$VER: AAShowDir 1.3 (9.12.99) (c) Neil Bothwick, Wirenet
Open a Workbench Window/Lister using either OS 3.5 or Directory Opus
options results
address command
call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
call addlib('rexxdossupport.library',0,-30,0)
parse arg path
if word(statef(path),1) = 'FILE' then path = PathPart(path)
options failat 21
OS = '3'
'version >NIL: dopus5.library 63'
if RC = 0 then OS = 'Opus'
'version >NIL: version 44'
if RC = 0 then OS = '3.5'
'version >NIL: dopus5.library 68'
if RC = 0 then OS = 'MagII'
options failat 10
when OS = 'MagII' then do
address 'DOPUS.1'
if exists(path'.info') then 'lister new fromicon' path
else 'lister new' path
when OS = 'Opus' then address 'DOPUS.1' 'lister new' path
when OS = '3.5' then address 'WORKBENCH' 'WINDOW "'path'" OPEN'
otherwise 'RequestChoice >NIL: "Amiga Active CD" "This feature only works if you are running*N Directory Opus Magellan as Workbench,*Nor you have OS 3.5. You will have to open*Nthe window from its Workbench icon" "Sorry"'