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/*$Author: DCODY $*/
/*$Date: 01 Oct 1992 12:05:02 $*/
/*$Header: X:/sccs/pcm/pcmioc.c_v 1.7 01 Oct 1992 12:05:02 DCODY $*/
/*$Log: X:/sccs/pcm/pcmioc.c_v $
* Rev 1.7 01 Oct 1992 12:05:02 DCODY
* next stage of completion for PlayThisBlock, RecordThisBlock, etc.
* Rev 1.6 23 Sep 1992 10:56:34 DCODY
* more work on playthisblock, continuethisblock...
* Rev 1.5 26 Aug 1992 10:57:30 DCODY
* Added Playthisblock and RecordThisBlock
* Rev 1.4 12 Aug 1992 17:10:30 DCODY
* major change to eliminate the foreground buffers.
* Rev 1.3 24 Jul 1992 15:36:14 DCODY
* changed _fmemcpy to _rfmemcpy
* Rev 1.2 17 Jul 1992 14:22:50 DCODY
* InitMVSound() now performed within OpenPCMBuffering().
* Rev 1.1 23 Jun 1992 17:11:42 DCODY
* PAS2 update
* Rev 1.0 15 Jun 1992 09:44:38 BCRANE
* Initial revision.
/*$Logfile: X:/sccs/pcm/pcmioc.c_v $*/
/*$Revision: 1.7 $*/
/*$Workfile: pcmioc.c $*/
|*|----====< PCMIOC.C >====----
|*| These routines maintain DMA controlled I/O of the Audio Spectrum
|*| Copyright (c) 1991, Media Vision, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "pcmio.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "mvsound.h"
|*|-----------====< T H E O R Y O F O P E R A T I O N >====------------
|*| The best DMA controlled PCM output requires a continuous stream of data
|*| to be available in a real-time environment.
|*| DMA controlled PCM input, with the same real-time requirements, needs
|*| to be able to keep storing data into memory without pausing.
|*| The following approach is designed to allow the DMA to be setup in
|*| "auto-initialize" mode, thereby guarenteeing continuous play/record.
|*| To keep the DMA running, multiple divisions of the DMA buffer are
|*| used to keep the data moving. Due to the fact that DOS is neither
|*| a real-time, or re-entrant operating system, this code divides up
|*| the buffer management tasks into a "foreground" and "background" task.
|*| A sample buffer count timer on the Audio Spectrum is used to interrupt
|*| the CPU when a DMA buffer division has filled or emptied. For our
|*| purposes here, this amount may be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8th or some smaller
|*| division of the whole DMA buffer. Note: judgement must be used here
|*| in selecting the DMA buffer size, and the integral division. Too small
|*| of an integral may result in broken DMA I/O. A buffer too large never
|*| hurts anything. (it just reduces the amount of available memory).
|*| ----====< PCM OUTPUT >====----
|*| To perform PCM output ("play"), A linked list of buffer pointers is
|*| used to fill the DMA buffer by the foregound task. As the DMA runs,
|*| it will send the buffer contents to the audio card. Here is a visual:
|*| Foreground Loads
|*| the Top Level
|*| Buffers
|*| ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐
|*| DMA Level Buffers │ │ │ │ │ │
|*| └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘
|*| ┌─────────┐
|*| │hardware │
|*| └╥╥╥──────┘
|*| To actually start the output, the foreground task loads it's
|*| buffers, then starts the DMA to play the buffer. The background
|*| task only indicates when each block is played. It will shut down
|*| the DMA if no more data is present in the buffers.
|*| If the foreground task can keep the linked list of buffers full,
|*| there should be non-stop PCM output (Good!). If the foreground task
|*| does not keep up, the background task will be forced to stop the
|*| the DMA, thereby causing a break in the output (Bad!). Once the DMA
|*| has stopped, the foreground task will have to restart the DMA a
|*| second time to continue the flow of data.
|*| ----====< PCM INPUT >====----
|*| To perform PCM input ("record"), the same linked list of buffers
|*| are also used. This buffer is filled with sampled data from the
|*| hardware. The background process will increment a global variable for
|*| each buffer filled. The foreground routine must extract each buffer
|*| and process it (copy to memory, or write it to disk). Here is a visual:
|*| Foreground unloads
|*| the Top Level
|*| Buffers
|*| ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐
|*| DMA Level Buffers │ │ │ │ │ │
|*| └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘
|*| ┌─────────┐
|*| │hardware │
|*| └╥╥╥──────┘
|*| To actually start the input, the foreground starts the DMA running to
|*| begin the transfer. The background task increments the global variable
|*| as each interrupt occurs. If all the buffers are full, the DMA transfer
|*| is terminated. The foreground routine must poll this variable to keep
|*| the data moving out of the DMA buffer.
