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July 14, 1992
*********************PRO AUDIOSPECTRUM 16 PACKAGE CONTAINS********************
Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Audio Adapter Card
Pro AudioSpectrum 16 User's Guide v1.1
Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Installation Disk 1 & Disk 2 v1.2*
Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Windows Drivers disk v1.2*
Monologue v3.0 For DOS disk
Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Quick Start v1.0
Recording 16 bit Digital Audio instruction sheet
Monologue User's Guide
Monologue Text to Speech Synthesizer Read Me First
Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Product Registration Card
*Contact Media Vision Customer Service (not Technical Support) if you do not
have the current version which is v1.2 on the Installation Disks and Windows
Drivers Disk.
Stereo Studio F/X
SP Spectrum
Software Controlled Mixer (PAS.EXE)
TrakBlaster Pro
Monologue v3.0 for DOS
Music and Sound Effects Library
Windows Drivers and Pocket Tools
******************PRO-16 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM PACKAGE CONTAINS******************
Everything that comes with the Pro AudioSpectrum 16 package plus the following:
NEC CDR-83J CD-ROM Drive (an OEM version of CDR-83) with drive rails
and screws
SCSI/Cable Driver Kit (The CD-ROM drivers are included in the
Installation Disk 1)
One CD-ROM Caddy
Sierra King's Quest on CD-ROM
Macromind Action on CD-ROM & Manual
Introduction to Nautilus on CD-ROM
Lotus 1-2-3 For Windows With Multimedia Help on CD-ROM (Shipped by
Marketing upon receiving the Product Registration Card from
the customer.)
PAS16 = Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum 16
PASPlus = Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum Plus
PAS8 = Media Vision Original Pro AudioSpectrum 8-bit board
TB = Media Vision Thunder Board
AdLib = Adlib sound card
SB = Sound Blaster sound card
MPU-401 = Roland's proprietary MIDI interface protocol
BBS = Bulletin Board System
WIN31 = Windows 3.1
RMA = Return Material Authorization number
***********************************SOUND TYPES*******************************
Digital Audio = Recorded sounds, usually speech and sound
effects. These sounds are produced by the
Digital-To-Analog Converter (DAC) on the PAS16.
WIN31 uses the file extension .WAV for digital
Synthesized Audio = FM sounds, usually music but can also be used
to produce speech and sound effects. These
sounds are produced by the FM Synthesizer on
the PAS16. WIN31 uses the file extension .MID
for synthesized audio.
CD Audio = CD-Audio Red Book sounds. These sounds are
produced by the CD-ROM drive, not by the sound
PC Speaker = Crude music tones, speech and sound effects
produced by the System Timer Chip on the
motherboard. These sounds are played back by
the internal PC Speaker.
********************************WAV FILE FORMAT******************************
4 bytes 'RIFF'
4 bytes <length>
4 bytes 'WAVE'
4 bytes 'fmt '
4 bytes <length> ; 10h - length of 'data' block
2 bytes 01 ; format tag
2 bytes 01 ; channels (1=mono, 2=stereo)
4 bytes xxxx ; samples per second
4 bytes xxxx ; average samples per second
2 bytes 01 ; block alignment
2 bytes 08 ; bits per sample
4 bytes 'data'
4 bytes <length>
bytes <sample data>
**************************SUPPORTED SCSI CD-ROM DRIVES***********************
Chinon CDS-431. Contact Chinon at 310-533-0274 to
get the 40-pin to 50-pin converter.
Hitachi CDR-3650
NEC CDR-80, CDR-82, CDR-83, CDR-83J, CDR-83M,
Sony CDU-541
Texel DM-3020, DM-3021
Toshiba XM-3201B
Chinon CD-SC (Sony CDU-8001),
CD-SC Plus (Sony CDU-8002)
CD Technologies Porta-Drive
Chinon CDX-431
Denon DRD-253
Hitachi CDR-1553S, CDR-1650, CDR-1750S
IBM 3510
Laser Magnetics CM212, CM214, CM231
NEC CDR-35, CDR-36, CDR-36M, CDR-72, CDR-73,
CDR-73M, CDR-74, CDR-77
Panasonic CR-501-S
Pioneer DRM-600 6-disc changer
Sony CDU-6211, CDU-7211
Texel DM3010, DM-3120, DM-5020, DM-5021, DM-5120,
DM-7120A, DM-7120B
Toshiba XM-3201A, XM-3301, XM-5100A
If your CD-ROM drive is not on this list, it will NOT work with the PAS16 (the
SONY CDU-535 and the Laser Library are not SCSI). If it is on this list and
you would like to use the PAS16's SCSI interface to control the CD-ROM drive,
please contact Media Vision Sales at 1-800-845-5870 to order an Internal SCSI
Cable/Driver Kit for $39.00 or an External SCSI Cable/Driver Kit for $79.00.
*************************PAS16 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS**********************
The PAS16 sound card uses two sets of DMAs and IRQs. See the default settings
in sections below.
Does not support hardware compression.
SB's DAC supports hardware decompression (2:1,3:1,4:1). PAS16's DAC does not
support this.
No hardware support for MPU-401.
Has built-in SCSI CD-ROM interface.
The card measures 7 7/8" and 3 7/8" and requires a 16-bit slot.
The LINE IN and LINE OUT are 1/8-inch stereo jacks. Supported speakers are
4-ohm or 8-ohm speakers, self-amplified speakers are optional
The MIC IN is 1/8-inch mono jack. Supported microphones are 600 to 10K ohm
The Internal CD-Audio Connector at J5 is a 5-pin header connector, 0.100"
space header, pin 1=ground, 2=right in, 3=ground, 4=left in, 5=ground.
The MIDI/Joystick Port has a D-15S connector type. The pinouts are:
1 +5VDC
8 +5VDC
9 +5VDC
12 MIDI OUT (GROUND on MIDI Mate and Thunder Board)
15 MIDI IN (+5VDC on MIDI Mate and Thunder Board)
DMA 3 at default. Selectable between (0,1,2,3,5,6,7). Low-order DMAs are
(0,1,2,3). High-order DMAs are (5,6,7).
