Audio 4.94 - Over 11,000 Files
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Text File
167 lines
Version 1.1.
(C) Copyright 1990,1992 by Alex Reshetov
║ Version 1.1 is shareware and may be freely copied and ║
║ shared on a non-commercial basis. If you choose to ║
║ register ($20 fee), I will send you latest version of ║
║ BGP with source code and updated music library. ║
Hardware requirements
- IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible,
- DOS 2.0 or higher.
The following files are provided:
- READ.ME This file.
- BGP.COM BackGround Player version 1.1.
- MUSIC.ZIP Description of various melodies.
- INSTALL.BAT Batch file to uncompress MUSIC.ZIP
(with subdirectories).
After executing INSTALL.BAT directory MUSIC will be
created. It contains descriptions of various melodies. Run
any batch file to load and play a melody.
BGP is a resident program which plays user-defined
melody in background mode. While BGP is playing music You
can use computer for anything else: editing, compiling etc.
BGP understands music in format of Basic Music Macro
Language (┬m) of Microsoft Corporation. This permits You to
use a large volume of melodies developed for Basic
Resident part of BGP uses only 0.7 Kb of memory + size
of melody itself. You can unload BGP from memory at any
time. To call BGP enter from DOS prompt:
BGP <command string>
After that You can work as usual: load editors,
compilers etc. And melody which have been described in
<command string> will go on. To drop the melody in any time
You may call BGP without parameters. If You call BGP
without parameters while there is no copy of BGP in memory,
You receive some help.
<Command string> is very similar to Basic Music Macro
Language with the following exceptions:
1. Instead of command X<var>; to execute string variable
<var> BGP use command X<file>; to execute melody from
2. With symbols '<'/'>' to lower/raise octave symbols
'{'/'}' is also used. This extension is done to bypass DOS
files redirection.
3. Commands 'MB'/'MF' (music back/foreground) is absent.
4. Repetition symbol '$' is added.
The single character commands in <command string> are:
A-G[#,+,-] Play the note. A "#" or "+" afterwards means
sharp and "-" means flat. Sharp or flat notes
must correspond to a black piano keys. The
following notes are meaningful:
C C# D- D D# E- E F F# G- G G# A- A A# B- B
Ln Sets the length of each note (n in range from 0
to 64). The length may also follow the note when
it is desired to change the length only for this
note, for example: A16
M[N,L,S] Music [Normal, Legato, Staccato]. Each note will
play [7/8th, full, 3/4th] of the period set by L.
X<file>; Load melody from <file>. Files may be nested
without constrains.
{[.,:]} Scale duration of the previous note or pause by
(3/2)*(# of dots), for example: A4..
[>,<,{,}] Raise, lower] current octave.
On Set octave n (0..6).
Nn Play absolute note n (0..84).
Pn Pause (1..64).
Tn Tempo (32..255).
$ Play "forever" (loop).
Default settings is O4L4T120MN, scale is BAGFEDC.
Successive calls of BGP replace melody with new one. Call
without parameters makes music off (if any) and deletes BGP
from memory or output help screen.
Convenient way to produce file-like melody from Basic
program is to replace all operators "PLAY" to operators
"WRITE" to file.
If a program which have been load after BGP is also
using dynamic it led to two possible situations:
interferation of sound will arise or BGP will play it's
melody soundless and resume it in full strength after the
program finish it's work. The later is very probably for
computer games.
BGP needs DOS version 2.0 or higher and no less than
40 Kb of free memory to parse command line.
Music library for BGP
Sample melodies are contained in the MUSIC directory
and it's subdirectories (extracted from file MUSIC.ZIP). To
load any melody execute according batch file.
In this version of BGP music of Bach, Beethoven,
Julius Fucik, DeBussy, Ernesto Lecuona, S.Morrow and
several unknown (for me) composers is used. The adaptation
for PC was performed by Michael Baum, Con Spirito, Carol
Hall, Tom Sorber, PC WORLD, Richard Eaton, Tina Anameier
and several other programmers.
This program is supplied AS IS without any warranty,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to fitness
for a particular purpose.
You may freely copy and distribute this product as
long as you abide by the following conditions:
a) You may not charge any fee for making copies or sell
this product.
b) You may not distribute this as part of any product or
service for which you charge a fee.
c) You must copy the product in its entirety with no
If you find BGP useful, a registration of $20.00 would
be appreciated. For your registration, you will receive the
assembly source for BGP and updated music library. Send
check to:
District "B"-2, 86
Troitsk, Moscow region
142092, Russia
Alexander Reshetov
// Reshetov Alexander, II Voice : (+7 095) 334-09-79 \\
|| Russian Academy of Sciences, II E-mail: ar@kaon-inr.msk.su ||
\\ Moscow II //