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D - 1 0 C O N T R O L
version 1.1
by Harry Mark
P.O. Box 902
North Bay, Ontario
Midieval Software hereby disclaims all warranties relating to
this software, whether express or implied, including without
limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. Midieval Software will not be liable
for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar
damges due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Midieval
Software or an agent of Midieval Software has been advised of the
possibility of such damages. In no event shall Midieval
Software's liability for any damages arising out of the use of or
inability to use this software exceed the price paid for the
license to use this software, regardless of the form of the
claim. The person using this software bears all risk as to the
quality and performance of the software.
D-10 Control is distributed as User Supported software.
Unregistered users of D-10 Control are granted a license to use
this software for 14 days for evaluation purposes. After this
period has expired and the user decides to continue using it, the
user must register the copy.
The unregistered evaluation package may be given to others to
try out under the following conditions:
1. None of the files in this package may be modified or removed.
This package must be given whole and unaltered.
2. No charge or payment may be levied.
Clubs and user groups may charge a nominal fee not exceeding $8
US for expenses and handling while distributing D-10 Control.
When you register, you will receive a postcard from Canada, a
registration number and instructions as to how to store it on
your copy. This will allow you to use all of the features of the
program and avoid messages about registration. You will also
receive notices of updates and technical support.
If you require technical support, have comments or suggestions,
send your correspondence to the order form address or if you have
a modem, leave the message at 'Midnight MIDI BBS'(tm) at
(613)747-1718 to 'Harry Mark' on FIDO-Net's MIDI-Net conference,
or send NetMail to address 1:163/230.0.
A registered copy of D-10 Control must be treated just like a
book; the same registered copy may only be used on one computer
at the same time.
Registration just costs US$33/CDN$38. The cost of a license plus
disk plus printed documentation is $40 US/$46 CDN (Ontario
residents must add 8% sales tax if ordering reg+disk+docs).
To register, send the order form (or reproduction) with the check
or money order (payable to Midieval Software). For fastest
processing possible, please send a money order.
Your registration helps Midieval Software create more high
quality software at reasonable prices.
Differences between the evaluation and registered versions
The information contained in this manual is applicable to the
registered version. By registering, you may use of all the
features described.
The evaluation version has several differences:
1. The keyboard functions are restricted.
- The note keys are the same
- Only MONO mode is supported
- Only MIDI channels 1, 2 and 3 are allowed
- SPACE is used to clear notes on the current channel
- All other key functions are disabled
2. The load and save features of the FILE page are disabled.
3. The information in the CONFIG page cannot be saved. The
configuration file 'D10CTL.CFG' cannot be created.
4. Registration messages appear throughout the program.
D-10 CONTROL 1.1
Midieval Software
P.O. Box 902
North Bay, Ontario
Please check one of the following:
[ ] Registration ($33 US/$38 CDN)
[ ] Registraton + Disk + Printed Documentation ($40 US/$46 CDN)
Ontario Residents add 8% sales tax (Total Cost $49.68 CDN)
Diskette type (please check one): [ ] 5.25" [ ] 3.5"
PHONE: _________________________________
Where did you get your copy of D-10 Control?
Thank you for registering.
1. Introduction......................1
2. System Requirements...............1
3. Installing D-10 Control...........1
4. Running D-10 Control..............2
5. Control Panel.....................2
6. Select Tone.......................4
7. Tone Editor.......................5
7.1 Editing the tone..............6
Selecting a PCM wave..........7
8. Control Panel Options.............8
8.1 File..........................8
Loading a Sound File..........9
Saving a Sound File...........9
File Messages and Errors.....10
8.2 Timbre Map...................10
8.3 Configuration................11
8.4 Info.........................12
8.5 Quit.........................12
9. Playing notes from the PC........12
10. D10TOMID conversion utility.....13
D-10 Control, D10TOMID and this manual are
Copyright (c) 1990 by MIDIEVAL SOFTWARE
Some company and product names contained in this document are
trademarks of various companies.
D-10 Control is a MIDI application that allows you to control
various aspects of the Roland D-10, D-110, D-20, and D-5
synthesizers. High resolution EGA graphics and a mouse are used
for fully graphical editing of all aspects of the multi-timbral
mode of these synthesizers; the computer becomes an extension of
your synth. You will find that this program is a fun way to
experiment and learn more about your synthesizer, without the
numerous cumbersome key presses that would be required on the
synth itself.