|*| If the foreground task can keep the linked list of buffers empty,
|*| there should be non-stop PCM input (Good!). If the foreground task
|*| does not keep up, the background task will be forced to stop the
|*| the DMA, thereby causing a break in the input (Bad!). Once the DMA
|*| has stopped, the foreground task will have to restart the DMA tranfer
|*| a second time to restart the DMA.
|*| ----====< DATA VARIABLES >====----
|*| The following is a description of the variables shared between the
|*| foreground and background tasks. There are three global variables,
|*| and a linked list of buffers shared between the two tasks.
|*| The linked list of buffers uses a "header" to each buffer. This
|*| header holds the information for linking to the next buffer, whether
|*| the buffer is full or empty, and the count of bytes in the buffer.
|*| typedef struct _buffptr {
|*| int status; /* 0=empty, 1=full * /
|*| int count; /* # of bytes in the buffer * /
|*| int size; /* total size of read data * /
|*| char huge *buffer; /* pointer to buffer data * /
|*| struct _buffptr *nextptr; /* pointer to next buffer * /
|*| } BuffData,*BuffPtr;
|*| BuffPtr HeadOfBuffers; /* global variable head pointer * /
|*| int BufferDataCount; /* # of full DMA buffers parts * /
|*| int DMARunning; /* DMA status (0=off,1=running) * /
|*| char far *StartOfDMABuffer; /* start of actual DMA buffer * /
|*| int ProcessedBlockCount; /* # of blocks DMA handled * /
|*| "HeadOfBuffers" points to the first buffer in the linked list.
|*| This linked list is made up of structures containing the buffer
|*| data and other information. The last entry in the list points
|*| back to the first entry, thereby creating a circular linked
|*| list.
|*| Each buffer has a status word: 0=empty,1=full.
|*| The count indicates the # of bytes in the buffer. This count
|*| is used to communication between the foreground and background
|*| process that data is available. For output, the count tells the
|*| background that data is available to be loaded in the DMA buffer.
|*| For input, the count tells the foreground process that there is
|*| data to be written to disk.
|*| "BufferDataCount" is the key handshaking variable between the
|*| foreground and background processes. It indicates how many DMA
|*| buffers divisions contain data.
|*| For output, it holds a count of DMA divisions hold data. This
|*| global variable is incremented each time a buffer is loaded by
|*| the foreground task, and decremented when a buffer is emptied
|*| by the background task.
|*| For input, it holds the number of buffers with data in the DMA
|*| buffer. It is incremented by the background process and
|*| decremented by the foreground process.
|*| "DMARunning" is set to true or false depending upon the state
|*| of the DMA channel. It is set TRUE when the DMA is running (either
|*| playing or recording), and FALSE when the DMA is turned off.
|*| "ProcessedBlockCount" is the running total of blocks the DMA has
|*| processed from the last Start I/O call.
|*| For input, this is the total number of dma divisions filled
|*| by the DMA.
|*| For output, this is the total number of blocks loaded into
|*| the DMA buffer.
|*| "StartOfDMABuffer" points to the first byte of the DMA circular buffer.
|*| The following routines provide a high level interface to DMA driven
|*| PCM output:
|*| int OpenPCMBuffering ( int, int, int, int )
|*| This routine is the first routine to be called. It sets
|*| up the DMA channel, IRQ, and allocates memory for the buffers.
|*| int PCMState ( int, int, int, int )
|*| This routine passes in the sample rate, stereo/mono flag,
|*| the compression type (0 for 8 bit, 1 for for 4 bit),
|*| and the PCM data sample size (8 or 16).
|*| int StartFileInput ( FILE *f )
|*| This routine begins recording the PCM data to the disk file.
|*| The routine returns immediately. The routine,
|*| "ContinueFileInput" must be called to continue moving data
|*| from the DMA buffer to to the disk.
|*| int StartBlockInput ( )
|*| This routine begins recording the PCM data. The routine
|*| returns immediately. Subsequent call must be made to
|*| "ContinueBlockInput" to receive data from the DMA buffer.
|*| int StartFileOutput ( FILE *f, long )
|*| This routine begins playing the PCM data from the disk file.
|*| The routine returns immediately. The routine,
|*| "ContinueFileOutput" must be called to continue moving data
|*| from the disk to the DMA buffer. The long variable tells how
|*| many bytes to play.
|*| int StartBlockOutput ( char far * )
|*| This routine begins playing the caller's PCM data. The
|*| routine returns immediately. The routine, "ContinueBlockOutput"
|*| must subsequently be called to continue data output.
|*| int ContinueFileInput ( )
|*| This routine checks to see if new data has been loaded into
|*| the linked list of buffers. If so, the data is written to
|*| disk, and the buffer is freed up.
|*| int ContinueBlockInput ( char far * )
|*| This routine checks to see if new data has been loaded into
|*| the linked list of buffers. If so, the data is written to
|*| the caller's buffer.
|*| int ContinueFileOutput ( )
|*| This routine checks to see if the PCM hardware is
|*| still playing. This routine MUST be called frequently to
|*| maintain continuous PCM output.
