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▒▒▒▒██████▀▒▒██████████████████▀▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ VangeliSTracker ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒ ▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ v1.2b ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒ █▒▒▒▒▒ ▄▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒▄█▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ (C) 1992 VangeliSTeam ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ The best tracker, ever ▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀ ▒▒▒▒▒▀ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒
What is VangeliSTeam?
VangeliSTeam is a group of people participating,
continiously or sporadicly in programming, design and
manteniance of VangeliSTracker program.
The reasons for us to create this group are the next ones :
o Widely spread the methods, formats, routines and so, of
making digital music, in both user and programmer level.
o Joining qualified people that help us in the developement
of VangeliSTracker program.
o Learn something (Everybody). ;-)
To make that possible the program will be distributed in
running and source code, being both of them public domain or
freeware. However, is an express desire of VangeliSTeam to make
you know that this piece of software is under the protection of
Copyright laws.
Anyone who wants it, can make his own modifications to the
program, use it for his own purpouses and include the routines
in his own programs always that you clearly remark the
procedence of them. Any of this options is considered as enough:
o If you use the sources in your own programs, you must
write somewhere where it can be seen, something like :
"Portions (C) VangeliSTeam" or "Using sound system of
VangeliSTracker vX.X" or something alike.
o If you include the whole VangeliSTracker in a program of
your own, you must include the whole running version.
Anyway, you are encouraged to inform us of any modification
made to the program or any of its routines, in order to include
them in the next official release.
Who is VangeliSTeam?
VangeliSTeam is everybody. :-)
Well, actually, VangeliSTeam is made of all those persons
participating, in one or other way, in programming, design and
so, of VangeliSTracker.
Until this release, there is just one really active person
(Juan Carlos Arévalo, that's me ;-), and some other people
interested or working in the program. I am NOT going to tell
anybody what to do. What I hope is that you tell me what do you
want to do, and I just will try to put togeter everyone working
in the same area.
If you want to discuss, propose, send, receive or just talk
about VangeliSTracker or VangeliSTeam, please, do not hesitate
and contact one of the persons shown below:
║ ║
║Madrid (Spain): ║
║ ║
║ - Juan Carlos Arévalo ║
║ Fido: 2:341/27.16 y 2:341/9.21 ║
║ Internet: jarevalo@anyware.es ║
║ Apdo. Correos 156405 (28080 - Madrid, Spain) ║
║ ║
║ - Félix Sanz ║
║ Fido: 2:341/15.27 ║
║ ║
║Barcelona (Spain): ║
║ ║
║ - Luis Crespo ║
║ Fido: 2:343/108.21 ║
║ ║
Up to date, VangeliSTeam is taking advantage of the work of
this other people:
║ │ ║
║ - Juan Carlos Arévalo │ Father of the creature. Program's║
║ │ body and general structure. ║
║ │ First releases. ║
║ │ ║
║ - Luis Crespo │ Program's predecessor (JAMP). ║
║ │ DMA routines. Sound Blaster Info.║
║ │ ║
║ - Félix Sanz │ User DOCs. ║
║ │ ║
║ - Alejandro López │ Original stereo channel mixing ║
║ │ idea. ║
║ │ ║
║ - Héctor Martínez │ FFT routines. (not implemented ║
║ │ yet). ║
║ │ Original four channel handling ║
║ │ system idea. ║
║ │ ║
║ - David López │ SB-Pro stereo information. ║
║ │ ║
║ - Angel Trigo │ SB-Pro stereo information. ║
║ │ ║
║ - José Ruiz │ Now working on OS/2 version ║
║ │ (True OS/2 ;-) ║
║ │ ║
║ - Manuel Petit │ Now fitting a mouse driver. ║
║ │ ║
║ - Carlos Fernández │ Made a modification in the ║
║ │ swapping system, to make it work ║
║ │ on CD-ROMS. ║
║ │ ║
║ - Néstor Matas │ Translation of this manual into ║
║ │ English. ║
║ │ ║
Thanks goes to Carlos Jiménez for owning a SB Pro 2.0, and
lending it for some experiments (just testing... :-).
Thanks goes to Javier Olmo, for being the owner of a SB 16
and lending it for testing.
