Jumbo 2,500 Game Pack
Text File
311 lines
Gin Rummy (Version 7.3) - READGIN.TXT
This file contains the following section:
Revision History
See the MeggieSoft Games README.TXT file for information
System Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Revision History
Version 1.x - Development versions.
Version 2.0 - Beta test version
Version 2.1 - First shareware release. Fully functional.
Version 2.2 - Minor improvements and problem fixes.
Version 2.3 - Improved opponent skill algorithms
Version 3.0 - Custom card backs
- "Trim Corners"
- "AutoMouse - Dialogs"
- "Series Scoring"
3.01 - Maintenance release
3.02 - Maintenance release
Version 3.2 - "No Layoff On Gin" changed to "Layoff On Gin"
- "Display Deadwood"
- Expanded "Hint"
- Double-click discard
- "Check Meldable Discard"
- "Check Missed Layoff"
- "AutoSave"
- "AutoStart"
Version 3.3 - Trapping and ignoring a double-clicks
- Manual arrangement of cards in player's hand
- "No Sorting"
- "Ace Can Meld High"
- "Ellwood Gin"
- "No Bell"
- "Display Error Box"
Version 4.0:
Display - Enhanced 3D cosmetics for main display window.
- Almost all texts now displayed "unbolded".
- Improved handling of "Large Fonts" display mode.
- Dialog background color can now be changed.
- Card-by-card dealing.
- "Quick Deal"
- "Assist" button in some dialog boxes.
- "On-Screen" scoresheet.
- Other on-screen counters moved to status bar.
- Scoremasts display player name and opponent skill.
- Gin Rummy main window is now dynamically resizable.
- Four screen resolution sizes plus custom resizing.
- Four different card sizes.
- "Knock" display highlighting (Oklahoma rules).
- "Deadwood" display highlighting.
Interface - ALT key with the left mouse button is equivalent to
the right mouse button.
- "Drag and Drop".
- Ability to set aside cards as a separate group.
- Top stock card displayed while the mouse is down.
- New status bar button to invoke Assist!
Assistant - "Recall", "Deduce" and "Show Distribution" options.
Sound - MIDI music files support.
- "Shuffle" and "Play Card" sound effects.
- "Speak-To-Me" synthesized speech capability.
Logic - Improved opponent logic.
- Improved Suggest (hint) facility.
Rules - "Must Gin".
Miscellany - "AutoMouse" options moved to "Player" menu.
- AutoPlayer information counter displays.
- Various minor improvements.
- Some maintenance fixes.
Price - The registration fee has increased to $15 ($20 with
diskette) and a new registration coding introduced.
Version 4.01 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem with misreported player deadwood
- Fixed problem with Ace not being able to be melded
high by the player.
- Fixed problem where Ace deadwood value was
incorrectly calculated when Ace Can Be High is
- Fixed errors in help file (Rules Menu section)
4.02 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem with "cut for deal" display at larger
screen resolution sizes.
- Fixed the occasional "Invalid Property Value" problem.
- Fixed "Type Mismatch" problem.
4.03 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem with not allowing player to lay off
all cards in hand when opponent has knocked.
- Added shuffle after cut for deal to ensure player
doesn't take advantage of card positions in the
4.04 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem where Hall Of Fame scores were not
being correctly reported.
4.05 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem where Music details were sometimes
not correctly updated after having been changed.
- Display of cards dealt now in order (non-dealer
receives first card).
- Corrected window positioning when window size
equals screen resolution setting.
- Updated help file and order form to accomodate
release of Pinochle.
- Fixed problem of Hall Of Fame being incorrectly
displayed when "Speak-To-Me" option is enabled.
4.06 - Maintenance release
- Detects invalid sound file definitions and
ignores sound instead of giving "Bad File Name"
- Fixed failure to show "True Corners" on some
melded cards.
4.07 - Fixed problem where card display in player's
hand was sometimes not correctly refreshed when
highlighting and melding.
- Altered shuffle method to overcome reports of same
hands sometimes being redealt.
4.08 - Tracked down and fixed reshuffle problem between
Version 4.1 - Fixed problem of sometimes not detecting ability
to layoff last card after opponent lay-down.
- Fixed occasional problem of opponent declaring
that it wants the discard and then either
offering it to the player or taking a card from
the stock.
- Fixed problem of card sometimes not appearing in
player's hand after electing to take discard
refused by opponent.
- Incorporated WinSpeech technology as an
integral part of Gin Rummy. WinSpeech is
licensed by MeggieSoft Games from PC WholeWare.
- Speak-To-Me facility now includes ability to
change pitch, tempo, and volume.
- Changes to file selection facility for music and
sound effect files.
