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RanDOOM - A smart object placement randomization utility for
RanDOOM [WAD_file_name][-C<seed>][-M<n>][-W<filename>][-D]
RanDOOM is a utility which will randomize the placement of
objects in the DOOM playfield. Additionally, RanDOOM has some
smarts about the manner in which it will randomize things - it's
designed to never leave you with a pillar blocking the exit, or a
keycard on the opposite side of the door from where you start, or
to erase all the DEATHMATCH warp-in spots with other objects
(preventing DEATHMATCH network play), or to replace the endgame
bosses with other objects (thus preventing the completion of an
episode). In short, RanDOOM will always leave you with a playable
level. RanDOOM is also user configurable - it allows you to
specify the proportion of total objects a given object will
comprise via a customizable object weighting scheme. This allows
you to tailor RanDOOM's randomizing to your personal taste
(and/or masochism ;-).
WAD_file_name - Use this path to the WAD file. If no
filename is specified, doom.wad in the current directory is used.
-D - Restores the WAD file to its default state. When the -D
switch is specified, all other switches are ignored. NOTE: The
restoration function can only restore changes made by RanDOOM. If
you have made changes with another randomizing or map editing
utility, RanDOOM will probably be unable to undo those changes.
Mix and match WAD utilities at your own risk!
-C<seed> - Use a single ASCII character as the seed value
for the pseudorandom number generator. The character is
case-sensitive, so 'K' and 'k' yield different seed values.
Alternatively, -C accepts a positive integer number [0..65535] as
the seed value. If no -C parameter is specified, a seed value is
taken based on the current system time.
-G - Produce a graphic display of the item randomization
process on the screen (VGA required). This switch was added to
aid in debugging the first fit selection algorithm. It won't mean
much to you, but you may find it interesting to watch. The color
coding is as follows:
* Walls and other area boundaries are drawn in blue,
* Switches, doors, and other special wall segments are
* Attempted object placements appear as red circles, with
the circle's radius proportional to the size of the object
* As each wall segment is checked for collisions it is
highlighted in white
* Cyan lines are drawn between the object's center and the
closest point on certain nearby line segments
* Successful monster placements are marked by magenta
circles, again proportional to monster size.
-M<n> - Use randomization mode n, where n is a single digit
[0-9]. Currently only three randomization modes (0, 1 and 2) are
supported. If no -M parameter is specified, mode 0 is used by
All three randomization modes attempt to avoid potential
problems which would arise if a completely random replacement of
objects were made. Such problems include immovable objects, such
as a pillar or tree root, blocking a switch or doorway; monsters
becoming "stuck in the wall" (or tangled up in each other!) and
unable to move or fight; the replacement of player warp-in spots
with other objects, preventing one or both forms of network play;
the movement of keycards or skulls to new locations which then
become inaccessible; etc. To achieve this, RanDOOM maintains lots
of data about the objects and the DOOM level maps, such as the
locations of objects, their relative sizes in three dimensions,
their types, whether the player can move them, kill them, or pick
them up, the locations of walls, the amount of "headroom" in a
given area, and so forth. From this information, RanDOOM is able,
in most cases, to calculate whether or not a given object will
"fit" into a given location in the map without conflicts.
Randomization mode 0 takes the objects currently placed on
each level and rearranges them. No objects are added, subtracted,
or replaced - if a given level contains 2 Barons of Hell, 12
Imps, 32 blue health vials, and a chainsaw, then the modified
level will also contain 2 Barons of Hell, 12 Imps, 32 blue health
vials, and one chainsaw, rearranged in random order.
Randomization mode 1 replaces "nonessential" objects with
other randomly selected objects from the entire range of
available objects. This randomization mode may place objects into
a level which would not normally appear there, e.g. M1 may place
Cacodemons in the Hangar level. Those items which are needed to
complete the level, such as keycards or level bosses, remain in
their original locations.
