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/* $Id: tess_fist.c,v 1999/12/05 17:22:29 gareth Exp $ */
* Mesa 3-D graphics library
* Version: 3.1
* Copyright (C) 1999 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* GLU 1.3 Polygon Tessellation - Implementation of FIST algorithm
* For more info on FIST, see:
* http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~held/projects/triang/triang.html
* Gareth Hughes <garethh@bell-labs.com>, April 1999
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "gluP.h"
#include "tess.h"
#include "tess_macros.h"
#include "tess_heap.h"
#include "tess_clip.h"
#include "tess_winding.h"
#if 0
#include "tess_grid.h"
#include "tess_fist.h"
* Internal function prototypes:
static GLenum remove_coincident_vertices( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static GLenum compute_orientations( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static GLenum sort_vertices( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static GLenum transform_build_bridges( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static GLenum classify_angles( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static void classify_vertex( tess_contour_t *contour, tess_vertex_t *vertex,
GLenum orientation );
static GLenum tessellate_contours( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static GLenum output_contours( GLUtesselator *tobj );
GLdouble point_line_test( GLdouble u[2], GLdouble v[2], GLdouble p[2] );
GLboolean point_triangle_test( tess_vertex_t *triangle, tess_vertex_t *point,
GLenum orientation );
GLdouble angle_2dv( GLdouble va[2], GLdouble vb[2], GLdouble vc[2] );
static void tess_begin_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj, GLenum mode );
static void tess_vertex_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj, void *vertex_data );
static void tess_end_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj );
static void tess_edgeflag_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj, GLboolean flag );
static void tess_output_triangle( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_vertex_t *vertex );
static void cleanup( GLUtesselator *tobj );
void contour_dump( tess_contour_t *contour );
extern GLenum tess_clip_polygons( GLUtesselator *tobj );
* Internal type definitions:
typedef struct
tess_vertex_t *vertex;
GLdouble dist;
} fist_vecdist_t;
#define RV_INSERT(t, r) \
hashtable_insert( (t), ((int) r), ((void *) r) )
#define RV_DELETE(t, r) \
hashtable_delete( (t), ((int) r) )
* fist_tessellation
* The main algorithm. This is the core triangulation code that implements
* the Fast Industrial-Strength Triangulation algorithm.
GLenum fist_tessellation( GLUtesselator *tobj )
MSG( 5, " -> fist_tessellation( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
#ifdef DEBUG
do {
tess_contour_t *contour = tobj->contours;
GLint i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tobj->num_contours ; i++ ) {
contour_dump( contour );
contour = contour->next;
} while ( 0 );
/* Remove zero-length edges. */
remove_coincident_vertices( tobj );
* Calculate and add any intersection points, and extract a set of
* non-intersecting contours.
tess_clip_polygons( tobj );
/* Sort and renumber the vertices of all the polygons. */
sort_vertices( tobj );
/* Compute and adjust the orientations of all the polygons. */
compute_orientations( tobj );
/* Do those fancy calculations for the GLU winding rules. */
tess_preprocess_contours( tobj );
#ifdef DEBUG
do {
tess_contour_t *contour = tobj->contours;
GLint i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tobj->num_contours ; i++ ) {
contour_dump( contour );
contour = contour->next;
} while ( 0 );
/* Output simple line loops if only the boundary is required. */
if ( tobj->boundary_only ) {
output_contours( tobj );
return tobj->error;
* Transform multiple polygons into a single polygon by building all
* bridges.
if ( tobj->num_contours > 1 ) {
transform_build_bridges( tobj );
/* Classify all of the angles of the polygon. */
classify_angles( tobj );
/* Tessellate all the contours that make up the polygon. */
tessellate_contours( tobj );
/* Cleanup after tessellation is complete. */
cleanup( tobj );
MSG( 5, " <- fist_tessellation( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return tobj->error;
* fist_recovery_process
* The main recovery algorithm. This is the multi-phase recovery process the
* FIST algorithm uses when things start going wrong. It ensures a
* topologically-valid triangulation is produced, no matter what.
GLenum fist_recovery_process( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_contour_t *contour )
tess_vertex_t *vertex = contour->vertices;
GLint i;
MSG( 5, " -> fist_recovery_process( tobj:%p c:%p )\n", tobj, contour );
* We start the multi-phase recovery process by clipping zero area
* ears, and ears where a vertex lies on another edge. This may
* get us out of trouble, but if not the hard-core recovery must
* take place.
for ( i = 0 ; i < contour->num_vertices ; i++ )
if ( vertex->prev->index == vertex->next->index )
MSG( 5, " zero area ear: (%d, %d, %d)\n", vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
/* Output the triangle. */
tess_output_triangle( tobj, vertex );
/* Remove the vertex from the contour as required. */
vertex->prev->next = vertex->next->next;
vertex->next->next->prev = vertex->prev;
/* Set the new edge flag. */
vertex->prev->edge_flag = GL_FALSE;
if ( contour->vertices == vertex ) {
contour->vertices = vertex->prev;
contour->num_vertices -= 2;
* Update the reflex vertex set. We first need to remove
* any entries for the three vertices we have touched,
* and then re-classify the two vertices that remain in
* the contour.
