128 Visual Home\nDesign\nVisual Homel\nVisual Home Design (*.bvh)\n.bvh\nBTWVisualHome\nVisual Home Design
129 More...
130 Failed to initialize windows sockets.
131 Server has shut down.
133 Error reading socket.
134 Error sending on socket.
135 Would you like to try a different address?
136 Someone has just disconnected.
137 Failed to create a socket.
138 Failed to connect to server\nTry again?
139 Someone new has just connected to the server.
140 Server has reset the connection.
141 Closing connection.
173 \nDesign\nVisual Home\nVisual Home Design (*.bvh)\n.bvh\nBTWVHDoc\nVisual Home Design
175 \nDesign\nVisual Home\nVisual Home Design (*.bvh)\n.bvh\nBTWVHDoc\nVisual Home Design
256 X: 888.8 Y: 888.8
257 X: 88888 Y: 88888
258 3D Model 0%
374 Visual Home\nDesign\nVisual Homel\nVisual Home Design (*.bvh)\n.bvh\nBTWVisualHome\nVisual Home Design
1000 By The Way messages will appear from time to time.\n\nIf you never want to see them again, check the "Never show me any..." box below.\n\nIf you don't want to see this particular message again, check the "Don't show me this..." box below.
1001 Annoying, ain't I. You can get rid of me now, but I should return the next time you start the program....
1002 Although this program will operate correctly as configured, we recommend changing the mode of your video adapter to 256 (8-bit) colours for the best performance.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
1003 You can only change the unit price if the "Price Range" is set to "Yours".
1004 Although this program will operate correctly as is, you will see a dramatic performance improvement if you install the WinG library. Please reinstall the product from the original disk.
1005 In you wish to see these helpful hints again, choose "View Helpful Hints" from the "View" menu.
1006 Objects must be placed within the workspace.
1007 "Spec Sheets" can provide or alter information such as the size and finish of an object.\n\nThis window will automatically pop up if you check "Spec New Objects" from the Options menu.\nYou can also double click on an object to bring up its spec sheet.
1008 The item you selected in the Design Guide is shown in this Spec Sheet.\nTo add it to your design, click the <Create> button.\nTo leave without adding it, click <Cancel>.
1009 Use Room Specs as the main way to change styles, finishes, colours, materials and other features of your design.\n\nFor professional advice about colour, click on the <Colour Schemes> button to try different combinations.\n\nTry the <Preview> button as well.
1010 Move around in your home 3 ways:\n\n1. Drag your mouse while pressing the button.\n2. Use the arrows in the toolbar under NAVIGATE\n3. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard.\n\nChoose "Edit Objects" in the toolbar to use your mouse to change objects.
1011 You can now click and drag objects to move them around.\nDouble click on a selected object to bring up its Spec Sheet.\n\nChoose "WalkAbout" from the toolbar if you would like to use your mouse to change your view.
1012 Click and drag anywhere on the object to spin it around.\n\nDragging the mouse up or down spins it head over heels.\nDragging sideways spins it in the same direction.\nClicking the background stops the spinning.\n\nPress the <Help> button for more info.
1013 When you resize Top View, your design will be scaled to stay in full view.\n\nTo leave the scale unchanged, uncheck "Auto Zoom Top View" from the Options menu
1014 You should be looking directly at the object you selected to view as a side (elevation) view.\n\nTo see it more clearly, use the <Down> arrow key to back away from the object.
1015 Preview allows you to view your choices before making the changes in your design.\n\nThis feature is best used when 3D View or the Shopping List is visible before you enter Room Look.
1016 This action may make changes that could substantially affect the choice of materials, finishes, styles and colours in your design.\n\nDo you wish to go ahead?
1017 Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?
1018 When you attempt to display a Spec Sheet and no object is selected, Room Specs are shown instead.
1019 Making the 3D Window smaller will dramatically improve the speed and smoothness of WalkAbout.
1020 There are no floor sections in your design. The transparent subfloor you see in 3D is not a floor.\n\nNot knowing this, you might have become confused as to why the selected floor material isn't shown in 3D or the shopping list.
1021 You can move an object with precision by using the arrow keys.
1022 Change the size of the object to match the default for the type and variation you selected?
1023 Change the name of the object to match the type and variation you selected?\n\nYou may wish to leave the name alone if you have changed the it in this spec sheet or the shopping list.
