- connections on the main circuit. The enable line has to be tied
- to +12v to 'switch on' the amp
- 14. AUTHOR
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Mark J Cox Electronic Mail:
- 29 Lundie Close m.j.h.cox@bradford.ac.uk
- Stenson Fields
- Derby, UK If that fails - try:
- DE2 3AN bc732@cleveland.freenet.edu