Doom I/II Collection
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618 lines
// savebsp.m
#import "doombsp.h"
id secstore_i;
id mapvertexstore_i;
id subsecstore_i;
id maplinestore_i;
id nodestore_i;
id mapthingstore_i;
id ldefstore_i;
id sdefstore_i;
the output functions byte swap and write lumps
= WriteStorage
void WriteStorage (char *name, id store, int esize)
int count, len;
count = [store count];
len = esize*count;
[wad_i addName: name data:[store elementAt:0] size:len];
printf ("%s (%i): %i\n",name,count,len);
= OutputSectors
void OutputSectors (void)
int i, count;
mapsector_t *p;
count = [secstore_i count];
p = [secstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->floorheight = SHORT(p->floorheight);
p->ceilingheight = SHORT(p->ceilingheight);
p->lightlevel = SHORT(p->lightlevel);
p->special = SHORT(p->special);
p->tag = SHORT(p->tag);
WriteStorage ("sectors", secstore_i, sizeof(mapsector_t));
= OutputSegs
void OutputSegs (void)
int i, count;
mapseg_t *p;
count = [maplinestore_i count];
p = [maplinestore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->v1 = SHORT(p->v1);
p->v2 = SHORT(p->v2);
p->angle = SHORT(p->angle);
p->linedef = SHORT(p->linedef);
p->side = SHORT(p->side);
p->offset = SHORT(p->offset);
WriteStorage ("segs",maplinestore_i, sizeof(mapseg_t));
= OutputSubsectors
void OutputSubsectors (void)
int i, count;
mapsubsector_t *p;
count = [subsecstore_i count];
p = [subsecstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->numsegs = SHORT(p->numsegs);
p->firstseg = SHORT(p->firstseg);
WriteStorage ("ssectors", subsecstore_i, sizeof(mapsubsector_t));
= OutputVertexes
void OutputVertexes (void)
int i, count;
mapvertex_t *p;
count = [mapvertexstore_i count];
p = [mapvertexstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->x = SHORT(p->x);
p->y = SHORT(p->y);
WriteStorage ("vertexes",mapvertexstore_i, sizeof(mapvertex_t));
= OutputThings
void OutputThings (void)
int i, count;
mapthing_t *p;
count = [mapthingstore_i count];
p = [mapthingstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->x = SHORT(p->x);
p->y = SHORT(p->y);
p->angle = SHORT(p->angle);
p->type = SHORT(p->type);
p->options = SHORT(p->options);
WriteStorage ("things", mapthingstore_i, sizeof(mapthing_t));
= OutputLineDefs
void OutputLineDefs (void)
int i, count;
maplinedef_t *p;
count = [ldefstore_i count];
p = [ldefstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->v1 = SHORT(p->v1);
p->v2 = SHORT(p->v2);
// some ancient version of DoomEd left ML_MAPPED flags in some of the levels
p->flags = SHORT(p->flags&~ML_MAPPED);
p->special = SHORT(p->special);
p->tag = SHORT(p->tag);
p->sidenum[0] = SHORT(p->sidenum[0]);
p->sidenum[1] = SHORT(p->sidenum[1]);
WriteStorage ("linedefs", ldefstore_i, sizeof(maplinedef_t));
= OutputSideDefs
void OutputSideDefs (void)
int i, count;
mapsidedef_t *p;
count = [sdefstore_i count];
p = [sdefstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
p->textureoffset = SHORT(p->textureoffset);
p->rowoffset = SHORT(p->rowoffset);
p->sector = SHORT(p->sector);
WriteStorage ("sidedefs", sdefstore_i, sizeof(mapsidedef_t));
= OutputNodes
void OutputNodes (void)
int i, j, count;
mapnode_t *p;
count = [nodestore_i count];
p = [nodestore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, p++)
for (j=0 ; j<sizeof(mapnode_t)/2 ; j++)
((short *)p)[j] = SHORT(((short *)p)[j]);
WriteStorage ("nodes", nodestore_i, sizeof(mapnode_t));
= UniqueVertex
= Returns the vertex number, adding a new vertex if needed
int UniqueVertex (int x, int y)
int i, count;
mapvertex_t mv, *mvp;
mv.x = x;
mv.y = y;
// see if an identical vertex already exists
count = [mapvertexstore_i count];
mvp = [mapvertexstore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, mvp++)
if (mvp->x == mv.x && mvp->y == mv.y)
return i;
[mapvertexstore_i addElement: &mv];
return count;
float bbox[4];
= AddPointToBBox
void AddPointToBBox (NXPoint *pt)
if (pt->x < bbox[BOXLEFT])
bbox[BOXLEFT] = pt->x;
if (pt->x > bbox[BOXRIGHT])
bbox[BOXRIGHT] = pt->x;
if (pt->y > bbox[BOXTOP])
bbox[BOXTOP] = pt->y;
if (pt->y < bbox[BOXBOTTOM])
bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = pt->y;
= ProcessLines
= Adds the lines in a subsector to the mapline storage
void ProcessLines (id store_i)
int i,count;
line_t *wline;
mapseg_t line;
short angle;
float fangle;
count = [store_i count];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
wline = [store_i elementAt: i];
if (wline->grouped)
printf ("ERROR: line regrouped\n");
wline->grouped = true;
memset (&line, 0, sizeof(line));
