OverwriteNewerVersion=A newer version of %Product% is already installed. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?
WouldYouLikeToInstall=Would you like to install %Product%?
Profile=Testing Display speed for this graphics mode. This is a perfect time to fill out the registration card.
DeInstTxt=Would you like to remove Microsoft's WinG (high performance graphics interface)? Remove it only if you are having problems running it (i.e.: errors with your video card in windows), because it may be in use by other applications.
DeInstTit=Remove Microsoft's WinG?
InstTit=Install Microsoft's WinG?
InstTxt=May Setup install Microsoft's WinG? WinG is a high performance graphics interface to Windows.
W32sInstTit=Install Microsoft's Win32s?
W32sInstTxt=Win32s is necessary to run this product. Currently you have an older Win32s or you don't have it installed on your system. May we install it?
CantInst=We were unable to launch the Win32s setup.\n You may install by running setup\n from the WIN32S directory on the CD-ROM.
;DeInstallTit=Deinstall Win32s?
;DeInstallTxt=Would you like us to remove Microsoft's\nWin32s? We suggest against this,\nbecause other applications may be using\nit. If you do remove it in error, you\ncan just reinstall this software.
ReadyTxt=The %Product% setup is complete and Win32s setup will now start.
; QuickTime 2.12 for WINDOWS. For QT3, use [QuickTime]
InstTxt=QuickTime for Windows v2.1.2.59 is required to run this product, and it does not seem to be present. May we start the QuickTime installer?
InstTit=QuickTime 2.1.2 for Windows not detected.
; QuickTime 3.0 and 2.1.2 is not compatible! User can have both 2.1.2 and 3.0/4.0
Pause=Install is paused.
InstallingTo=Installing to: %HDPath%
MemoryError=You do not have enough memory to continue install. Please close some applications and try again. If that fails, reboot your system and try again.
CopyError=Installer cannot copy files. You may not have the write-access to the directory. If you are copying to a network drive, please login with the proper write-access.
Title=Restarting your computer
Txt1=During the installation of %Product%, certain system files were added to the computer. Before you can use %Product%, you must restart your computer.
;Txt1=Before you can use the computer, you must restart your computer.
Txt2=Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete setup.
ServerFinalTitle=End of Install
ServerFinalMsg=The server install is now complete. The client install (admsetup.exe) will start automatically after clicking on "OK" button. Please do not remove the CDROM until the client install is complete.
;ServerFinalMsg=The administrator setup (admsetup.exe) will start automatically after clicking on "OK" button.
;ClientSavePathTitle=Select path for saved games
AskClientUserSavePath=Select the folder name where the user files should be saved in. This directory should be the same for all Knowledge Adventure products.
AskClientDefaultPath=Select the default destination directory on the workstation.
AskUninstallControlPanel=Should the workstation be able to uninstall it via Control Panel's Add-Remove Programs?
ChooseDefaultClientPathTxt=Select the default destination directory on the workstation.
ChooseUninstallControlPanelTxt=Should the workstation be able to uninstall it via Control Panel's Add-Remove Programs?
ChooseClientIconPathTxt=Select the folder name where the workstation's icons should be placed.
AdminMsgTitle=Installation Summary
AdminMsgInfo=Please read the following installation summary.
AdminMsgFinal=The administrator setup (admsetup.exe) will start automatically after clicking on "OK" button.
AdminSetupFinishedTxt=Network Adminstrator Setup is now complete.
ErrorNoWriteAccess=You do not have the write-access to the directory. Please login with the proper write-access.
ChooseNetworkOrClient=Please select the appropriate setup
NetworkInstall=Network Installation
ClientInstall=Single-User Installation
ChooseClientPRCInstall=Should Parent Resource Center be installed during workstation's setup?
PRCInstallNever=No. Never
PRCInstallAlways=Yes. Always
PRCInstallAsk=Ask the User
ClientPRCSavePathTitle=Parent Resource Center
ClientPRCSavePathMsg=Select the folder name where the Parent Resource Center files should be saved
PromptDirPart2=This drive must be mapped identically on all workstations and the software needs to be installed to the network drive from a workstation.
; old above
ClientSavePathTitle=Select path for saved games
ClientSavePathMsg=Select the folder name where the user files should be saved in. This directory should be the same for all Knowledge Adventure products.
mainText=Should the workstation be able to uninstall it via Control Panel's Add-Remove Programs?
;InstTxt=Currently you have an older Parent Resource Center or you don't have it installed on your system. May we install the new Parent Resource Center?
;InstTit=Parent Resource Center Setup
Txt=Currently you have an older Parent Resource Center or you don't have it installed on your system. May we install the new Parent Resource Center?