Version 4.2 - Added rule options for Run Melds and Rank Melds
- Improved handling when missing speech file is
- Fixed problem of abrupt exit from File Selector
when a referenced directory has been removed.
Version 5 - No such version. Skipped to synchronize with
new MeggieSoft Games version numbering.
Version 6 - Reorganized menus to Windows 95 style (even
when running under Windows 3.x). Added Edit
Preferences feature to consolidate configuration
and rule options.
- Right-click pop-up menu.
- Released both 16-bit and 32-bit versions.
- Added card movement animation.
- Added visual Drag-and-Drop.
- Added custom mousepointer cursors.
- Scores may be displayed either as scoremasts, or
in the title bar, or in the status bar.
- Melds may now be laid down card-by-card.
- Freely selectable optional table and mat
background images (wmf or bmp).
- Freely selectable card back images (wmf or bmp).
- Cards are now completely rectangular (no grey
corner flash) except when "Rounded Corners" option
is selected.
- Highlighted card color tint now customizable.
- Added "Tool Tips" for status bar buttons.
- "Silent Deal" speeds card-by-card dealing when
"Play Card" sound effect is active.
- VBCTL3D.VBX support dropped (3-D effects are now
supported from within the Visual Basic programming
- New "Start Button"
- Help menu now provides access to readme files and
MeggieSoft Games web site (if system configured for
internet access).
- Sound synchronization is now suppressable.
- The double-clicking method of protecting against
accidental discarding has been replaced by a
confirming pop-up menu entry.
- The Default player settings are no longer used as
defaults for other players. All defaults are the
factory defaults.
- Added Gin Off bonus (separate from Undercut).
- Added Additional Box Bonuses option.
- Completely rewritten help file.
- Various other minor improvements.
- Maintenance fixes to address reported problems.
Version 6.1 - Fixed bug whereby a previously finished game
scoreboard was being continued when the program
was next run
- Replaced sound effects with uncopyrighted sound
- 32-bit versions now work correctly with Windows NT
- Card selection now works correctly with staggered
hand displays
- Minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements
Version 6.2 - Improved scoresheet on long games (stop overwriting)
- Fixed refreshing of deadwood counter when card taken
from discard pile
- Inhibited hint on unfinished melds
- Reduced animation speed for slower settings (to
smooth animation on fast systems)
- 32-bit versions now examine GINRUMMY.INI for previous
16-bit registration information when first run
- Other maintenance fixes
Version 6.3 - Fixed occasional problem of same card being cut for
each player
- Improved supression of menu actions when game
activity is processing. Fixed clearing of menu
supression after actions have been supressed.
- Fixed occurences of bell/beep sounding when bell
has been selected as being supressed.
- Improved detection and ignoring of double-clicking
the mouse.
Version 6.4 - Improved detection and ignoring of user click on
the stock when the opponent is taking a stock card
after the player has declined taking the discard
- When player elects to take discard when offered the
lead, the movement of the card to the hand is no
longer automatic, but the player is forced to take
it (and not the stock card)
Version 7.0 - Enhanced animation to include animated twisting
when a card is being turned over. This is
deselectable via the Animation preferences tab.
- Revised animation logic for smoother operation.
- Added many extra animation features.
- Replaced "Cut For Deal" dialog with on-table
animated stock cutting.
- New preferences selection dialog.
- Changed color selection method. Also, custom
colors set within the color selector are saved
between sessions.
- Changed file "Browse" selection method. Images
and sounds are now dynamically previewed as the
user moves around the file list within the selector.
- Enabled selection of undersized bmp/wmf image files
for card backs. These are appropriately stretched
to fill the cardback size
- Added three more (slower) animation speeds for
systems with very fast graphics capabilities.
- Added warning message when excessive double-clicking
is being trapped.
- Added five second timeout to "Wait for Silence"
routine to avoid hanging if user system has problems
detecting silence (after speech and sound effects).
- Fixed problem of ending a round with a player meld
of less than three cards.
- Changed management of playing midi music, including
enhanced Music Status window with Pause and Resume
- Use of the "Speed Buttons" on status bar now has no
effect on saved preferences
- Reduced number of external DLL and OCX files
- Numerous minor improvements plus bug fixes
Version 7.1 - Fixed problem with Preference file browsing when
user's systems has 32-bit True Color resolution set
- Fixed problem with default image file detection
Version 7.2 - Maintenance release
Version 7.3 - Spade doubling is now selectable irrespective of
whether Oklahoma Gin is selected
- Added Hollywood doubling rule option which doubles
scores for remaining rounds of a Hollywood game when
both players have scores recorded in column three.
- Speech volume no longer defaults to loud
- Non-standard windows desktop color schemes are now
supported correctly
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Gin Rummy ⌐ MeggieSoft Games 1995-1998. All Rights Reserved.