IRQ 7 at default. Selectable between (2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,15) by
changing the Q:x parameter of MVSOUND.SYS in CONFIG.SYS.
Low-order IRQs are (2-7). High-order IRQs are (10-15)
Note: Some computers do not support high-order DMA and IRQ. Please contact
the computer manufacturer for assistance.
******************************PAS16'S I/O ADDRESS MAP************************
Refer to page 1-43 and 44 in the PAS16 User's Guide.
DMA 1. This setting is fixed if SB compatibility is enabled.
IRQ 5 at default. Selectable between (2,3,5,7) by changing jumper J12 on the
sound card.
I/O 220h at default. Selectable between (220h,230h,240h) by changing jumper
J10 on the sound card.
The version of SB's DSP (processor) that is supported is v1.5.
*************************STANDARD TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS***********************
FILES = 30
(For CD-ROM drive. Refer to the SCSI INTERFACE section below.)
(Refer to the PAS16 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION section below.)
(SCSI CD-ROM driver. Refer to the SCSI INTERFACE section
(CD-ROM driver. X is the drive letter assigned to the CD-ROM
drive. Refer to the SCSI INTERFACE section below)
1. Reduce to the generic CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.
2. Reduce the computer's CPU speed. Usually this can be accomplished by
turning off the TURBO mode or disabling the internal/external memory
cache by going into the computer's CMOS setup.
3. Reduce the computer's bus (I/O CLK) speed to 8MHz. The PAS16 was
designed around the IBM AT specification which uses this bus speed.
Please note that this is not the same as the CPU speed. Once
everything works fine at 8MHz bus speed, you can experiment at a
higher bus speed.
4. Remove other peripheral boards from the computer, such as scanner
board, tape backup,...
5. Try the PAS16 in another 16-bit slot.
6. Try the PAS16 in another computer.
7. If you do not hear any sound, recheck the speakers/headphones
*************************PAS16 HARDWARE INSTALLATION*************************
1. Q: Do I have to change any jumpers before I install the PAS16?
A: The default settings will work in most computers. Only try
with different IRQ (at jumper J12) and I/O port (at J10)
settings if you experience any problems or know that these
settings are used by another peripheral board in the same
2. Q: How do I change the DMA and IRQ settings for the PAS16 section
of the sound card?
A: The PAS16's DMA and IRQ can be changed by changing the D:x and
Q:x parameter on the MVSOUND.SYS statement in the CONFIG.SYS
3. Q: How do I change the IRQ and I/O port settings for the SB
section of the sound card?
A: The SB's IRQ and I/O port can be changed by changing the
jumpers at J12 and J10 on the sound card.
4. Q: Can the PAS16 section and the SB section share the same
A: No. The settings must be different to prevent a DMA and IRQ
5. Q: What are the symptoms of a DMA and IRQ conflict on the PAS16
A: DMA conflict causes digital audio to be distorted or no digital
audio. It can also cause system to hang, reboot, or issue
parity error.
IRQ conflict causes digital audio to loop and no synthesized
6. Q: What are the symptoms of an IRQ and I/O port conflict on the
SB section?
A: The game does not produce digital audio or digital audio is
distorted, or, running the game causes the computer to lock up.
7. Q: What causes a Memory Parity Error?
A: A DMA conflict.
8. Q: Which jumpers on the sound card can I change?
A: The only ones that can be changed are the SB jumpers: J10 for
I/O port, J11 for DMA 1, and J12 for I/O port.
9. Q: How do I disable SB compatibility mode?
A: Float all of the shunts for J10, J11 and J12 (by putting the
shunt on 1 pin only). This will disable the SB's IRQ, I/O
port and DMA 1.
10. Q: Does the PAS16 work in a 486/50, or, What computers does the
PAS16 work in?
A: The PAS16 was designed around the IBM AT specification. It
will work in a 486/50 if the bus (I/O CLK) speed is lowered
down to 8MHz. Please note that this is not the same as the
CPU speed. Once it works fine at 8MHz bus speed, you can
experiment at a higher bus speed.
**************************PAS16 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION************************
1. Q: How much disk space is needed to load all the files on the
hard drive?
A: About 5-6MB.
2. Q: What drivers can be loaded high?
A: If there is sufficient upper memory available, you can load
3. Q: I have just received a new version of the PAS16 Installation
Disks. Can I install it over the old version?
A: It is best to remove the PROAUDIO directory including all
sub-directories first before you install the new version.
4. Q: Why does the INSTALL program only allow DMA 1 or 3 to be
A: Most existing DOS applications only support DMA 1 and 3. You
can use a text editor such as MS DOS 5.0's EDIT to change the
D:x parameter on the MVSOUND.SYS statement in CONFIG.SYS.
5. Q: The INSTALL program causes my computer to lock up, or, How do
I manually install the software?
A: To manually install the PAS16 software on Installation Disks 1
& 2, do as follows:
Add the "C:\PROAUDIO" to the path statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Reboot the computer.
Copy LHARC.EXE from the PAS16 Installation Disk 1 to
Copy SFX.LZH from the PAS16 Installation Disk 2 to
From the C:\PROAUDIO directory, type LHARC X PROGRAMS.LZH
Add the following line to
Reboot the computer.
6. Q: What is MVSOUND.SYS for?
A: It enables the PAS16 to produce sound under DOS and is also
required for WIN31 drivers.
7. Q: After I installed the PAS16 Installation Disks and reboot the
computer, right after MVSOUND.SYS finishes loading, I hear
crackling/scratchy noises coming out of the speakers.
A: Make sure your Installation Disks have the current version of
1.2. Add "T:1" to the end of the MVSOUND.SYS statement. Save
CONFIG.SYS and try again. Refer to page 1-25 of the PAS16
User's Guide v1.1 for an explanation.