|*| int ContinueBlockOutput (char far *)
|*| This routine checks to see if the PCM hardware is
|*| still playing. The caller passes the next block to be
|*| played. A non-zero return value indicates the block has
|*| been queued up to be played. A zero value means the buffer
|*| is currently full, please try again...
|*| void StopDMAIO ( )
|*| This routine is used to prematurely terminate PCM I/O.
|*| void ClosePCMBuffering ( )
|*| This routine is used to close down the whole PCM I/O system.
|*| This call MUST be made before the caller's program terminates.
|*|----====< Code Generation >====----
#define BLOCKOUT 0 /* builds block output code only */
#define BLOCKIN 0 /* builds block input code only */
#define FILEOUT 0 /* builds file output code only */
#define FILEIN 0 /* builds file input code only */
#define COMMDATA 0 /* builds both common code and data */
#ifdef BUILDBO
#define BLOCKOUT 1
#ifdef BUILDBI
#undef BLOCKIN
#define BLOCKIN 1
#ifdef BUILDFO
#undef FILEOUT
#define FILEOUT 1
#ifdef BUILDFI
#undef FILEIN
#define FILEIN 1
#ifdef BUILDCO
#define COMMDATA 1
|*|----====< common data for CODE and DATA generation >====----
/* buffer linked list header structures */
typedef struct _buffptr {
int status; /* 0=empty, 1=full */
int count; /* # of bytes in the buffer */
int size; /* total size of allocated buff */
char huge *buffer; /* pointer to buffer data */
struct _buffptr *nextptr; /* pointer to next buffer hdr */
} BuffData,*BuffPtr;
#define NODIRECTION 0 /* defines for DirectionFlag */
#define DMAINPUT 1
#define DMAOUTPUT 2
|*|----====< Global Data >====----
#define QUEUESIZE 32 /* 32 entries */
#define QUEUEMASK 0x1F /* mask to circulate the count */
int MaxBuffCount = 0; /* # of DMA buffer divisions */
int BufferSize = 0; /* size of each buffer division */
/* shared global variables between the two tasks (in pcmioa.asm) */
BuffPtr HeadOfBuffers = 0; /* global variable head pointer */
int BufferDataCount = 0; /* # of full buffers (0=done) */
int DMARunning = 0; /* DMA status (0=off,1=running) */
char huge *DMABuffPtr = 0; /* 128k+1 DMA buffer pointer */
char far *StartOfDMABuffer = 0; /* start of DMA buffer pointer */
int ProcessedBlockCount = 0; /* # of I/O blocks processed */
unsigned long _file_data_length = 0;/* size of data output */
char __pcmdatasize = 8; /* default to 8 bit pcm */
FILE *__fptr = 0; /* file pointer for disk I/O */
char *__LocalBuff = 0; /* local target buffer */
BuffPtr __NextPtr = 0; /* next buffer pointer */
int __DirectionFlag = 0; /* current I/O direction */
char far * __singleblockpointer; /* single shot users buffer */
/* local data for this body of code, but needs to be public */
int VoiceActivatedSavedCount = 0; /* # of I/O blocks saved */
int __queuein = 0;
int __queueincnt = 0;
int __queueout = 0;
long __queuedata = 0;
char far *__queuebuff[QUEUESIZE]; // number of queued blocks
long __queuelen[QUEUESIZE]; // queued block lengths
void (far * __queuecb[QUEUESIZE])();// queue of callback routines
void (far *__synccallback)() = 0; // callback to user code
extern int MaxBuffCount; /* # of DMA buffer divisions */
extern int BufferSize; /* size of each buffer division */
/* shared global variables between the two tasks (in pcmioa.asm) */
extern BuffPtr HeadOfBuffers; /* global variable head pointer */
extern int BufferDataCount; /* # of full buffers (0=done) */
extern int DMARunning; /* DMA status (0=off,1=running) */
extern char huge *DMABuffPtr; /* 128k+1 DMA buffer pointer */
extern char far *StartOfDMABuffer; /* start of DMA buffer pointer */
extern int ProcessedBlockCount; /* # of I/O blocks processed */
extern unsigned long _file_data_length; /* size of data output */
extern char __pcmdatasize; /* default to 8 bit pcm */
extern FILE *__fptr; /* file pointer for disk I/O */
extern char *__LocalBuff; /* local target buffer */
extern BuffPtr __NextPtr; /* next buffer pointer */
extern int __DirectionFlag; /* current I/O direction */
extern char far* __singleblockpointer;/* single shot users buffer */
extern int VoiceActivatedSavedCount;/* # of I/O blocks saved */
extern int __queuein;
extern int __queueincnt;
extern int __queueout;
extern long __queuedata;
extern char far *__queuebuff[]; // number of queued blocks
extern long __queuelen[]; // queued block lengths
extern void (far * __queuecb[])(); // queue of callback routines
extern void (far *__synccallback)();// callback to user code
/* additional prototypes */
void far * _rfmemcpy (void far *, void far *, unsigned int);
void huge * _rfhmemcpy(void huge *,void huge *,unsigned int);
static int _loadtheblock ( char far * );
static int _loadthebuffer ( FILE * );
|*|-----------------====< Start of Executable Code >====-----------------
|*|----====< ASpecialContinueFileInput >====----
|*| This is a special adaptation of the standard, "ContinueDMAInput"
|*| routine. It will check the noise level in each block before writting
|*| it out to disk. This way, no data is written until a noise level
|*| is reached.
