Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | fence | food | monitor | plant | road | rock | shelf | sky | stairs | window OCR: Strategy Master RESULTS for $10 Pass wdouble Odds The Fund amental Fivex for your strategy 20 90 WinGoal Rating 20 30$ bAY PLAYTIME : 31 NET per- -Session i igRatingn .04$ Under the foll lowing Bankroll WinGoal LoSS Limit Time Limit conditi ions $100 $50 hours The Accuracy of these Results Good HIGHS AND LOWS AERAGES Most ever AHEAD 264 Winning Sessions 226 55 Most ever DON (Hrs Min] Losing Sessi ions 60 IF PLAYTIME (Hr :Min) MIN MAX (Hrs :Min] Winning Sessi ons 0 :10 3:04 NET- per Hour Losing Sessi ions 0:02 3:00 Dice Roll # Winning Sessions 418 Total Winnings Sessi .ons Completed 2000 Tot tal money Bet 813060 $Sessions Comp. leted 100 008 Total Markers Taken Total Dice Rolls 118016 HET (Total Ahead/Down) 1 Dice Total PLAYTIE 983:28 OK Sessions... Print Help Fundauental Five strateqy WinR ...