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->prev );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->next );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->next->next );
classify_vertex( contour, vertex->prev, tobj->orientation );
classify_vertex( contour, vertex->next->next, tobj->orientation );
free( vertex->next );
free( vertex );
MSG( 5, " <- fist_recovery_process( tobj:%p ) okay\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
vertex = vertex->next;
* FIXME: Just output one of the reflex vertices as an ear.
#if 1
vertex = contour->vertices;
MSG( 5, " desperate ear: (%d, %d, %d)\n", vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
/* Output the triangle. */
tess_output_triangle( tobj, vertex );
/* Remove the vertex from the contour as required. */
vertex->prev->next = vertex->next;
vertex->next->prev = vertex->prev;
/* Set the new edge flag. */
vertex->prev->edge_flag = GL_FALSE;
if ( contour->vertices == vertex ) {
contour->vertices = vertex->prev;
* Update the reflex vertex set. We first need to remove
* any entries for the three vertices we have touched,
* and then re-classify the two vertices that remain in
* the contour.
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->prev );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->next );
classify_vertex( contour, vertex->prev, tobj->orientation );
classify_vertex( contour, vertex->next, tobj->orientation );
free( vertex );
MSG( 5, " <- fist_recovery_process( tobj:%p ) okay\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
contour_dump( contour );
/* Report a failure in the recovery process. */
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_TESS_ERROR8 );
MSG( 5, " <- fist_recovery_process( tobj:%p ) failed!\n", tobj );
return GLU_ERROR;
* remove_coincident_vertices
static GLenum remove_coincident_vertices( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t *contour = tobj->contours;
GLint i;
MSG( 5, " -> remove_coincident_vertices( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
for ( i = 0 ; i < tobj->num_contours ; i++ )
tess_vertex_t *vertex = contour->vertices;
GLint j;
for ( j = 0 ; j < contour->num_vertices ; j++ )
if ( ( ABSD( vertex->coords[X]
- vertex->next->coords[X] ) <= tobj->tolerance ) &&
( ABSD( vertex->coords[Y]
- vertex->next->coords[Y] ) <= tobj->tolerance ) &&
( ABSD( vertex->coords[Z]
- vertex->next->coords[Z] ) <= tobj->tolerance ) )
tess_vertex_t *coinc = vertex->next;
/* Coincident vertices, so remove one of them. */
MSG( 5, " coincident (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) and (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) count: %d\n", vertex->coords[X], vertex->coords[Y], vertex->coords[Z], vertex->next->coords[X], vertex->next->coords[Y], vertex->next->coords[Z], contour->num_vertices );
vertex->next = coinc->next;
coinc->next->prev = vertex;
if ( contour->vertices == coinc ) {
contour->vertices = vertex;
if ( contour->last_vertex == coinc ) {
contour->last_vertex = vertex;
free( coinc );
vertex = vertex->next;
contour = contour->next;
MSG( 5, " <- remove_coincident_vertices( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* compute_orientations
* The orientations of each contour loop previously calculated are inspected
* and adjusted so that the final triangulation will be CCW with respect to
* the normal of the triangulation plane.
static int compare_contour_areas( const void *c1, const void *c2 );
static GLenum compute_orientations( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t **sorted_contours;
tess_contour_t *current;
GLint i;
MSG( 15, " -> compute_orientations( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
if ( tobj->num_contours > 1 )
* If we have multiple contours, sort them by their size to determine
* which one is the exterior. Make sure this exterior contour is
* oriented CCW with respect to the tessellation normal, and if it
* is not oriented this way reverse all the contours.
* FIXME: Is this the best place to do this? I think the winding
* rule stuff will work out the exteriour contour better than this.
sorted_contours = (tess_contour_t **)
malloc( tobj->num_contours * sizeof(tess_contour_t *) );
if ( sorted_contours == NULL ) {
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return GLU_ERROR;
current = tobj->contours;
i = 0;
while ( i < tobj->num_contours )
sorted_contours[ i++ ] = current;
current = current->next;
/* Sort the contours by their area. */
qsort( sorted_contours, tobj->num_contours,
sizeof(tess_contour_t *), compare_contour_areas );
tobj->contours = sorted_contours[ 0 ];
tobj->last_contour = sorted_contours[ tobj->num_contours - 1 ];
current = tobj->contours;
for ( i = 1; i < tobj->num_contours; i++ )
current->next = sorted_contours[ i ];
sorted_contours[ i ]->prev = current;
current = current->next;
/* Wrap the contour list. */
tobj->last_contour->next = tobj->contours;
tobj->contours->prev = tobj->last_contour;
if ( sorted_contours ) {
free( sorted_contours );
MSG( 15, " <- compute_orientations( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* compare_contour_areas
static int compare_contour_areas( const void *c1, const void *c2 )
GLdouble area1, area2;
area1 = (*((tess_contour_t **) c1))->area;
area2 = (*((tess_contour_t **) c2))->area;
if ( area1 < area2 ) {
return 1;
if ( area1 > area2 ) {
return -1;
return 0;
* sort_vertices
* Sort all the vertices from all contours lexicographically, first by
* x-coordinate, and then by y-coordinate. Duplicates are removed from this
* array, so that coincident vertices have the same index in the array.
