Charles Guy, William Wright, Marcin John Davis, Lori Woods, Wyeth Ridgeway, Mark Krietler
Shane Moura, Richard Starr, Austin Iverson, Carlos Naranjo, Mark Long, Patrick Moynihan
Roland Barker
Audio Engineering
Roland Barker, Joe Zajonc
Military Advisor
Ron Haskins
Voice Actors
Mark Long, Ron Haskins, Matthew Leavenworth, James Cooper, Kitti Lertpiriyasuwat, Dharm Janin, Roland Baker, David Choi, Joe Zanjonc, Keith Eric Boyette
Ron Haskins
Take2 Interactive
Sam Houser, Jeronimo Barrera
Ripcord Games
Lou Viveros, Eric Johnson
Beta Testers
Military Photographs
Special Thanks
RTime, Monolith, WXP, Microsoft DirectX, Sputnik
James Palma, Janice Butler, Sandy Heyer
First Special Forces Group, Ft Lewis
Minimum System Requirements
Pentium MMX 200
32 MB of RAM
150 MB free hard disk space
DirectX 6.0 or higher compatible Sound Card
D3D Video Card with 8 MB RAM
28.8 Modem and ISP for multiplayer
Windows 95 or 98
PII 200 or greater
32 MB of RAM
150 MB free hard disk space
150 MB free hard disk space
DirectX 6.0 or higher compatible Sound Card
3DFX Voodoo or D3D Video Card with 16 MB RAM
56k Modem and ISP for multiplayer
Windows 95 or 98
The installation procedure will prompt you to install the following onto your machine:
Spec Ops 2: US Army Green Berets
Indeo Video Codex (to play the movies)
DirectX 6
You will be asked to select the quality of sound you wish to install
You will need to restart your machine after installing the drivers. After you have installed the game, go to your start menu/programs/Spec Ops 2
Uninstalling Spec Ops 2
To uninstall Spec Ops 2, open the Start menu on your Win 95/98 machine and go to Programs/Spec Ops 2. Select uninstall. The program will prompt you for an easy uninstall.
Welcome to Spec Ops 2: US Army Green Berets. The sequel to the realistic military sim, genre-creating Spec Ops: US Army Rangers. Once again you will have the opportunity to control an elite US Army Special Operations group on missions around the world based on events ripped from today's headlines.
We have listened to feedback from players around the world and have incorporated a large number of their suggestions and features.
Among the improvements:
1. Multiplayer built in
2. Higher polygon models
3. Smarter buddy AI
4. Dynamic lights (flashlights, you can shoot out all the lights, etc.)
5. New weapons
6. Buddy control GUI
7. Vast, multi-storied interior AND vast exterior spaces, the only game to do so
8. D3D and Glide support
9. Dynamic Music, the music changes as the actions changes
10. Drop, pick up and trade inventory items
The motto of the US Special Forces is "De Opresso Liber" To Free the Oppressed.
F1 = Orders your squad to return to V formation with you in the middle, useful for defense
F2 = Orders your squad to return to column formation with you in the middle, best for sweeping wide areas
F3 = Orders your squad to return to a Line ("follow me") formation, with you in the front, best for going through buildings/tight
F4 = hit the dirt, entire squad will hit the dirt where ever they are. Hit this key again and everyone will stand.
F5= 3rd person view
F6 = 1st person view
F7 = Binoculars
F8 = Night Vision (if you selected a Night Vision Scope in your load out)
F9= Scope and infrared scope(the amount of magnification depends on the scope selected at load out. Note: not all weapons can use a scope.)
F10 =Map mode (use numeric keypad to scroll and zoom in/out)
F11 = toggles between red Laser designator and yellow 2D reticle and no pointer
F12 = drop camera (the camera will move once the character is out of view)
T = Targeting Toggle, forces the camera to center on the middle of the screen, so you always fire at the middle of the screen.