1024 We automatically create backsplashes for all base cabinets attached to a wall, except corner cabinets. Fortunately, Amy has a clever tip which lets you add backplashes for corner units using a "worktop section." \n\nDo you wish to see this tip?
1025 Error
2000 Place Message/Query strings at the bottom of this list
2001 You have disabled all By The Way messages.\n\nTo reenable them, choose "Show Messages" from the "Options" menu.\n\nInstead of disabling all future messages, you can disable a particular message by checking the "Don't Show" box the next time it appears.
2002 You have exceeded your budget!\n\n If you wish, you may enter a new dollar amount in the thermometer's budget field by clicking on it.
2003 Notice!
2004 You can only see the spec sheet of one object at a time.
2005 Notice!
2006 Select Elevation
2007 Double click on the item you wish to see an elevation (side view) of.\n\nYou can move around via the mouse if you like and then double click on an object.
2008 Choose the counts per colour by setting a colour in the following dialog.
2010 No math coprocessor was detected when you installed this program. Another version of this program is optimized for machines with no math coprocessor.\n\nDO you wish to quit now so you may run that version?
2011 A math coprocessor was detected when you installed this program. There's a version of this program optimized for machines with math coprocessors.\nQuit & let you run that version now?
2012 Alternate Version?
2013 Convert Directory
2014 Convert *.BTE in the directory?
2015 Notice!
2016 The preset prices cannot be modified.\n\nDo you wish to edit "your" custom price?
2017 Adjust Size?
2018 The object is either too large or too small for your design. Would you like it adjusted to the appropriate size?
2019 Confirm Delete
2020 Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?
2021 Are you sure you want to delete all items?
2022 Convert *.AI in the directory?
2023 Preview?
2024 Do you want to preview the glyph?
2025 Sorry. The object you have double clicked on cannot be shown as an elevation (side) view. Would you like to see the Spec Sheet for that object?
2026 Material Not Found
2027 Can't find the desired material. Using Default.
2028 No Current Design
2029 There is no current design.\n\n Use "Open" or "New" from the "File" menu to open or create one.
2030 Error
2031 An error occurred while trying to create the file.
2032 Bad File Format
2033 Perhaps this is a Mac AI file?
2034 Scenery backdrop not found
2035 Could not find a file for the scene %s
2036 Cannot Print
2037 WinG is not installed correctly. Please reinstall.
2038 Not enough memory to print 3D View.
2039 Could not read shape %s
2040 Clear Scene
2041 Do you want to clear the scene first?
2042 Not In Bird's Eye View
2043 Sorry, but you cannot select an elevation view while looking down from a Bird's Eye view.\n\nDo you wish to move to normal height and then see the elevation view?
3053 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3054 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3055 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3056 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3057 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3058 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3059 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3060 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3061 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
3062 Click to select this object. (Hold down Shift key for multiple select)
32772 Change to a TEST tool\nTest Tool
32773 Change the window to 640x480 pixels\n640x480
32774 Selects tool used to select, move, and resize object\nPointer
32775 Enable 3D View\n3D View
32776 Enable 3D View\n3D View
32777 Enable a top down view\nTop View
32778 Enable a side view\nSide View
32780 If checked, enables By The Way help messages\nEnable Messages
32781 If checked, enables sounds and noises from the program\nEnable Sounds
32782 Generates a btw message\nTest Message
32783 Loads a 3D Object\n3D Object
32784 Load Palette\nLoad Palette
32785 Creates a colour cube palette\nCube Palette
32786 Load RWPalette\nLoad RWPalette
32787 DIsplay number of polygons in scene\nPolygons
32791 Arrange windows as non-overlapping horizontal tiles\nTile Windows
32792 Arrange windows as non-overlapping vertical tiles\nTile Windows
32793 Loadts test scene\nTest Scene
32795 Wireframe\nWireframe
32796 Set Test Object\nSet Test Object
32799 View the Shopping List\nShopping List
32800 Makes the current view larger\nZoom in
32801 Makes the curernt view smaller\nZoom Out
32802 Adjusts the magnification so you can view the entire design\nZoom to Fit Page
32803 Wall\nWall
32806 Window\nWindow
32807 Cabinet\nCabinet
