To run G-Sector, your system should meet the following minimum specifications:
- Intel Pentium II 266 mhz (or equivalent)
- 32 megs RAM
- 4O megs free hardrive space
- Direct 3D or Glide compatible 3D graphics accelerator (e.g. 3dfx Voodoo2, Riva TNT)
- DirectSound compatible Sound Card
- Windows 95/Windows 98
- DirectX 6
- Mouse
For optimal performance your system should meet or exceed the following specs:
- Intel Pentium III 500
- 64 megs RAM
- 40 megs free hardrive space
- 2nd or 3rd generation Direct 3D or Glide compatible 3D accelerator
(We recommend 3DFX Voodoo3 for best performance.)
- DirectSound compatible Sound Card
- Windows 98
- DirectX 7
- Mouse
You may experience poor performance if your system does not meet recommended system specs. An Intel Pentium III CPU is highly recommended; K6-2 and K6-3 have poor performance on G-Sector. Also, G-Sector uses high resolution textures and skins. A 3rd generation video 3D accelerator with 12 or megabytes of memory is also highly recommended i.e. Voodoo3 or TNT2.
Double-Click on the G-Sector.exe icon. The game starts immediately after loading.
To activate the options screen press "ESC". The options allow you to setup your keyboard
and mouse controls (note: G-Sector requires the use of a mouse), volume, and brightness.
The default key commands are:
UP - Forward
DOWN - reverse thrust
RIGHT - strafe right
LEFT - strafe left
MOUSE2 - jump
ENTER - trick
MOUSE1 - fire weapon
1 - shotgun (default)
2 - pulse rifle
3 - ion lance
Use mouse to turn directions
Objective: There is a "kill" counter in the top right of the screen. It shows how many kills
you have and how many you need to complete the level. You must complete the level before the timer at
the top of the screens reaches 0:00 or you must start the level over.
Your shield power is shown at the lower left of the screen. If this reaches 000 you will be knocked out
of the match and must restart the level. To restart the level, hit "esc" and select "CONTINUE". To recharge
shield power, run over the battery items--you will hear a electric buzz and your sheild will be recharged.
In this release of G-Sector the weapons have unlmited ammo. Many more weapons will be
included in the updates to come later!
IF you succeed in eleminating the required amount of opponents, you have completed the level. To got to the next level, select "CONTINUE" in the options screen and you will proceed to the next level.