static int compare_vertices( const void *v1, const void *v2 );
static GLenum sort_vertices( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t *current;
tess_vertex_t *vertex;
GLint i, j, n = 0, num_vertices, removed;
MSG( 15, " -> sort_vertices( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
/* Allocate the sorted vertices array. */
tobj->sorted_vertices = (tess_vertex_t **)
malloc( tobj->num_vertices * sizeof(tess_vertex_t *) );
if ( tobj->sorted_vertices == NULL ) {
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return GLU_ERROR;
/* Add each vertex from each contour to the array for sorting. */
for ( current = tobj->contours, i = 0;
i < tobj->num_contours; current = current->next, i++ )
for ( vertex = current->vertices, j = 0;
j < current->num_vertices; vertex = vertex->next, j++ )
tobj->sorted_vertices[ n++ ] = vertex;
/* Sort the array of vertices. */
qsort( tobj->sorted_vertices, tobj->num_vertices,
sizeof(tess_vertex_t *), compare_vertices );
tobj->sorted_vertices[0]->index = 0;
num_vertices = tobj->num_vertices;
removed = 0;
i = 1;
* Scan through the array, removing all duplicate entries, and assign
* each vertex its index in the array.
while ( i < num_vertices )
tobj->sorted_vertices[ i ] = tobj->sorted_vertices[ i + removed ];
if ( IS_EQUAL_3DV( tobj->sorted_vertices[ i ]->coords,
tobj->sorted_vertices[ i - 1 ]->coords ) )
tobj->sorted_vertices[ i ]->index = i - 1;
MSG( 25, " v: (%.2f, %.2f) index: %d\n",
tobj->sorted_vertices[i]->index );
tobj->sorted_vertices[ i ]->index = i;
MSG( 25, " v: (%.2f, %.2f) index: %d\n",
tobj->sorted_vertices[i]->index );
* Shuffle each contour around so the head of the vertex list is the
* leftmost vertex.
current = tobj->contours;
for ( i = 0; i < tobj->num_contours; i++ )
tess_vertex_t *left = current->vertices;
tess_vertex_t *vertex = current->vertices->next;
GLint j;
for ( j = 1; j < current->num_vertices; j++ )
if ( vertex->index < left->index )
left = vertex;
vertex = vertex->next;
current->vertices = left;
current->last_vertex = left->prev;
current = current->next;
if ( tobj->sorted_vertices != NULL ) {
free( tobj->sorted_vertices );
tobj->sorted_vertices = NULL;
MSG( 15, " <- sort_vertices( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* compare_vertices
* FIXME: Make this faster... At least it's right now, though.
static int compare_vertices( const void *v1, const void *v2 )
tess_vertex_t *vertex1 = *((tess_vertex_t **) v1);
tess_vertex_t *vertex2 = *((tess_vertex_t **) v2);
if ( ! IS_EQUAL( vertex1->v[X], vertex2->v[X] ) )
return ( vertex1->v[X] > vertex2->v[X] ) ? 1 : -1;
return ( vertex1->v[Y] > vertex2->v[Y] ) ? 1 : -1;
* transform_build_bridges
* Multiply-connected polygonal areas are transformed into a single degenerate
* contour by iteratively linking the internal island loops with the outer
* boundary by means of contour "bridges". Thus, the triangulation need only
* deal with a single contour when this process has been completed.