Thanks goes to Michael Fulbright, for adapting a SB driver
for OS/2, and for making it accesible from a DOS session.
Thanks goes to Steve Haehnichen for making a SB driver for
UNIX BSD, in which Michael Fulbright based his own driver.
Thanks goes to Francisco Carrascosa for being so tiresome
(wish everybody was that way ;-D
Thanks goes to Antonio Ropero, for owning a Covox Sound
Master II, and stoically stand not having the DMA driver. In
the next release I promise, I swear that ... O;-)
Thanks also to the Future Crew people, for making such good
music and demos.
Likewise, we wish to thank all those people that, in one or
other way, had contributed to this.
Thank you:
Javier Arévalo, Mario Elkati, Avelino Martín, Víctor Neira,
Francisco Sedano, David López II ;-), Carlos Melero, Patrick
Dobeson, Santiago Crespo, Juanantón Roque, Tomás Fernández,
Also thanks to the whole staff of Anyware S.A. for standing
the testing made in their computers, and thanks to all the
people I forgot to mention in the list. :-(
System requierements.
o PC computer or compatible, with 286 processor or higher.
o When using OS/2, Michael Fulbright driver requiered.
o VGA or EGA graphics card.
o Around 230 Kb free RAM + module lenght. Around 140 Kb in
case you use ShellVT.
o An EMS driver, in case of using swapping.
o 1 or 2 paralell ports, when using DAC.
o One of this cards, if requiered by the user:
o Covox Sound Master II card, Intersound MDO or similar.
o Any version of SoundBlaster card.
o AdLib sound card or compatible.
To make it work, you will need some music files in one of
.MOD, .WOW, .OKT, .STM, .S3M or .669 formats.
Connect your device to the computer !!!!!! :-)
...yes, but, what is the DAC?
A DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), is a built of DAC
chips or resistors that, connected to the parallel port, is
able to playback digital sounds through an amplifier. Later on,
under the title of "How to build a homemade DAC", you will find
a diagram and some directions on building one. The sound
quality provided by one of this gadgets is similar to that
found in any commercial cards, but avoiding the peculiar bus
noise of Sound Blaster or Covox SM II cards (so it's better).
Actual program features.
Up to date (see the date at the end ;-), the program seems
to have this features:
o Is able to play modules in Amiga's SoundTracker and
NoiseTracker (and compatibles) programs format (.MOD). It
handles 15 and 31 voices modules with both marks "M.K."
and "FLT4". It can play also, .WOW format modules (Grave
Program), 6 and 8 channel .MOD (from Triton Fast
Tracker), .OKT (Amiga's Oktalizer), Scream Tracker 2.x,
Scream Tracker 3.0 and Composer 669 (PC). It still does
not handle JMPlayer, 670, Amiga's Oktamed nor StarTrekker
o It implements a subset of Amiga's Prototracker program,
musical capabilities, which allows almost every module to
be played in an adequate way (All the modules tested
did). If you find any module that can't be played or
sounds bad, contact us (sending the module, of course)
and we will do whatever is posible to fix the problem.
o Is able to play modules in various sound devices :
o PC Speaker (Ouch! Not widely recomended :-).
o Any availabe DAC in the I/O port map (including cards
like Covox, Intersound-MDO, homemade DACs in paralell
port, and so).
o Sound Blaster or compatible and AdLib or compatible
(not always).
o Visha speech card.
o Apart, for woking under OS/2, Michael Fulbright's
driver can be used.
o For stereo sound, it allows the use of Sound Blaster Pro,
Sound Blaster 16 ASP, two DACs or one DAC and
SoundBlaster in mono mode. Also, it implements two
different ways of channel mixinf that enhances the stereo
sound quality, especially when using headphones.
o To play sounds in Sound Blaster card there are two
methods: using DMA or not using DMA.
o Also implements several kinds of software-made digital
o To use VangeliSTracker you will need a VGA or compatible
video card. It works with EGA too, but it won't in future
o The windows contain: Module information, real time four
channel description, sample list, oscilloscope, menu,
track (music sheet, two sizes) and credits.
o The program does not works in interactive mode... yet.
