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Assembly Source File
798 lines
; Nifty James' Famous Chimer Program
; Version 1.00 of 31 June 1988
; (C) Copyright 1988 by Mike "Nifty James" Blaszczak
; All Rights Reserved
; ASCII codes
tab equ 9
lf equ 10 ; linefeed
cr equ 13 ; carriage return
slash equ '/' ; slash
dash equ '-' ; minus
eos equ '$' ; end of string
; DOS Interrupt Functions
PrintString equ 009h ; print a '$'-terminated string
SetVec equ 025h ; set an interrupt vector
GetTime equ 02Ch ; get the system time
KeepProc equ 031h ; keep this process resident
GetVec equ 035h ; get an interrupt vector
WriteHandle equ 040h ; Write to a handle or device
Terminate equ 04Ch ; exit with ERRORLEVEL
; Interrupt Numbers
ClockTick equ 01Ch
DOSINT equ 021h
; I/O Port Numbers
TimerPort equ 042h ; 8253 timer data latch port
TimerCtrl equ 043h ; 8253 timer control port
SpeakerPort equ 061h
SpkrMaskOff equ 011111100b ; Maks to turn speaker off
SpkrMaskOn equ 000000011b ; Mask to turn speaker on
; General Constants
BongTime equ 15 ; bong 5/6 ths of a second
BongRest equ 15 ; rest 5/6 ths between each bong
Middle_C equ 2280
Treble_D equ 2032
Treble_E equ 1810
Treble_F equ 1708
Treble_G equ 1522
Treble_A equ 1356
Treble_B equ 1208
Upper_C equ 1140
Upper_D equ 1016
Upper_E equ 905
Upper_F equ 854
code segment para public 'CODE'
assume es:nothing, ds:nothing, ss:nothing, cs:code
org 100h
jmp OverResident
dw 156 dup (0)
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0 ; padding
dw 0
t_hours db ?
t_minutes db ?
t_ticks dw ?
TicksMinute equ 1092 ; (18.2*60)
Ticks57Seconds equ 1026 ; (18.2*57)
Resting db 0
RestDuration db 0
Bonging db 0
BongCount db 0
BongResting db 0
BongDuration db 0
Playing db 0
Duration db 0
NotePointer dw 0
Pacing db 0
WorkCount db 0 ; length of this note
Working db 0 ; set to one if we are playing a note
Selection db 0 ; which chimeset we're playing
QuarterOffset dw 0
HalfOffset dw 0
ThreesOffset dw 0
HourOffset dw 0
OldTimerVec label dword ; the old tick vector
OldTimerVecO dw ?
OldTimerVecS dw ?
assume cs:code, ds:nothing, es:nothing, ss:nothing
dw 'NJ' ; signature
push ax
push bx
push cx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:nothing, ss:nothing
mov ax,t_ticks ; increment our divide by 18 count
inc ax
cmp ax,TicksMinute
mov t_ticks,ax
jne FallOut ; if it's not 18, return
xor ax,ax ; zero the eighteen count
mov t_ticks,ax
FixMinutes: mov al,t_minutes ; increment minutes
inc al
mov t_minutes,al ; is it 60 minutes?
cmp al,60
jne FallOut ; nope, skip all that
xor al,al
mov t_minutes,al
inc t_hours
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FallOut: mov al,Playing ; are we playing a note?
and al,al
je NotPlaying
dec Duration ; decrement the duration
je NoteOver
ReturnHome: pop ds
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp cs:[OldTimerVec]
NoteOver: in al,SpeakerPort ; stop the speaker, the note is done
and al,SpkrMaskOff
out SpeakerPort,al
mov al,1
mov Resting,al ; set resting flag
dec al
mov Playing,al ; reset note-playing flag
jmp short ReturnHome
NotPlaying: mov al,Resting ; check and see if we're playing
and al,al ; a rest
jne WereResting
jmp NotResting
WereResting: dec RestDuration ; decrement the rest duration
jne ReturnHome
push si
mov ax,NotePointer
mov si,ax
add ax,4
mov NotePointer,ax ; increment the note pointer - store it
mov ax,[si] ; get this note
cmp ax,0FFFFh ; is it the last one?
je GotLastNote
out TimerPort,al
xchg ah,al
out TimerPort,al ; set the frequency
in al,SpeakerPort
or al,SpkrMaskOn
out SpeakerPort,al ; set the speaker on
add si,2 ; get the note duration
mov ax,[si] ; and rest duration
mov Duration,al
mov RestDuration,ah
pop si ; restore old SI
mov al,1
mov Playing,al ; turn Playing on
dec al ; turn Resting off
mov Resting,al
WayBackHome: jmp short ReturnHome ; and boogie
GotLastNote: pop si ; restore SI register
mov al,0
mov Playing,al
mov Resting,al ; neither playing nor resting
mov al,Selection ; are we just chirping?