static int compare_contour_left_vertices( const void *c1, const void *c2 );
static int compare_vertex_distances( const void *v1, const void *v2 );
static GLenum transform_build_bridges( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t **sorted;
tess_contour_t *contour = tobj->contours;
GLint i, num_sorted;
MSG( 5, " -> transform_build_bridges( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
sorted = (tess_contour_t **)
malloc( tobj->num_contours * sizeof(tess_contour_t *) );
if ( sorted == NULL ) {
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return GLU_ERROR;
for ( contour = tobj->contours, num_sorted = 0, i = 0;
i < tobj->num_contours; contour = contour->next, i++ )
if ( contour->orientation != tobj->orientation )
sorted[ num_sorted++ ] = contour;
/* Sort the contours by their leftmost vertices. */
qsort( sorted, num_sorted, sizeof(tess_contour_t *),
compare_contour_left_vertices );
for ( i = 0; i < num_sorted; i++ )
tess_contour_t *parent = sorted[i]->parent;
fist_vecdist_t *closest;
tess_vertex_t *vertex, *left_vertex = sorted[i]->vertices;
tess_vertex_t *new_edge[2];
GLint j, num_closest = 0;
closest = (fist_vecdist_t *)
malloc( parent->num_vertices * sizeof(fist_vecdist_t) );
if ( closest == NULL ) {
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return GLU_ERROR;
for ( vertex = parent->vertices, j = 0;
j < parent->num_vertices; vertex = vertex->next, j++ )
if ( vertex->index <= left_vertex->index )
MSG( 5, " adding %-2d v: %d\n",
num_closest, vertex->index );
closest[num_closest].vertex = vertex;
closest[num_closest].dist =
LEN_SCALAR( vertex->v[X] - left_vertex->v[X],
vertex->v[Y] - left_vertex->v[Y] );
MSG( 5, " not adding v: %d\n", vertex->index );
MSG( 15, " num closest: %d\n", num_closest );
for ( j = 0 ; j < num_closest ; j++ ) {
MSG( 15, " closest %d: %d\n", j, closest[j].vertex->index );
qsort( closest, num_closest, sizeof(fist_vecdist_t),
compare_vertex_distances );
* FIXME: Check validity of added edge...
MSG( 5, " left: %d closest: %d\n",
left_vertex->index, closest[0].vertex->index );
if ( left_vertex->index != closest[0].vertex->index )
new_edge[0] = (tess_vertex_t *) malloc( sizeof(tess_vertex_t) );
new_edge[1] = (tess_vertex_t *) malloc( sizeof(tess_vertex_t) );
if ( ( new_edge[0] == NULL ) || ( new_edge[1] == NULL ) ) {
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return GLU_ERROR;
/* FIXME: Describe what the hell is going on in here. */
MEMCPY( new_edge[0], left_vertex, sizeof(tess_vertex_t) );
MEMCPY( new_edge[1], closest[0].vertex, sizeof(tess_vertex_t) );
new_edge[0]->next = new_edge[1];
new_edge[1]->prev = new_edge[0];
left_vertex->prev->next = new_edge[0];
closest[0].vertex->next->prev = new_edge[1];
closest[0].vertex->next = left_vertex;
left_vertex->prev = closest[0].vertex;
parent->num_vertices += 2 + sorted[ i ]->num_vertices;
* The closest and left vertices are coincident, so we don't
* need to add a new edge.
left_vertex->prev->next = closest[0].vertex;
closest[0].vertex->prev->next = left_vertex;
new_edge[0] = left_vertex->prev;
left_vertex->prev = closest[0].vertex->prev;
closest[0].vertex->prev = new_edge[0];
parent->num_vertices += sorted[ i ]->num_vertices;
sorted[ i ]->prev->next = sorted[ i ]->next;
sorted[ i ]->next->prev = sorted[ i ]->prev;
if ( sorted[ i ] == tobj->last_contour ) {
tobj->last_contour = sorted[ i ]->prev;
if ( closest ) {
free( closest );
closest = NULL;
if ( sorted[ i ] ) {
free( sorted[ i ] );
sorted[ i ] = NULL;
MSG( 5, " added edges (%d, %d, %d, %d) and (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", new_edge[0]->prev->index, new_edge[0]->index, new_edge[0]->next->index, new_edge[0]->next->next->index, left_vertex->prev->prev->index, left_vertex->prev->index, left_vertex->index, left_vertex->next->index );
if ( sorted ) {
free( sorted );
MSG( 5, " <- transform_build_bridges( tobj:%p ) count: %d\n", tobj, tobj->num_contours );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* compare_contour_left_vertices
static int compare_contour_left_vertices( const void *c1, const void *c2 )
tess_vertex_t *vertex1 = (*((tess_contour_t **) c1))->vertices;
tess_vertex_t *vertex2 = (*((tess_contour_t **) c2))->vertices;
return vertex1->index - vertex2->index;
* compare_vertex_distances
static int compare_vertex_distances( const void *v1, const void *v2 )
fist_vecdist_t *vecdist1 = (fist_vecdist_t *) v1;
fist_vecdist_t *vecdist2 = (fist_vecdist_t *) v2;
if ( ( vecdist2->dist - vecdist1->dist ) < GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
* classify_angles
* All the internal angles of the contours are classified as convex or reflex.