D-10 Control allows you to edit volumes, panpots (stereo
direction), reverb, timbre and tone parameters easily and
quickly. You can even play notes from the PC keyboard to hear
the results.
Tone, timbre and patch information can be stored on disk to be
retrieved and loaded back into the synthesizer later. You can
tailor the colours and other defaults to your liking and they
will be automatically used by the program.
D-10 Control requires an IBM-PC compatible with at least 256K of
free memory running under MS-DOS with:
1) a Roland D-10, D-110, D-20 or D-5 synthesizer
2) a MPU compatible MIDI interface
3) an EGA capable video card (with at least 256K memory) and
4) a Microsoft compatible mouse
The mouse driver (usually called MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS) must be
installed before the program will run. Refer to your mouse
documentation for information.
The D-10 Control package contains the following files:
1) 'D10CTL.EXE' The program
2) 'D10TOMID.EXE' MIDI File conversion utility
3) 'D10CTL.ORD' Order form
4) 'D10CTL.DOC' This document
5) 'READDOC.COM' Reading program for D10CTL.DOC
6) 'README.COM' General info
There are no special installation instructions; just COPY these
files to any directory you wish and run D-10 Control from this
If you have a printer, enter "COPY D10CTL.DOC PRN:" to print this
If necessary, go to the directory where the program resides
(using the command CD followed by the directory name). Type
'D10CTL' at the MS-DOS prompt and press RETURN.
The message 'Looking for configuration file...' should appear
while the computer looks for the program configuration file
'D10CTL.CFG' in the current directory. If it finds the file and
the file is valid, it will read the defaults from the file.
The title page will appear. At this point the program will be
requesting information from the synthesizer through MIDI.
If the synthesizer does not respond with the information within a
fixed period of time:
You will be given three choices: 1) Retry 2) Config 3) Quit.
Select 'Config' if you are using this program for the first
time. It will take you to the Configuration page where you
can set the program defaults. Chances are that your synth's
MIDI exclusive unit number is different than the program's
default 17. To check the synth's setting, press 'MIDI' on the
synth, then 'DISPLAY down' until this parameter is shown in
the synth's window. Adjust the program's exclusive unit
setting by pressing a mouse button on the '<' or '>' of the
top rectangle until it matches.
Click on ACCEPT to continue.
The program will try again. If the synth still does not
respond, make sure that the synth is turned on and connected
to the properly installed MIDI interface with the proper
If the synth is not in its 'Multi-Timbral' mode (i.e. in its
'Performance' mode), a message will appear. Press the 'Multi
Timbral' button on the synth then press a mouse button to
continue. You must change the mode to continue; this program was
designed for the multi-timbral mode only. Do not change the mode
or perform any editing on the synth while the program is running,
since this may cause some of the displayed information to be
This is the core page of the program. At the top are several
options to be discussed later. Underneath are the volume and
panpot sliders. There are ten for volume; the first is the
master volume, the next eight correspond to the eight 'Parts'
(consult synth manual for description) and one for the rhythm
There are eight sections of information consisting of the tone
name (which is highlighted) and the timbre parameters for the
Part. Note that the information for the Parts are in a
'temporary' area; any changes here are lost when the synth is
turned off or the mode switched. The timbres and tones in these
areas can be copied to or from the synth's more permanent memory
(this memory is retained even when power is off) or saved to disk
files (see section 8.1).
Reverb parameters and master tune appear at the bottom. For D-5
users, the reverb parameters will not have any affect.
In each timbre section, there is a slider at the bottom (looks
like: <[ | ]>). This is where you change the value of a
parameter with the mouse. To the right of it is the value of the
current parameter. Only one parameter can be modified at a time.
To change the current timbre parameter, press a mouse button on
the parameter's name (if it is not already highlighted). The new
parameter will be highlighted.
There are three ways of changing the value with the sliders:
1) decrement the current value by positioning the mouse pointer
at the '<' and holding a mouse button down or by clicking (press
then quickly release a mouse button). The repeat speed parameter
in the Configuration page determines how fast the value will
change if you hold the button down.
2) increment the current value by positioning the cursor at the
'>' and holding a mouse button down or clicking.
3) select a value directly by pressing the mouse button anywhere
inside the rectangle between the '<' and '>'. This will select a
value which is proportional to the range of the parameter. e.g.
clicking in the middle will move the slider to the middle of the
parameter's range. You can 'drag' the value by moving the slider
while the button is held down.