8. Q: What parameters does MVSOUND.SYS support?
A: D:x, where x is (0,1,2,3,5,6,7) for DMA for the PAS16 section
of the sound card.
Q:x, where x is (2-7,10-15) for IRQ for the PAS16 section of
the sound card.
J:x, where x is 0 or 1, 1 is for Joystick Enabled (default),
0 is for Joystick Disabled.
V:x, where x is from 1 to 100, which is the initial volume
T:x, where x is 0 or 1, 1 is to use the on-board oscillator,
0 is to use the motherboard's oscillator.
Some computers such as 486/33 OPTI have improperly-designed
oscillator which causes the OPL3 FM chip on the PAS16 to
produce random noises. See Page 1-25 of the PAS16 User's
Guide v1.1 for an explanation.
Note: Not all software support high-order DMA and IRQ (for
example, TrakBlaster Pro).
***********************************SCSI INTERFACE****************************
1. Q: What is TSLCDR.SYS?
A: This is a CD-ROM driver written by Trantor Systems. It comes
with the SCSI/Cable Driver Kit. The current version is 1.46B.
The parameters that are supported are:
D:x, where x is any device name that you assign to the
CD-ROM device.
R is for reset.
2. Q: What is MSCDEX.EXE?
A: This is Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions. The current version is
2.21. The parameters that are supported are:
D:x, where x is the same device name that is assigned
to the CD-ROM device by TSLCDR.SYS.
M:x, where x is the number of 2K memory buffers, 10 is
usually used.
L:x, where x is the drive letter you want to assign to
the CD-ROM drive.
V is for a verbose listing of information about memory
E is for expanded memory usage.
3. Q: I don't need the SCSI or audio cable. Can I just get a copy
A: These drivers are royalty-bearing software which means they
cannot be provided free of charge. Also, they come with the
SCSI/Cable Driver Kit only.
4. Q: Which CD-ROM drives can I use with the PAS16?
A: See the SUPPORTED CD-ROM DRIVES section above. The PAS16 has
a SCSI interface which allows it to control SCSI devices.
Please contact Media Vision Sales for the SCSI CD-ROM
Cable/Driver Kit (Specify internal or external).
5. Q: Do I have to use the PAS16's SCSI interface to control my
CD-ROM drive which has its own controller?
A: No. All that you have to do is to make sure that the CD-Audio
signals are routed from the CD-ROM drive to the PAS16. There
are 2 ways of doing this. The first way is to use a custom
audio cable to connect the PAS16's internal audio input at J5
to the CD-ROM drive. This custom audio cable is part of the
SCSI CD-ROM Cable/Driver Kit and is not available separately.
If you would like to build this cable, please contact Customer
Service to request for the cable specification to be faxed to
you. The second way is to use a standard stereo phone
extension cable to connect from the PAS16's 1/8" stereo LINE
IN to the CD-ROM drive.
6. Q: I already have a SCSI adapter in my system. Will I have to
remove it if I install the PAS16? Can multimple SCSI adapters
co-reside in my PC?
A: You can have as many SCSI adapters in the same system as there
are available slots. The PAS16's SCSI will not interfere with
other SCSI adapters. The only possible conflicts would be
conflicts with DMAs, IRQs and I/O port used by the sound card.
6. Q: I have the Sony CDU-535 CD-ROM drive(or Laser Library). Can I
use the PAS16 to control the Sony drive?
A: No. This Sony drive uses a proprietary Sony Bus interface.
Media Vision will release the PAS16 and PASPlus Sony Bus
version in the near future to work with this drive. Please
contact Customer Service after 8/1 to be added to a waiting
list for us to contact you when this version is available.
7. Q: Can I use the PAS16 to control other SCSI devices?
A: Yes. Trantor Systems can be reached at 510-770-1400 for a
$59.00 driver set which supports all SCSI hard drives,
removable hard drives and magneto-optical drives. Currently
there is no driver support for tape drives or scanners.
8. Q: I used to have the original PAS8 board and a SCSI/Cable Driver
Kit and have just updated to the PAS16. Do I need an updated
version of the CD-ROM drivers?
A: Contact Customer Service for a free driver update for both
9. Q: I have the ATI Graphics Ultra (or Vantage) and when the
TSLCDR.SYS driver loads it detects two SCSI addresses. I also
experience problems with digital audio and get a red screen on
A: Make sure you have TSLCDR.SYS v1.46B or later.
10. Q: Which SCSI Interface is used on the PAS16? How do I write
device drivers for it?
A: The PAS16 uses the Zilog's Z5380. Contact Media Vision
Customer Service for documentation on the chip's specification
and the PAS16 Software Developer's Toolkit. This software
toolkit is currently under development. Customer Service is
currently taking a waiting list.
11. Q: What is the transfer rate of the PAS16's SCSI interface?
A: It has a maximum transfer rate of 690KB/sec.
12. Q: I get the error "No SCSI host adapter found".
A: First, the SCSI CD-ROM driver is board dependent. If you would
like to use the PAS16 to control the CD-ROM drive, you need
to use our TSLCDR.SYS driver v1.46B or later; otherwise, if
you would like to use another SCSI controller (such as Adaptec
or Future Domain) to control the CD-ROM drive, you need to use
its driver (contact the SCSI controller manufacturer for the
driver). Second, check the internal, flat ribbon SCSI cable
to make sure it is properly connected to the PAS16. Third,
make sure the red painted edge of the cable is closest to the
4-pin connector on the PAS16 at J4. Fourth, if problem
persists, please follow the Standard Troubleshooting Steps
described above.
13. Q: I get the error "No devices respond on this SCSI host adapter".
A: First, make sure one of the computer's power cables has been
connected to the back of the CD-ROM drive. Second, check the
internal flat ribbon SCSI cable to make sure it is properly
connected to the back of the CD-ROM drive.
14. Q: I get the error "Device driver not found: MVCD001. No valid
CD-ROM selected".