Title=Parent Resource Center Install
OverwriteNewerVersion=A newer version of PRC is already installed. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?
InstTxt=This product requires a web browser, which has not been detected on your system. May we start the web browser (Netscape Navigator) install?
InstTit=Web Browser not detected.
InstTit=Please choose the appropriate setup.
XLargeTxt=Extra Large Install. Hard Disk space required:
LargeTxt=Large Install. Hard Disk space required:
MediumTxt=Medium Install. Hard Disk space required:
SmallTxt=Small Install. Hard Disk space required:
XSmallTxt=Partial :
Text=This product requires DirectX 6.1 or greater which has not been detected on your system. May we start the DirectX install? You may experience sound or video problem without appropriate version of DirectX.
;InstTxt=This product requires the latest DirectX, which has not been detected on your system. May we start the DirectX install?
Title=DirectX not detected
;Installing=DirectX will now be installed.
Text=This product requires DirectX 7.0 or greater which has not been detected on your system. May we start the DirectX install? You may experience sound or video problem without appropriate version of DirectX.
Title=DirectX not detected
Installing=Please wait while the DirectX Media is being installed.
InstTxt=This product requires the latest DirectX Media, which has not been detected on your system. May we install it?
InstTit=DirectX Media not detected
Installing=Please wait while the DirectX Media is being installed.
Txt=This product requires the latest DirectX Media, which has not been detected on your system. May we install it?
Title=DirectX Media not detected
Installing=Please wait while the Internet Explorer 5.0 is being installed.
Txt=This product requires the Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher on Windows 95. May we install Internet Explorer 5.0?
Title=Internet Explorer 4.0+ not detected.
Installing=Please wait while the DirectX is being installed.
InstTxt=This product requires DirectX %DXVER% or greater and DirectX Media, which are not detected on your system. May we install them?
InstTit=DirectX and DX Media not detected
mainText=What language would you like to learn?
mainText=What language would you like the instructions to be given in?
Text=Have you been to KnowledgeAdventure.com for games, demos and updates? You can do so with AT&T WorldNet(R) Service. Would you like to install AT&T WorldNet Service now? (Modem is required)
FinishTxt=%Product% Install is now complete.
FinishTitle=End of Install
Text=This product requires the latest Java VM which has not been detected on your system. May we start the Java VM install?
Title=Java VM not detected
Txt=QuickTime 4.0 is required to run this product. QuickTime installer will be started.
Tit=QuickTime 4.0 not detected.
; QuickTime 3.0 and 2.1.2 is not compatible! User can have both 2.1.2 and 3.0/4.0
Txt=QuickTime 4.0 is required to run this product. QuickTime installer will be started.
Title=QuickTime 4.0 not detected.
; QuickTime 3.0 and 2.1.2 is not compatible! User can have both 2.1.2 and 3.0/4.0
Txt=QuickTime 4.0 is required to run this product and a more recent version of QuickTime has been detected on your system. Would you like to install the older version now?
;Txt=QuickTime 4.0 is required to run this product and it appears that you may already have a newer QuickTime installed. Would you still like to install QuickTime 4.0?
Title=QuickTime 4.0
; QuickTime 3.0 and above. For older QT, use [QTW]
Txt=QuickTime 4.0 is required to run this product. QuickTime installer will be started.
Tit=QuickTime 4.0 not detected.
; QuickTime 3.0 and 2.1.2 is not compatible! User can have both 2.1.2 and 3.0/4.0
;old. see viavoice53
Txt=If you want to use the voice recognition feature in JumpStart Phonics, IBM ViaVoice must be installed. May we install ViaVoice now?
;Txt=ViaVoice is required to run this product. May we start the ViaVoice installer?
Title=ViaVoice 5.3
Text=If you want to use the voice recognition feature in %Product%, IBM ViaVoice must be installed. ViaVoice requires 60mb of free hard disk space to install. May we install ViaVoice now?
;Msg=Installing ViaVoice Family Module
OlderVersionExists=Before continuing with the ViaVoice install, older ViaVoice neeeds to be uninstalled. Would you like to uninstall it?
OlderVersionExistsTitle=Older ViaVoice Uninstall
Txt=Arial Font is required to run this product.
Tit=Arial Font not detected
Txt=Times New Roman Font is required to run this product.
Tit=Times New Roman Font not detected
;NEW (fixed)
Title=Software License Agreement
Msg=Please read the following License Agreement.
Question=Do you accept all the terms of the preceding License Agreement? To install this product, you must accept the agreement. If you select NO, Setup will close.
Txt1=Where do you wish to install %Product%? [It requires %MinHDSpace% megabyte(s) of space.]
