Labels:audio cd | disk | door | monitor | person | plant | sky | traffic light | van OCR: Recordable by Mark Chambers SHISE 628 This companton ROM tnstructions for more about ths CD-ROM see Appendix contains complete seteelon CD-ROM and compilaton 1997 of shareware and commercal IDG Books Worldwde tne All Tights t00k for CD-R authoring reserved Indvdual proglams are nduding copyrighted by thel tespecuve Bwser Adobe Acroat Teader and may resutre separate GEAR HTSTCEAR CEAR Tits ROM may 104 be redistabures Replcator and wuthout prO wntten Derinsstor tom from Elettroson the publisher The neht to trdistabute the Cool Edit 96 from the indivdual progtams on Syntrillium Soltware denends on programe Consult proaram 101 detaits Portions Paint Shop PrO and Media 1997 Adantee lne Af feserved The tenter 1om JASC 100 BDOKS 1000 trademark TheadMak Adantec lcense te IDe Books tne from mOr Int ...