A: First, if you are using DR DOS 6.0, it is necessary to change
the device name for both TSLCDR.SYS and MSCDEX.EXE statements
from "MVCD001" to "TSLCD". Second, make sure that the device
name in both of these statements match.
15. Q: I get the error "Incorrect DOS version".
A: If you are using MS DOS 5.0, MSCDEX.EXE v2.2 requires that
CONFIG.SYS has the statement "DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE". You
should not get this error f you have MSCDEX.EXE v2.21. This
driver comes with our SCSI/Cable Driver Kit or can be
downloaded from Microsoft Multimedia BBS at 206-936-4082.
16. Q: I get the error "Invalid drive specification" when I type the
drive letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive.
A: First, make sure that you have "LASTDRIVE=X" in the CONFIG.SYS
file, where X is the next logical drive letter after the
letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive in the MSCDEX.EXE
statement. Second, make sure that the TSLCDR.SYS driver
statement precedes any driver statement that creates a RAM
drive such as RAMDRIVE.SYS. Third, check if the TSLCDR.SYS
and MSCDEX.EXE drivers have been loaded up properly.
17. Q: I get the error "CDR 101: Drive not ready".
A: First, make sure that you are not trying to read a CD-Audio
disk. Second, check in the internal, flat ribbon SCSI cable
to make sure it is properly connected. Third, move the
TSLCDR.SYS and MSCDEX.EXE statements to the end of CONFIG.SYS
and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Having these statements at the beginning
can sometimes cause this problem. Fourth, reduce to the
generic CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT and try again.
18. Q: I get the error "CDR 103: CD-ROM not High Sierra or ISO-9660
format reading drive X. Abort, Retry or Ignore?"
A: First, check to make sure that you are not trying to read a
CD-Audio disk. Second, this is usually caused by a software
conflict. Reduce to the generic CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
and try again.
19. Q: I do not hear any CD-Audio at all, or, How do I connect the
internal CD-Audio cable?
A: The internal CD-Audio cable may not have been properly
connected or it is defective. There are two ways to route
CD-Audio. The first way is to use a custom audio cable to
connect the PAS16's internal audio input at J5 to the CD-ROM
drive. This custom audio cable is part of the SCSI CD-ROM
Cable/Driver Kit or included with the PRO16 Kit, and is not
available separately. If you would like to build this cable,
please contact Customer Service to request for the cable
specification to be faxed to you. The second way is to use a
standard stereo phone extension cable to connect from the
PAS16's 1/8" stereo LINE IN to the CD-ROM drive.
20. Q: Does the PAS16 support CD-ROM XA?
A: No. This feature may be supported in the future.
*********************************STEREO STUDIO FX****************************
1. Q: Does SFX support 16-bit PCM recording and playback?
A: No. SFX only supports 8 bits.
2. Q: Sound loops when playing back under SFX. DMA 3 and IRQ 7 are
set in CONFIG.SYS file. All other applications work fine.
A: First, make sure that the file is not a 16-bit recorded file.
SFX only supports 8-bit recorded files. Second, try using a
high-order DMA, such as DMA 5.
3. Q: Activating "Record" in SFX disconnects the channels.
A: This problem has been reported to Engineering.
************************************SP SPECTRUM******************************
1. Q: TAPIMV issues the error "FM sound card not found."
A: Make sure your Installation Disks have the current version of
1.2. Add "T:1" to the end of the MVSOUND.SYS statement.
Refer to page 1-25 of the PAS16 User's Guide v1.1 for an
2. Q: I have the Media Vision MIDI Mate v1.0 (MIDI connector box)
which worked fine on the PAS8. After I upgraded to the PAS16,
MIDI IN does not work using the same MIDI Mate.
A: Inside MIDI Mate, there is a chip at U1 (next to the MIDI
cable) called an opto-isolator. The old part number is 6N136.
For the MIDI Mate to work with the PAS16, it needs the new part
number which is 6N138. Contact Customer Service for an RMA
number to have this chip updated if you have the old part
3. Q: The FMEDIT section in the PAS 16 User's Guide has missing
pages to describe the Mixer, Display Setup, Trigger Note,
Quitting, and Pop-up Windows.
A: Please contact Customer Service for a copy of this sent by
4. Q: I don't hear any sound when I play a .ROL or .MID in SP
A: Make sure that Port is set to 2 for playing songs using the
internal FM synthesizer. Set Port to 1 for playing out of an
external MIDI equipment. Refer to the SP Spectrum section in
the PAS16 User's Guide for additional information.
5. Q: I get the error "Run time error. Divide by 0" when I run SP
A: This is caused by an incorrect setup of the memory manager,
commonly seen in QEMM and Wytek co-processor in 486 machines.
Contact Quarterdeck or the manufacturer of the memory manager
for assistance with reconfiguration.
*******************************TRAKBLASTER PRO*******************************
1. Q: While running TBPRO, a MOD file plays for 20 seconds then
abruptly stops and system hangs up.
A: This is caused by a DMA conflict. Make sure the PAS16 section
is not set for DMA 1 unless the SB compatiblity has been
2. Q: Does TBPRO support high-order DMA and IRQ?
A: No. TBPRO only supports DMA 1,3 and IRQ 2,3,5,7.
1. Q: Running Monologue causes my computer to lock up.
A: Monologue uses the SB section of the sound card. Monologue
defaults to IRQ 7 where as the SB section of the sound card
(at J12) defaults to IRQ 5. To change Monologue's IRQ setting
to match the card's setting, run Monologue's INSTALL. Press
[F2] to select a sound accessory. Select the "Media Vision
Products" driver and press [Enter]. Use the TAB key to
highlight the IRQ settings. Then use the up arrow key to
select IRQ 5 (or which ever IRQ is selected at J12). Press
[Enter] when done. Press [F5] to install Monologue to the
hard drive. Press [F9] when finished.
2. Q: All possible SB's IRQs at J12 have been tried and Monologue
still locks up or does not produce any audio.
A: Select the "AdLib" driver instead of "Media Vision Products"
and try again.
