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/*$Author: DCODY $*/
/*$Date: 27 Jul 1992 12:02:46 $*/
/*$Header: W:/sccs/mixers/mixerc.c_v 1.3 27 Jul 1992 12:02:46 DCODY $*/
/*$Log: W:/sccs/mixers/mixerc.c_v $
* Rev 1.3 27 Jul 1992 12:02:46 DCODY
* initialized the 32 bit vectors to 0 so they are placed in the initialized
* static data segment.
* Rev 1.2 25 Jun 1992 23:49:44 DCODY
* Simplified the routine by eliminating the static linked and disk
* resident driver loading.
* Rev 1.1 23 Jun 1992 16:45:12 DCODY
* PAS2 update
* Rev 1.0 15 Jun 1992 09:41:34 BCRANE
* Initial revision.
/*$Logfile: W:/sccs/mixers/mixerc.c_v $*/
; /*\
;---|*|----====< MIXERC.C >====----
;---|*| Initialize and setup the access to the mixers, volume, filter, etc
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1991, Media Vision, Inc. All rights reserved
; \*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// #include "mixbin.h" // the actual mixer code
#include "state.h" // the state structure
int ThePASDMAChannel = 0; // DMA channel
int ThePASIRQChannel = 0; // IRQ channel
static int dummyroutine ();
int (far *MVSetMixerFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVSetVolumeFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVSetFilterFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVSetCrossChannel) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetMixerFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetVolumeFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetFilterFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetCrossChannel) () = 0;
int (far *MVRealSoundSwitch) () = 0;
int (far *MVFMSplitSwitch) () = 0;
#define STATICDRIVER 0x0000 // The static driver is loaded.
#define DOSDRIVER 0x0001 // The DOS driver is loaded.
// #define DISKDRIVER 0x0002 // The Disk resident driver is loaded.
// shadow pointer has the active state table pointer
extern struct MVState far *mvhwShadowPointer;
// MVMixerHWState allows the pointer to be changed
struct MVState far *MVMixerHWState(struct MVState far *);
//// /*\
//// |*|----====< test code >====----
//// |*|
//// |*| this is test code to be removed
//// |*|
//// \*/
//// int main()
//// {
//// // In each of the following calls, MVInitMixerCode will search for
//// // the DOS driver, "MVSOUND.SYS". If found, all succeeding calls to
//// // the mixers will be routed through MVSOUND.SYS. If the DOS driver
//// // is not found, then either the DISK based version, or the static
//// // version will be used. To select the DISK based version, pass a
//// // path to MVInitMixerCode. Any pointer (other than a NULL) will tell
//// // the routine to load the driver from the disk. NOTE: If loading from
//// // the disk fails, then the static driver will be used.
//// //
//// // EXAMPLE #1 - The following will attempt to
//// // load the driver from the disk.
//// MVInitMixerCode ( "." );
//// //
//// // EXAMPLE #2 - the following will use the
//// // static built-in driver.
//// MVInitMixerCode ( 0 );
//// }
; /*\
;---|*|----====< MVInitMixerCode >====----
;---|*| Load link to the DOS driver, or load the mixer code
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| char *path is the path to the disk resident driver.
;---|*| Return Value:
;---|*| 0, the mixer code is using the static driver.
;---|*| 1, the mixer code is using DOS driver.
; \*/
int MVInitMixerCode()
char *p,*p1;
int n,mx,tablelen;
long far *bfp; // buffer far pointer
long far *tfp; // table far pointer
long mvver; // MVSOUND.SYS version #
static int retry = 0; // reentry flag. We will only execute once
static int retcode = 0;
// exit if this code has already been executed
if (retry++)
// flush some variables
mx = 0;
_asm {
; fill in the functions in case MVSOUND.SYS is not loaded
mov bx, offset dummyroutine
mov word ptr [MVSetMixerFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetMixerFunction+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVSetVolumeFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetVolumeFunction+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVSetFilterFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetFilterFunction+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVSetCrossChannel+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetCrossChannel+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVGetMixerFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetMixerFunction+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVGetVolumeFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetVolumeFunction+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVGetFilterFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetFilterFunction+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVGetCrossChannel+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetCrossChannel+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVRealSoundSwitch+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVRealSoundSwitch+2],cs
mov word ptr [MVFMSplitSwitch+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVFMSplitSwitch+2],cs
; deterine if the DOS driver is loaded
mov ax,0xbc00 ; function 0 is for ID
mov bx,0x3f3f
sub cx,cx
sub dx,dx
int 2fh ; go get it...
xor bx,cx ; combine all registers
xor bx,dx
cmp bx,0x4d56 ; to form 'MV'
jnz mvininodosdriver
mov ax,0xbc01 ; get the version
int 2fh
mov word ptr [mvver+0],bx ; save the version
mov word ptr [mvver+2],cx
; the DOS driver is loaded, use it's vectors, data, etc
sub cx,cx ; comes back 0 or the entry length
mov ax,0xbc03 ; get the vector table
int 0x2f ; from the DOS driver
mov word ptr [tfp+0],bx ; save the function pointer offset
mov word ptr [tfp+2],dx ; and segment
mov [tablelen],cx
mov ax,0bc04h ; get the DMA & IRQ
int 0x2f ; from the DOS driver
mov byte ptr ThePASDMAChannel,bl ; DMA channel
mov byte ptr ThePASIRQChannel,cl ; IRQ channel
// we have the pointer to some table. Now, load each function
// pointer into the individual far pointers.
if (mvver > 0x30313032) // ASCII version 0102
retcode = DOSDRIVER; // indicate the DOS driver is loaded
// set the first 4 (1st rev of MVSOUND just had 4 functions)
(long) MVSetMixerFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVSetVolumeFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVSetFilterFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVSetCrossChannel = (long) *tfp++;
// set the next entries (later revs of MVSOUND had 10 functions)
if (tablelen > 4) {
(long) MVGetMixerFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVGetVolumeFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVGetFilterFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVGetCrossChannel = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVRealSoundSwitch = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVFMSplitSwitch = (long) *tfp;
// return the code
return retcode;
; /*\
;---|*|----====< MVMixerHWState >====----
;---|*| fetch and/or load a pointer to the state table.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| MVState far * -- pointer to another table. If NULL (0),
;---|*| the current pointer is only returned. Only
;---|*| non-zero table pointers will be loaded.
;---|*| Return Value:
;---|*| Returns the pointer to the table currently
;---|*| used by the mixer code.
; \*/
struct MVState far *MVMixerHWState(tbl)
struct MVState far *tbl;
// if the shadow pointer is not initialized, then do it...
if (!mvhwShadowPointer)
// In the first rev of software the static driver could receive
// the caller's state table. Now that the static driver is gone,
// we don't want to mess with...
// if (tbl)
// mvhwShadowPointer = tbl;
// return the active table
return (tbl);
; /*\
;---|*|----====< static dummyroutine >====----
;---|*| This routine no-ops out the function calls in case MVSOUND.SYS
;---|*| is not loaded.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| none
;---|*| Return Value:
;---|*| 0
; \*/
static int dummyroutine ()
return 0;
; /*\
;---|*| End of MIXERC.C
; \*/