If you play some notes on the synthesizer directly or from the PC
keyboard while values are being changed, you can hear the changes
taking effect. For example, change the key offset while playing
some notes.
The following keys will send note messages to the synth:
2 3 5 6 7 9 0 =
Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]
Q is middle C. For keyboard features see section 9.
NOTE: To play notes for a specific Part, the MIDI channel must
match that of the Part. To examine the current settings, press
MIDI then DISPLAY UP to check the channel settings. For example,
if MIDI PART1 CH=3, then Part 1 will sound when you play a note
on MIDI channel 3. Another way to check is to play some notes
and watch the NUMBER lights that turn on when the key is held
down; they will tell you which Part is responding. For
information on how to change the MIDI channel for the PC keyboard
see section 9.
If the Part number (1 through 8) is clicked on, it will toggle
between being highlighted and not. If a group of numbers is
highlighted, a change in parameter or value in a member will also
affect the others in the group. This allows you edit several
timbres simultaneously.
At the bottom are sliders for reverb parameters and master tune.
Master Tune fine tunes the instrument. To change the kind of
Reverb, click a mouse button at the '<' or '>' to cycle through
the choices. In this case (and a few others), holding down a
button will not cycle through the choices; you must click several
times to do so.
To edit or change the tone for a specific Part, click on the name
of the tone. This will bring up another page:
You can select any of the tones stored in the synth, of which
there are 256 in total. Only 128 will be displayed at a time.
To alternate between the pages of 128 tones, click on PAGE. The
tones stored in the synth are divided into 4 banks, A, B, I, and
R (the percussion bank). I is where user tones can be stored
(discussed later in SAVE in next section).
On the top line, the name of the tone and the current Part is
displayed at the top.
To select a tone, simply click on it; it will automatically be
highlighted and this tone will be copied to the Part. The
changes are instant.
NOTE: It is not necessary to select a tone in this page.
To edit the tone, click on EDIT. This will bring up the tone
To return to the control panel, click on ACCEPT or click on the
same tone twice.
This is where most of the fun will take place! Here you can see
what parameters make up the tone and change them with ease. If
the description sounds too complicated, don't worry; once you use
it, you will find that it is quite easy and powerful to use.
Tones are the sounds the synth produces. A tone is made up of
one through four partials. Though the tone editor will display
four partials, you can mute them to effectively have less than
four. Each partial is either a P or S type of wave. P is a PCM,
or digitally recorded wave and S is an analog wave. Which type a
partial is is determined by the 'structure' used to combine each
pair of partials.
On the top line, there are several options plus the current Part
number. You can select one of these options by clicking on the
LOAD - To select a tone from the synth's memory to edit (same as
the SELECT TONE page). Any changes to the tone will not affect
the 'original' in the synth's non-temporary memory.
SAVE - To save the tone from this edit page into the synth's user
tone memory (Bank 'I'). There are 64 slots, 'i01' through 'i64',
where the tone can be stored. The user slots are listed on the
left side of the page along with the name of the tone currently
stored in the slot and the number of timbres and patches (patches
occur only in the Performance mode) that reference the tone.
If the program has not read this reference information since
the program was run, it will read it now before going to this
WRITE SELECT page. There will be a short delay as this
information is being read and organized.
If you click on a slot, the slot will be highlighted and the
corresponding list of timbres and patches that reference the
tone is shown on the right half of the page. This is to help
you decide which slot to use and which timbres/patches would
be affected.
Clicking on a the slot alone will not save the tone. Only
when a slot is selected and the option WRITE is clicked on
will this occur. When you write into a slot, all the timbres
and patches that reference the previous one will now use this
tone. (The tones that timbres reference can be changed in the
TIMBRE MAP page discussed in section 8.2). The status of the
save will be displayed briefly in the upper left corner.
If you decide not to save, simply click on ABORT.
COMPARE - This will alternate between the current tone and the
original (the tone before editing; it can also be changed) for
comparison purposes. The word COMPARE will be highlighted if the
'original' is the current tone.
PANEL - Returns you to the first page, the control panel.
The edit page has several graphic elements (starting from the top
1- the name of the tone is shown highlighted in the upper left
corner. To change the name, click inside the rectangle then
enter the new name through the keyboard. You can BACKSPACE to
erase the last character. There will be a beep once you reach
the maximum number of characters allowed. Press RETURN when you
are finished.