For the most "traditional" shooting game -style camera, use the yellow crosshair, with the Targeting ON
For the most "realistic" camera, use the laser dot, with the Targeting OFF (default)
Numeric Key Pad
8 = move fast forward
5 = move slow forward
2 = move backward
4 = turn left
6 = turn right
0/Ins = "running strafe" left (hold down fire button to fire)
./Del = "running strafe" right (hold down fire button to fire)
7 = sidestep strafe left (hold down fire button to fire)
9 = sidestep strafe right (hold down fire button to fire)
1 = lean left (hold down fire button to fire)
3 = lean right (hold down fire button to fire)
+ = zoom in (3rd person only)
- = zoom out (3rd person only)
A = stand up
Z = lie down
F = turn flashlight on/off
TAB = switch to other "buddy" if still alive or available
Left Click = fire
Right Click = issue buddy commands
L = hold down and move mouse to move 3rd person camera wherever you
1-0 change weapons
- = "widescreen" adjustment
+"widescreen" adjustment
SPACE = open door/activate switch
[ and ] = cycle through inventory, then hit RETURN to activate/use/throw
D = drop select item
P = pick up item on ground (note: must be facing item and within 2 feet of it)
RETURN = use inventory item (throw grenade for example)
Left Click = fire selected weapon
Right Click = brings up Buddy Control GUI (see below for more info)
Mouse Up = look up
Mouse Down = look down
Mouse Left = look left
Mouse Right = look right
NOTE: You can reassign all of these keys in the Options menu.
Main menu
New Game = starts a new game
Training = moves you to the 4 training locations
Options = allows you to adjust graphic, audio and game play options
Quit = quit SO2 and return to Windows
Level of Difficulty
The easier the level of difficulty, the more hits your squad can take, and the fewer hits the enemy can take. The more difficult the level of difficulty, the fewer hits your squad can take, and the more hits the enemy can take. Also the number of civilians who can suffer causalities shrinks as the level of difficulty increases.
Audio Options
Graphic Options
Control Options
Game Options
Audio Options
Allows you to adjust the volume of music and sound effects, select stereo or mono and switch speakers
Graphic Options
Change resolution
Control Options
Reassign/Adjust keys for keyboard, mouse or gamepad
Game Options
Random Enemies ON/OFF
If you don't find the game challenging enough, you can add additional enemies.
Fixed Enemies ON/OFF
If you find the game too challenging, you can turn off the fixed enemies
Select Mission
On this screen you can select the geographic location of the mission you will play. There are 5 choices.
Select Level
On this screen, you can select the specific mission for the geographic location you have selected. Depending on the geographic location, there are between 4 and 6 specific missions to choose from.
On this screen you are given background information and mission objectives, as well as recommendations for personnel and equipment. These mission objectives may change once the mission has started.
Team Select
On this screen you can assign the basic personnel to each of the team member slots available. The basic personnel type effects the initial load out as well their combat style. The number of squad mates available depends on the mission.
Load Out
On this screen you can give your squad mates additional gear or specify the gear you want them to carry.
Once you are done with the Load Out menu you will enter the game.
NOTES: You can go back to the Main Menu by selecting Main on the menu screens.
You can go Back on Menu Screen by selecting Back on the menu Screens.
You move forward through the menus by Clicking OK.
You can advance through the menus by hitting the first letter of the menu item.
Run SO2 from start menu/SO2 or shortcut on your desktop.
From the Main Menu select "New Game"
Now select your level of difficulty
Select your mission's geographic location
Select the specific mission for that geographic location.
You will now you see the mission briefing. Pay close attention, as the mission requirements will effect the type of equipment you need.
Select the skill set for your team members.
Note that the default squad member type, is an AI personality type. Close quarters are most likely to engage a target only when the are close, snipers will engage targets furthest away, etc.
Select between Foot Soldier, Grenadier, Machine Gunner, Sniper, Close-Quarters or Demolition. Each has a different basic weapons load out which you can change on the next screen.
Now you are at the load out menu where you can select how much, and which weapons and equipment you can assign for each of your squad members.
The list of items for the currently selected soldier is on the far left. You can delete an item by highlighting it and clicking on it.
