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Assembly Source File
524 lines
;$Author: DCODY $
;$Date: 24 Sep 1992 08:51:56 $
;$Header: X:/sccs/fm/3812a.asv 1.4 24 Sep 1992 08:51:56 DCODY $
;$Log: X:/sccs/fm/3812a.asv $
; Rev 1.4 24 Sep 1992 08:51:56 DCODY
; changed MVGetHardware to mvGetHardware
; Rev 1.3 20 Jul 1992 11:40:56 DCODY
; call to mvGetHWVersion requests active I/O detection.
; Rev 1.2 17 Jul 1992 13:55:46 DCODY
; base I/O address can now move...
; Rev 1.1 27 Jun 1992 14:47:08 DCODY
; fixed FMsplit for the opl3, and outdual3812 now programs one
; side of the OPL3 at a time.
; Rev 1.0 26 Jun 1992 14:21:58 BCRANE
; Initial revision.
; Rev 1.3 26 Jun 1992 14:12:08 DCODY
; added the parameter to the gethwversion call.
; Rev 1.2 25 Jun 1992 21:11:10 DCODY
; finished the init routine. Made timing loops variable based
; upon the installed FM chip.
; Rev 1.1 23 Jun 1992 16:32:30 DCODY
; PAS2 update
; Rev 1.0 15 Jun 1992 09:39:46 BCRANE
; Initial revision.
;$Logfile: X:/sccs/fm/3812a.asv $
;$Revision: 1.4 $
Title 3812/OPL3 Access Routines
; /*\
;---|*|---===< 3821A.ASM >====----
;---|*| This is the output routine to write data to the twin 3821 chips,
;---|*| or OPL-3 4OP synth chip.
;---|*| Media Vision, Inc. Copyright (c) 1991,1992. All Rights Reserved.
; \*/
include model.inc
include masm.inc
include state.inc
include target.inc
include common.inc
extrn _MVHWVersionBits :word
extrn _MVTranslateCode :word
extrn mvhwShadowPointer :dword
indexwrite dw 05 ; 3812 index write delays
datawrite dw 35 ; 3812 data write delays
splitmode db 0 ; 00 = mono, 01 = stereo
externADDR mvGetHWVersion
externADDR MVInitStatePtr
; /*\
;---|*|---===< mvFMInitMode (int) >====----
;---|*| This routine initializes the Dual 3812/OPL-3 chip
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| wParm1 = 0 to setup for mono, 1 to setup for sterero
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| AX,BX,CX,DX modified
; \*/
public mvFMInitMode
mvFMInitMode proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
; validate the hardware if not done already.
cmp [_MVHWVersionBits],-1 ; check to see if we know the hardware
jnz @F
push ax
call mvGetHWVersion ; get the hardware version
add sp,2
cmp al,-1 ; everything here?
jz mvmfexit ; no, exit out now...
; validate the state table pointer
cmp word ptr [mvhwShadowPointer+2],0
jnz @F
call MVInitStatePtr
; setup I/O delays based upon the installed FM chip
test [_MVHWVersionBits],bMVOPL3 ; defaults are setup for 3812
jz @F ; which are okay, exit out now...
mov [indexwrite],3 ; OPL3 index write delays
mov [datawrite], 3 ; OPL3 data write delays
; set the chips in mono mode, then flush them.
sub ax,ax ; set the chip(s) in mono mode
mov splitmode,al
call FMsplit
mov dx,LFMADDR ; flush the left/right side
xor dx,[_MVTranslateCode] ; translate to the board address
call flushit
; now, split the chips into stereo mode if requested to do so
cmp wptr wParm1,0 ; all done?
jz mvmfexit ; yes, exit
mov al,1 ; split it now
mov splitmode,al
call FMsplit
pop bp
mvFMInitMode endp
; /*\
;---|*|---===< outdual3812(int,int,int) >====----
;---|*| This routine writes index/data to
;---|*| both chips in an interleaved fashion.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| wParm1 is the chip index value
;---|*| wParm2 is the left FM chip data
;---|*| wParm3 is the right FM chip data
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| AX,DX,CX modified
; \*/
public outdual3812
outdual3812 proc
; this is kinda screwy, but if we're in mono mode, don't write to both sides
cmp splitmode,0 ; are we doing both?
jjnz outleft3812 ; no, just do the left side...
; frame the stack and continue.
push bp
mov bp,sp
; write the index to both chips
mov dx,LFMADDR ; get the left 3812 address
xor dx,[_MVTranslateCode] ; translate to the board address
mov al,wParm1 ; get the index value
; special case the OPL3 since it only really has one index register.
test [_MVHWVersionBits],bMVOPL3 ; defaults are setup for 3812
jnz outtoopl3 ; which are okay, exit out now...