2- the 'structures' of both partial pairs are displayed below the
tone name. The top structure is the one used for partials 1 and
2; the other one is used for partials 3 and 4.
To change a structure, click on it and a selection of all
thirteen partials will appear; click on one to select it.
3- the envelope mode appears beneath the structures. Click on
the text to toggle between 'Normal' and 'No sustain' mode.
4- to the right are several parameters listed with values beside
them. They are categorized by type. These values belong to the
partial whose number is highlighted (just below the TVF
envelopes). To change the partial whose parameters are seen
here, simply click on the number of the partial and it will be
5- the current edit parameter is shown with its numeric range
Beside are the options [RND] and [ALT]. [RND] allows you to
select random values, [ALT] alternates between the previous and
current value.
6- Beside are four sliders, which operate in the same fashion as
described before. The numbers 1 through 4 are the partial for
whom the slider changes the value of its parameter. By clicking
on these numbers, they will be highlighted (click again to undo
it). When more than one partial is highlighted and the value for
one of these partials is changed, the rest will be changed to the
same value. This allows simultaneous editing of several
7- Below are several envelopes which graphically describe the
PITCH, TVA (Time Variant Amplitude) and TVF (Time Variant
Frequency) envelopes for each partial. The envelopes are defined
by the envelope parameters listed above them. These envelopes
are affected only by changes in related parameters; button
presses at the envelopes will not do anything. The dashed
vertical line represents the key off point for the envelope (ie.
the time when you release a key).
NOTE: not every partial will have a TVF envelope because this
is related to whether the partial is a square/sawtooth wave or
a PCM wave. For this same reason, the TVF parameters may or
may not be listed for a given partial.
8- There are more parameters and values for each partial below.
If you click on the partial number, you change which partial has
their parameter values shown at the upper right. If you click in
the empty space beside the number, you can mute/unmute the
partial. If muted, the word MUTED will appear.
9- The wave name is shown below the partial number. Depending on
the structure being used, the wave is either SQUARE/SAWTOOTH or a
PCM wave. If an 'S' appears in the corresponding structure, the
wave is a synthesized wave (ie SQUARE/SAWTOOTH); a 'P' means that
the wave is a PCM wave and the wave name appears. If you click
here, if the wave is 'S' type, the wave will toggle between
SQUARE and SAWTOOTH. Otherwise, another page will appear where
you can select the PCM wave from 256 preset waves (only 128 will
appear at a time).
A list of PCM waves will appear with the current wave shown in
the upper left corner with its bank and number. To select
one, just click on the name; it will be highlighted. The
options which appear at the bottom are:
PARTIAL # - You can change which partial you are selecting a
wave for. If the partial is not a PCM wave, its # will not
ORDER - Changes the list order from the synth's internal order
to alphabetic order and vice versa.
ALT - Alternates between the current and previous selection.
PAGE - Displays the other 128 waves.
If you click on a wave twice in a row, you will return to the
edit page.
To edit a parameter, click on the name or value of the parameter.
This will make it the current edit parameter, which the sliders
can alter. You can now edit this parameter for any of the four
partials in the manner described in points 5 & 6. The values
will instantly change and be updated on the page.
Now, back to the options at the top line of CONTROL PANEL. Click
on the word for the following features:
8.1 FILE
This page allows several sections of the synth's memory to be
saved onto the hard disk or floppy and retrieved later.
The page contains two columns of check boxes which correspond to
different sections of the synth's memory that can be saved. The
leftmost one (with letter 'L' at the top) displays the sections
that a sound file contains (if you click on a sound file in the
directory section). The right one defines what sections you wish
to save. The sections are:
Timbre temp area - contains the timbres assigned to the eight
Tone temp area - contains the tones assigned to the eight Parts.
Tone memory i01-i32 - 32 of the tones stored in the synth's user
Tone memory i33-i64 - the other 32 tones in user memory
Timbre memory Bank A - the 64 timbres in timbre bank A
Timbre memory Bank B - the 64 timbres in timbre bank B
Patch memory - 128 patches for use in the Performance mode.
The reason why the tone and timbre memory have two sections each
is to allow the ability to mix and match information between the
halves (because they can be saved and retrieved separately).