3. Q: Dr. DOS 6.0's memory manager causes Monologue to lock up the
computer when using ALT-T to activate Monologue.
A: First, run MEMMAX -U to disable upper memory. Second, run
Monologue. Third, run MEMMAX +U to re-enable upper memory.
4. Q. The TALKDRVR.SYS is missing from the Monologue v3.0 For DOS
A: This driver was provided with Monologue v2.0 and has been
removed from the disk for v3.0 by the software manufacturer
(First Byte).
5. Q: The Monologue User's Guide indicates that there should be two
5 1/4" disks.
A: There is only one 5 1/4" disk.
6. Q: The "Alt-T" key combination does not work.
A: Some programs like WordPerfect or WordStar also use the same
key combination which will create a conflict with Monologue.
To resolve this problem, you need to assign a new hot key
combination. Go into the Monologue directory. Run CONFIG.BAT.
Select "Set speech and Display Parameters". From the Info
Screen, select "Skip". Hit Tab and save this. Back at the
Main menu, select "Change Hot Key Assignment". Choose a new
Alt key combination that will not conflict with the program
you wish to configure Monologue for.
7. Q: Monologue's "Alt-T" key combination does not work properly.
Sometimes it does and sometimes strange things happen.
A: First, delete the Monologue directory completely. Re-install
Monologue and then try again.
8. Q: When I run "SAYFILE filename.doc" at the DOS prompt nothing
A: SAYFILE.BAT is missing a parameter to allow a DOC filename to
be passed to the SAYF.EXE so that it can speak the file.
Modify SAYFILE.BAT by changing the third line from "SAYF" to
"SAYF %1" and then try again. Run "SAYFILE filename.doc".
Press Enter. Then a graphical screen will display. Press
Enter again and the file will be spoken.
1. Q: I am having trouble running Animator Pro with Audiomate.
A: TAPIMV2 needs to be updated to support Animator Pro. Please
contact Customer Service if you would like to be added to a
waiting list for the update.
*****************LOTUS 1-2-3 FOR WINDOWS WITH MULTIMEDIA HELP****************
1. Q: Lotus 1-2-3 with Multimedia Help requires 4MB virtual memory
to run under WIN31. WIN31 crashes when Lotus is initialized.
A: Go to the Control Panel. Select 386 Enhanced. Select Virtual
memory. At default, virtual memory size is set to 0KB and
Type is Temporary. Select Change. Click on the down arrow in
the Type field and select Permanent. Click on OK, and answer
YES to all the prompts. Restart WIN31 and try again.
***********************WINDOWS DRIVERS AND POCKET TOOLS**********************
The Windows Drivers disk uses InstallSHIELD v1.3 by The Stirling Group.
1. Q: What do I need to do before I install the PAS16 Windows Drivers
A: If you have the PAS8 Windows drivers installed or have an older
version of PAS16 drivers, go into the Control Panel, Drivers,
and remove every driver which references Pro AudioSpectrum or
Media Vision. Restart WIN31 and then install the new drivers.
Or, if you have Norton Desktop For Windows which will
interfere with our Windows Driver's INSTALL program. To work
around the problem, go into SYSTEM.INI, [boot] section.
Replace "SHELL=NDW.EXE" with "SHELL=PROGMAN.EXE". Install the
Windows drivers, restart WIN31, and make sure that all sounds
work. Replace the "PROGMAN" by "NDW" in SYSTEM.INI. Restart
WIN31. Go into Program Manager, File, Run to execute
"SETUP /P" so that Norton will register the Multimedia Tools
Group which has just been created by the INSTALL program.
Or, if you are using DR DOS 6.0's SHARE which causes our
INSTALL program to crash the system. To work around the
problem, remove SHARE. Re-boot the computer. Then install
our Windows drivers.
2. Q: While installing the PAS16 WIN31 drivers, I get the error "You
must first load Multimedia Extensions."
A: First, go into the Control Panel, Drivers applet to check the
installed drivers list. There must be MIDI Mapper, Timer,
[MCI] Sound, [MCI] MIDI Sequencer. Second, check the
SYSTEM.INI file. Under the [boot] section, there should be
"DRIVERS=MMSYSTEM.DLL". If any of these items are missing,
WIN31 has not been properly installed. Installing WIN31 over
an older version of windows may have caused this problem. The
only solution is to install WIN31 from scratch and then install
the PAS16 WIN31 drivers again.
3. Q: After the PAS16 Windows drivers installation, starting WIN31
causes the error "Can't find ver. 2.00 of VDMAD.386."
A: Some Windows applications replace this driver by their own DMA
driver, such as Norton tape backup software which puts under
the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI, the statement
"DEVICE=VDMADX.386". First, put a semi-colon ";" infront of
the whole statement. Second, add the statement "DEVICE=*VDMAD"
to the beginning of the [386Enh] section. Restart WIN31 and
try again.
4. Q: Do I need MVSOUND.SYS for Windows?
A: Currently, yes. In the future, the PAS16's Windows drivers
will not have to depend on MVSOUND.SYS.
5. Q: Can I use different IRQ and DMA settings under Windows, than
under DOS?
A: The DMA set in SYSTEM.INI for Windows can be different from
the DMA set in CONFIG.SYS for DOS as long as WIN31 is started
in 386-Enhanced mode. However , if you start WIN31 is started
in standard mode, you make make the settings the same.
6. Q: What is the advantage of using a high-order DMA and IRQ?
A: High-order DMA allows 16-bit DMA transfer which enables the
MVPROAUD.DRV sound driver to handle digital audio more
efficiently and also to provide more available DMA selections.
High-order IRQ only provides more available IRQ selections.
7. Q: I have just received the latest version of the PAS16 Windows
Drivers disk. Do I have to remove the older version first?
A: Yes.
8. Q: Sound plays normally under DOS using the selected DMA and IRQ
setttings, but loops under Windows using the same DMA and IRQ
A: This is caused by an IRQ conflict. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file
to change the IRQ setting under [mvproaud.drv] section.