int ASpecialContinueFileInput(noise,goflag)
int noise; /* offset from silence */
int goflag; /* record all after first block */
int temp;
/* if BufferDataCount is non-zero, we must process the DMA data */
while (BufferDataCount) {
/* data is available, move it out to memory */
_rfmemcpy (__LocalBuff,__NextPtr->buffer,BufferSize);
/* validate the level of noise before writing it to disk */
if (MakeHalfHistoGram(__LocalBuff,BufferSize,noise) ||
(VoiceActivatedSavedCount && goflag) ) {
/* if not all data is written, return in error */
if (fwrite (__NextPtr->buffer,1,BufferSize,__fptr) != BufferSize) {
return (0);
if (fwrite (__LocalBuff,1,BufferSize,__fptr) != BufferSize) {
return (0);
/* move to the next buffer */
__NextPtr->count = __NextPtr->status = 0;
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr;
return (DMARunning);
|*|----====< ClosePCMBuffering >====----
|*| Removes the PCM system & deallocates the buffer memory. There is
|*| no return value.
void ClosePCMBuffering()
BuffPtr p,op;
/* we will kill the DMA low level processing */
/* Free up the linked list of buffers */
if ((p = HeadOfBuffers) != 0) {
do {
op = p; /* save the old ptr */
p = p->nextptr; /* point to the next buffer */
free (op); /* free up the old header */
} while ( (p != HeadOfBuffers) && p );
/* free up the DMA buffer */
if (DMABuffPtr)
hfree (DMABuffPtr);
/* null it all out... */
DMABuffPtr = 0;
HeadOfBuffers = 0;
StartOfDMABuffer = 0;
BufferDataCount = BufferSize = DMARunning = 0;
|*|----====< ContinueBlockInput >====----
|*| This routine checks to see if another buffer can be stored in memory.
|*| if so, it will load copy the DMA buffer to the caller's local buffer,
|*| A return value of 0 indicates the caller's buffer is empty.
int ContinueBlockInput(buff)
char far *buff;
/* if BufferDataCount is non-zero, we must move the data to memory */
if (BufferDataCount) {
/* data is available, just move it out */
_rfmemcpy (buff,__NextPtr->buffer,BufferSize);
/* move to the next buffer */
__NextPtr->count = __NextPtr->status = 0;
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr;
/* returns the fact that the data has been loaded */
return (0);
|*|----====< ContinueThisBlockInput >====----
|*| This routine extracts a DMA buffer into one or
|*| more target user buffers.
|*| Returns:
|*| Nonzero for running & processing, else 0 for dead.
int ContinueThisBlockInput()
int n, // working integer
loop, // loop flag to keep loading blocks
bcount; // increments the BufferDataCount
int result = 0; // holds the final count
static int TargetSize; // remaining size of the target dma buffer
static char far *dmaptr; // pointer to this DMA block
// if the DMA is dead, give it a jump start. Bad thing, it flushes all...
if (DMARunning == 0) {
// blow off anything that is saved locally
dmaptr = 0;
TargetSize = 0;
// reset and restart the low level stuff...
// we have no more data, just return now
// if the current remaining length is null, prime for the next block
if (_file_data_length == 0) {
// bomb out if no data buffers queued up
if (__queueincnt == 0)
// get the next block from the queue
_file_data_length = __queuelen [__queueout];
__singleblockpointer = __queuebuff[__queueout];
// loop here to stuff as many blocks as possible into the DMA buffer
// move up to one buffer division worth of data
if (!TargetSize) {
dmaptr = __NextPtr->buffer;
TargetSize = BufferSize;
loop = TRUE;
bcount = 1;
// move as many blocks as possible into the DMA buffer
while (loop) {
// Get the block length, up to the division size
if (_file_data_length <= TargetSize) {
n = _file_data_length; // full target size
_file_data_length = 0;
else // partial target size
_file_data_length -= (n = TargetSize);
// copy the data to the buffer, and advance the buffer that far
if (n) {
// move the recorded data into the buffer
= _rfmemcpy(__singleblockpointer,dmaptr,n);
dmaptr += n; // move the dma pointer
result += n; // more for the return value
__queuedata -= (n &0xffff); // less queued up
BufferDataCount -= bcount; // increment buffer count once
bcount = 0;
// if the length is zero, this buffer is done, let the caller know
if (!_file_data_length) {
// let the app. know we are done with this buffer
if (__queuecb[__queueout])
__queueout = ++__queueout & QUEUEMASK;
// Now, try to get the next available block out of the list
if (__queuein != __queueout) {
_file_data_length = __queuelen[__queueout];
__singleblockpointer = __queuebuff[__queueout];
loop = FALSE;
// we are now done with this much of the buffer, stop if zero
if (!(TargetSize -= n))
loop = FALSE;
// advance the list to the next DMA buffer and count one more...