To add an item to the inventory (either weapon or equipment) use the appropriate pull down menu and click on it with your left mouse button.
To select a different member of your squad, use the Team pull down menu. You can also change his name (or better yet, type in a description of their load-out).
To change a personality type, use the pull down menu on the bottom right. You can select between Foot Soldier, Grenadier, Machine Gunner, Sniper, Close-Quarters or Demolition.
The yellow bar at the bottom is an indication of how much weight your soldier is carrying and how much more he can carry.
You can carry more than one piece of the same piece of equipment (2 HE grenades for example), but you may only select one weapon. You may pick up additional weapons as you play the game.
Once you select OK you will enter the game.
Once you have finished the mission you will see a debriefing screen that will inform you of the number of kills, buddies lost, time to complete the mission, success or failure and mission objectives completed.
Then you will see your career screen and finally you will return the main menu.
This is the Squad Control GUI. It allows you to give members of your Squad specific orders.
1. Point your laser dot or yellow reticle at your desired location or enemy. Right Click to make the Squad Control GUI appear.
2. While still holding down the right mouse button, move your mouse to the squad member you want to control and the action you want them to perform. That "cell" in the "table" will then highlight.
3. Let go of the right mouse button.
4. The selected squad member will now attempt to perform that operation. NOTE: if the selected squad member does not have a satchel charge, he will let you know.
The Three Commands
ATK = Attack: Use this on a specific enemy and the select squad member will engage that target.
DEF = Defend: The selected squad member will move to that location and hold his ground.
DEM = Demolish: The selected squad member will move to that location and place a satchel charge.
Controlling your Squad is a skill that you will fine tune as you progress through the missions. Moving your squad mates ahead of your position while you provide covering fire is a maneuver you will need to perfect if you wish to complete the missions.
Your squad mates are putting their lives in your hands and will perform your orders to the best of their ability, even if it means putting their own lives in danger. You squad will inform you when they see enemies.
The buddies will follow these commands until you give them another order, recall them into formation, via the F1, F2 or F3 keys or "buddy swap" via the Tab key to control a new Squad Mate.
"Buddy swapping" is the act of changing to a new squad mate that you control and maneuver directly in either 1st or 3rd person. Once you have swapped to that this new squad mate, that squad mate is now in control of the squad and all of his orders take precedent over any previous orders.
Most of the movement in Spec Ops 2 is similar to other first or third person shooters you have likely played in the past. Typically you move with the numeric keypad and aim and fire with your mouse. Keep in mind that your weapon selection will effect the spread, accuracy and lethality of your rounds.
The enemy are typically very lethal, more so than in a fantasy based game. Remember, the rule of "one shot, one kill" works both ways. So stealth and cunning and the ability to use cover are more important than in other games. In order to survive most missions, you will need to perform some recon and engage as many targets as possible from as far away as quietly as possible.
You will often come across ladders in many of the missions in Spec Ops 2. To climb these ladders simply run to them and continue to hold down on the run forward key until you reach the top. Note that you are extremely vulnerable to enemy fire while on the ladder. Once you have finished your "dismount" animation, you may once again move in a normal manner. While ladders may very will give you an advantage, be aware of the risks. To climb down, simply hold the down or walk backwards key.
To climb down a ladder, it is often best to go to into the 3rd person view and walk backwards towards the ladder. The Green Beret will move into the climb down animation as once he has made contact with the ladder. Continue to hold the walk backwards key until you reach the ground.
Grenades can be thrown over objects, buildings or hills by throwing them higher in the air. This also increases the distance they travel, but just as in real life, only up to a point. You can adjust the amount of arc, and thus the distance by tilting your Green Beret's body back using the mouse while he is throwing the grenade. This will take some practice, but that is what the training levels are for.
Sample Squad Combat.
Your squad is moving towards an objective, when you encounter two enemies who have taken position behind a large container. There is no other way to get to your objective. A simple frontal assault will likely result in the death of at least one of your men. The recommended procedures are either to try and flush the enemy out by throwing a grenade over the container or by trying to outflank them.