and al,al
je ReturnHome ; yes ... don't bong
mov al,t_minutes
mov ah,1 ; one bong for the
cmp al,30 ; half hour?
je DoBong
mov ah,t_hours ; hour bongs for the
cmp ah,12 ; adjust it?
jle noadjust
sub ah,12
noadjust: and al,al ; top of hour?
jne WayBackHome ; nope ... return home
DoBong: mov BongCount,ah ; store the count
DoBongAgain: mov ax,5424 ; bong at 220Hz
out TimerPort,al
xchg al,ah
out TimerPort,al ; send it to the timer
in al,SpeakerPort
or al,SpkrMaskOn
out SpeakerPort,al ; set the speaker on
mov al,BongTime ; bong for 5/6ths of a second
mov Bonging,al ; set the bonging flag
mov BongDuration,al ; set duration
mov al,0
mov Playing,al ; turn playing off
mov Resting,al ; turn resting off
jmp WayBackHome
NotResting: mov al,Bonging ; are we bonging?
and al,al
je NotBonging
dec BongDuration
jne WayBackHome
in al,SpeakerPort
and al,SpkrMaskOff
out SpeakerPort,al ; turn speaker off
mov al,BongRest
mov BongResting,al ; setup bong pause length (1/6th)
mov BongDuration,al ;set bong pausing
mov al,0
mov Bonging,al ; set bonging to zero
OnWayBackHome: jmp short WayBackHome
NotBonging: mov al,BongResting ; are we bong resting?
and al,al
je NotBongResting
dec BongDuration ; decrement duration
jne WayBackHome
mov al,0 ; set bonging flag to zero
mov BongResting,al
dec BongCount ; decrement the bong count
jne DoBongAgain
mov al,0
mov Bonging,al
je OnWayBackHome
mov ax,t_ticks ; see if we're at a 1 second
mov cl,18 ; interval
div cl
and ah,ah ; zero?
jne OnWayBackHome
mov al,Selection ; see what kind of thing we should do
and al,al
je Chirping
mov ax,t_ticks
cmp ax,20 ; is it in the first second?
jge OnWayBackHome ; nope, get out of here
mov al,t_minutes ; get minutes count
mov bx,HourOffset
and al,al
je DoIt
mov bx,QuarterOffset
cmp al,15
je DoIt
mov bx,HalfOffset
cmp al,30
je DoIt
mov bx,ThreesOffset
cmp al,45
je DoIt
jne OnWayBackHome
DoIt: mov NotePointer,bx
mov ah,1
mov Playing,ah
mov ax,[bx] ; get the note
out TimerPort,al
xchg al,ah
out TimerPort,al ; set up the timing
add bx,2
in al,SpeakerPort
or al,SpkrMaskOn
out SpeakerPort,al
mov ax,[bx] ; get rest and duration
add bx,2
mov NotePointer,bx ; but save the note pointer first
mov Duration,al
mov RestDuration,ah
GetBack: jmp ReturnHome
Chirping: mov al,t_minutes ; is minutes == 59
cmp al,59
jne GetBack
mov ax,t_ticks
cmp ax,Ticks57Seconds
jne GetBack
mov bx,005Ch
jmp DoIt
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
assume es:code, ds:code, ss:code, cs:code
mov dx,offset Banner ; tell 'em who you are
mov cx,BannerLen
call ShowMessage
mov ah,GetVec ; are we already installed?
mov al,ClockTick
assume es:nothing, ds:code, ss:code, cs:code
mov OldTimerVecS,es ; save the vector
mov OldTimerVecO,bx
dec bx
dec bx
cmp es:[bx],'NJ'
jne NotAlready
mov dx,offset Already ; already installed, error!
mov cx,AlreadyLen
call ShowMessage
BadGo: mov ah,Terminate
mov al,1
NotAlready: mov si,080h ; look at the command line
CommLoop: inc si
mov al,[si]
cmp al,cr ; is it end of line?
je CommLooped
cmp al,slash ; is it an option?
je GotOption
cmp al,dash
jne CommLoop
GotOption: inc si
mov al,[si] ; get the option char
cmp al,cr
je CommLooped
cmp al,'m' ; is it the mode option?