9. Q: Pro Mixer's wave meter points at the beginning of the red area
instead of at zero.
A: Our future release of WIN31 drivers v1.4 will correct this
problem. Please check with Customer Service after 8/1.
10. Q: What do I have to do before I can record using Pocket Recorder
or Sound Recorder?
A: Go into Pro Mixer or Pocket Mixer to set the audio input source
to recording mode.
11. Q: When I record at 16-bit mode, there is very bad clipping or it
does not work at all. 8-bit recording works fine.
A: If you are using an low-order DMA then change to a 16-bit DMA
under the [mvproaud.drv] section of SYSTEM.INI and try again.
12. Q: Recording at 8-bit is very scratchy. 16-bit recording does not
have this problem.
A: The PAS16 has a 16-bit PCM DAC. Recording at 8-bit using a
16-bit DAC is definitely more noisy than recording at 8-bit on
the PAS8 which only has an 8-bit DAC. In the next release,
Pocket recorder will have a feature to convert a 16-bit
recorded file to 8-bit to resolve the problem. Please check
with Customer Service after 8/1 to find out if WIN31 Drivers
and Pocket Tools v1.4 is available which will have this
13. Q: Does the Pocket Recorder support the Cut, Copy and Paste
A: These features will be supported in the next release. Please
check with Customer Service after 8/1 to find out if WIN31
Drivers and Pocket Tools v1.4 is available.
14. Q: I get the errors "Can't find input device with pid." and "Can't
find output device with pid." when trying to run Pocket
A: Make sure the MVSOUND.SYS statement appears in CONFIG.SYS and
that the driver loads properly when the computer boots up.
15. Q: I get the error "PREC has caused a General Protection Fault
error in USER.EXE..."
A: This error occurs most frequently in 286 computers and also in
faster computers which have less than 2MB of virtual memory
under Windows. To help us troubleshoot this problem, first,
please download PRECGPF.ZIP (PREC.EXE with GPF error checking)
from the BBS. Second, run DRWATSON.EXE (a WIN31 utility).
Third, run the new Pocket Recorder. When WIN31 issues the GPE,
all the necessary information are stored in DRWATSON.LOG.
Fourth, print out this log and fax it to Technical Support.
Upon receiving the information, we will forward to Engineering
and await their response.
16. Q: If Pocket Recorder is used to record a 16-bit wav file, and is
saved then played from Media Player, the file will play
properly to the end but the thumb button on the position slider
will not have eached the end. The thumb button usually stops
around the halfway mark. If the position button is dragged to
the right of this mark, the message "The specified parameter is
out of range for the specified command" will pop up. Dragging
past the halfway mark and playing the file sometimes results
in white noise.
A: This problem has been reported to Engineering and will be fixed
in the future release of WIN31 Drivers v1.4. Please contact
Customer Service after 8/1 to find out if this is available.
17. Q: While recording under Pocket Recorder, if I open/close/use
other applications, there are clicking/popping sounds that also
get recorded.
A: This problem has been reported to Engineering and is currently
being researched.
18. Q: Pocket Recorder's OLE (Object Linking & Embedding) does not
work properly.
A: The OLE feature is not fully implemented. Please document the
problems in detail and fax or mail to Technical Support to be
forwarded to Engineering.
19. Q: A file recorded using RECFILE.EXE (PAS16's DOS utility) plays
back fine under Pocket Recorder but this same file will not
play back under Media Player. And under Sound Recorder,
loading this file will cause the "General Protection Fault
Error In Sound Recorder".
A: A new version of RECFILE.EXE, dated 6-22-92 or later, does not
have this problem. On BBS, download P16REC.ZIP; on Compuserve,
download TOOLS.ZIP.
20. Q: How do I play CD-Audio under WIN31?
A: First, put a CD-Audio disk into the CD-ROM drive. Failure to
do this will cause the [MCI] CD-Audio driver to not install
properly Second, go into the Control Panel, Drivers. Click on
the Add button. Select "[MCI] CD-Audio" driver. Click on the
OK button. WIN31 will prompt you for the Microsoft Windows
Disk 4. Third, after this driver has been properly installed,
go into Media Player. Select Device. CD-Audio should be one
of the choices for you to select from. If not, edit
21. Q: I do not get any FM sound when I run DOS games under the DOS
shell of Windows.
A: The OPL3 FM synthesizer chip on the PAS16 can operate in either
OPL3 (4-operator) mode or 3812 (2-operator) mode. Under
Windows, Voyetra's OPL3.DRV driver puts this FM chip into the
OPL3 mode to produce rich FM sounds. However, existing games
only support the 3812 mode. This driver will put the OPL3
chip back in 3812 mode upon exiting WIN31 to go back to DOS.
However, wihle still under Windows, if the user attempts to run
a DOS game or application which supports AdLib, FM sound will
not play. To work around this problem, go into SYSTEM.INI,
[drivers] section, change MIDI=OPL3.DRV to become
MIDI=MVFM.DRV. Then restart Windows. Go into the Control
Panel, MIDI Mapper. Click on New. Give it a name like "3812
mode". Under the Port Name column, select "Media Vision FM
Synth" for channels 1-10 and 13-16 and then save the setup.
Now DOS games and applications can produce FM sounds.
22. Q: Under Media Player, CANYON.MID plays properly but when I play
other MIDI files, I don't hear any music.
A: WIN31 only supports General MIDI. The MIDI files that you have
may be Non-General MIDI. Try the following. Go into Control
Panel, MIDI Mapper. Select the Pro AudioSpectrum setup. Click
on Edit. Under the Port Name column, select "Media Vision FM
Synth" for channels 1-10 and 13-16 and then save the setup.
Now all MIDI songs should play; however, they may not sound
1. Q: How do I adjust the volume for the SB section of the sound
A: Run "PAS SET SB TO XX" where xx is 0-100.
2. Q: DOS software produces no volume or very low volume, especially
after exiting WIN31.