* This enables the geometric hashing that will significantly speed up the
* triangulation process.
static GLenum classify_angles( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t *contour;
tess_vertex_t *vertex;
GLint i, j;
MSG( 15, " -> classify_angles( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
for ( contour = tobj->contours, i = 0;
i < tobj->num_contours; contour = contour->next, i++ )
if ( ! contour->reflex_vertices ) {
contour->reflex_vertices = hashtable_init( HT_DEFAULT_SIZE );
for ( vertex = contour->vertices, j = 0;
j < contour->num_vertices; vertex = vertex->next, j++ )
* We need to break the classification out of the loops so
* we can re-classify the vertices that change when an ear
* is clipped.
classify_vertex( contour, vertex, tobj->orientation );
MSG( 15, " <- classify_angles( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* classify_vertex
static void classify_vertex( tess_contour_t *contour, tess_vertex_t *vertex,
GLenum orientation )
vertex->side = point_line_test( vertex->prev->v,
vertex->v, vertex->next->v );
if ( orientation == GLU_CW ) {
vertex->side = - vertex->side;
MSG( 5, " classifying v: %d side: %0.2f\n", vertex->index, vertex->side );
* We have three cases here:
* 1) vertex->side > 0 means angle < PI
* 2) vertex->side == 0 means angle == PI
* 3) vertex->side < 0 means angle > PI, or reflex
* So, what we want to grab here are all the vertices with
* a 'side' that is less than zero. We use our epsilon
* value to allow for some rounding errors in the calculation
* FIXME: Is this epsilon value small enough?
if ( vertex->side < -GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) {
RV_INSERT( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex );
* tessellate_contours
* Actually perform the ear clipping on the contours.
static GLenum determine_ears( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_contour_t *contour );
static GLboolean earity_test( tess_contour_t *contour, tess_vertex_t *vertex,
GLenum orientation );
static GLdouble shape_classifier( tess_vertex_t *vertex );
static heap_elt_t *add_ear_to_heap( heap_t *heap, tess_vertex_t *vertex );
static void cleanup_chain( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_contour_t *contour,
tess_vertex_t *vertex );
static GLenum tessellate_contours( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t *contour = tobj->contours;
MSG( 1, " -> tessellate_contours( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
if ( tobj->num_contours == 0 )
MSG( 1, " no contours, returning...\n" );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
/* Break the contour loop into a standard doubly-linked list. */
tobj->last_contour->next = NULL;
tobj->contours->prev = NULL;
* Start outputting the triangles. At the moment, we just ouput the
* ears when we get them. Could we ouput them in strip order? It
* would be nice, but it really makes the implementation of the
* algorithm less general than it is now. Is the implementation
* too general now? Quite possibly...
tess_begin_callback( tobj, GL_TRIANGLES );
while ( contour )
GLboolean clipped = GL_FALSE;
MSG( 1, " *** tessellating contour: %d ***\n", contour->vertices->index );
* Allocate the priority queue for the ears of the polgyon. We
* use a fairly standard implementation of a heap for this queue,
* which is sorted by how close an ear is to an equilateral
* triangle. This will arguably give a higher-quality tessellation,
* at the cost of slightly reduced preformance.
tobj->ears = heap_init();
determine_ears( tobj, contour );
while ( contour->num_vertices > 3 )
if ( tobj->ears->size > 0 )
heap_elt_t *element = heap_extract_max( tobj->ears );
heap_elt_t *next = NULL, *prev = NULL;
tess_vertex_t *vertex = HEAP_VERTEX( element );
/* Remove ear from current contour... */
MSG( 1, " nv: %2d hs: %d ear: (%d, %d, %d)\n", contour->num_vertices, tobj->ears->size, vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
clipped = GL_TRUE;
/* Output the triangle. */
tess_output_triangle( tobj, vertex );
/* Remove the vertex from the contour as required. */
vertex->prev->next = vertex->next;
vertex->next->prev = vertex->prev;
* Delete any zero-area ear chains created by the
* clipping of the current ear.
if ( ( vertex->next->index == vertex->prev->prev->index ) ||
( vertex->prev->index == vertex->next->next->index ) )
cleanup_chain( tobj, contour, vertex );
free( element );
/* Set the new edge flag. */
vertex->prev->edge_flag = GL_FALSE;
if ( contour->vertices == vertex ) {
contour->vertices = vertex->next;
/* Update the ear heap for the previous vertex. */
if ( element->prev )
* An existing entry based on the previous vertex will
* no longer be valid, so we need to remove it now.
MSG( 15, " rem prev ear (%d, %d, %d)\n", vertex->prev->prev->index, vertex->prev->index, vertex->index );
prev = heap_delete( tobj->ears, element->prev->index );
if ( prev )
* We can now determine if clipping the current ear
* will form a new ear based on the previous vertex.
* If such a new ear is formed, add it to the ear
* queue. Otherwise, just clean up.
if ( earity_test( contour, HEAP_VERTEX( prev ),
tobj->orientation ) )
prev->value =
shape_classifier( HEAP_VERTEX( prev ) );
heap_insert( tobj->ears, prev );
if ( prev->prev ) {
prev->prev->next = NULL;
free( prev );
prev = NULL;
/* Update the ear heap for the next vertex. */
if ( element->next )
* An existing entry based on the next vertex will
* no longer be valid, so we need to remove it now.