je GotMOption
cmp al,'M'
je GotMOption
ShowUsage: mov dx,offset Usage
mov cx,UsageLen
call ShowMessage
mov ah,Terminate
mov al,1
int 021h
GotMOption: inc si ; get parameter
mov al,[si]
cmp al,cr
je CommLooped
sub al,'0'
cmp al,3
jg ShowUsage ; error if it is out of range
mov Selection,al
jmp CommLoop ; loop back for more
mov ah,GetTime ; Get our copy of the system
int DOSINT ; time initialized
mov t_hours,ch
mov t_minutes,cl
mov al,dh
mov ah,0
mov cl,18
mul cl
mov t_ticks,ax
mov al,dl ; make hundreths into ticks
mov cl,5 ; 1 tick = 5 hundreths
div cl
mov ah,0
add t_ticks,ax
mov ah,SetVec ; set up our int vector
mov al,ClockTick
mov dx,offset Handler
mov dx,offset Installed ; print installed message
mov cx,InstalledLen
call ShowMessage
mov al,Selection
shl ax,1
mov si,offset ChimePtrs
add si,ax
mov si,[si]
mov di,05Ch
mov bx,offset QuarterOffset
BunchLoop: mov [bx],di ; save pointer to this one
inc bx
inc bx
MoveLoop: mov ax,[si]
mov [di],ax ; move this word
inc si
inc si ; up pointers
inc di
inc di
cmp ax,0FFFFh ; is it the end of this batch?
jne NotTheEnd
mov ax,[si] ; see if its the complete end
and ax,ax
je DoneMoving
jne BunchLoop ; nope ... move the next bunch
NotTheEnd: mov ax,[si]
mov [di],ax ; move the next words
inc si
inc si
inc di
inc di
jne MoveLoop ; move more
DoneMoving: mov si,offset SelectionPtrs ; print selection title
mov al,Selection
shl ax,1
add si,ax
mov dx,[si]
mov ah,PrintString
mov ah,KeepProc ; now we'll TSR
mov al,0 ; with no ERRORLEVEL
mov dx,offset LastResident
add dx,15 ; round size up
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShowMessage proc near
push ax
push bx
mov ah,WriteHandle ; write it to stdout
mov bx,1
pop bx
pop ax
ShowMessage endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Banner db lf,"Nifty James' Famous Chimer Program",cr,lf
db "Version 1.00 of 30 March 1988",cr,lf
db "(C) Copyright 1988 by Mike Blaszczak",cr,lf
BannerLen equ this byte - Banner
Already db lf,"NJCHIME was already installed!",cr,lf
AlreadyLen equ this byte - Already
Installed db lf,"NJCHIME has been installed to play "
InstalledLen equ this byte - Installed
Usage db cr,lf,"Usage:",cr,lf
db tab,"NJCHIME [/M<mode>]",cr,lf,lf
db tab,"Mode is the chime to be played.",cr,lf,lf
db tab,"Mode 0 - Time Tones (default)",cr,lf
db tab,"Mode 1 - Westminster Chimes",cr,lf
db tab,"Mode 2 - Saint Michael Chimes",cr,lf
db tab,"Mode 3 - Whittington Chimes",cr,lf,lf
UsageLen equ this byte - Usage
SelectionPtrs dw offset TimeTones
dw offset Westminster
dw offset StMichael
dw offset Whittington
ChimePtrs dw offset TimerChime
dw offset WestMinsterChime
dw offset SaintMichaelChime
dw offset WhittingtonChime
TimeTones db "Time Tones.",cr,lf,eos
Westminster db "Westminster Chimes.",cr,lf,eos
StMichael db "Saint Michael's Chimes.",cr,lf,eos
Whittington db "Whittington Chimes.",cr,lf,eos
NoteStruc struc
divisor dw ?
duration db ?
intrarest db ?
NoteStruc ends
TimerChime NoteStruc <0254h, 3, 15>
NoteStruc <0254h, 3, 15>
NoteStruc <0254h, 3, 15>
NoteStruc <04A8h, 10, 8>
dw 0FFFFh
dw 00000h
WestMinsterChime NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 2>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Treble_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_B,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Treble_G,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_D,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_E,14, 4>
NoteStruc <Upper_C,14, 4>
dw 0FFFFh
dw 00000h
SaintMichaelChime NoteStruc <Upper_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_F , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_E , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2> ;
dw 0FFFFh
dw 00000h
WhittingtonChime NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
dw 0FFFFh
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2> ;
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_E, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_G, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_B, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_D , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Upper_C , 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_A, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_F, 7, 2>
NoteStruc <Treble_D, 7, 2>
dw 0FFFFh
dw 00000h
code ends
end OfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt