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Below is a reference listing ANSI CODES. For more information
how to use the ansi codes, consult your DOS user's manual.
>>>----- Screen Attribute Command Sequences -----<<<
Name/ Default Function
Command Parameter Value Operation
--------------- ------------ ------ ----------------------
SET SCREEN see below none Sets the default character display
ATTRIBUTE: mode. Command line may contain
ESC [px;px;...;pxm several codes which are separated
by semicolons.
Wherein p is a number specified below: Wherein x is:
-------------------------------------- -------------
0 Normal (white on black) 0 = Black
1 High intensity 1 = Red
4 Underscore (monochrome display only) 2 = Green
5 Blink 3 = Yellow
7 Reverse video (black on white) 4 = Blue
8 Invisible 5 = Magenta
3x Set foreground color to x (wherein x is:) 6 = Cyan
4x Set backgroung color to x (wherein x is:) 7 = White
>>>----- Cursor Control Command Sequences -----<<<
Values for parameters are specified in ASCII decimal (that is, row 10 is
indicated by the characters 10 ). Letters following the parameters
are case-sensitive.
Name/ Default Function
Command Parameter Value Operation
--------------- ------------ ------ ----------------------
SET POSITION: r = row # 1 Move the cursor to the specified
ESC [r;cH c = column # 1 screen position.
--or-- Both rows and columns are numbered
ESC [r;cf starting at 1.
MOVE UP: l # of lines 1 Move cursor up specified number of
ESC [lA lines or until top of screen is
reached. Column position is not
MOVE DOWN: l # of lines 1 Move cursor down specified number
ESC [lB of lines or until bottom of screen
is reached. Column position is
not changed.
MOVE RIGHT: c # of columns 1 Move cursor right specified number
ESC [cC of columns or until right edge of
screen is reached. Row position
is not changed.
(continued on page 2)
page 2
MOVE LEFT: c # of columns 1 Move cursor left specified number
ESC [cD of columns or until left edge of
screen is reached. Row position
is not changed.
SAVE CURSOR none The current cursor position is
POSITION: saved (in memory). Only the last
ESC [s saved position is remembered.
RESTORE CURSOR none Move cursor to the location set
ESC [u command.
REPORT CURSOR 6 Will return the current cursor
POSITION: position in the format of:
ESC [6n ESC [r;cR
wherein r is the current cursor row
and c is the current cursor column
>>>----- Screen Erase Command Sequences -----<<<
Name/ Default Function
Command Parameter Value Operation
--------------- ------------ ------ ----------------------
ERASE SCREEN: 2 2 Erase entire display and move
ESC [2J cursor to home position.
ERASE LINE: 0 0 Erase line from cursor position to
ESC [0K the right margin, inclusive.
Cursor position is not changed.
>>>----- Display Mode Command Sequences -----<<<
SET MODE: (wherein # is:) Sets display mode according
ESC [=#h to the parameter (#) specified.
Command sequence must end with
a lowercase "h".
RESET MODE: (wherein # is:) Resets display mode according
ESC [=#l to the parameter (#) specified.
Equivalent to set mode except
for parameter 7, which turns
end-of-line wrap off. Command
sequence must end with a lower-
wherein # is: case "l".
0 40 x 25 black and white. Remember that if these codes are
1 40 x 25 color. used, they may not display correctly
2 80 x 25 black and white. on all monitors due to hardware
3 80 x 25 color. variations.
4 320 x 200 color.
5 320 x 200 black and white.
6 640 x 200 black and white.
7 End-of-line wrap turned on.
* Note: keyboard reassignment commands are not listed in this
reference. For more details, consult your DOS user's manual.
Also see the file MUSICODE.TXT for a listing of Music Codes.