If you opt to throw the grenade, you will more than likely force them to run for cover, either towards you where you can engage them, or back out from the container, allowing you to run into their position. But if you do not throw the grenade correctly, it might very well bounce back at your feet.
You could also use the Squad Control GUI and tell one of your squad mates to go and defend a position to the left, while you run to the right around the container. Just be careful not to shoot your own squad mate when you come around the corner guns blazing.
Pick Up
From time to time, you may come across items in the world that you wish to pick up (other weapons, ammo, etc.). To pick up these items, move your Green Beret to within 2 feet of the object, then hit the "pick up" key ("P"). The Green Beret will pick up object and add to his inventory.
You can also drop an item in your inventory, buddy swap to a different Green Beret and have that Green Beret pick up that item. Effectively trading items between members of your squad.
SOCCOM and GSG9 form a Cooperational Detachment Alpha Team to stop a terrorist group from stealing a Stinger missile shipment.
Ship Crane
Terrorist snipers must be cleared from the shipyard.
The entrance to the port facility must be cleared.
Rail Yard
Find stinger missiles, eliminate terrorists.
Ambush terrorists, prevent truck from escaping.
Ship Deck
Secure the ship deck and bridge, rescue hostages.
Ship Hold
Find and disarm explosives, eliminate terrorists.
US Space Command lost control of NAVSTAR GPS satellite SVN 47 during a Delta V maneuver 10 days ago.
Ice Shelf
Locate and retrieve the CODEC before enemy forces.
Com. Center
Infiltrate commo. center, locate CODEC intell.
Helo Base
Attack base, destroy helos.
RD Base
Infiltrate research base, seize CODEC.
Retrieve, activate STABO system for exfiltration.
Sub Rescue
Move to SSN Seawolf rally point for extraction.
The North Korean defense secretary has secretly communicated his desire to defect to the United States.
Move off beach, up road.
Safe House
Move to safe house compound.
E and E
Escape and Evasion behind enemy lines.
Move to beach, exfiltrate by Zodiac.
Tensions have recently become critical between India and Pakistan.
Infiltrate research facility, photograph warhead.
Download SCUD Targeting data for target analysis.
Air Defense
Locate, neutralize HAWK ADA systems.
Locate, laser designate SCUDs for destruction.
Locate, destroy SCUD convoy before they can launch.
SOCOM has been assigned to assist Thailand with border patrol missions on the Malaysian border.
Patrol and make contact with the enemy.
Camp Raid
Raid guerrilla camp, neutralize enemy forces.
C130 Rescue
Find C130 crash site and pilot, exfiltrate by helicopter.
Ambush guerrilla patrol company.
There are also 4 training levels to familiarize you with the various maneuvers, tactics, weapons and controls.
Firing Range
Weapons Practice
Obstacle Course
Run Obstacle (Confidence) Course
Tire House
Practice CQB (Close Quarters Combat)
Shoot House
Improve your techniques in CQB
There are 6 terrains created specifically for DeathMatch.
N. Korea
Deathmatch1: N. Korea. Night. Central building, surrounded by water.
Deathmatch2: Antarctica. Day. Several buildings and ice caves.
Deathmatch5: Pakistan. Dawn. Small research complex.
Deathmatch6: Thailand. Night. Fishing village on river inlet.
In Spec Ops 2: Green Berets, you have a wide array of weapons at your disposal. The successful completion of a mission will often depend on the weapons you select as the tactics you employ.
Note that the automatic and semi-automatic weapons will fire their bullets in a spread, and the further you are from your target, the greater the spread will be. Single shot weapons are more accurate and often come with a scope, but fire at a slower rate. Grenade launchers can inflict a great deal of damage, but do so indiscriminately which may inflict friendly fire causalities.
