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- The Different Windows MIDI Drivers For The Pro AudioSpectrum
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Family Of Audio Cards And How To Setup Them
- -------------------------------------------
- Revision 1.3 - December 11, 1993
- This document is Copyright (c) 1993 by Tim Tschirner, and all rights
- are reserved. You may freely distribute this file as long as you don't
- modify it in any way and don't ask a charge for it. If you have any
- useful information that might affect this document, please let me know.
- You can contact me at these Internet E-mail addresses which you can
- reach from almost all major network systems like CompuServe and
- America On-Line:
- 1) ittschir@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
- 2) doublet@dave.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de
- My thanks go to Henry Weckman who provided some additional information,
- corrected some parts and encouraged me to publish this article.
- If you don't have Internet access, you can also send your comments and
- information to his CompuServe ID 70144,126.
- Also, thanks to John D. Zitterkopf for some additional suggestions.
- Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee the rightness of the information in this
- document; it is based on my own findings and provided "as is".
- Also, I may not be held responsible for any damages that may occur to
- your hardware and/or software after following the instructions below.
- Please note that I have nothing to do with any of the mentioned
- companies. For technical and support questions please contact the
- appropriate manufacturer.
- Use this information at your own risk!
- Now, after the official stuff, let's get right into the MIDI driver
- confusion (which will hopefully be away after you read this document)!
- The reason for writing this article was that I really got confused by
- the many Windows MIDI drivers that have appeared lately. I didn't know
- how to handle and install them right, so I tried to play around with
- them a little bit and got some very interesting findings.
- First, let me say that these tips are only for those people that do NOT
- have an MIDI keyboard connected to their PAS. These people are probably
- the majority of PAS owners. Also, please notice that I made these
- experiments with a Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Revision C card running under
- Windows 3.1 on a 486DX-33 MHz with 16 MB of RAM.
- (For those interested, you can find out your revision by doing the
- following: Start DEBUG and enter -i ff88. This will return a number,
- where 01 stands for Rev. A, etc.)
- Now these are the drivers I'm talking about in detail:
- (Note: FTP means that the file is available via anonymous ftp from
- ftp.uwp.edu in the pub/msdos/proaudio directory.
- CIS means that the file is available in the Media Vision
- forum on CompuServe (GO MEDIAVISION).
- All the drivers are also available on America On-Line, but
- they may have different names. The PASDSA.ARJ archive e.g.
- is called SAPIOPL3.ZIP. Please check the appropriate sources.)
- MVPROAUD.DRV - Media Vision Pro audio/CDPC Wave/MIDI/Aux
- (This driver ships with the PAS-16 and PAS+ cards.
- OPL3.DRV - Voyetra OPL-3 FM Synth
- (This driver ships with the PAS-16 and PAS+ cards.
- FTP: in PASW145.ARJ, CIS: in WIN145.ZIP)
- SAPI!OPL.DRV - Voyetra Super Sapi FM Driver
- (This driver ships with the Pro AudioStudio cards.
- FMSYNTH.DRV - FM MIDI Synthesizer [jwo]
- Here is how these drivers appear in the MIDI Mapper as "port names":
- OPL3.DRV - Voyetra OPL-3 FM Synth
- SAPI!OPL.DRV - Voyetra Super Sapi FM Driver
- FMSYNTH.DRV - FM Synth (jwo)
- Well, the most important finding I made is that you can have all these
- drivers installed simultaneously! This helps you in eliminating
- installation problems and gives you a better chance to listen how the
- different drivers let your PAS card sound like.
- Based on the assumption that you correctly installed the Windows
- drivers for your PAS card, I'll describe how to install the other
- drivers.
- Before we continue, please do some very important things:
- Make backup copies of your SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI files (located in the
- WINDOWS directory) and your MIDIMAP.CFG file (located in the
- WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory) so that you can restore the original settings
- if something should go wrong. For maximum safety you can additionally
- copy the original files to a diskette.
- After that, check your SYSTEM.INI file for the following entries:
- [drivers]
- MIDI=mvproaud.drv
- MIDI1=opl3.drv
- (Please note that these may be in reverse order, i.e., MIDI=opl3.drv
- and MIDI1=mvproaud.drv. This is true for all MIDI drivers and does not
- affect the following procedures.)
- [opl3.drv]
- drumchannel=10
- (Please note that the drumchannel may also be 16.)
- If your SYSTEM.INI has these entries, you can continue installing the
- other drivers. If it doesn't have these entries you should reinstall
- the Pro AudioSpectrum Windows drivers from the original diskette.
