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The Wave Utilities Revision History
Version 2.3, Released December 10, 1993
∙ new registration process, you can now register on-line plus all
future updates are free
∙ added new Wave file detection routine to Looper which also detects
compressed Wave files
∙ changed some dialog boxes
∙ Player's registration reminder does now only pop up from time to
time, not every time a Wave file is launched
∙ merged the two separate Help files into one and improved it
Version 2.2, Released July 07, 1993
∙ fixed a bug that occurred when an non-existing file was dropped on
Looper while it was playing
∙ updated the Help files and documentation
∙ smaller executables through code optimization
Version 2.1, Released March 23, 1993
∙ the bug that occurred when an invalid file name was passed as the
command line parameter to Looper has been fixed
∙ the registration reminders now have a help button with which you can
get more information on how to register
∙ improved the Help files and documentation
∙ new layout for the File Open Dialog
∙ Looper has a new default icon
∙ Player now accepts multiple Wave files as the command line parameter
which is very useful for Norton Desktop For Windows users
∙ added a Help file for Player
∙ when Player is started without a command line parameter it comes up
with a new dialog window from which the user can access the new Help
file or invoke a File Open Dialog
Version 2.0, Released March 03, 1993
∙ new look by using Borland's Windows Custom Controls
∙ added the 'Load A Wave File' option to Looper which brings up a
File Open Dialog
∙ this new option can also be accessed by doubleclicking the Looper
icon after it has been started for the first time without a Wave
∙ added the 'Help On Looper' option and a Help file
∙ fixed a small bug in Player
Version 1.1, Released January 27, 1993
∙ added the 'Restart Looping' option to Looper which restarts looping
the last loaded Wave file
∙ the 'Stop' and 'Restart' options can also be accessed by
doubleclicking the Looper icon
∙ changed Looper's 'Break Actual Loop' System Menu entry to 'Stop
∙ added Wave output device detection
∙ Looper has new icon on startup
∙ Player has a completely new playing algorithm
∙ Player can now process Wave files of any length (even Gigabyte
∙ added support for sound cards that are capable of playing back
two Wave files at the same time (e.g. the Pro AudioSpectrum 16)
to Player
Version 1.0, Released January 19, 1993
∙ initial release