AK 47
7.62mm Assault Rifle
7.62mm Assault Rifle
40mm Grenade Launcher
5.62mm Assault Rifle
5.62mm SAW
7.62mm Machine-gun
.50cal Sniper Rifle
9mm Submachinegun
5.62mm Assault Rifle
20mm XM Rifle
7.62mm Assault Rifle
7.62mm Sniper Rifle
5.62mm Assault Rifle
9mm Submachinegun
Hechler Koch MGN
7.62mm Machine-gun
5.62mm Assault Rifle
12 gauge CQB Shotgun
Rocky Mt. Patriot
5.62mm Rifle
5.62mm XM Rifle
In addition to the following equipment, you can also acquire additional equipment during a mission. These include extra ammo, med kits and more. However, there are additional items in the mission which may cause problems, such as mines and boobytraps.
Blood Plasma, can restore the health of your Squad Mates.
M18 AP Mine
Once placed, can only be triggered remotely.
Satchel Charge
C4 High Explosive
A very large explosive charge capable of destroying all targets.
M9 Frag Grenade
HE Grenade
The standard anti-personnel grenade.
M4 Smoke Grenade
Colored Smoke Grenade
Useful for providing smoke to cover your retreat.
HE Devestator Grenade
XM HE Grenade
Large, powerful grenade.
M13 WP Grenade
White Phosphor Grenade
Can cause fires which can consume enemies.
Extra Clip
This provides you with extra ammo for the primary weapon selected.
To play a Multiplayer game of Spec Ops 2, follow these steps.
1. Select Launch Spec Ops 2 Green Beret Multiplayer Lobby
2. Spec Ops 2 Green Beret will establish a connection to your Internet Service Provider
3. You will now be connected to the Lobby for Spec Ops 2.
The lobby will let you find other players to chat or play a game with (either by hosting a new game or joining an
existing game).
If you are hosting a game, you get to decide the rules and the type of game you will play. If you are joining a game, you have to abide by the rules of the host.
The first thing you should do when you get to the lobby is type in your name, which will identify you to
the other players on line.
You can choose another sever to play on (2). You may want to click on the Update Server List button. This will ping all the servers and report back with a latency. Select either the lowest number (fastest ping
time/least latency) or the server where you and your friends pre-determined to meet (if that is the case).
Highlight that server in the list and click on the Connect to New Server button.
Next decide if you simply want to chat in the Lobby or Host or Join a game (3). While chatting, before the
game starts, you can Broadcast a message to everyone in the lobby, or Whisper your message to a single
individual (4).
If you simply want to chat in the Lobby, make sure that Lobby is selected in the Channel window. This will allow you to chat with other players who are not yet in a game ON THAT SPECIFIC SERVER in a central location (NOTE: you cannot chat with players on other servers, without connecting to that server). From here you can issue or accept challenges to combat. If a specific Game Channel is selected then you will be in communication with only those people in that game. If you decide to Join a game, look for a Hosted game.
When you select a Game Channel, the type of game (5) and the number of players (6) will appear if that game channel is currently being hosted by another player.
If you decide to Host a game, click on the Host button.
When you select Host, the Lobby screen will disappear (but continue to run in the background) and Spec
Ops 2 will launch, from here you will select the type of game you wish to play and the options you want.
NOTE: To host a LAN game:
1. Launch the "Host SpecOps 2 Green Beret LAN game" from the Startup menu.
2. Other players should launch their lobby
3. Then they should Connect to the LAN in the server list
This screen allows you to set various parameters which effect the type, duration and style of gameplay.
The first screen to appear will let you decide the type of multiplayer game you will play:
Death Match: Free-for-all firefight, every player and their buddy against every other player and their buddy. Your standard DeathMatch game.
Team vs. Team DeathMatch: This pits you and your squad and other human players and their squad against other humans and their squad. NOTE: you will receive a NEGATIVE frag for killing players on your team (including your squad).
Cooperative Mission: Allows you to play all the single player missions on the original Spec Ops and Ranger Team Bravo with a friend(s) and their buddies against the computer AI.
Team vs. Team Mission: Allows you to play all the single player missions on the original Spec Ops and Ranger Team Bravo with a friend(s) and their buddies against the computer AI PLUS humans and their buddies.
King of the Hill: The team who stands at the top of hill (or other objective) for the longest amount of time wins.