- First, let's install the FM Synth (jwo). Please follow these steps:
- 1) Extract the FMSYN101.ARJ archive into a single, empty directory on
- your hard disk.
- 2) Start Windows, open the Control Panel and click on the Drivers
- icon.
- 3) Press the 'ADD' button. Select 'Unlisted or Updated Driver' from the
- list and press the 'OK' button. Enter the full directory name of the
- location where you extracted the FMSYN101.ARJ archive and press the
- 'OK' button then. A dialog box containing the name 'FM MIDI
- Synthesizer [jwo]' will come up. Select the driver and press 'OK'.
- 4) Choose the 'RESTART WINDOWS' option and after that exit Windows.
- Please read the documentation that came with the FM Synth driver very
- carefully to configure this excellent driver the right way.
- Now take a look at your SYSTEM.INI file. The important portions should
- read like this:
- [drivers]
- MIDI=mvproaud.drv
- MIDI1=opl3.drv
- MIDI2=fmsynth.drv
- If it doesn't look like this, something went wrong during the
- installation and you should reinstall the FM Synth driver.
- If your SYSTEM.INI does look like above, let's now continue by
- installing the Voyetra Super Sapi FM Driver.
- To do that, follow these steps:
- 1) Make sure you're not running Windows. If you do so, exit before
- continuing with the installation.
- 2) Extract the PASDSA.ARJ archive into a single, empty directory
- on your hard disk.
- 3) Copy SAPI!OPL.DRV and VCTL.DLL to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory.
- Copy SLOAD.EXE and the two .mid files to your WINDOWS directory.
- The .mid files are patches for the driver.
- 4) Add SLOAD.EXE to the Windows group that contains Pocket Recorder,
- Pocket Mixer and the other Multimedia Tools.
- 5) After that, you must manually edit the SYSTEM.INI file.
- Search for the [drivers] section and add under it the following:
- MIDI3=sapi!opl.drv
- (Note: If you chose not to install the FM Synth then make it the
- next consecutive MIDIx= line.)
- 6) Create this new section at the end of your SYSTEM.INI file:
- [sapi!opl.drv]
- Then write 'drumchannel=10' (without the quotes) under it.
- More information on the Voyetra Super Sapi FM Driver and the patches
- can be found below.
- The relevant parts of your SYSTEM.INI should now read like this:
- [drivers]
- MIDI=mvproaud.drv
- MIDI1=opl3.drv
- MIDI2=fmsynth.drv
- MIDI3=sapi!opl.drv
- [opl3.drv]
- drumchannel=10
- [sapi!opl.drv]
- drumchannel=10
- (Please note that the drumchannels may also be 16.)
- If they read like above, everything worked okay up to this point.
- If it doesn't look like above, repeat all necessary steps.
- Now, as I said before, this is only for the people that don't have an
- MIDI keyboard connected to their PAS cards. Because of this, we can now
- remove the Pro Audio/CDPC MIDI Output driver from the SYSTEM.INI.
- Edit this file so that it reads like this:
- [drivers]
- MIDI=sapi!opl.drv
- MIDI1=fmsynth.drv
- MIDI2=opl3.drv
- Then save it and start Windows. If you get a message saying that you
- don't have enough memory, exit from Windows and edit your SYSTEM.INI
- file so that it looks like this:
- [drivers]
- MIDI=sapi!opl.drv
- MIDI1=fmsynth.drv
- ;MIDI2=opl3.drv
- This will exclude the Voyetra OPL-3 FM Driver from being loaded (I have
- chosen this driver because it produces the worst sounds IMHO).
- Now, start Windows again, launch the Control Panel and open the MIDI
- Mapper. Delete all the setups in there as we don't need them anymore.
- We are now going to create three different setups for each driver so
- that you have a total of nine setups after that.
- We will create a BASIC, an EXTENDED and an ALL setup for each driver.
- For a detailed description of the different setups and what they do,
- please download MIDIQA.ARJ from ftp.uwp.edu in the pub/msdos/proaudio
- directory or MIDIQA.ZIP from the Media Vision forum on CompuServe.
- Let's start with the BASIC setup. Please follow these steps:
- 1) After deleting all setups in the MIDI Mapper, click on the 'NEW...'
- button to create a new setup.
- 2) Name it 'Super Sapi Bas' and enter 'Channels 13-16 via Super Sapi'
- as the description.
- 3) After selecting 'OK' you will be presented with a big chart table
- that contains many fields. All you have to do now is to set the
- Voyetra Super Sapi FM Driver as the output port on channels 13-16.
- 4) After you done that, select 'OK'. The new setup will now be saved.