A: Run "PAS RESET" and try again.
********************************RECFILE, PLAYFILE****************************
1. Q: How do I use the command parameters Vxxx, V+xxx and Fx for
A: Vxxx, where xxx is a number from 000-127 for voice-activated
level. Only sounds at and above this level get recorded.
V+xxx, where xxx is 000-127. Record all when voice is
activated at threshold.
Fx, where x is between 0-6 and selected using the following
Filter Value Limiting Frequency Sampling Rate Frequency Range
6 18 KHz 44 KHz near CD
5 16 KHz 32 KHz cassette
4 12 KHz 24 KHz FM radio
3 9 KHz 18 KHz AM radio
2 6 KHz 12 KHz telephone
1 3 KHz 6 KHz male voice
0 0 KHz mute
2. Q: When PLAYFILE.EXE starts and stops, it produces a "popping"
A: Get a newer version of PLAYFILE.EXE. Please download
P16REC.ZIP from the BBS.
3. Q: I am having trouble recording 16-bit wave files using the
V+xxx parameter.
A: Get a newer version of RECFILE.EXE. Please download P16REC.ZIP
from the BBS.
4. Q: I do not hear any sound when I play back under WIN31's Media
Player a file which has been recorded using RECFILE.EXE.
A: Get a newer version of RECFILE.EXE. Please download P16REC.ZIP
from the BBS.
5. Q: I get the error "File is full or blocked" when I run
A: This problem is caused by slow system throughput. First,
reduce to a generic CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Second, make
sure the hard disk has been optimized (unfragmented). Third,
try at a lower sampling rate or try recording to a ramdrive
*******************************CD-ROM APPLICATIONS***************************
1. Q: After running Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia, I only hear
sounds out of one channel.
A: When Compton's plays digital audio (represented by .WAV file
extension), it puts the CD-ROM drive into mono mode and also
shuts down one channel. For a temporary solution, you need
to do a cold boot to reset the CD-ROM drive. To resolve this
problem, download COMPTONS.ZIP from the BBS or contact Customer
Service to have this file sent via mail.
2. Q: While installing MS Bookshelf, at 99% completion, installation
aborts with an error message in SETUP.INF file.
A: First, back up SETUP.INF. Second, go into SETUP.INF and remove
all lines that start with a semi-colon ";" and then save it and
re-install Bookshelf
3. Q: National Geographic Society's Presidents Starting With George
runs fine but does not produce audio.
A: This application supports SB. During installation, the driver
statement "DEVICE=SNDBK12.SYS 1" gets added to CONFIG.SYS.
This driver defaults to IRQ 7 and I/O port 220h and DMA 1.
The SB section of the sound card defaults to IRQ 5 and I/O port
220h. Edit the CONFIG.SYS to show
"DEVICE=SNDBK12.SYS 1 5 220", where 5 is for IRQ 5 and 220 is
for I/O port 220h, or which ever settings you have at J10 and
J12 on the sound card.
All SB games use DMA1, an IRQ and an I/O port.
Some SB games look for the following statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT:
"SET BLASTER=A220 Q5 D1 T3", where
A220 is for I/O port 220h, or which ever I/O port is selected at J10.
Q5 is IRQ 5, or which ever IRQ is selected at J12.
D1 is for DMA 1 which is required for SB compatibility.
Try with T2 or T3 for timer.
Other SB games do not look for this statement to find the settings but allow
you to set the settings via an install program or by modifying a configuration
A few games default to certain settings and do not allow the user to change
these settings to match the board settings.
Make sure that the game's settings match with the settings used by the SB
section of the sound card. At default, the SB section uses IRQ 5, I/O 220h.
Refer to the game's user guide or contact the game manufacturer for assistance.
Some games do not work properly if the computer is running in TURBO mode. On
most computers, there is a TURBO button on the front. If this button is not
found, disabling the internal/external memory cache in the computer's CMOS
setup achieves the same result.
1. Q: The joystick does not work at all or does not work properly
when using the PAS16's joystick port.
A: First, some computers have a built-in joystick port on the
motherboard. Other computers have a multi-I/O board that has
a joystick port. Make sure that only one joystick port is
enabled and the other one is disabled. Second, if the computer
is too fast that may also cause a problem. Reduce the
computer's BUS (I/O CLK) speed and try again. Refer to your
computer's user's guide for instructions on how to adjust the
BUS (I/O CLK) speed. Third, contact the game manufacturer to
ask for a joystick driver that works on fast machines.
2. Q: I do not get any sound effects and/or music while running
games, or,
The sounds produced by the games are very faint.
A: Run "PAS RESET" and then try running the games again.
3. Q: I have games that have already been installed before I
installed the PAS16. These games are still playing through
the internal PC Speaker.
A: You need to re-select the sound card or re-install each game.
Please refer to the guides for these games or contact the
game manufactuers for assistance.
4. Q: Links, The Golf Game, by Access, causes my computer to lock up.
A: Links defaults to IRQ 3 and I/O 220. And the PAS16 defaults to
IRQ5 and I/O 220. Run SETBLAST.EXE (which came with Links)
to change the defaults used by Links to match whichever
settings used by the PAS16.
5. Q: Wing Commander II, by Origin, causes my computer to lock up or
does not produce any digital audio.
A: First, make sure you have enabled speech in the WC II's
INSTALL.EXE program. Second, make sure you have expanded
memory. Third, if you use QEMM 6.0, the "Stealth" option may
distort sounds and lock up the computer. Fourth, check the
WC II's WC2.CFG file. At default, this file contains
"v a904 c27", where "c" indicates Sound Blaster driver,
"2" indicates I/O 220, and "7" indicates IRQ 7. Change these
two digits to match the SB settings on the PAS16.
6. Q: Falcon 3.0, by Spectrum Holobyte, does not play any radio voice
messages and produces popping sounds.