That means that you can use it just as you would use a
DOS line command.
o The program can perform some actions while playing music
: Shell to DOS ( the music will continue playing ),
activate or desactivate any of the sound channels, fast
forward and rewind the song, change the sampling rate,
rise or lower the music volume or change the filters.
o In the config file you can define a program to execute
instead of COMMAND.COM when shelling.
o If you rise the sampling rate over the program
capabilities, it will automatically reduce it downto an
adequate level (fall-back).
o When jumping from one song to the next, a fade-out option
is available.
o The program uses EMS swapping (if available) and disk
o The program will use the free UMB area, if any, if it's
MS-DOS 5.0 compatible.
Undesirable, known features.
As everybody knows, no one (and nothing) is perfect.
VangeliSTracker is not an exception to the rule and so, it has
some known and unknown bugs. Here is a relation of all the
known bugs. If you find any other, have no doubt about telling
us, in order to attach it to the list or simply fix it.
o Sometimes, you may find DOS Shell problems. A matter of
stack. The stack use has been reduced down to 150 bytes,
but it could give problems when forcing the sampling rate
over the machine capabilities.
o Sometimes, the program does not work when local area
network drivers are present (Ethernet or similar).
o If you have any memory handler loaded in memory that uses
386 virtual mode (like QEMM386, EMM386, 386Max, and so)
the program will slow down. If you don't use DMA, it will
work properly but it won't be able to handle very high
sampling rates. If you use DMA in a non fast machine
(386-25Mhz is a non fast machine), and you are using a
sound card different from SB 16, the program will
reverberate a little bit (not much: the music will be
heard all right, but it can be kind of annoying with some
.MODs, especially if they contain high pitch instruments).
o When using multitaskers (OS/2 2.0, Windows, Desqview, and
so) the program may work (not always), but just in DMA
mode and gargling a lot (a strong reberveration). In all
of them, the "File" driver always work, dumping the sound
output to the file SBDSP$.
o When Shelling to DOS, the program will use an ammount of
RAM of 230 Kb plus the module lenght. To save memory, use
o The automatic fall-back, sometimes, goes over or do not
reach the desired value. Is very difficult to get the
machine to do this accurately. :-(
o The program recognizes modules with instruments bigger
than 64 Kb, but it will truncate them to 64 Kb.
o The Adlib driver sounds at a very low volume, and too
noisy. In some sound cards you will notice a strong
wishtling, but is not the case of Sound Blaster nor
AdLib. :-)
o If you use the OS/2 driver (File), what you will get on
the screen will have nothing to do with what you hear.
Lack of sincronism... The keyboard won't work properly
either. In this case, we recommend you the use of
o The memory swapping is not widely tested yet.
Future features in the program.
VangeliSTracker is a beginner. By now it just works and
nothing else but we pretend to make it grow to reaching goals
o Support for more module formats (670, Oktamed,
StarTrekker and so).
o Support for other sound devices (SBPro 3.0 in 16 bits
mode, Pro Audio Spectrum, Disney SS, Covox in DMA mode,
and so). If someone make the driver or lend us one of
this cards, we will be ethernally grateful.
o Increase the program posibilities with: song edition and
composition, digital sound and instrument edition and
processing, MIDI support, as well as everything we can
Remember: all of this won't be possible without your
colaboration. We need ideas, beta-testers, critcs and labour
Next release. (2.X)
In next version 2.0a of VT we hope to implement :
o Simple interactive mode (choose a module within a
o More windows: 10 oscilloscopes (one per channel), real
volume bars, Spectrum analizer, instrument analizer, DOS
shell in a window (yeah, yeah, ain't no joke. If you want
to see how it will look like, press F9).
o Mouse support.
Command line options.
VT sintax can be seen by running the program without
parameters. You can save it in a file, rerouting the output if
you want: 'VT > VTOPT.TXT'.
The syntax of ShellVT and OS2VT is exactly the same.
Option switch files (.VTO)
You can specify parameters in ASCII files, using the same
syntax as in the command line. They are used preceding the file
name with an at-sign (@). For example:
For more information, look into the example .VTO files
Config file.
VT has a configuration file, called VT.CFG. This file
contains some options that modifies the internal working of the
program. The file is ASCII, so it can be modified with any
editor o word processing software. If you want to know the
available options, please feel free to examine it, and read the
comments inside it.