; the dual 3812s can have interleaved I/O to speed up the pace
out dx,al ; output to both chips
add dx,2
out dx,al
; wait the proper delays for either FM chip
mov cx,[indexwrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
; write the data out to the chip now
dec dx ; move back to the left FM data reg
mov al,byte ptr wParm2
mov ah,byte ptr wParm3
out dx,al ; write the data out
add dx,2
xchg ah,al
out dx,al
; wait the proper delays for either FM chip
mov cx,[datawrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
pop bp
; do the left side of the OPL3 first
; write the left index
out dx,al ; output to both chips
mov cx,[indexwrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
; write the left data
inc dx ; move to the left FM data reg
mov al,wParm2
out dx,al ; write the data out
mov cx,[datawrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
; do the right side of the OPL3 next
; write the right index
inc dx
mov ax,wParm1 ; get the index value
out dx,al ; output to both chips
mov cx,[indexwrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
; write the right data
inc dx ; move to the left FM data reg
mov al,wParm3
out dx,al ; write the data out
mov cx,[datawrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
pop bp
outdual3812 endp
; /*\
;---|*|---===< outleft3812(int,int) >====----
;---|*| This routine writes index/data to the left FM chip.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| wParm1 is the left FM index
;---|*| wParm2 is the left FM chip data
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| AX,DX,CX modified
; \*/
public outleft3812
outleft3812 proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
; write the index to both chips
mov dx,LFMADDR ; get the left 3812 address
xor dx,[_MVTranslateCode] ; translate to the board address
fm_common_output label near
; output the index to the single chip
mov ax,wParm1 ; get the index value
out dx,al ; output to both chips
mov cx,[indexwrite]
in al,dx ; slow down for the index to settle
loop @B
inc dx ; move to the data register
mov ax,wParm2
out dx,al ; write the data out
mov cx,[datawrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
pop bp
outleft3812 endp
; /*\
;---|*|---===< outright3812(int,int) >====----
;---|*| This routine writes index/data to the right FM chip.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| wParm1 is the right FM index
;---|*| wParm1 is the right FM chip data
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| AX,DX,CX modified
; \*/
public outright3812
outright3812 proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
; write the index to both chips
mov dx,RFMADDR ; get the right 3812 address
xor dx,[_MVTranslateCode] ; translate to the board address
jmp short fm_common_output
outright3812 endp
;--------------------------====< local routines >====--------------------------
; /*\
;---|*|---===< flushit >====----
;---|*| Reset both sides of the FM chip(s)
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| none
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| AX,BX,CX,DX modified
; \*/
flushit proc near
mov ax,1 ; reg 1
call fmout
inc ax ; reg 2
call fmout
inc ax ; reg 3
call fmout
inc ax ; reg 4
call fmout
mov al,8 ; reg 8
call fmout
mov al,20h ; flush all others from reg 20 to reg FF
mov cx,0FFh-20h
call fmout
inc ax
loop @B
flushit endp
; /*\
;---|*|---===< FMsplit >====----
;---|*| Split or combine the FM sides.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| AL = 1 for stereo, 0 for mono
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| AX,BX,CX,DX modified
; \*/
FMsplit proc near
; record either MONO or STEREO in the state table
push es
push di
les di,[mvhwShadowPointer] ; we have to record in in the state
; maintain the split state fact in the old split FM bit
mov ah,al ; save an original copy
cmp al,1 ; set carry if zero
sbb al,al ; al = FF for mono
and al,bMImonofm ; keep the bit if mono
and es:[di._audiomixr],NOT bMImonofm ; flush the bit
or es:[di._audiomixr],al ; maybe set it
mov al,es:[di._audiomixr] ; load a copy for old pas
pop di
pop es
; if OPL3, go do it's split, else just write out the new mixer setting
test [_MVHWVersionBits],bMVOPL3 ; defaults are setup for 3812
jnz splitopl3 ; which are okay, exit out now...
mov dx,AUDIOMIXR ; get the mixer address
xor dx,[_MVTranslateCode] ; translate to the board address
out dx,al ; send the bits out to the h/w
mov al,5 ; send it to the right FM reg 5
mov dx,RFMADDR
xor dx,[_MVTranslateCode] ; translate to the board address
out dx,al ; send the index
mov cx,[indexwrite]
in al,dx ; wait the prescribed period
loop @B
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al ; send the data byte
mov cx,[datawrite]
in al,dx ; wait the prescribed period
loop @B
FMsplit endp
; /*\
;---|*|---===< fmout >====----
;---|*| write to one of the chips.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| DX holds the base address (left side or right side)
;---|*| AL holds the index register value
;---|*| AH holds the data register value
;---|*| Exit Conditions:
;---|*| no registers modified
; \*/
fmout proc near
push ax
push cx
out dx,al
mov cx,[indexwrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
xchg ah,al
inc dx
out dx,al
mov cx,[datawrite]
in al,dx
loop @B
dec dx
pop cx
pop ax
fmout endp