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr;
// if we can do more, then DO IT!!!
if (BufferDataCount > 0) { // if there is data in the DMA...
if (__queueincnt) // if we have buffers...
goto nextblock; // then go load it...
// return the number of bytes loaded
#if 0
//////////////// Original ContinueThisBlockInpu ///////////////
/* if there is no more data, just exit */
if (!_file_data_length)
/* move as much as possible... */
if (_file_data_length <= BufferSize) {
n = _file_data_length;
_file_data_length = 0;
else {
_file_data_length -= (n = (BufferSize & 0xffff));
__singleblockpointer =
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr; /* advance the list */
|*|----====< ContinueFileInput >====----
|*| This routine checks to see if another buffer can be written to disk.
|*| if so, it will load copy the buffer to a local buffer, then write it
|*| out to disk. A return value of 0 indicates recording has stopped,
|*| which could mean that the disk file is full, so the DMA had to be
|*| stopped prematurely.
int ContinueFileInput()
/* if BufferDataCount is non-zero, we must write out the data */
while (BufferDataCount) {
/* data is available, move it out to disk */
/* if not all data is written, return in error */
if (fwrite (__NextPtr->buffer,1,BufferSize,__fptr) != BufferSize) {
return (0);
/* if not all data is written, return in error */
_rfmemcpy (__LocalBuff,__NextPtr->buffer,BufferSize);
if (fwrite (__LocalBuff,1,BufferSize,__fptr) != BufferSize) {
return (0);
/* move to the next buffer */
__NextPtr->status = 0;
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr;
return (DMARunning);
|*|----====< ContinueBlockOutput >====----
|*| This routine checks to see if another DMA buffer can be loaded.
|*| If so, it will load the user's block data into an empty buffer.
|*| A return value of 1 indicates the buffer has been loaded, else
|*| it must be sent in again until it is loaded.
int ContinueBlockOutput(buff)
char far *buff;
/* if the internal count is not max-ed out, try to load the next buffer */
if (BufferDataCount < MaxBuffCount ) {
_loadtheblock (buff);
if (DMARunning == 0) { /* yuck! a DMA break! */
return (1); /* return running */
|*|----====< ContinueThisBlockOutput >====----
|*| This routine checks to see if another DMA buffer can be loaded.
|*| If so, it will load the user's block data into an empty buffer.
|*| A return value of ~0 indicates the buffer has been loaded.
|*| The foreground routine will call this when DMARunning == 0. The
|*| background routine will call this at every interrupt to keep the
|*| buffers loaded
int ContinueThisBlockOutput()
int n, // working integer
TargetSize, // size of the target dma buffer
loop, // loop flag to keep loading blocks
bcount; // increments the BufferDataCount
int result = 0; // holds the final count
char far *s;
// If no more data to load in the buffer, flush the next DMA & return
if (__queueincnt == 0) {
FlushBuffer (__NextPtr->buffer,BufferSize);
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr;
// if there is little data, but a lot in the DMA, just return
if ((__queuedata < BufferSize) && BufferDataCount > 2)
// if the DMA has been turned off, re-sync the buffers
if (DMARunning == 0)
// if the current remaining length is null, prime for the next block
if (_file_data_length == 0) {
_file_data_length = __queuelen [__queueout];
__singleblockpointer = __queuebuff[__queueout];
// loop here to stuff as many blocks as possible into the DMA buffer
// move up to one buffer division worth of data
TargetSize = BufferSize;
s = __NextPtr->buffer;
loop = TRUE;
bcount = 1;
// move as many blocks as possible into the DMA buffer
while (loop) {
// Get the block length, up to the division size
if (_file_data_length <= TargetSize) {
n = _file_data_length; // full target size
_file_data_length = 0;
else // partial target size
_file_data_length -= (n = TargetSize);
// copy the data to the buffer, and advance the buffer that far
if (n) {
s = _rfmemcpy(s, __singleblockpointer, n );
result += n; // more for the return value
__singleblockpointer += n; // advance the pointer
__queuedata -= (n &0xffff); // less queued up
BufferDataCount += bcount; // increment buffer count once
bcount = 0;
s = __NextPtr->buffer; // no data, but do point here
// if the length is zero, this buffer is done, let the caller know
if (!_file_data_length) {
// if this old block was valid, send a DONE msg.
if(__queueincnt) {
// let the app. know we are done with this buffer
if (__queuecb[__queueout])
__queueout = ++__queueout & QUEUEMASK;
// Now, try to get the next available block out of the list
if (__queuein == __queueout) {
FlushBuffer (s,TargetSize-n);
loop = FALSE;
else {
_file_data_length = __queuelen[__queueout];
__singleblockpointer = __queuebuff[__queueout];
// we are now done with this much of the buffer, stop if zero
if (!(TargetSize -= n))
loop = FALSE;
// advance the list to the next DMA buffer and count one more...