By default, the config file will be loaded from the VT.EXE
directory but if the search fails, VT will look for it in the
current directory.
SHELLVT.EXE program will read VT.CFG file and then,
SHELLVT.CFG, where you can redefine every single parameter.
Interface. VT Screen.
The screen is in text mode, and presents this aspect:
║Posición: 1/ 44│Módulo: beethoven 7th remx │ ║
║Patrón: 1/ 24│Fichero: BEETHOVE.MOD │ VSTracker ║
║Nota: 1/ 64│Mem. libre: 0 (0) | 278944 │ X.Yz ║
║Tempo: 6 F30│Frecuencia:16000 Volumen:127 │ ║
║1 │ │▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒│ ║
║2 (1) │ │▒▒▒▒▒▒(2)▒▒▒▒▒▒│(7)║
║3 │ │▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒│ ║
║ 2 st-02:tallic │17 │ FILE EDIT PLAY MISC ║
║ 4 st-02:reflex │19 │ SAMPLES PATTERN SONG ║
║ 6 st-01:bassdrum2 │21 ├────────────────────────╢
║ 7 st-02:mysnare1 │22 │ PAr/Ab Otro patrón ║
║ 8 st-01:hihat2 │23 │ In/Fin Idem (principio)║
║ 9 st-01:popsnare1 │24 │ 1-0 Apagar canal ║
║10 st-01:strings3 │25 │ F5-F9 Ventanas ║
║11 st-01:organ │26 │ R/T Frec. de salida ║
║12 │27 │ +/- Volumen ║
║13 │28 │ D Shell al DOS ║
║14 (3) │29 (3) │ N/S Sig. canción ║
║15 │30 │ ESC Parar ║
╟──┬──<Canal 1>───┬─┴<Canal 2>───┬──<Canal 3>───┬──<Canal 4>───╢
║ │ │ │ │ ║
║ │ (4) │ (4) │ (4) │ (4) ║
║ │ │ │ │ ║
║ │ (5) │ (5) │ (5) │ (5) ║
║ 1│ G 3 01 ····· │ G 2 01 ····· │ ············ │ G 1 02 ····· ║
║ 3│ ············ │ ············ │ ············ │ ············ ║
║ 4│ ····(6)····· │ ····(6)····· │ ····(6)····· │ ·····(6)···· ║
Where each part is:
o Position : Is the actual position within the song. It
also shows the total lenght of the module.
o Pattern : Shows the pattern currently being played, and
the total number of them. Normally there is less patterns
than positions in a module, that is possible becouse some
of them are repeated.
o Note : Shows the note currently being played, the
ordinal number is refered to the actual pattern. Also, it
shows the size of the pattern.
o Tempo : Is the actual tempo of the melody, but it can
change if the author used the appropiate command.
o Module : Is the song loaded and playing, shows the title
or name that the author gave to the theme.
o File : Is the file name containig the song.
o Free mem. : Internal values, shown just for debuggin
o Outp. freq. : Shows the music output rate, in Hertzs.
o (1) : This area shows the instrument being used by each
one of the four visible channels. At left hand you can
see the channel number.
o frec : Shows the pitch of each note being played by
each visible channel.
o vl : Is the playback volume of this particular
o len : Is the lenght in bytes of the digitized
o (2) : This area shows the volume vumeters for each
visible channel.
o (7) : Channel Status zone. It shows if the
corresponding channel is ON or OFF.
o (3) : Module instrument list. Name and number. This
part of the screen will be overlayed when selecting
oscilloscope window.
o (4) : Shows the notes that have just being played in
the pattern para the visible channels.
o (5) : Shows the note being currently played for the
visible channels.
o (6) : Shows the notes to be played next in the pattern
for the visible channels.
The keyboard.