MSG( 15, " rem next ear (%d, %d, %d)\n", vertex->index, vertex->next->index, vertex->next->next->index );
next = heap_delete( tobj->ears, element->next->index );
if ( next )
* We can now determine if clipping the current ear
* will form a new ear based on the next vertex. If
* such a new ear is formed, add it to the ear queue.
* Otherwise, just clean up.
if ( earity_test( contour, HEAP_VERTEX( next ),
tobj->orientation ) )
next->value =
shape_classifier( HEAP_VERTEX( next ) );
heap_insert( tobj->ears, next );
if ( next->next ) {
next->next->prev = NULL;
free( next );
next = NULL;
/* Update the previous and next ear queue entries. */
if ( prev && next )
prev->next = next;
next->prev = prev;
else if ( prev )
prev->next = NULL;
else if ( next )
next->prev = NULL;
* Update the reflex vertex set. We first need to remove
* any entries for the three vertices we have touched,
* and then re-classify the two vertices that remain in
* the contour.
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->prev );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->next );
classify_vertex( contour, vertex->prev, tobj->orientation );
classify_vertex( contour, vertex->next, tobj->orientation );
free( vertex );
free( element );
else if ( clipped )
clipped = GL_FALSE;
determine_ears( tobj, contour );
if ( fist_recovery_process( tobj, contour ) == GLU_NO_ERROR )
clipped = GL_TRUE;
/* Finish outputting the triangles. */
tess_end_callback( tobj );
#if 0
/* Dump the remaining contours as line loops. */
output_contours( tobj );
return GLU_ERROR;
if ( contour->num_vertices == 3 )
tess_vertex_t *vertex = contour->vertices;
MSG( 1, " nv: %2d hs: %d ear: (%d, %d, %d)\n", contour->num_vertices, tobj->ears->size, vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
/* Output the last triangle. */
tess_output_triangle( tobj, vertex );
free( vertex->prev );
free( vertex->next );
free( vertex );
/* Move on to the next contour. */
contour->vertices = NULL;
contour->last_vertex = NULL;
contour->num_vertices = 0;
/* Clean up the potential ear priority queue. */
heap_cleanup( &tobj->ears );
contour = contour->next;
/* Finish outputting the triangles. */
tess_end_callback( tobj );
MSG( 1, " <- tessellate_contours( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* determine_ears
* Determine the potential ears for the given contour.
static GLenum determine_ears( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_contour_t *contour )
tess_vertex_t *vertex = contour->vertices;
heap_elt_t *element = NULL, *prev = NULL, *first = NULL;
GLint i;
MSG( 1, " --> determine_ears( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
contour_dump( contour );
for ( i = 0; i < contour->num_vertices; i++ )
if ( earity_test( contour, vertex, tobj->orientation ) )
MSG( 15, " adding ear: (%d, %d, %d)\n",
vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
element = add_ear_to_heap( tobj->ears, vertex );
if ( element == NULL ) {
tess_error_callback( tobj, GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return GLU_ERROR;
element->prev = prev;
if ( prev ) {
prev->next = element;
prev = element;
/* Save the first ear */
if ( first == NULL ) {
first = element;
prev = NULL;
vertex = vertex->next;
/* Wrap the list of ears */
if ( first ) {
first->prev = prev;
if ( prev ) {
prev->next = first;
MSG( 1, " <-- determine_ears( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* earity_test
* Is the given vertex part of an ear? Test all the reflex vertices of the
* contour against the ear, and if none are inside the ear we have a winner.
static GLboolean earity_test( tess_contour_t *contour, tess_vertex_t *vertex,
GLenum orientation )
hashtable_t *table = contour->reflex_vertices;
GLint i;
if ( ( vertex->side < -GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) || ( ! table ) )
return GL_FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < table->size; i++ )
hashtable_elt_t *elt = table->elements[ i ];
while ( elt )
tess_vertex_t *reflex = (tess_vertex_t *) elt->ptr;
if ( point_triangle_test( vertex, reflex, orientation ) ) {
return GL_FALSE;
elt = elt->next;
return GL_TRUE;
* shape_classifier
* Return the minimum angle of the triangle made up by vertex, vertex->next
* and vertex->prev.
static GLdouble shape_classifier( tess_vertex_t *vertex )
GLdouble min, current;
min = angle_2dv( vertex->prev->v, vertex->v, vertex->next->v );
current = angle_2dv( vertex->v, vertex->next->v, vertex->prev->v );
if ( current < min ) { min = current; }
current = angle_2dv( vertex->next->v, vertex->prev->v, vertex->v );
if ( current < min ) { min = current; }
return min;
* add_ear_to_heap
* Add the ear containing the given vertex to the heap.