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr;
// if we can do more, then DO IT!!!
if (BufferDataCount < MaxBuffCount) { // if there is room in the DMA
if (__queueincnt) { // if we have pcm data
if (__queuedata >= BufferSize) // and its GE a buffer division,
goto nextblock; // then go load it...
if (DMARunning == 0)
// return the number of bytes loaded
|*|----====< ContinueFileOutput >====----
|*| This routine checks to see if another buffer can be loaded. If so, it
|*| will load the data into an empty buffer. All empty buffers will be
|*| loaded. A return value of 0 indicates playing has finished.
int ContinueFileOutput()
/* if BufferDataCount is not max-ed out, try to load the next buffer*/
if (BufferDataCount < MaxBuffCount ) {
if (_loadthebuffer (__fptr)) {
if (DMARunning == 0) { /* yuck! a DMA break! */
if (StartTheDMAOutput(0))
return (DMARunning); /* return the DMA state */
|*|----====< OpenPCMBuffering >====----
|*| This routine is the first-call routine. It initializes the buffers
|*| needed for the PCM play/record system. A return value of non-zero
|*| indicates a failure to initialize the system.
|*| Entry Conditions:
|*| dma -- New DMA #. (1-3, or -1 for no changes)
|*| irq -- New IRQ #. (3,5,6,7, or -1 for no changes)
|*| Exit Conditions:
|*| non-zero return indicates an error
int OpenPCMBuffering(dma,irq,dmasize,divisions)
int dma; /* DMA channel # (-1 for no changes) */
int irq; /* IRQ channel # (-1 for no changes) */
int dmasize; /* requested DMA size (4/8/16/32/64) */
int divisions; /* # of divisions in the DMA buffer */
BuffPtr op,p;
long l;
int n;
char far *db;
/* setup the globa variables & a local buffer */
MaxBuffCount = divisions;
BufferSize = LONG(dmasize) * 1024L / LONG(MaxBuffCount);
/* Setup the lowlevel routines */
/* flush any background task setup */
BackgroundInit( BufferSize, MaxBuffCount );
if ((__LocalBuff=(char*)malloc(BufferSize)) == 0)
/* Allocate twice the size for background DMA buffer */
l = LONG(dmasize) * 1024 * 2;
if ((DMABuffPtr = (char huge *) halloc (l,1)) == 0)
if ((db=StartOfDMABuffer=FindDMABuffer(DMABuffPtr,dmasize)) == 0)
/* if the low level code doesn't like it, bomb out */
if (!DMABuffer ( StartOfDMABuffer, dmasize, MaxBuffCount ))
/* Attempt to allocate each foreground buffer */
op = 0;
for (n=0;n<divisions;n++) {
/* allocate the linked list header for each buffer */
if ((p = (BuffPtr) malloc (sizeof(BuffData))) == 0)
/* reset the pointer in case of other failures during init */
p->nextptr = 0;
/* if first block, save as the head of the list */
if (!HeadOfBuffers)
HeadOfBuffers = p;
/* if we have already allocated a block, setup the fwd ptr */
if (op)
op->nextptr = p;
p->buffer = db;
p->size = BufferSize;
db += BufferSize;
/* save as the old pointer for linking purposes */
op = p;
/* link the last buffer back to the first */
p->nextptr = HeadOfBuffers;
/* Possibly select new DMA & IRQ channels */
if (dma != -1)
if (SelectDMA(dma))
if (irq != -1)
if (SelectIRQ(irq))
/* well, it looks good so far, flush any variables */
BufferDataCount = ProcessedBlockCount =
_file_data_length = __queuedata =
VoiceActivatedSavedCount = __queueincnt =
__queuein = __queueout = 0;
/* and return good! */
return (0);
|*|----====< PCMState >====----
|*| This routine passes in the sample rate, stereo/mono flag, and any
|*| other miscellaneous data (to be determined later...)
|*| Exit Conditions:
|*| Non-zero means the sample rate was in error.
|*| Zero means the sample rate was okay error.
int PCMState(sr,sm,cp,sz)
long sr; /* sample rate */
int sm; /* stereo/mono */
int cp; /* compression */
int sz; /* size(8/16) */
/* just pass them on... */
__pcmdatasize = sz; /* pcm data size */
return (!PCMInfo (sr,sm,cp,sz));
|*|----====< StopDMAIO >====----
|*| This routine forceably kills the PCM I/O. All buffers will be
|*| reset, the current position of the input file is not altered. There
|*| is no return value.