FRAG LIMIT: The number of kills required for the mission to end.
TIME LIMIT (in minutes): The length of time the mission or death match will last.
SQUAD SIZE: The number of Squad Mates on your team (1 - 4). Note: the more Squad Mates you have, the fewer number of human players that can join.
MAXIMUM PLAYERS: The number of human players who can join the game. Once this number has
been reached no new human players can join (until someone leaves).
MINIMUM: The minimum number of human players required for the game to start. NOTE: if you make this 1, you can start playing the game as soon as you host, otherwise you will wait until the specified number of players joins. All players will see at a screen that says "Waiting for other players" until the minimum number of players joins.
AI REINFORCEMENTS: The maximum number of enemy AI (computer) reinforcements that will be in
the game. This includes both preset and random AI. If this number is 0, then no AI will appear, and your
only opponents (if any) will be human.
The number of times you can get respawned before you are kicked out of a mission. NOTE: this includes your Squad Mates.
This is the fratricide limit, the number of times you can kill someone on your own team before they are kicked out of a game. This is done to reduce PKers (Player Killers, players who do not try to finish the mission, but rather prefer to just kill members of their own team).
NOTE: These variables are all discrete, individual objectives and the game ends as soon as the first of these objectives has been met. For example, if you set the time limit to 20 minutes and the kill limit to 5. The game will end as soon as 5 kills have been reached, even if this occurs before the 20 minutes are up. This is especially important for Cooperative and Team vs. Team Mission games. If you choose to play a single player mission as a Team vs. Team Mission, but select 5 kill limit, and 90 Max Enemy AI the game will end as soon as the Offensive team makes 5 kills, and you will lose. However, this may be the type of game you wish to play, if you want to force the player to rely completely on stealth. Feel free to experiment to find the type of game that you enjoy the most.
This screen will only be shown if you select either Team Vs Team DeathMatch or Team vs. Team Mission.
If you select Offense, you are assuming the role of the Green Beret in the single player missions i.e. you are responsible for completing the mission objectives (destroy the base, capture the fugitive, etc.). If you select Defense, you are assisting the computer AI in trying to prevent the Offense from completing their objectives. NOTE: Offense is the more difficult of the two options as you are usually vastly outnumbered.
You can use both the DeathMatch specific levels as well as ALL of the individual mission levels for DeathMatch. However, ONLY the single player maps can be used for Cooperative or Combative team missions.
If you wish to Join a game, first find a game channel that is currently active with a host. You can then
decide if this is the type of game and the terrain you wish to play on. You can also examine the players and their skill level before joining. Once you have found a game you wish to join, simply click the join
button. You will then be taken to the Team Select or Green Beret Loadout screen depending on the type of game you have joined.
If the enemy is hiding behind a hill or crate, you can throw your grenades over the object.
Be careful going down ladders. Use the 3rd person camera and walk backwards. If you miss the ladder you may fall and injure yourself.
Make sure you read the mission briefing. It will let you know what equipment and personnel you should bring to complete the mission.
Switch camera views often. First Person is typically best to maneuver through tight spaces and the most accurate for most weapons. Third Person is typically best for understanding the lay of the land.
The default squad member type, is an AI personality type. Close quarters are most likely to engage a target only when the are close, snipers will engage targets furthest away, etc.
Use your buddy control GUI to place buddy in locations where he can provide cover or send him out with a satchel charge, while you provide cover for him.
Even if you can't kill anyone with a grenade, the AI will run away from a grenade, so you can use grenades to flush out the enemy if they are in a bunker or behind a corner.
The flashlight will light up the world, allowing you see things that the night vision goggles do not, but the enemy can see your flashlight from a great distance. Use the flashlight judiciously.
Shoot out lights, they make it harder for opponents (human and AI) to see you.
Stay in the shadows, and stay quiet.
If you load out your buddies with a grenade launcher, be sure to stay away from enemies.
