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: :
: PLAYMAC Sound Organizer :
: :
: Copyright (C) 1990 by Dale C. Chun :
: Version 2.00 All Rights Reserved :
About this Software
Playmac is an automated menu system written in the same style
as Instant Access by Dale Chun and David Komatsu. This program
requires REMAC written by Richard Zobell. It will organize your
sound files and play them back providing a user friendly inter-
face. If you like this program contact us at the address listed
later in this documentation.
Your Distribution Rights
Playmac is protected by the United States copyright law. It is
copyright (c) 1990 by Dale C. Chun. This product may be
distributed freely to users as long as the product is not
changed or altered and contains this documentation file. It may
not be sold or packaged, either individually, or as part of any
other product without the express written consent of the
authors listed above.
Playmac is offered AS IS and absolutely NO guarantees are given
or implied as to its suitability. The authors assume no
responsibility for any damage to your machine or loss of data
incurred while using this program.
System Requirements
Playmac will run on any IBM AT, PS/2, /286, /386 or 100%
compatibles equipped with either a Hercules (or compatible)
video card or any PS/2 (or compatible) color graphics card.
It will automatically detect a monochrome or a color card and
adjust the display accordingly. However, it will not work with
a monochrome monitor connected to a color graphics card.
Please note that REmac may not work on a system running OS/2
version 1.2. To overcome this boot your system with a DOS disk.
If for some reason PLAYMAC/REMAC will not run on your computer
please let us know.
Starting Up
Located on your distribution disk or within the zip file is
PLAYMAC.EXE, which is the executable file. To begin, type
'playmac' (it is not case sensitive) followed by the RETURN or
ENTER key. The Playmac screen should appear along with any
Playmac sounds that may have been defined.
After the Playmac screen appears, selections can be changed
with the arrow keys, the space bar, or the backspace key. Sel-
ections can be made by pressing the RETURN or ENTER key and
waiting for Playmac to execute your command.
The vertical highlight bar can be changed with the arrow keys,
the Page Up/Down keys or by pressing the first letter of your
desired file, directory or your user-defined selection. Files
can be selected by pressing the RETURN or ENTER key and waiting
for Playmac to execute your command.
Predefining File Types
About the only thing Playmac requires is a short file that you
create telling Playmac what sound files you have and a short
description for your personal reference. As you know REMAC has
four speeds selected by -s1 through -s4 ( See REMAC documenta-
tion for more information). A sample is given below. Note that
the top line is the path to search for sound files. If the
sound file is not on the path then it will not be displayed.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the extension *.snd to
differentiate the sound files so Playmac will play the right
file. For example if you happened to have saved a text file
called bart and a sound file in a different directory called
bart then Playmac may attempt to play the text file instead
producing unknown results.
-s3 20th_cen.snd ; 20th Century Fox Theme
-s3 answer.snd ; I know the answer, You know...
-s3 bart.snd ; Homer, "BART!"
-s4 be-nice.snd ; Marge, "Be nice to your sister..."
-s3 destruct.snd ; This disk will self-destruct...
-s4 hal.snd ; I'm sorry Dave...I can't do that.
-s4 hi-man.snd ; Bart, "HI-MAN."
-s4 pity.snd ; I don't want your pity.
-s3 robbery.snd ; Armed Robbery Sequence
-s4 macvoice.snd ; Welcome to Macintosh...
-s4 beaver.snd ; Beaver Clever
-s3 looneytu.snd ; That's all Folks!
-s4 wipeout.snd ; ...wipeout!
-s4 chimecho.snd ; Chime Chord
-s4 captain.snd ; Captains log
Note for floppy disks just change the first line to read:
Using Multiple Floppies
Since sound files take up a lot of space we realize that many
people choose to store them on floppy disks. To swap disks
all you need to do is replace the floppy in the drive and use
the ALT-R command. This will cause PLAYMAC to search for and
display the sound files on that new disk.
Other Software Available by the same authors
* Available at the FTP site listed below
o Instant Access 3.00: A menu driven system similar to PLAYMAC
that works under DOS 3.3 or 4.0.
o Simpsons: A "fortune" program that will randomly spit out any
of over 116 quotes from the program.
o Edit: A Wordstar-like Editor. Great to help edit Playmac data
We welcome any comments, suggestions, creative criticisms and/
or reports of compatibility problems. Such information can be
sent to the address below:
Dale C. Chun David Komatsu
Playmac Technologies Sound-Site Administrator
1051 Prospect Street 3131 McClintock Ave #G362
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Los Angeles, CA 90007
e-mail: dchun@aludra.usc.edu e-mail: komatsu@aludra.usc.edu
E-mail and also be send to: sound@ccb.ucsf.edu
TO obtain additional information on sound files or subscribe to
the sound-list send e-mail to the following address. The sound
list is a internet newsletter. Please include the line ADD-ME:
followed by your e-mail address.
We HIGHLY recommend that you FTP the sound files from our FTP
site. If however you can't FTP we are offering 3 HD disks or
3 DD disk (3.5") for the IBM MS-DOS operating system. Please
also enclose a check or money order for $15.00 to cover disk
cost and shipping and handling charges. Offer limited to USA
people only. Foreign countries please send e-mail for further
information on how to order your disks. Instant Access, Edit
and Simpsons can be included FREE of charge to your disk if
Make check payable to: Dale Chun
Include the words: PLAYMAC TECHNOLOGY on the memo line please
Returned checks will be charged $20 service fee.
Please allow 2-6 weeks for delivery.
Mail to:
David Komatsu
Sound Offer
3131 McClintock Avenue #G362
Los Angeles, CA 90007
REmac, PLAYMAC, Sound Blaster programs and 15 megabytes of
sound files are available at the below site:
Site : ccb.ucsf.edu
name : anonymous
password : (your user id)
directory : Pub/Sound_list