void StopDMAIO()
/* if this code has not already been setup, exit now */
if (!HeadOfBuffers)
/* stop the hardware... */
StopPCM( );
__queuein = __queueincnt = __queueout = DMARunning = 0;
__queuedata = _file_data_length = 0;
/* flush any prior background task setup */
if (__DirectionFlag == DMAOUTPUT) {
if (__fptr)
rewind (__fptr);
/* reset the linked list of buffers */
/* setup our internal direction flag */
__DirectionFlag = NODIRECTION;
|*|----====< StartBlockInput >====----
|*| This routine resets the buffer pointers, then starts up
|*| the DMA PCM input. Nothing else needs to be done. A return
|*| value of 0 indicates the DMA failed to startup; No input
|*| is occuring.
int StartBlockInput()
/* setup our internal direction flag */
__DirectionFlag = DMAINPUT;
/* Reset the # of blocks seen during I/O processing */
ProcessedBlockCount = 0;
/* Flush all buffers */
/* if the hardware level code isn't gonna work, then return a failure. */
return (!StartTheDMAInput(0));
|*|----====< RecordThisBlock >====----
|*| This routine offers the caller a simplified recording of one
|*| variable length block of data. The call just needs to call
|*| OpenPCMBuffering, then RecordThisBlock. The caller just has
|*| to poll DMARunning to see if the block has completed. Calling
|*| StopDMAIO will stop the process, if need be.
int RecordThisBlock(p,len,cb)
char far *p;
unsigned long len;
void (far *cb)();
int n;
///////////////////// under construction! /////////////////////////
// if the pointer is valid, then queue it up
if (p) {
// return if already full
if (__queuein == QUEUESIZE)
// extract the 1st entry from the queue
__queuebuff[__queuein] = p;
__queuedata += (__queuelen [__queuein] = len);
__queuecb [__queuein] = cb;
__queuein = ++__queuein & QUEUEMASK;
// if the blocks are not recording , the let'er rip...
if ((DMARunning == 0) && __queueincnt ) {
// setup the direction flag
__DirectionFlag = DMAINPUT;
/* reset the DMA block pointers */
/* return good or bad if the PCM engine is running */
return (ContinueThisBlockInput() ? 1 : 0 );
// assume the block is now recording
|*|----====< StartFileInput >====----
|*| This routine resets the buffer pointers, then starts up the DMA PCM
|*| input. Nothing else needs to be done.
int StartFileInput(f)
FILE *f;
/* save our local file handle */
__fptr = f;
/* setup our internal direction flag */
__DirectionFlag = DMAINPUT;
/* Reset the # of blocks seen during I/O processing */
ProcessedBlockCount = 0;
/* Flush all buffers and other stuff.. */
VoiceActivatedSavedCount = 0;
/* start the DMA engine */
return (!StartTheDMAInput(0));
|*|----====< StartBlockOutput >====----
|*| This routine allocates and loads the necessary buffers with data from
|*| the PCM disk file. Upon return, if there is data available, the
|*| background task will be called to start the DMA. The file handle will
|*| be saved in a global variable to be access from other foreground
|*| routines. a non-zero return value indicates PCM output is playing.
int StartBlockOutput(buff)
char far *buff;
/* setup our internal direction flag */
__DirectionFlag = DMAOUTPUT;
/* Reset the # of blocks seen during I/O processing */
ProcessedBlockCount = 0;
/* load the DMA buffers */
_loadtheblock (buff);
/* return good or bad if the engine is started */
return (!StartTheDMAOutput(0));
|*|----====< PlayThisBlock >====----
|*| This routine offers the caller a simplified playback of one
|*| variable length block of data. The call just needs to call
|*| OpenPCMBuffering, then PlayThisBlock. The caller just has
|*| to poll DMARunning to see if the block has completed. Calling
|*| StopDMAIO will stop the process, if need be.
|*| Also see QueueThisBlock.
|*| Entry:
|*| p is the far pointer to a block of data (64k max size). If
|*| the pointer is null, the block will not be queued.
|*| len is the length of the block in bytes (one based count).
|*| cb is the callback routine to call when the block is empty.
|*| Returns:
|*| 0 - block is queued and playing
|*| 1 - Block failed to start
|*| 2 - queue is full, try later
int PlayThisBlock(p,len,cb)
char far *p;
unsigned long len;
void (far *cb)();
int n;
// if the pointer is valid, then queue it up
if (p) {
// return if already full
if (__queuein == QUEUESIZE)
// extract the 1st entry from the queue
__queuebuff[__queuein] = p;
__queuedata += (__queuelen [__queuein] = len);
__queuecb [__queuein] = cb;
__queuein = ++__queuein & QUEUEMASK;
// if the blocks are not playing, the let'er rip...