You may find that you have specific load outs for single player and DeathMatch. Some players prefer to load up on med kits and rely on their ability to scavenge for weapons off their kills in a death match game. Others prefer to load up on weapons as they have extra lives in a deathmatch.
Reduce the enemies' target by going prone.
Use the terrain to your advantage. Find higher elevations and shoot down at the enemy, find places that provide cover.
Reload before going into battle.
Leave an item you often use as the current inventory item (grenade or Medkit). This will let you access it quickly.
If you are on fire due to a phosphor grenade, remember what you were taught in grade school: stop, drop and roll. Often you will be able to put the fire out.
If you run out of ammo, don't forget your knife. It can prove to be quite lethal. Or better yet, pick up weapons dropped by the enemy or fallen comrades.
Tech Support
INSET RIPCORD and Take2 support contact info here.
Increasing Performance
1. Drivers
Make sure you have the most recent drivers for your SPECIFIC video card. We have found that the generic reference drivers for specific video chipsets are not as compatible as those written for specific video cards. This is most likely because video card manufacturers are "tweaking" their cards to get the most performance from them.
2. DirectX
Make sure you are using the latest version of DirectX (Version 6 as of August, 1999, although version 7 may be out by the time you are reading this). Each version of DirectX gets a little faster.
3. Audio
Select the 11k rather than the 22k audio files.
4. Graphics
You can bring in the clipping plane, which reduces the number of polygons being drawn, which increase frame rate by bringing in the "fog", you can do this by using the "(" key. You can push the fog further out by using the ")" key.
If you are running the D3D version of the game, you may also wish to select a lower resolution, 640x480 or 512x384 to improve frame rate.
5. Multiplayer
Q - Sometimes I can shoot another player with several clips of ammo and they
still don't die, why?
A - This occurs as a result of the Internet connection timing out or excessively
high ping times
Q - What if my ping time is too high?
A - Try switching to another game room then switching back to original room. This will usually lower the ping time in a room that had a higher ping before the switch. You can also click on the "update server" button to find a lower ping time on another server. Depending on your ISP, you may wish to log off your ISP and reconnect. Some ISPs route you to hubs out of state if the local hubs are full. If you reconnect, you may get a local hub, and thus a lower ping time.
Q - What can I do to get better performance?
A - You might consider getting a V90 modem if your provider support its (connections
between 46.000 and 50.000 BPS).
You may wish to decrease your packet-length. This is important and better for multiplayer games.
Just decrease your FIFO-buffers and you will have less crashes, with or without a V90 modem!
Try to connect at 28.8 instead of 56K. For a long list of reasons, your performance for gaming may improve. The short version at 56K your modem has to do more modulation between analog & digital, at 28.8 this is reduced which will reduce your latency times, possibly by as much as 200 ms. (Check out Computer Games, August 1999, pg. 22)
Next turn off compression on your modem.
Finally, make sure you have got the most recent drivers and flash updates (if available) for your
Q - What game options should I select to increase performance?
A - You may wish to reduce the maximum number of characters in the game. If you find that your computer is not keeping up with your opponents, then host your own game, where you can specify conditions that work well on your computer. For example, select a mission in Antarctica or Pakistan, where there are no trees, select DeathMatch levels (they have fewer polygons), then limit the number of players who can play.
Q - How do we get rid of PK'ers (player killers) on Co-op or Team vs. Team games?
A - If you have an individual playing in your game who purposely shoots players on his own team, there is a way to get rid of him. If you set a low value on the number of Friendly Casualties, they will get booted out as soon as they exceed this number. We don't recommend that you make this value zero, as everyone makes a few mistakes, but that is up to you.
Spec Ops History
The Green Beret
The green beret was originally designated in 1953 by Special Forces Maj. Herbert Brucker, a veteran of the
OSS. Later that year, 1st Lieutenant Roger Pezelle adopted it as the unofficial headgear for his A-team,
Operational Detachment FA-32. They wore it whenever they went to the field for prolonged exercises. Soon it spread throughout all of Special Forces, although the Army refused to authorize its official use.