A: Try running the computer in non-TURBO mode or by disabling the
internal/external memory cache. If the problem persists,
please contact Spectrum Holobyte at (510) 522-1164 to request
a software patch. The current revision is D. Any problems
that you experience using this patch should be reported back
to Spectrum Holobyte.
7. Q: I have some Disney Software games a that have problems with
digital audio.
A: Please contact Disney Software at (818) 567-5340 to request a
software patch. Any problems that you experience using this
patch should be reported back to Disney Software.
8. Q: I have some Lawrence Productions games that have problems with
digital audio.
A: Please contac Lawrence Productions at (800) 421-4157 to request
an updated CT-VOICE.DRV. Any problems that you experience
using this patch should be reported back to Lawrence
9. Q: a. LHX, by Electronic Arts, only plays sounds out of the
internal pc Speaker.
b. Ultima V1, by Origin, produces distorted/noisy sound
effects and music.
A: Please slow down the computer and try again. This game does
not abide by the sound requirements of the FM synthesizer chip,
creating a problem when running in fast machines.
10. Q: Robin Hood, The Legend of the Long Bow, by Sierra, produces
poor or no digital audio.
A: If the PAS16 is currently set at IRQ7, please select a
different IRQ, for example IRQ5, and then try again.
11. Q: My game requires that I load the AdLib SOUND.COM or the
Creative Labs SBSOUND.COM driver before starting up the game.
A: Media Vision has developed our own version of this driver.
It is currently available on our BBS. The filename is FM.ZIP.
12. Q: Ultima Underworld does not produce any digital audio. Music
plays fine.
A: After you have finished installing the game and selected the
Sound Blaster driver. Run UWSOUND, which comes with Ultima
Underworld, to select the IRQ setting to match with the PAS16's
IRQ setting.
13. Q: I am having trouble running Interplay's Star Trek: The 25th
Anniversary. Can't select the Pro AudioSpectrum from the sound
A: The Pro AudioSpectrum option is for the PAS8. The PAS8 uses a
2-operator FM synthesizer chip, and the PAS16 uses a 4-operator
FM synthesizer. The AdLib or SB sound options should work
14. Q: After exiting Windows 3.1 and running Sierra's Mixed-Up Mother
Goose, FM sounds are faint. Cranking up volume helps but
exposes background noise.
A: The PAS16's VPASD.386 driver will be updated to resolve this
15. Q: I am having trouble running Microprose's Gunship 2000.
A: Microprose has developed new sound drivers which can be
downloaded from our BBS. The file name is GUNSHIP.ZIP which
contains different driver files for different IRQ settings.
During GS2000's setup routine, select the AdLib driver.
Select the correct driver from this zip file to match with the
IRQ setting set by MVSOUND.SYS. The drivers assume DMA 3 on
the PAS16 and PASPlus and DMA 1 on all other cards.
16. Q: I am having trouble running Kings Quest V on CD. Music plays
fine but there is no speech.
A: First, try "PAS RESET". Second, make sure that the SB driver
has been selected. Third, make sure that the CD-ROM drivers
have been properly loaded and that the CD-ROM drive is
responding since KQ5 needs to access the CD-ROM drive to play
17. Q: I am having trouble running Microprose's F1-17. Sounds play
at the wrong speed.
A: This game plays FM synthesized audio. Make sure your
Installation Disks have the current version of 1.2. Add "T:1"
to the end of the MVSOUND.SYS statement. Refer to page 1-25 of
the PAS16 User's Guide v1.1 for an explanation.
18. Q: Does Wolfenstein 3D work on PAS16?
A: Yes. We have tested this game and found it to work properly
on PAS16.
19. Q: Does Sherlock Holmes on CD work on PAS16?
A: Yes. We have tested this game and found it to work properly
on PAS16.
******************************BUS MASTERING DEVICE***************************
1. Q: I hear periodic clicking sound or static noise whenever the
hard disk's light goes on (while drive is being accessed).
A: Lower the bus on-time and increase the bus off-time by the same
amount so that the on-time is smaller than the off-time, or
experiment to find the best ratio. We discovered this from
using the Adaptec 1542B SCSI Hard Disk Controller. The install
program for this card adds the following statements to
Where N11 is 11/16ms and F5 is 5/16ms (default settings). The
problem was resolved when we changed to N5 and F11.
**************************SOFTWARE DEVELOPER TOOLKIT*************************
1. Q: I need a software developer toolkit.
A: We are currently working on it. Please contact Customer
Service after 8-1-92.
******************************OS/2 DRIVER SUPPORT****************************
1. Q: Are there any plans to support OS/2 v2.0?
A: Yes, we are currently working on it. Please contact Customer
Service after 10-1-92.
******************************WINDOWS NT SUPPORT*****************************
1. Q: Are there any plans to support Windows NT?
A: Please check with Customer Service after 10-1-92.
***************************HOW TO REACH MEDIA VISION*************************
Main: 800-348-7116 and 510-770-8600
Fax: 510-770-8648 and 510-770-9592
Sales: 800-845-5870
Contact Media Vision Technical Support for technical assistance on:
Stereo Studio F/X, SP Spectrum, Software Controlled Mixer (PAS.EXE),
TrakBlaster Pro, Monologue v3.0 for DOS, Music and Sound Effects Library,
AudioMate, Windows Drivers and Pocket Tools. For other software packages
including Windows 3.1, please contact the software manufacturers for
If you need software update, a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number for
a defective product, RMA status, or have any non-technical customer-related
issues, please contact Customer Service. If you have technical questions that
are not covered in this list, please contact Technical Support via phone, fax
or BBS.
Customer Service and Technical Support can be reached at:
800-638-2807 and 510-770-9905
BBS: 510-770-0968 (2400 Baud)
510-770-0527 (9600 Baud)
8 Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
Assign your own account name and password.
To download a file, for example P16WIN31.ZIP,
do as follows:
At the Main Menu, select F for Files.
At the Files Menu, select D for Download.
Enter in the filename here.
Pro AudioSpectrum 16's Most Commonly-Asked Questions and Answers - Page {PAGE|18}