Randomization mode 2 does the same things as mode 1 with the
addition of weight factors for replaceable objects. These weights
are user adjustable (via the weight file specified using the -W
switch) to allow a relative increase or decrease in the number of
a given item inserted in the game. Thus, items with higher
weights have a higher probability of being selected. NOTE: If the
-M2 switch is specified, the -W switch must also be specified.
NOTE: With randomization modes 1 and 2 ALL objects will
appear at ALL FOUR skill levels - e.g. there will be no variation
between "Hey, Not Too Rough" and "Ultra Violence." This may be
addressed in future versions of RanDOOM.
-W<filename> - Use item weight factors from file <filename>
in place of the default weights in randomization mode 2. The
weight file is a flat ASCII text file consisting of a series of
<itemname> <weight> pairs, one pair per line. <itemname> must be
one of the predefined names listed in the sample weight file
(randoom.w), while <weight> must be a floating point value
greater than or equal to 0.0. In general, the larger the weight
value, the more occurrences of that object RanDOOM will put into
the game. There are some exceptions, most notably with the larger
objects. Because RanDOOM will only place an item if it will
"fit," some hard-to-place items will have a lower effective
weight than that specified in the weight file. Take the Spider
Demon, for example. This sucker is so large it gets stuck just
about anywhere. Out of the hundreds of available item spots,
there may be only one or two locations where the Spider would be
able to function. Thus, even though it's number may come up via
the weighted selection scheme, its placement may still be
prevented. If an object is chosen which is too large for the
available space, another item is chosen until one is found which
can be safely placed into the current location. Future versions
of RanDOOM may incorporate a "best fit" selection algorithm to
minimize the effects of individual object size on the overall
object distribution.
Some comments about speed: Those of you who have used
earlier versions of RanDOOM will notice that 1.4 takes longer to
process the WAD file than did its predecessors. This is due to
the fact that 1.4 does a lot more work than earlier versions,
most of it 2-D geometric calculations (such as the distances from
objects to walls for collision detection). After trying several
different approaches to the "monster stuck in the wall" problem,
the method currently employed was the best tradeoff in terms of
speed and accuracy I've found so far. Although RanDOOM 1.4 makes
extensive use of integer and fixed-point math and '386-specific
instructions to speed the many calculations, it still takes time
to run (several minutes on my 20MHz 386SX test-dog system). Of
course, any system capable of running DOOM adequately will have
absolutely no problems with RanDOOM - it breezes right along on
my 486/33.
Display a brief usage synopsis.
RanDOOM -Ck -M1
Rearrange levels using randomization mode 1 and random
seed character 'k'.
Rearrange levels using randomization mode 0 and random
seed based on the system time.
Restore all objects in the WAD file to their default
RanDOOM -M2 -Wc:\doom\randoom.w -C23456
Rearrange levels using mode 2 with weights given in the
file "c:\doom\randoom.w" and using the integer 23456 as
the random number seed value.
RanDOOM c:\doom\doom.wad -CT -G
Rearrange levels in WAD file c:\doom\doom.wad using
randomization mode 0, seed character 'T', and display
the object placements graphically.
This software is copyright 1994 ASRE. You are free to use
and distribute this software provided that no modifications or
derivative works are produced from it and that no fees are
charged for its distribution or use. Although RanDOOM has been
thoroughly tested, it is not guaranteed to be completely free of
bugs. Do I even need to mention that you should back up your WAD
file before running this program?
I welcome your comments, suggestions, and bug reports. Input
from users like you has made RanDOOM into the fun and useful
utility you see before you today, so don't please don't hesitate
to let your virtual voice be heard. Please email any bug reports
and/or comments to tmkk@uiuc.edu. For bug reports, please include
the following information in your message:
The version of RanDOOM you're running,
The version of DOOM you're running,
The command line switches you used,
The random number seed value you used,
And a description of the problem.
The object placement algorithm may still occasionally
misplace objects, allowing them to become stuck either in a wall
or in each other. Also, as noted earlier, RanDOOM is currently
using a "first fit" algorithm to place objects; future versions
may employ a "best fit" algorithm to insure optimal placements.