If you save either or both of timbre & tone temporary area, the
volume, panpot, master tune and reverb settings will
automatically be saved with them.
Beside are SAVE and LOAD with three boxes. The top one contains
the current file name, the two below the comment areas. The
comment areas are for the entering/viewing of comments, if any,
about the sound file.
The bottom half of the page consists of the directory window.
Directories are always listed (they have 'dir' beside them).
Click on one to move to another directory. Click on '..' to go
to the parent directory.
Files that match the file specification (displayed in the middle
of the page) and are in the current directory (displayed to the
left of the file spec) are listed. To change the file spec,
click inside the rectangle and type in the new one. You may use
the wildcard characters '*' and '?'. Use BACKSPACE to erase the
last character, RETURN when done. Only the file name and
extension will be used (e.g. if you specify a drive name in the
mask, it will be ignored). The message "Bad file spec" will
appear if the file spec is invalid; the previous one will be
used instead.
If there are more directories and files than can be shown in the
window, click on PREV PAGE or NEXT PAGE to see the other
directories and files.
You may change disk drives by clicking on one of the drive names
labelled 'A' through 'D' on the bottom line. If you are
accessing a floppy disk, click on the drive name after inserting
a different disk, so that its directory will be read.
If there are any problems encountered or messages, they will
appear in the message window to the right of the file spec,
otherwise it will be blank.
If you click on a file inside the dir window, the program will
check if it is a sound file and if it is not, "Not a sound file"
will appear in the message window. Otherwise, the file name and
the comments in the file, if any, are displayed in the load area.
The sections that the file contains are shown in the check boxes
under the 'L'. If you click on LOAD, the computer will read from
the disk and send the information to the synth. If successful,
the word LOAD will not be highlighted anymore. The section that
the computer is currently sending will be highlighted during the
duration of the send.
To save a configuration, first set the check boxes (by clicking
on the boxes or the section names; the boxes will toggle on/off)
to the sections to be saved. Next, write any comments into the
boxes by clicking inside a comment box (in the SAVE section) and
typing in the comments (press BACKSPACE to delete last character,
RETURN when finished; a beep will sound if the maximum comment
length has been reached). Previous comments will be erased.
Finally, click inside the rectangle beside SAVE and enter the
file name. The file extension '.D10' will automatically be
appended if no extension is specified. If the file name is
invalid, the message "Bad file name" will appear, otherwise the
current directory will be searched to see if there is a file
using the same name. If so, the warning "Name already used" will
appear. This file will be replaced if SAVE is performed. Avoid
playing on the keyboard while save is occuring since this would
add more MIDI traffic and would slow down the SAVE process (and
possibly cause a 'Synth not resplying' error because the synth is
not able to send the info in the time the computer expects).
The sound file will only be saved when SAVE is clicked on; if
successful, the word SAVE will not be highlighted anymore. The
computer will then read the memory sections from the synth and
save it to the file. The sections that the computer is currently
reading from synth and writing to disk will be highlighted. If
any errors occur, save will be aborted and the incomplete file
Click on PANEL to return to the control panel.
There are several other messages that might appear in the message
"No files or dirs"
- no files matched the file specification plus there were no
"Can't read drive"
- there was a problem in trying to read/write from the specified
drive (a missing disk or attempting to write on a write protected
disk can cause this)
"File not found"
- the selected file was not found
"Can't create file"
- the file name is already used and the file could not be
"Not enough space"
- ran out of room for the file on the disk
- ran out of memory for storing the directory; the directory
listing will be incomplete
"Error during save"
- an error occurred during save
"Error during load"
- an error occurred during load
"Synth not replying"
- the synth was not responding to a read request
"Couldn't change dir"
- an error was encountered while trying to change directories
This is a 'map' of all of the timbres stored in the synth:
timbre banks A, B and those of the Parts. Beside the timbre
bank/number, the tone referenced by the timbre is shown with its
bank (A,B,I,R)/number.
If the program has not already read the timbre-tone references,
it will do so before displaying this page. There will be short
delay as this information is received and organized.
You can copy timbres from either the synth's timbre banks OR
Parts to other timbre slots OR Parts. To do this, click on a
source timbre (the one to be copied) then on a destination
timbre. There are no restrictions on which timbres can be source
or destination. You can UNDO the most recent change by clicking
on UNDO.
