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Dear MIDI Software User,
Thank you for requesting the demo version of Drummer. This demo is the
same as the regular version of Drummer, with two exceptions:
1) It will not let you save and load your work. Anything you create will
be lost when you quit the program.
2) It lets you work with Pattern #1 only. The demo will not let you
select any other Pattern.
Unlike some other musical demo programs, this one will not shut down after
a certain amount of time. You can explore Drummer for as long as you want.
The following manual doesn't try to explain everything about the program. It's
intended only to give you enough information to evaluate whether or not
Drummer will be useful to you. Please keep in mind, though, that Drummer is
designed so that you never have to worry about doing something the program
doesn't like. So feel free to experiment...to try things and see what happens.
We hope you enjoy using Drummer. If you have any questions or comments,
please give us a call.
Cool Shoes Software
P.O. Box 391
Burlington, MA 01803
(617) 229-9942
| This manual, and the program it describes, are Copyright 1989, |
| Russ Kozerski. You may copy and distribute only this Demo version |
| of Drummer, as long as you do so free of charge. We ask that you |
| please include this manual with each copy of the demo program that |
| you distribute. |
*----------------------- Drummer Demo Manual ------------------------*
Hardware Requirements
To use Drummer, you'll need to have certain pieces of hardware in your
computer system.
* IBM PC/XT/AT compatible computer, with
512K bytes of RAM, and an
MPU-401 compatible MIDI interface,
* or a Yamaha C1 computer.
* Any IBM compatible mouse.
* At least one MIDI drum machine or synthesizer.
You'll need about 250K of free RAM to run Drummer. To find out how much RAM
is free in your machine, use the DOS chkdsk command.
Drummer supports most standard IBM PC graphics cards, including CGA, EGA, VGA
and Hercules. You can not, however, use Drummer with low-resolution CGA cards
configured for 320 x 200 pixels.
This demo will run even if there's no MPU-401 compatible MIDI interface
attached to your computer, but you won't be able to play your music!
Starting Drummer
To start Drummer, first make sure that your hardware is configured properly.
Then put the program diskette into drive A: and enter the command:
A:> drummer
If everything's O.K., you'll see the Title Screen. (It may take a few
seconds.) Then after a short time, the Title Screen will be erased and the
main Drummer screen will be shown. You're ready to start making music!
| Drummer supports a wide variety of graphics adaptors and IBM PC |
| compatible mice. Unfortunately, such diversity can have its disadvantages |
| when "compatible" products don't communicate with the computer system as |
| expected. There's often no problem; you can type drummer at the DOS |
| prompt and never look back. But if things don't seem to be working the |
| way they should - for example the screen is gibberish, or the cursor |
| doesn't follow mouse movements - just give us a call. We'll help you |
| get Drummer up and running on your particular system. |
Interacting with Drummer
Drummer was designed with an easy-to-use, mouse-driven interface. You'll use
the mouse to do things like select objects, draw notes, and move through your
music. Using the mouse is simple.
To select an object, whether it's a number entry box, menu item, selection
button, or anything else, move the mouse until the arrow cursor on the screen
is positioned on top of the object you want to select. Then click the left
mouse button.
To change a value, first click on the box that the value is displayed in. The
box will change it's coloring, or highlight, to show that the selection took
place. Then, on the computer keyboard, type in a new number.
If you make a mistake while typing, press <BACKSPACE> to erase one
character at a time, or press <ESC> to erase everything. The new value
that you type isn't used until you either press the <ENTER> key, or move
the cursor outside of the box.
If for some reason Drummer can't use the value that you enter, it will
automatically adjust that value to the nearest one allowed. It will also
re-display the acceptable value in the box. If you click on a box but don't
change the value, or if all the characters in the box are erased, Drummer
will keep the value that was in that box before you clicked on it.
| Drummer is designed so that you never have to worry about doing |
| something "wrong." You can't do anything that will hurt the program, so |
| feel free to experiment. After all, that's part of what Drummer is for! |
The Pattern Page
Drummer's main screen is called the Pattern Page. It's where you'll
create all your music. Take a few moments just to look around. See if you can
find these parts:
* Menu Bar - running along the top of the page.
* "Play" Button - just to the right of the Menu Bar.
* Pattern Name box - just under the Menu Bar: it probably says "Pattern 1".
* Line Information boxes - running along the left side of the screen.
* Pattern Grid.
* Pattern Selection buttons - numbered 1-25 at the top right.
* Loudness Selection buttons - bottom right.
* Tempo Slider - bottom right.
The Pattern Grid
In Drummer, you make music by drawing notes on the Pattern Grid. The
Grid is arranged so that different pitches are shown on the vertical axis
(up and down), and different places in time are shown on the horizontal
axis (left and right). This arrangement is very similar to "piano roll"
Notice that there are 20 different boxes on the vertical axis. Each of these
20 vertical levels is called a "Line." When you first start Drummer, Line 1 at
the top of the Grid produces the highest pitch. As you move down the Grid,
lower Lines produce lower pitches.