AddPointToBBox (&wline->p1);
AddPointToBBox (&wline->p2);
line.v1 = UniqueVertex (wline->p1.x, wline->p1.y);
line.v2 = UniqueVertex (wline->p2.x, wline->p2.y);
line.linedef = wline->linedef;
line.side = wline->side;
line.offset = wline->offset;
fangle = atan2 (wline->p2.y - wline->p1.y, wline->p2.x - wline->p1.x);
angle = (short)(fangle/(PI*2)*0x10000);
line.angle = angle;
[maplinestore_i addElement: &line];
= ProcessSubsector
int ProcessSubsector (id wmaplinestore_i)
int count;
worldline_t *linedef;
line_t *wline;
mapsubsector_t sub;
memset (&sub,0,sizeof(sub));
count = [wmaplinestore_i count];
if (count < 1)
Error ("ProcessSubsector: count = %i",count);
wline = [wmaplinestore_i elementAt: 0];
linedef = [linestore_i elementAt: wline->linedef];
sub.numsegs = count;
sub.firstseg = [maplinestore_i count];
ProcessLines (wmaplinestore_i);
// add the new subsector
[subsecstore_i addElement: &sub];
return [subsecstore_i count]-1;
= ProcessNode
int ProcessNode (bspnode_t *node, short *totalbox)
short subbox[2][4];
int i, r;
mapnode_t mnode;
memset (&mnode,0,sizeof(mnode));
if (node->lines_i) // NF_SUBSECTOR flags a subsector
r = ProcessSubsector (node->lines_i);
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
totalbox[i] = bbox[i];
return r | NF_SUBSECTOR;
mnode.x =node->divline.pt.x;
mnode.y =node->divline.pt.y;
mnode.dx =node->divline.dx;
mnode.dy =node->divline.dy;
r = ProcessNode(node->side[0], subbox[0]);
mnode.children[0] =r;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
mnode.bbox[0][i] =subbox[0][i];
r = ProcessNode (node->side[1],subbox[1]);
mnode.children[1] =r;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
mnode.bbox[1][i] =subbox[1][i];
totalbox[BOXLEFT] = MIN(subbox[0][BOXLEFT], subbox[1][BOXLEFT]);
totalbox[BOXTOP] = MAX(subbox[0][BOXTOP], subbox[1][BOXTOP]);
totalbox[BOXRIGHT] = MAX(subbox[0][BOXRIGHT], subbox[1][BOXRIGHT]);
totalbox[BOXBOTTOM] = MIN(subbox[0][BOXBOTTOM], subbox[1][BOXBOTTOM]);
[nodestore_i addElement: &mnode];
return [nodestore_i count] - 1;
= ProcessNodes
= Recursively builds the nodes, subsectors, and line lists,
= then writes the lumps
void ProcessNodes (void)
short worldbounds[4];
subsecstore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(mapsubsector_t)
description: NULL];
maplinestore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(mapseg_t)
description: NULL];
nodestore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(mapnode_t)
description: NULL];
ProcessNode (startnode, worldbounds);
= ProcessThings
void ProcessThings (void)
worldthing_t *wt;
mapthing_t mt;
int count;
mapthingstore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(mapthing_t)
description: NULL];
count = [thingstore_i count];
wt = [thingstore_i elementAt: 0];
while (count--)
memset (&mt,0,sizeof(mt));
mt.x =wt->origin.x;
mt.y =wt->origin.y;
mt.angle =wt->angle;
mt.type =wt->type;
mt.options =wt->options;
[mapthingstore_i addElement: &mt];
= ProcessSidedef
int ProcessSidedef (worldside_t *ws)
mapsidedef_t ms;
ms.textureoffset = ws->firstcollumn;
ms.rowoffset = ws->firstrow;
memcpy (ms.toptexture, ws->toptexture, 8);
memcpy (ms.bottomtexture, ws->bottomtexture, 8);
memcpy (ms.midtexture, ws->midtexture, 8);
ms.sector = ws->sector;
[sdefstore_i addElement: &ms];
return [sdefstore_i count]-1;
= ProcessLineSideDefs
= Must be called after BuildSectors
void ProcessLineSideDefs (void)
int i, count;
maplinedef_t ld;
worldline_t *wl;
mapvertexstore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(mapvertex_t)
description: NULL];
ldefstore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(maplinedef_t)
description: NULL];
sdefstore_i = [[Storage alloc]
initCount: 0
elementSize: sizeof(mapsidedef_t)
description: NULL];
count = [linestore_i count];
wl = [linestore_i elementAt:0];
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, wl++)
ld.v1 = UniqueVertex(wl->p1.x,wl->p1.y);
ld.v2 =UniqueVertex(wl->p2.x,wl->p2.y);
ld.flags =wl->flags;
ld.special =wl->special;
ld.tag =wl->tag;
ld.sidenum[0] =ProcessSidedef(&wl->side[0]);
if (wl->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)
ld.sidenum[1] =ProcessSidedef(&wl->side[1]);
ld.sidenum[1] =-1;
[ldefstore_i addElement: &ld];
= SaveDoomMap
void SaveDoomMap (void)
BuildSectordefs ();
ProcessThings ();
ProcessLineSideDefs ();
ProcessNodes ();
ProcessSectors ();
ProcessConnections ();
// all processing is complete, write everything out
OutputThings ();
OutputLineDefs ();
OutputSideDefs ();
OutputVertexes ();
OutputSegs ();
OutputSubsectors ();
OutputNodes ();
OutputSectors ();
OutputConnections ();