For the eight Part timbres at the bottom, the tone listed might
not necessarily match the current tone for the Part. This means
that the tone for the timbre has been changed. Every timbre has
a reference to a tone in the synth's memory; this tone reference
(as opposed to the actual tone information) is copied to the
Part's timbre memory. Once there, the tone can be changed in
this temporary area, and thus there may be a discrepancy.
Return to the control panel by clicking on ACCEPT.
This page allows you to customize the program. This page will
always have fixed colors, but any color changes will affect all
other pages and the color sample on the right half of the page.
The parameters are:
1) Exclusive Unit# - this has to match the MIDI exclusive unit
number which the synth is set to, otherwise the computer cannot
communicate with it. If this occurs, press 'MIDI' on the synth
then 'DISPLAY down' until the number is displayed to check if it
2) Travel Ratio - this is the ratio of mouse movement to cursor
movement. High values mean that the mouse has to be moved
considerably for small changes in the cursor's position.
3) Repeat Speed - the speed of increment/decrement on the data
sliders. The higher the value, the slower the slider will move
when the mouse button is held down at the '<' or '>'.
4) Colors - there are several color parameters. The colors of
all pages (except the Configuration page) will be affected. The
colors of the sample window in the right half will change,
allowing you to judge the color changes.
5) Registration- The registration number will be shown here. To
enter it, click inside the rectangle and type it in (using
BACKSPACE if necessary), then RETURN. It is recommended that you
SAVE to update the config file afterwards.
6) User Name - the name of the registered user is entered here
(same procedure as above). In the INFO page, the name will be
To save these changes, press a button at the word SAVE (on the
top line). This will save the configuration to the current
directory. If you have saved since entering this page, the word
SAVE will not be highlighted anymore.
D-10 Control automatically checks for this file, 'D10CTL.CFG', in
the current directory when it is run and will automatically read
it if found.
To change back to the default settings, press a button at the
Press ACCEPT to return to the control panel.
8.4 INFO
This page displays information about the program and help for the
PC keys.
If the copy is not registered, a message will appear with
registration information. Otherwise, the registration number and
the user name will be shown.
8.5 QUIT
This exits the program. You must click on either the Q or U to
quit; I or T will not quit.
To play notes from the PC keyboard, use the following keys (Q is
middle C):
2 3 5 6 7 9 0 =
Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]
NOTE: The keys mentioned in this section will only operate when
the mouse cursor is present. If keys are pressed when the cursor
is absent, they will be processed when the cursor reappears.
There are two note modes: MONO and POLY. To change modes, press
In MONO, only one note is played at a time; when a new note is
sounded, the previous one is turned off. You can use SPACE to
turn off the note.
In POLY, several notes can be played simultaneously. The NOTE
ON/OFF status of each key is toggled every time it is hit. The
first press turns the key's note ON, the next one turns it OFF.
To change the MIDI channel for the notes from the default 1,
press the channel number from the numeric keypad. For channels
greater than 8, hold SHIFT down to add 8 to the number pressed
(e.g. for channel 10, press SHIFT and 2).
You can specify the volume of the notes generated by pressing any
of the function keys 1 through 10. The volume will be set to 10
times the function number (e.g. for 50, press F5). The default
is 100.
To clear all notes on the current channel, press SPACE. To
clear all notes on all channels, press ESC.
You can specify the octave offset for the note keys. The
minus key '-' will shift the notes down one octave until Q is
three octaves below middle C. The plus key '+' will shift the
notes up one octave until Q is three octaves above middle C. The
ENTER key will set Q to middle C.
To view the current settings, press BACKSPACE. The settings will
be shown in the upper right corner. C is the MIDI channel
number, O the offset, and V the volume. The last character is
the note mode. Press BACKSPACE again to remove this window.
This utility creates a MIDI File (Format 1) from a D-10 Control
sound file. The MIDI File will contain several tracks of system
exclusive messages and comments. The format is:
D10TOMID <sound file name> [MIDI file name] [exclusive unit#]
The sound file name is compulsory; the other two parameters are
optional. If no MIDI file name is specified, it defaults to the
sound file name with the extension ".MID".
The sound and MIDI file names may include drive and/or directory
paths. If no extension is given for the sound file, ".D10" is
added. If there is no extension in the given MIDI file, ".MID"
is added. Wildcard characters * and ? are not allowed.
The third parameter is the system exclusive unit number for the
synth (valid range is 17 through 32). The default is 17.