- Now let's create the EXTENDED setup. To do that, create a new setup,
- name it 'Super Sapi Ext' and enter 'Channels 1-10 via Super Sapi' as
- the description. Then, set the Super Sapi Driver as the output port on
- the channels 1-10.
- After saving this setup, you now have to create the ALL setup.
- Create a new setup, name it 'Super Sapi All' and enter 'All Channels
- via Super Sapi' as the description. After that, set the Voyetra Super
- Sapi FM Driver as the output port on all channels.
- Now repeat this whole procedure of creating the three setups for the
- Voyetra OPL-3 FM Synth and the FM Synth (jwo). At the end you should
- come up with nine different setups, three for each driver.
- (Please note: If you commented out one driver with a ';' in your
- SYSTEM.INI, you will get a message saying that this setup
- tries to access a device that is not installed. If you
- should get this message, don't worry about it and select
- Okay, that's it, you're ready to go!
- I recommend that you highlight the 'Super Sapi All' setup in the MIDI
- Mapper and close it then. I think this driver gets the best out of the
- Yamaha OPL-3 FM chip that is installed in your PAS card. To make it
- sound even better, patch it with one of the supplied patches.
- Here's a more detailed description (if you don't want to use the Super
- Sapi FM Driver then you can skip this part):
- The Super Sapi FM Driver is a new OPL3 FM driver for use under Windows
- 3.1. It is a complete rewrite of the OPL3.DRV that is normally supplied
- with the Pro AudioSpectrum 16 and Pro AudioStudio 16 cards.
- I've heard from some people that this driver didn't work right with
- some older PAS-16 cards. It is possible that it won't as expected on
- PAS-16 cards with chip revisions earlier than D, but since it worked
- all right on my system with a Rev. C PAS-16, you should try out for
- yourself. A way to find out your Chip Revision is described in the
- beginning of this article.
- There are two ways to load the patches (the two .mid files) for the
- driver.
- The first one is to start the Control Panel and doubleclick the Drivers
- icon. Select the Super Sapi FM driver from the list and click the Setup
- button. You will see a window which asks for a .mid patch file. Select
- 'BROWSE' and change to your WINDOWS directory, where you should see the
- two .mid files. Select either one of them.
- The second way is to use the SLOAD.EXE utility to patch the new driver.
- To do so, just start SLOAD and browse until you find the patch files.
- Highlight either one of it and double click the 'DOWNLOAD' button.
- That's it!
- If you had to comment out one of the three drivers in your SYSTEM.INI
- because you got the message that you don't have enough memory, you can
- now easily install and uninstall any of these drivers. To uninstall a
- driver, just add a ';' in front of it. To re-install it, just remove
- the ';'.
- Please note that you can't do that while Windows is running!
- Before installing or uninstalling a driver, you must always exit
- Windows and restart it after modifying the SYSTEM.INI file.
- You should try out now how all the different drivers let your PAS card
- sound like. The Media Player which comes with Windows 3.1 can play back
- MIDI files (files with the .mid extension). It uses the MIDI Mapper to
- determine the output where the data should be sent to. This means that
- the setup you highlighted in the MIDI Mapper will be used to play back
- the MIDI files.
- You can also use Shareware applications like WinJammer to play back
- MIDI files. WinJammer can be configured to use the MIDI Mapper as the
- output, but you can also choose any of the installed drivers directly
- as the output. In general, the MIDI Mapper is the best choice because
- you'll only have to change the setup there and it will automatically
- change in all other programs then.
- If you have a slow machine, it might be better to use one of the
- installed drivers directly instead of the MIDI Mapper. By doing this,
- you can leave out one step from the driver's chain.
- This is all I found out so far and I hope it is useful to you in any
- way. Please remember, if you have any information that may help others
- and may be incorporated into this article, contact me at any of the
- above E-mail addresses.
- Legal notices
- -------------
- Windows, MIDI Mapper, Control Panel and Media Player are registered
- trademarks of and Copyright (c) by Microsoft Corporation.
- Pro AudioSpectrum 16, Pro AudioStudio, PAS-16 and PAS+ are registered
- trademarks of Media Vision, Inc.
- The Media Vision Pro Audio/CDPC Wave/MIDI/Aux Driver (MVPROAUD.DRV)
- is Copyright (c) by Media Vision, Inc.
- The Voyetra OPL-3 FM Synth Driver (OPL3.DRV) and the Voyetra Super Sapi
- FM Driver (SAPI!OPL.DRV) are Copyright (c) by Voyetra Technologies.
- The FM MIDI Synthesizer [jwo] Driver (FMSYNTH.DRV) is Copyright (c) by
- Jamie O'Connell.
- WinJammer is Copyright (c) by Dan McKee.