32808 Deletes the selected object\nDelete
32809 Deletes all the objects\nDelete
32810 Resets all By The Way messages so they will be displayed (turns off "Don't Show")\nReset Messages
32811 If checked, a change made in any window will be updated in all other windows.\nSynchronize Windows
32812 Convert an Adobe Illustrator file to a glyph\nConvert AI
32813 Colour Swatches\nColour Swatches
32814 View the Telephone Numbers list\nTelephone
32816 Exports the Shopping List to a spreadsheet file\nExport Shopping List
32823 Enable or disable a window of helpful hints\nHelpful Ideas
32825 Show Floor Choices
32826 Show the Room Layout Consultant\nRoom Layout
32827 Views the Budget Thermometer\nBudget Thermometer
32828 Set to allow mouse actions will cause editing in 3D (else camera motion)\n3D Edit Mode
32829 Set to enable perspective foreshortening in 3D\n3D Perspective
32830 Allows the mouse to select, move, and spec objects (instead of moving the camera)\nEdit Mode
32831 Allows the mouse to move the camera (as opposed to editing an object)\nDoom Mode :-)
32832 Views and changes information on the selected object.\nSpec Sheet
32833 If checked, lets you open more than one document at a time\nMulitple FIles
32834 Changes various features of your room\nRoom Specs
32835 Changes the style and surfaces of objects\nDefault Styles
32836 If checked, displays a Spec Sheet whenever you place a new object\nSpec New Objects
32837 Preview 3D Models\nPreview 3D
32838 Tilt up
32839 Tilt Down
32840 Reset Camera
32841 Shorty
32843 View swatches for the objects in your home
32844 View colour schemes for your home
32845 Verifies DB\nVerify DB
32846 No document is open. Please select Open or New from the File menu.\nNo Document
32848 If checked, items snap to walls or at nice angles\nSnap
32849 If checked, displays a grid of lines that help you size and place objects\nShow Grid
32850 Changes the size of the grid\nGrid Size
32851 Changes the maximum size of the lot.\nLot Size
32852 A quick and easy way to get started with a home design\nJumpstart
32853 Saves the selected object to a file for use as a book to engine link\nSave object
32856 Locks or unlocks the selected objects so they cannot be easily moved.\nLock
32857 Marks the selected objects as existing so they may be excluded from the Shopping List\nMark Existing
32858 Labels each object with it's dimensions\nLabel Sizes
32859 Labels each object with it's name\nLabel Name
32860 Saves memory and improves speed in 3D by drawing less detailed objects\nPicasso was here. Cubism at its finest.
32861 If checked, items marked as "existing" will not be tallied in the shopping list.\nExclude Existing Items
32862 If checked, saves undo information so you can recover from mistakes\nEnable Undo
32863 If checked, the Top View window is scaled so the entire design fits inside the window\nZoom To Fit
32869 Dim the lights\nDim
32870 Brightens the lights\nBrighten
32871 Unselects all objects\nSelect None
32873 Pick Sound\nPick Sound
32874 Debug Mode\nDebug Mode
32875 Credit where credit is due\nCredits
32876 Hints and suggestions for advanced users\nTips
32877 Move the selected object to the left until it hits another object
32878 Move the selected object to the right until it hits another object
32879 Move the selected object up until it hits another object
32880 Move the selected object down until it hits another object
32881 Drop on the top of the closest object below
32882 Attach to the bottom of the closest object above
32883 Drop on the top of the 2nd closest object below
32884 Attach to the bottom of the 2nd closest object above
32885 Start or stop walkthrough recording.
32886 Start or stop walkthrough playback.
32887 Export the currently active 3d image as a bitmap.
32888 Take a snapshot from the current camera position.
32889 Record and playback snapshots and walkthroughs.
32890 Walls snap to walls
32891 Switch between metric units and inches/feet
32892 Snapping settings
32893 Set the distance for automatic wall snapping
32894 Brings up dialog for debugging video teacher
32896 Setup this copy of 3DH to run as a server.
32897 Setup this copy of 3DH to run as a client.
32898 Allows sharing of designs over a network
32899 Redraws more quickly by using flat shading.
32900 Improves speed in 3D by drawing with a simplified lighting model.
32901 Activates the Netscape browser, if installed
32902 Open a sample design
32903 Learn about Visual Home through sound and video teaching
32904 Adds the selected item to the shopping list
32906 This will not be in the final product
32908 Save the current design as a sample design
32909 Select the sound to be played while moving about in 3D.
32910 If checked the roof is displayed semi-transparent in Top View\nTransparent Roof