static heap_elt_t *add_ear_to_heap( heap_t *heap, tess_vertex_t *vertex )
heap_elt_t *element;
element = (heap_elt_t *) malloc( sizeof(heap_elt_t) );
if ( element == NULL ) {
return NULL;
element->value = shape_classifier( vertex );
element->ptr = (void *) vertex;
element->index = 0;
element->next = NULL;
element->prev = NULL;
heap_insert( heap, element );
return element;
* cleanup_chain
* Remove up any zero-area ears created by the clipping of the given vertex.
static void cleanup_chain( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_contour_t *contour,
tess_vertex_t *vertex )
tess_vertex_t *end;
heap_elt_t *element;
MSG( 1, " --> cleanup_chain( c:%d v:%d )\n", contour->vertices->index, vertex->index );
if ( ( vertex->next->index != vertex->prev->prev->index ) &&
( vertex->prev->index != vertex->next->next->index ) )
if ( vertex->next->index == vertex->prev->prev->index )
end = vertex->prev->prev;
end->next = vertex->next->next;
vertex->next->next->prev = end;
end = vertex->next->next;
end->prev = vertex->prev->prev;
vertex->prev->prev->next = end;
/* Fix the contour's vertex list if required */
if ( ( contour->vertices == vertex ) ||
( contour->vertices == vertex->prev ) ||
( contour->vertices == vertex->next ) )
contour->vertices = end;
contour->num_vertices -= 3;
/* Remove all entries from the reflex vertex list */
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, end );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->prev );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->next );
/* Delete any previously valid ears from the global queue */
element = heap_delete_ptr( tobj->ears, vertex->prev );
if ( element ) {
free( element );
element = heap_delete_ptr( tobj->ears, vertex->next );
if ( element ) {
free( element );
/* Reclassify the new end vertex */
classify_vertex( contour, end, tobj->orientation );
MSG( 1, " free (%d, %d, %d)\n",
vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
/* Cleanup the zero-area ear */
free( vertex->prev );
free( vertex->next );
free( vertex );
vertex = end;
* If the zero-area ear was the head of a zero-area chain, delete
* the entire chain here.
while ( vertex->next->index == vertex->prev->index )
end = vertex->prev;
end->next = vertex->next->next;
vertex->next->next->prev = end;
/* Fix the contour's vertex list if required */
if ( ( contour->vertices == vertex ) ||
( contour->vertices == vertex->next ) )
contour->vertices = end;
contour->num_vertices -= 2;
/* Remove all entries from the reflex vertex list */
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, end );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex );
RV_DELETE( contour->reflex_vertices, vertex->next );
/* Delete any previously valid ears from the global queue */
element = heap_delete_ptr( tobj->ears, vertex );
if ( element ) {
free( element );
element = heap_delete_ptr( tobj->ears, vertex->next );
if ( element ) {
free( element );
/* Reclassify the new end vertex */
classify_vertex( contour, end, tobj->orientation );
MSG( 1, " free (%d, %d, %d)\n",
vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index );
/* Cleanup the zero-area ear */
free( vertex->next );
free( vertex );
vertex = end;
MSG( 1, " <-- cleanup_chain( c:%d v:%d )\n", contour->vertices->index, vertex->index );
* output_contours
* Output the tessellated contours. Don't think we really need this anymore.
static GLenum output_contours( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t *contour;
tess_vertex_t *vertex;
GLint i, j;
for ( contour = tobj->contours, i = 0;
i < tobj->num_contours; contour = contour->next, i++ )
tess_begin_callback( tobj, GL_LINE_LOOP );
for ( vertex = contour->vertices, j = 0;
j < contour->num_vertices; vertex = vertex->next, j++ )
tess_vertex_callback( tobj, vertex->data );
tess_end_callback( tobj );
return GLU_NO_ERROR;
* point_line_test
* Return positive if p is on the left of the line segment u -> v, negative
* if p is on the right of u -> v, and 0 if p is on u -> v.
GLdouble point_line_test( GLdouble u[2], GLdouble v[2], GLdouble p[2] )
return ( ( u[Y] - v[Y] ) * p[X] +
( v[X] - u[X] ) * p[Y] +
( u[X] * v[Y] - u[Y] * v[X] ) );
* point_triangle_test
* Determine if the given point is inside the triangle given by the points
* triangle, triangle->next and triangle->prev.
GLboolean point_triangle_test( tess_vertex_t *triangle, tess_vertex_t *point,
GLenum orientation )
if ( ( orientation == GLU_CCW ) &&
( point_line_test( triangle->v, triangle->next->v,
point->v ) >= GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) &&
( point_line_test( triangle->next->v, triangle->prev->v,
point->v ) >= GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) &&
( point_line_test( triangle->prev->v, triangle->v,
point->v ) >= GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) )
return GL_TRUE;
else if ( ( orientation == GLU_CW ) &&
( point_line_test( triangle->v, triangle->next->v,
point->v ) <= GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) &&
( point_line_test( triangle->next->v, triangle->prev->v,
point->v ) <= GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) &&
( point_line_test( triangle->prev->v, triangle->v,
point->v ) <= GLU_TESS_EPSILON ) )
return GL_TRUE;
return GL_FALSE;
* angle_2dv
* Calculate the interior angle between the line segments va->vb and vb->vc.