Txt2=The directory chosen will become the default directory for future installs. This directory is used to place common resource files. The actual program will be installed in a directory below it.
Txt2Net=This drive must be mapped identically on all workstations and the software needs to be installed to the network drive from a workstation.
SelectedSrcPath=Source and destination directories can't be the same.
SelectedWinPath=You can't install to the Windows directory.
SelectedDosPath=You can't install to the DOS directory.
SelectedNonePath=You must enter a destination path.
SelectedInvalidHDPath=The path (%HDPath%) is invalid.
;""=""""Please enter a valid path.
SelectedRootPath=You can't install to the root of the hard drive. Please select a path (ie C:\\KA\\)
;DirAlreadyExists=The directory you specified exists.\n Are you sure you want to install there?
HDPathIsNotUnique=This directory appears to have another product installed. Are you sure you want to install it in this directory?
NotEnoughHDSpace=You need more space on current drive. Free more space on this drive or choose another drive.
;NotEnoughHDSpace=You need more space on drive %drive%.
SelectFolder=Please select the place where you would like setup to place the icons.
InstallingIcon=Installing icons.
WarnNonDefaultPath=You have chosen to change the default Knowledge Adventure directory. Some shared resources and files may be unnecessarily created. Are you sure you want to change the default directory?
Text=Select Express or Custom Install
ExpressInstall=&Express Install
CustomInstall=&Custom Install
doEreg=Would you like to register your product online using our Toll-Free registration line? A modem is required.
doEregTit=Online Registration
GotoLabelNotFound=Goto label hasn't been found:
StringNotFound=The install was unable to retrieve\n %s [%s] %s\n.
NotImplemented=Not implemented
; NEW but not used yet. Used as template
IllegalDialog=unknown dialog type
;NotImplementedError=This feature is not implemented yet
IllegalVar=The variable is illegal
CannotRunInWin31=Sorry Windows 3.1 is not supported by this software.
;486Required=Sorry. Your system has a 386 (or equivalent) CPU. This software requires a 486 or better CPU.
;586Required=Sorry. Your system doesn't have 586 (or equivalent) CPU. This software requires a 586 or better CPU.
HiColorRequired=Your system is running in 256 color or less. This software requires a video adapter capable of displaying more than 256 colors. Set your display to hi-color or true color before running the software.
NotEnoughMemory=You may not have enough memory to run this product.
CDROMNotFound=Error: CD-ROM is not found. Install will now abort.
Title=JumpStart Baby Ball Installation
Text=Would you like to install the JumpStart Baby Ball child input device? If YES, please make sure it is connected to the serial port, and that it is turned ON; in this case, you will need to restart your computer at the end of the installation.
;Text=Do you have the Babyball input device? If you have it and would like to use it, please make sure it is plugged into the serial port. Also if you would like to install the driver, click YES.
UninstallAsk=Would you like to uninstall the Baby Ball device from your system?
UninstallFinished=Baby Ball device has been removed from your system.
RebootTxt1=You need to restart your system to complete the changes made to your system.
RebootTxt2=Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete setup.
Title=Roger Wilco Installation
Text=Would you like to install Roger Wilco? (Used for Connect & Play voice transfer over the internet)
;PleaseInsertCDROM=Please insert the %Product% CDROM disc in the CDROM drive
PleaseInsertCDROM=Please insert the CDROM disc while holding down the shift key and click on YES to continue or click on NO to quit.
AskCustomization=Would you like to install Customization Application? It will allow you to customize %Product%.
text1=Normal Install. Hard disk space required: %MinHDSpace% Megs
text2=Full Install. Hard disk space required: 100 Megs
mainText=Please choose the appropriate setup.
Title=Install Option
Title=Bonus CD
;InsertBonusCD=If you would like to install J-Mail and other activities, please insert the Bonus CD after this install is finished.
JS1G2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Around the World or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JS2G2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Around the World or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JSKG2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Around the World or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JSPS2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Around the World or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JSTD2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install My Learning Scrapbook or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JSMAIL=Installation of J*Mail is complete. Please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 1 to begin playing.
JSATW=Installation of JumpStart Around the World is complete. Please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 1 to begin playing.
JSSCRAPB=Installation of My Learning Scrapbook is complete. Please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 1 to begin playing.
JS3G2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Adventure Challenge or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JS4G2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Adventure Challenge or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JS5G2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Adventure Challenge or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JS6G2001=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install JumpStart Adventure Challenge or J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.
JSADV=Installation of JumpStart Adventure Challenge is complete. Please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 1 to begin playing.
JSBBII=Installation of %Product% is complete. If you would like to install J*Mail to the SmartTools toolbar, please exit the Autorun screen and insert Disc 2.