You're not restricted to using the pitches that Drummer starts with. We'll
show you how to change pitches a little later in this manual.
Time is arranged from left to right. Notes at the left will happen before
notes at the right.
The Pattern Grid is always one measure long. (The word "measure" is a
musical term for a sort of fuzzy unit of time that has no set length.) The
measure is divided into a number of "beats," and the beats are further
divided into a number of "divisions." Drummer shows the beginning of each
beat by drawing a thicker line. When Drummer first starts up, there are "4"
Beats per Measure, and "4" Divisions per Beat.
You're not limited to using this time - or metric - structure. We'll show
you how to change the metric structure later in this manual.
Drawing Notes
In Drummer, you create musical notes simply by clicking on boxes in the
Pattern Grid. To draw a note, move the mouse cursor so that it's in the box
where you want to draw a note. Then click the left mouse button. You'll see
a "shaded" box appear where you clicked. That's a note.
You can make a note with a longer duration - a note that lasts longer than
the length of one box. To do this, move the cursor to the box where you
want the note to start. Press the mouse button down, but hold it there.
Then "drag" the mouse to the right. You'll see the note get longer. When the
note is the length you want it to be, release the mouse button.
To erase a note that you've already drawn, just click on that note again.
It will disappear.
Playing Your Music
To hear your music, click on the "Play" button at the top of the screen.
The button will "highlight" to show you that Drummer is playing. To stop
playing, click on the Play button again. You can also press the <SPACEBAR>
to quickly turn Play on and off.
Drummer starts playing your music from the left side of the Pattern Grid.
When it gets to the right side of the Grid, it loops back to the beginning
and plays the Pattern again. It will continue looping like this until you
turn Play off.
| One of the nice things about Drummer is that you can change your music |
| while it's playing. So feel free to leave Play on while you're working. |
| (Drummer will automatically turn Play off if it needs to, like when you |
| open a menu or window.) |
| |
| If you're drawing or erasing notes while Drummer is playing, it may |
| loose its place for a moment and play something that's not quite what |
| you created. But it will always get back on track when it loops around |
| to the beginning of the Pattern. |
Changing Pitches - MIDI Key Settings
In Drummer, a Line's pitch is represented as a MIDI Key value. You can
think of MIDI Key numbers as if they're the keys on a piano. MIDI Key
number "60" is the same as Middle C. The note above that (C#) is MIDI Key
number "61". An octave (12 pitches) above Middle C is MIDI key number"72".
MIDI Key numbers are shown in the Line Information part of the screen, in
the column of numbers labeled "Key". To change a Key number, click on the
value you want to change and type in a new number. If you make a mistake,
use the <BACKSPACE> or <ESC> keys to erase characters.
Keys are numbered "0" to "127". (Again, Middle C is Key number "60".) As
always, if you enter a number Drummer can't use, it will adjust the number
for you.
Using Drummer with Drum Machines
You can use Drummer to play pitched instruments on a synthesizer, like
violin or clarinet, or to play a drum machine. Drum machines arrange their
sounds or "instruments" so that each sound is played on a different MIDI
Key number.
For example, many drum machines use MIDI Key number "36" for the Bass Drum.
So if you want a note to sound like a Bass Drum, you'll have to set the
note's MIDI Key value to be the same as your drum machine's Bass Drum Key
number. Your drum machine's manual will have a list of instruments and the
MIDI Key numbers they use.
MIDI Channel Settings
Drummer sends each note out the MIDI wire on a specific MIDI Channel.
Your synthesizer or drum machine won't play that note unless it's set
to receive information on that same MIDI Channel. So you'll need to set
Drummer's "Chan" settings so that they match your synthesizer's "receive"
To change a Line's MIDI Channel setting, click on the "Chan" box you want to
change and type in a new number. MIDI Channels are numbered "1" to "16".
As always, if you enter a number that Drummer can't use, it will adjust the
number for you.
There are ten different Loudness settings in Drummer that you can assign
to the notes in your music. These are shown at the bottom-right of the
Pattern Page. When you start Drummer, the top-most box is the loudest,
and the bottom-most box is the softest. Each loudness has a different "fill
pattern" to help you distinguish between them.
Any notes that you draw use the "current loudness," the one with the
arrow pointing at it. You can tell that this is true because the notes you
draw have the same fill pattern as the current loudness.
To change the current loudness, just click on the one you want to use. The
arrow will move to the loudness you clicked on. Any notes you draw now
will use this new loudness.
You can change the loudness of a note that you've already drawn. Just click
the right mouse button on the note. You'll see that the note's fill pattern
changes to whatever the current loudness is.
The Tempo, shown at the bottom-right of the screen, determines how fast
or slow your music plays. Higher numbers produce faster music.