if ((DMARunning == 0) && __queueincnt ) {
// setup to transfer this block
__DirectionFlag = DMAOUTPUT;
// start the process by loading the DMA buffers
return (ContinueThisBlockOutput() ? 0 : 1 );
// Indicate this has been queued up
|*|----====< QueueThisBlock >====----
|*| This routine will queue up one block, but not start the PCM
|*| transfers. Once X number of blocks are queued up, then the caller
|*| can call PlayThisBlock/RecordThisBlock to start the process.
|*| Also see PlayThisBlock/RecordThisBlock.
|*| Entry:
|*| p is the far pointer to a block of data (64k max size).
|*| All pointers are assumed to be valid.
|*| len is the length of the block in bytes (one based count).
|*| cb is the callback routine to call when the block is empty.
|*| Returns:
|*| 0 - block is queued and playing
|*| 2 - queue is full, try later
int QueueThisBlock(p,len,cb)
char far *p;
unsigned long len;
void (far *cb)();
int n;
// return if already full
if (__queuein == QUEUESIZE)
// if idle, setup our internal direction flag, and the desired length
__queuebuff[__queuein] = p;
__queuedata += (__queuelen [__queuein] = len);
__queuecb [__queuein] = cb;
__queuein = ++__queuein & QUEUEMASK;
// return all queued up
|*|----====< SyncCallBack >====----
|*| This routine will setup a callback to the caller's routine
|*| at the end of every DMA block interrupt
|*| Returns:
int SyncCallBack(cb)
void (far *cb)();
int n;
///////////////////// under construction! /////////////////////////
// just save for a later call...
__synccallback = cb;
|*|----====< StartFileOutput >====----
|*| This routine allocates and loads the necessary buffers with data from
|*| the PCM disk file. Upon return, if there is data available, the
|*| background task will be called to start the DMA. The file handle will
|*| be saved in a global variable to be access from other foreground
|*| routines. a non-zero return value indicates PCM output is playing.
int StartFileOutput(f,len)
FILE *f;
long len;
/* save our local file handle */
__fptr = f;
/* setup our internal direction flag, and the desired length */
__DirectionFlag = DMAOUTPUT;
_file_data_length = len;
/* Reset the # of blocks seen during I/O processing */
ProcessedBlockCount = 0;
/* if any data is loaded into the buffer, start the DMA & return */
do {
/* get the next buffer full & exit if done */
if (!_loadthebuffer (f))
} while (__NextPtr != HeadOfBuffers);
/* return good or bad if the engine is running */
return (!StartTheDMAOutput(0));
|*|----====< _loadtheblock >====----
|*| This routine loads the block into the DMA buffer.
static int _loadtheblock(buff)
char far *buff;
/* load the block of data into the DMA buffer */
_rfmemcpy(__NextPtr->buffer, buff, BufferSize );
/* now that the data is secure, fill out the rest of the header to */
/* allow the background process to "see" this new data */
__NextPtr->status = 1;
__NextPtr->count = BufferSize;
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr; /* advance the list */
/* we have data, return the size */
return (BufferSize);
|*|----====< _loadthebuffer >====----
|*| This routine loads the disk contents into an available buffer.
|*| A return value of 0 indicates no more data has been loaded.
static int _loadthebuffer(f)
FILE *f;
char huge *s;
register int n;
long l;
/* reset the header data */
__NextPtr->count = __NextPtr->status = 0;
/* exit if there is no data to be read */
if (feof (f) || (!_file_data_length))
return (0);
/* adjust the max count we want to process from the file */
if (_file_data_length <= BufferSize) {
l = _file_data_length;
_file_data_length = 0;
else {
_file_data_length -= (l = (BufferSize & 0xffff));
/* read the data from the file */
if((n = fread (__NextPtr->buffer, 1,((unsigned int)(l & 0xffff)), f)) == 0)
s = __NextPtr->buffer+n; // point to the end of the block
if((n = fread (__LocalBuff, 1,((unsigned int)(l & 0xffff)), f)) == 0)
/* move the data to the linked list. Yuck! double handling of data */
/* because fread won't take a far pointer in small model! */
s = _rfmemcpy(__NextPtr->buffer, __LocalBuff, n ); // s points to eob
// flush to the end if not a full buffer worth of data
if (n < BufferSize)
FlushBuffer (s,BufferSize-n);
/* now that the data is secure, fill out the rest of the header to */
/* allow the background process to "see" this new data */
__NextPtr->status = 1;
__NextPtr->count = BufferSize;
__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr; /* advance the list */
/* we have data, return the size */
return (n);
|*|----====< _resetbuffers >====----
|*| This routine flushes the contents of the top level buffers
/* flush the count and status of every linked list block */
if ((__NextPtr = HeadOfBuffers)) {
/* if there are buffers, reset them all */
do {
/* get the next buffer full & exit if done */
__NextPtr->count = __NextPtr->status = 0;
/* break when we reach the top */
if ((__NextPtr = __NextPtr->nextptr) == 0)
} while (__NextPtr != HeadOfBuffers);
/* reset the global hand shake count. */
BufferDataCount = 0;
|*| end of PCMIOC.C