GLdouble angle_2dv( GLdouble va[2], GLdouble vb[2], GLdouble vc[2] )
GLdouble u[2], v[2];
GLdouble ret;
u[X] = va[X] - vb[X]; u[Y] = va[Y] - vb[Y];
v[X] = vc[X] - vb[X]; v[Y] = vc[Y] - vb[Y] ;
ret = (GLdouble) ( u[X] * v[X] + u[Y] * v[Y] ) /
( LEN_SCALAR( u[X], u[Y] ) * LEN_SCALAR( v[X], v[Y] ) );
return (GLdouble) RAD_TO_DEG( acos( ret ) );
static void tess_begin_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj, GLenum mode )
if ( tobj->callbacks.beginData != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.beginData )( mode, tobj->data );
else if ( tobj->callbacks.begin != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.begin )( mode );
static void tess_vertex_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj, void *vertex_data )
if ( tobj->callbacks.vertexData != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.vertexData )( vertex_data, tobj->data );
else if ( tobj->callbacks.vertex != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.vertex )( vertex_data );
static void tess_end_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj )
if ( tobj->callbacks.endData != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.endData )( tobj->data );
else if ( tobj->callbacks.end != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.end )();
static void tess_edgeflag_callback( GLUtesselator *tobj, GLboolean flag )
if ( flag == tobj->edge_flag ) {
} else {
tobj->edge_flag = flag;
MSG( 5, " setting edge_flag: %s\n", ( flag ) ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE" );
if ( tobj->callbacks.edgeFlagData != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.edgeFlagData )( tobj->edge_flag, tobj->data );
else if ( tobj->callbacks.edgeFlag != NULL )
( tobj->callbacks.edgeFlag )( tobj->edge_flag );
static void tess_output_triangle( GLUtesselator *tobj, tess_vertex_t *vertex )
tess_edgeflag_callback( tobj, vertex->edge_flag );
tess_vertex_callback( tobj, vertex->data );
if ( vertex->next->next == vertex->prev ) {
tess_edgeflag_callback( tobj, vertex->edge_flag );
} else {
tess_edgeflag_callback( tobj, GL_FALSE );
tess_vertex_callback( tobj, vertex->next->data );
tess_edgeflag_callback( tobj, vertex->prev->edge_flag );
tess_vertex_callback( tobj, vertex->prev->data );
* cleanup
* Clean up after the triangulation has taken place. All memory allocated
* by the triangulation should be freed before control is handed back to the
* GLU functions.
static void cleanup( GLUtesselator *tobj )
tess_contour_t *contour = tobj->contours;
GLint i;
MSG( 5, " -> cleanup( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
if ( tobj->sorted_vertices != NULL ) {
free( tobj->sorted_vertices );
tobj->sorted_vertices = NULL;
heap_cleanup( &tobj->ears );
tobj->ears = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < tobj->num_contours; i++ )
hashtable_cleanup( &contour->reflex_vertices );
contour = contour->next;
MSG( 5, " <- cleanup( tobj:%p )\n", tobj );
* contour_dump
* Dump all the vertices, reflex vertices etc for the given contour.
void contour_dump( tess_contour_t *contour )
#ifdef DEBUG
tess_vertex_t *vertex = contour->vertices;
GLint i;
if ( tess_dbg_level > 0 )
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, "\ncontour %p - nv: %d area: %.2f orient: %s winding: %d\n",
contour, contour->num_vertices, contour->area,
( contour->orientation == GLU_CCW ) ? "GLU_CCW" :
( contour->orientation == GLU_CW ) ? "GLU_CW" : "GLU_UNKNOWN",
contour->winding );
for ( i = 0; i < contour->num_vertices; i++ )
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, " v: %-2d (%.2f, %.2f) (%d, %d, %d) e: %d data: %p\n",
vertex->index, vertex->v[X], vertex->v[Y],
vertex->prev->index, vertex->index, vertex->next->index,
vertex->edge_flag, vertex->data );
if ( ( i == contour->num_vertices - 1 ) &&
( vertex->next != contour->vertices ) ) {
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, " ***** CONTOUR DOES NOT CLOSE ! *****\n" );
vertex = vertex->next;
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, "\n" );
if ( contour->reflex_vertices )
hashtable_t *table = contour->reflex_vertices;
if ( table->num_elements > 0 ) {
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, " r:" );
for ( i = 0; i < table->size; i++ )
hashtable_elt_t *elt = table->elements[ i ];
while ( elt )
tess_vertex_t *v = HASH_VERTEX( elt );
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, " %d", v->index );
elt = elt->next;
if ( table->num_elements > 0 ) {
fprintf( DBG_STREAM, " n: %d\n\n", table->num_elements );
fflush( DBG_STREAM );