To change the Tempo, click on the Tempo's value box and type in a new
number. If you make a mistake, press <BACKSPACE> to erase your typing.
As always, if you enter a value that Drummer can't use, it will adjust the
value for you.
Remember that the new value won't be used until you either press<ENTER>
or move the mouse out of the box.
You can also change the Tempo by "dragging" the Tempo Slider up and down.
To do this, click within the Tempo Slider, but hold the mouse button down.
As you move the arrow cursor up and down the screen, the Tempo Slider
will move along with it. When the Tempo is where you want it, release the
mouse button.
You can always change the Tempo while Drummer is playing.
The Metric Structure
To change the time or "metric" structure of your Pattern, you'll need to go
into the SETTINGS-Pattern Info... window. Here's how to open the window:
* Move the arrow cursor to the word "Settings." It's on the
Menu Bar that runs along the top of the screen.
* Without moving the mouse, hold down the left mouse button. The
"Settings" portion of the Menu Bar will highlight, and you'll see the
* While still holding down the mouse button, move the cursor until
it's over the words "Pattern Info...." You'll see that part of the
menu highlight. Then release the mouse button.
When you released the mouse button, you selected the highlighted menu
item. Drummer closed the SETTINGS menu and opened the
SETTINGS-Pattern Info... window.
To change a Pattern's metric structure, click in the boxes that have the
number of "Beats per Measure" and "Divisions per Beat" that you want. Then
click on the "OK" box. Drummer will close the SETTINGS-Pattern Info...
window, then redraw the Pattern Grid using the new metric structure.
If you decide you don't want to change the Pattern, just click on "Cancel"
to close the window.
Other Settings in the Pattern Info... Window
Key Transpose
We've seen that you can set the MIDI Key number for each Line in your
Pattern. If you're using Drummer to play a drum machine, you'll probably
want to set these once, then leave them alone.
But if you're using Drummer to play a "pitched" sound on your synthesizer -
a piano sound, for instance - you may find that you want to "transpose" all
the notes in your Pattern either up or down in pitch. You can do this easily
by adjusting the Key Transpose setting.
For example, you might set your Pattern's MIDI Key values so that they
produce the notes for a C Major scale. Later, you might decide that you
really want D Major, not C Major. You could change all the pitches in your
Pattern by adding "2" to each Line's MIDI Key value. But you'd have to
change 20 separate values.
An easier way to transpose all the notes up in pitch is to set the Key
Transpose value to "2". Then, when Drummer plays the notes in your Pattern,
it will add "2" to every MIDI Key value. You can also use a negative
value (like "-2") to lower all the pitches in your Pattern.
Loudness Offset
Drummer has a similar "global" control for Loudness. It works like the
volume knob on your stereo. You can quickly increase or decrease the
loudness of all the notes in your Pattern by adjusting the Loudness Offset.
Positive numbers (above "0") will increase the Pattern's loudness. Negative
numbers (below "0") will decrease the loudness of all the notes in your
Tempo Scale
The Tempo Scale setting adjusts an individual Pattern's tempo in relationship
to Drummer's master Tempo value.
For example, you might have two Patterns that you want to play one after the
other. You want Pattern 1 to play at whatever speed the master Tempo is set
to, but you want Pattern 2 to play twice as fast as Pattern 1.
To do this, you'd set Pattern 2 to have a Tempo Scale value of "2.0". This
means that Pattern 2's tempo will be twice as fast as Drummer's Tempo
setting (2.0 x Tempo).
You can also use a number like "0.5" to make the Pattern's tempo half as fast
(0.5 x Tempo).
Selecting a New Pattern
The music you see on the Pattern Grid is called...you guessed it...a Pattern.
Drummer has 25 different Patterns that you can work with. You can always tell
which Pattern you're working on - it's called the "current Pattern" - because
that Pattern's box is "highlighted" in the Pattern Selection part of the screen.
This demo version of Drummer won't let you select a new Pattern, but in
the regular version of Drummer you can select a different Pattern by clicking
on that Pattern's Selection box. The box will highlight, and the new Pattern
will be shown on the screen.
In the regular version of Drummer, you can always change Patterns while
it's playing.
Quitting Drummer
To leave Drummer, select the FILES-Quit menu item. To do this, click on
"Files" in the Menu Bar and select "Quit." Drummer will display a window
reminding you to save your work. (This demo version doesn't let you save
your work.)
If you really want to quit, click on the "Quit" button. If you decide you want
to stay in Drummer, click on the "Stay Here" button.
This ends the Drummer demo manual. There is much more to the program than what
we've covered here. If you're still curious, we suggest you try opening the
various menus and dialogue boxes to see what kind of controls and options
they contain. Also, check out the FILES-Score Page menu item. If you have
further questions about Drummer, please give us a call.
Cool Shoes Software
P.O. Box 391
Burlington, MA 01803
(617) 229-9942