Finally, in 1961, President Kennedy planned to visit Fort Bragg. He sent word to the Special Warfare Center commander, Brigadier General William P. Yarborough, for all Special Forces soldiers to wear their berets for the event. President Kennedy felt that since they had a special mission, Special Forces should have something to set them apart from the rest. Even before the presidential request, however, the Department of Army had acquiesced and teletyped a message to the Center authorizing the beret as a part of the Special Forces uniform.
When President Kennedy came to Fort Bragg October 12, 1961, Gen. Yarborough wore his green beret to greet the commander-in-chief. The president remarked, "Those are nice. How do you like the green beret?" General Yarborough replied: "They're fine, sir. We've wanted them a long time."
A message from President Kennedy to General Yarborough later that day stated, "My congratulations to you personally for your part in the presentation today ... The challenge of this old but new form of operations is a real one and I know that you and the members of your command will carry on for us and the free world in a manner which is both worthy and inspiring. I am sure that the green beret will be a mark of distinction in the trying times ahead."
For a complete history of the US Special Forces:
Appendix 1.
Note: these are great Hints and Tips from the Spec Ops soldiers themselves.
Special Operations Forces Imperatives and Truths
Special Operations Imperatives
Understand the Operational Environment
Recognize Political Implications
Facilitate Interagency Activities
Engage the Threat Discriminently
Consider Long-term Effects
Ensure Legitimacy and Credibility of Special Operations
Anticipate and Control Psychological Effects
Apply Capabilities Indirectly
Develop Multiple Options
Ensure Long- term Sustainment
Provide Sufficient intelligence
Balance Security and Synchronization
Special Operations Forces Truths
Humans are more important than Hardware
Quality is better than Quantity
Special Operations Forces cannot be mass produced
Competent Special 0perations Forces cannot be created
after emergencies occur
Murphy's Laws of Combat
1.You are not a superman.
2.If it's stupid but works, it's not stupid.
3.Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire.
4.When in doubt, empty your magazine.
5.Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.
6.Remember: Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
7.If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
8.No plan survives the first contact intact.
9.Try to look unimportant. The enemy may be low on ammo.
10.The easy way is always mined.
11.Incoming fire has the right of way.
12.If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU.
13.Tracers work both ways.
14.The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is
incoming friendly fire.
15.Professional soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of
16.Murphy was a grunt.
Robert Rogers Rangers Standing Orders circa 1759
This is from the very first US Special Forces group. This advice is still useful today.
1. Don't forget nothing.
2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder
and ball, and be ready to march at a minute's warning.
3. When you're on the march, act the way you would if you was sneaking up on a
deer. See the enemy first.
4. Tell the truth about what you see and do. There is an army depending on us
for correct information. You can lie all you please when you tell other folks
about the Rangers, but don't never lie to a Ranger or officer.
5. Don't never take a chance you don't have to.
6. When we're on the march we march single file, far enough apart so one shot
can't go through two men.
7. If we strike swamps, or soft ground, we spread out abreast, so it's hard to
track us.
8. When we march, we keep moving 'til dark, so as to give the enemy the least
possible chance at us.
9. When we camp, half the party stays awake while the other half sleeps.<p>
10. If we take prisoners, we keep 'em separate 'til we have had time to examine
them, so they can't cook up a story between 'em.
11. Don't ever march home the same way. Take a different route so you won't be
12. No matter whether we travel in big parties or little ones, each party has
to keep a scout 20 yards ahead, twenty yards on each flank and twenty yards in
the rear, so the main body can't be surprised and wiped out.
13. Every night you'll be told where to meet if surrounded by a superior
14. Don't sit down to eat without posting sentries.
15. Don't sleep beyond dawn. Dawn's when the French and Indians attack.
16. Don't cross a river by a regular ford.
17. If somebody's trailing you, make a circle, come back onto your own tracks,
and ambush the folks that aim to ambush you.
18. Don't stand up when the enemy's coming against you. Kneel down. Hide
behind a tree.
19. Let the enemy come till he's almost close enough to touch. Then let him
have it and jump out and finish him up with your hatchet.