This is a relation of the keys you may use and a brief
description of them.
o Page Up and Page Down : It moves to the preceding or to
the next pattern in the module, but positioning in the
same note number, not at the beginning of the pattern, as
other programs do.
o Home and End : Like PgUp & PgDn, but positioning at the
beginning of the pattern.
o Left and Right arrows : Left or right scrolling of the
visible channels. This has been made this way to be able
to see up to 10 channels respecting the old screen
format, made to handle just 4 voices.
o 1 - 0 : Activates or desactivates the corresponding
channel ('0' means 10).
o F5 : Shows the track in large size. You will only see
the track and the four or five first lines of the
original screen.
o F6 : Returns to regular size track mode.
o F7 : Oscilloscope, show a graphic of the analog
waveform currently being played. It ovelays instrument
list in zone (3).
o F8 : Credits. Shows the list of the people that have
took part in the creation of the program.
o R and T : Lower or rises the output rate of the module.
When using PC speaker device, at low rates you will
notice some distortion. If you use Sound Blaster with
DMA, the rate will be limited internally by the card, so
if you try to go over the limit, the program won't let
you do that.
o F and G : Activates, desactivates the filter. ON and
o L : Switches the bass enhancing filter. Only works in
mono devices, and not with the "File" device.
o W and E : Increases and decreases the song's tempo.
o + and - : Main volume control.
o B : Changes the vu-meter aspect.
o D : DOS Shell. To return to VT, enter EXIT at the DOS
o N : Jumps to next module if any. Fades-out, if this
feature is enabled in the config file.
o S : Fast jump to next module.
o ESC : Stops playing the module and quit the program,
returning to the operating system.
General Remarks.
If you try to play a non valid format file, VT will just
flash and skip it.
When shelling from VT, no jump to the next module will be
made until exiting the shell and returning to the program.
Sound Blaster.
The way Sound Blaster card works deserves a special
mention. There are two methods of playing modules through Sound
Blaster card. One is the way used by programs like ModPlay,
Whacker Tracker or JAMP. This method consist of sending between
6000 and 44000 samples (numbers) per second to the card Hand
made!!. The other uses SB DMA support. The former has the
advantage of reaching as-high-as-we-want sampling rates, higher
than those allowed by Sound Blaster 1.5 DMA. The latter,
instead, allow us to play modules in slow machines (286 a 8 o
12 MHz), and run the program under multitaskers like Desqview
or Windows (although, by now, it does not sound well under
multitasker programs, only under OS/2 using the driver).
What is really special about VT is the handling of the
first method: not using DMA. It shouldn't be a real problem :
In fact, that is the only way to make the PC speaker say
something :-( or to get the DAC working. But the problem is
that Sound Blaster wasn't build to work this way and, so, it is
harder to find the way, and when you finally get something it
goes turtle step (and does not allow very hihg sampling rates).
VT uses a special method to speed up the card under this
mode. To make it possible, we use the variable SbSplTimeout.
Give different values to it till you find the right one. A very
high value, (like 50, for example) make the SB to work like it
would do with any other program (slowly). A very low value, (1,
for example) speeds up SB card, but you may not hear anything
:-(. Let's give an example, in a 386-25 non cache computer, and
using SB 2.0, the right value will be between 3 and 4,
depending on which SB mode you are using: mono or DAC-SB stereo.
How to build a homemade DAC.
You'll need:
o A D-25 pin male connector.
o Nine wire cable.
o A base for the circuit. A bakelite plaque, a cardboard ...
o 9 10K resistors, 1% tollerance.
o 9 20K resistors, 1% tollerance.
o One 100nF ceramic capacitor.
o One 10nF ceramic capacitor.
o One shielded cable.
o One RCA or normal jack, depending on the amplifier you
The resistors must be 1% tollerance, to avoid noise. If you
can't find 10K and 20K, buy similar values, but one must be two
times the other.
The capacitors may not be nedeed, but it will sound better
with them.
│ │
│ LPT (D-25): │
│ │
│ signal pin │
│ 20k 20k │
│ D0 2 >───░░░─┬─░░░──────> 0v (GND, pin 20) │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D1 3 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D2 4 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D3 5 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D4 6 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D5 7 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D6 8 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k │
│ D7 9 >───░░░─┤ │
│ 20k ░ 10k 100nF │
│ ├─────> >──┤├─┬──> │
│ │ │ │
│ ░ 10k 10nF┴ ──> Amplif. │
│ │ ┬ │
│ GND 20 >───────┴─────> >─────┴──> │
│ │
This circuit, extracted from Visual Player 1.1 documents,
is an enhancement of that contained in Mark J.Cox's ModPlay, so
we thank Mark J.Cox for his original design and also to the
Visual Player team for the enhancement and the permission to
use it.
Working under OS/2.
VT.EXE program (using File device) and OS2VT.EXE program
work under OS/2 through the Sound Blaster driver contained in
SBOS2V09.*. This file can be found at the BBSs stated below.
The file includes the driver souce code, and some other
playing and recording utilities under OS/2, and a MOD player.
ShellVT Program.
Along with VT.EXE and OS2VT.EXE, you'll find SHELLVT.EXE.
It's a VT version whose graphic interface has been removed, but
working exactly the same as if you run VT.EXE and the you press
'D' key. The main advantage of this program is that it works
like a background job under DOS, with lower memory
requierements than VT.EXE.
New releases.
You can find find any new version in many Spanish BBSs,
but, firstly in:
NADA de NADA Fidonet: 2:341/27
Tlf: 34-1-6969121 9600
SERVOSIS Fidonet: 2:341/9
Tlf: 34-1-6916411 16800
Enchufe Fidonet: 2:341/24
Tlf: 34-1-5477210 14400
22:00 - 07:00 (CET)
Programmer's Land Fidonet: 2:341/20
Tlf: 34-1-3065142 14400
22:00 - 07:00 (CET)
The file names used will be the following:
Exe files : VTEXExxx.*
Source files: VTSRCxxx.*
where "xxx" stands for the version number. For example, the
exe files of 1.2b version will be named as : VTEXE12B.*
The Media Vision Contest.
In the March number of the Dr. Dobbs Journal for
Programmers, there is quite an interesting article about sound
for the PCs. I won't copy the article here (that would be
illegal), but I can tell you about a little gray box where it
says that Media Vision (those who make the Pro Audio Spectrum
cards) are organizing a sound software contest. It looks
interesting. The limit date for the programs is 15th of July,
so there's plenty of time.
There are two drawbacks:
o A must for any program that participates is 16 bit
support using the PAS 16 card. For this, a driver must be
made, tested, etc...
o The contest runs through Compuserve. I don't know how it
works. The only thing I know (I've been told) is that
it's expensive. The Media Vision guys say they've made a
special conferencefor the contest "GO PAS16CONTEST", and
that there's the "Entry Kit".
I officially ask for help to anyone who can give it some
way or the other. Wether it's your knowledge of the PAS 16
card, or he just wants to help, or has access to Compuserve, or
wants to beautify the program for the date.
Sincerely, I think there are possibilities of getting a
prize, even if only one of the 50 finalists.
The prizes are: $5000, $2000 and $1000 for the first three,
and $100 for the 50 finalists. All of them in "shopping sprees".
I don't know how we could split the prize. I wouldn't want
anybody to regret anything afterwards. If you've got any idea
about this, please, say so.
At first, I was not going to mention this matter, but after
a few conversations with my colleages, I decided to do it.
This program has been donated to public domain by the
reasons explained at the beginning of this DOC. As a public
domain program, you are not requiered to pay any registration
fee. I think this point is clear enough.
But if, for any reason, you like so much this program that
you can't help yourself giving a donation (money or hardware)
to those who made this possible, well, you are free to do it.
You can send any donations to:
│ Juan Carlos Arévalo │
│ Apdo. de Correos 156.405 │
│ 28080 - Madrid │
│ Spain │
Anyway, we will try to use any donation in developing VT.
We will also mention in this DOC any card donation, driver
donation or useful information, that may help us to enhance the
If someone can't find the source code and would like to
take a look at them, send us a self adressed, already posted
(or send the stamps or the money) envelope and one diskette (3
1/2 if possible).
Final remarks.
We can seem to be a bit tiresome, but, please, remember
this important points:
o We do NOT want any money. Just the credit our job
o Is a very cheap price, a real bargain. Please pay it. ;-)
o Please, spread this program everywhere. We want it to be
known all along the five (I got it right this time ;-)
o If you want, can or would like to participate in the
project, have no doubt about telling us. Don't forget
that the sources are given to public domain too.
Thank you everybody for your colaboration. :·)
Greets, and enjoy it!
March the 31st, 1993